World Stamp Show–NY 2016 Palmares Name Country Exhibit Title Class Frames Total SP/Fel/GP Comments CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS Andreadis, Stavros Greece “Kassandra Collection” – Greece Large Hermes Heads (1861- 1886) 1 3583-3590 0 Nominated GPH Bauer, Wolfgang Germany Greece-Incoming and Outgoing Mail from 1828 from pre-stamp up to UPU 1875 1 3599-3606 0 Bauer, Wolfgang Germany Large Hermes Heads of Greece 1861-1867 and Combination Frankings 1 3607-3614 0 Boylan, Russell Australia St. Vincent: The Printings of Thomas De La Rue & Co. 1882-1932 1 3615-3622 0 Carcenac, Francis France Round About September 1871 (in the French Internal Rate) 1 3623-3630 0 Castro-Harrigan, Alvaro Costa Rica Panama: First Issues as a State of Colombia and their forerunners 1 3631-3638 0 Grand Prix d’Honneur Homonnay, Géza Hungary Postal History of Hungary 1867-1871 1 3639-3646 0 Inoue, Kazuyuki Japan Japanese Post Offices and Foreign Postal Activities in Korea 1876-1909 1 3655-3662 0 Khalastchy, Alfred U.K. Iraq 1917-1918 Occupation Issues of Baghdad and Iraq 1 3663-3670 0 Ki-Hoon, Kim Korea The History of Taste 1 3671-3678 0 Kramer, George U.S.A. Vignettes of Western Trails and Routes 1849-1870s 1 3679-3686 0 Lewowicz, Enrique Uruguay Uruguayan Air Mail (1910-1930) 1 3687-3694 0 Ljungh, Jan-Olof Sweden The Eagle Shield Stamps Sent to Foreign Destinations 1872-1875 1 3711-3718 0 Nominated GPH Magier, Dr. Joshua Israel Land Cultivation from the Beginning of Agriculture to the Present Time 1 3719-3726 0 Onuma, Yukio Japan L.V. Beethoven-his life in a historical context and his legacy. 1 3647-3654 0 Schmidt, Alfred Germany The Statues of Knight Roland Medieval Symbols of Civic Rights in Central Europe 1 0 Schumann, Stephen D. U.S.A. New Zealand Postal Stationery 1876-1940 1 3695-3702 0 Nominated GPH Storckenfeldt, Douglas Sweden Iceland Until 1901 1 3703-3710 0 LARGE GOLD Barwis, John U.S.A. Philadelphia- Great Britain Mails 3A 2109-2116 95 Blinman, Michael Australia New South Wales Postal Stationery 4 3567-3574 95 Bodin, Richard Sweden Swedish Military & Volunteers in War, Campaigns or Active Service Abroad 1582-1905 3C 2753-2760 96 26 Special prize for treatment Bogomolny, Evgeniy Russia Rural Post Stamps of Russian Empire 1865-1917 2C 1591-1598 95 Botero, Ricardo Colombia Classic Colombia-The First Six Issues (1859-1863) 2B 1205-1212 95 Fel Felicitation for material Browne, Stephen Australia The Postal History of New South Wales 1801-1849 3D 3407-3414 97 Chauvet, Michele France Hermes, The First Issue of Hellenic stamps on the International Mail 1861-1882 3C 2669-2676 96 14 Special prize for material Domingo, Luis Spain The Black of 1850, Spain 2C 1557-1564 96 Douglas, Gustaf Sweden Swedish Postage Reform in 1850’s: 1855-1858. Coat of Arms Type 1 “Skilling Banco" 2C 1416-1423 97 17 Special prize for material; NGPI Ebner, Ralph Germany The leave underprint revenues from Austrian Empire and its countries 1854-1875 9 4659-4666 97 90 Special prize for treatment The U.S. Imperforate Issues of 1851-1856 and Their Importance in an Special prize for material; Eubanks, Gordon U.S.A. 2A 1053-1060 97 6 Expanding Postal System Grand Prix National Forster, Dale U.S.A. Australian Colonies- USA Mail 3D 3338-3345 96 30 Special prize for treatment Forster, Robert D. U.S.A. British Columbia & Vancouver Island- 1858-1871 2B 1339-1346 96 40 Special prize for material Handstamps used in Portugal and in the Portuguese Overseas Territories in the Pre- Frazao, Luis Portugal 11A 11A-065 96 7 Special prize for treatment stamp Period (1799-1886) (3 volumes) Frohlich, Alfredo Colombia Panama – The Path Between The Seas 3B 2399-2406 95 Fuller, Darryl Australia Leeward Islands Postal Stationery 4 3575-3582 95 Goeggel, Hugo Colombia Switzerland, 1 March 1843-14 September 1854 2C 1575-1582 96 Gough, James Peter U.S.A. Universal Postal Union (“UPU”) and its impact on Global Postal Services 3C 3089-3096 97 67 Special prize for treatment; NGPI Gregory, Fred F. U.S.A. Hawaii Foreign Mail to 1870 11A 11A-098 96 34 Special prize for Best in Class Griffith-Jones, John U.K. The Missionary Stamps of Uganda 1895-1899 2D 1989-1996 95 Grimwood-Taylor, James U.K. The British Postal Reforms of 1839 to 1840 3C 2571-2578 95 Hackmey, Joseph U.K. Switzerland-Cantonal & Early Federal Issues 1843-1854 2C 1523-1530 96 69 Special prize for material Hadida, Maurice France Morocco Postal History (1852-1925) 3D 3479-3486 95 Hasegawa, (Stephen) Jun Japan The Hand Etched Documentary Revenue Stamps of Japan, 1873-1874 9 4675-4682 95 Herraiz, Jose Antonio Spain Manual of Postal rates of Spain and Its Overseas Territory 11A 11A-077 95 Hess, Dr. Wolf Germany Life and fate of the American Natives 7B 4219-4226 96 31 Special prize for knowledge; NGPN Hobden, David L. Canada In Defense of the Border- Canadian Military Mails 1667-1885 3B 2373-2380 95 Secured Delivery Leading to the Introduction of U.K. Registration of Internal, Holyoake, Alan U.K. 3C 2603-2610 96 12 Special prize for material External and Transit Mail (1201-1862) Johnson, James Colombia Colombia Classic Issues 1859-1868 2B 1197-1204 96 22 Special prize for material Karagiannidis, Anestis Canada The Small Hermes Heads of Greece 1886-1901 2C 1497-1504 95 King, Chris U.K. The Posts in the City of Lubeck Before 1868 3C 2611-2618 95 Klugman, Keith U.S.A. Victorian Natal 1857-1899 2D 1960-1967 96 92 Special prize for treatment Komnæs, Tom Norway Norwegian Skilling Covers- domestic and abroad 3C 3081-3088 95 König, Lutz Germany Pigeons-Great diversity in the wild-Domesticated and admired by man 7A 4441-4448 96 Krauss, Karlfried Germany Prussia as the Main Link of the Russian-Polish Mail with the West 3C 2789-2796 95 Krol, François France Advertzine 7B 4211-4218 95 Fel Felicitation for creativity Kupiec-Weglinski, Jerzy U.S.A. Airmail in the Polish Territories (1914-1939) 5 4103-4110 95 Kwan, William Hong Kong Hong Kong – Designs, Proofs, Specimens and other archival materials 2D 2031-2038 95 Levandovskly, Valentin Russia Railway Postmarks of the RSFSR AND USSR 3C 2969-2976 95 Lewis, Geoffrey Australia New Orleans Postal History- Stampless Mail 3A 2297-2304 95 Ljungh, Jan-Olof Sweden The Eagle Shield Stamps Domestic Post 1872-1875 3C 2737-2744 95 Maas, Joachim Germany Mathematics, a science between theory and application 7C 4555-4562 96 27 Special prize for treatment Mahler, Michael U.S.A. U.S. Civil War Era Fiscal History Panorama 9 4771-4778 97 8 Special prize for material; NGPN Maisel, Richard U.S.A. The Early Sailing Ship Stamps of British Guiana (1852-82) 2B 1249-1253 95 Malmgren, Richard U.S.A. Hawaiian Foreign Mail 3A 2250-2257 96 18 Special prize for treatment Marley, Lesley U.K. A Whale’s Tale 7A 4471-4478 95 Meyer, Peter Brazil The Long Way to the Bull’s Eyes 3B 2357-2364 96 Fel Felicitation for research Morani, Vittorio Italy Tuscany’s Worldwide postal relationships (1849-1863) 3C 2640-2644 95 Morris, Vernon U.S.A. Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia. Carrier, Local Posts & Independent Mails, 1835-1868 3A 2156-2163 95 Moscatelli, Jorge Eduardo Argentina Argentina Airmail Services 1912-1939 5 3951-3958 95 Mramornov, Alexander Russia Early Postmarks of Russia : 1765-1815 3C 3097-3104 95 Nordberg, Roland Sweden Classic Costa Rica to the 1889 Correos Overprint Issue 2B 1291-1298 95 Fel Felicitation for research Obukhov, Yuri Russia Zemstvo Stamps of Perm Governorate (1871-1919) 2C 1599-1606 95 Paulin, Daniel France Postal exchanges to and from foreign countries with perforate Ceres issue 3C 2661-2668 95 Pildes, Robert U.S.A. The 1948 Doar Ivri and D'mei Doar Issues of Israel and Their Usage 2D 1903-1910 95 Piniella, Francisco Spain The Conquest of Horizon 7B 4351-4358 95 Posteraro, Nicola France Principality of Monaco – 1704-1898 3C 2653-2660 95 Name Country Exhibit Title Class Frames Total SP/Fel/GP Comments Prats, Jesus Sitja Spain Maritime Mail of Spanish Colonies in America 3B 2497-2504 97 52 Special prize for treatment; NGPI Quail, Des Ireland Irish Postal History 3C 3013-3020 96 Reim, Pablo Argentina Republica Argentina Classic Issues 2B 1098-1102 95 Santos, Everaldo Brazil Navigation Lines serving South America 3B 2344-2351 96 85 Special prize for material Schindler, Werner Austria The Austrian Post in the Levant – 200 Years of Habsburg Interests in the Orient 3C 3021-3028 96 9 Special prize for material Schwartz, Mark U.S.A. Boston Postal History to 1851 3A 2177-2184 97 20 Special prize for treatment; NGPN Shoults, Gregory U.S.A. Washington and Franklin Coils 2A 1040-1047 95 Sinfield, John Australia Panama Republic Postal Stationery to1940 4 3763-3770 96 48 Special prize for material Spieler, Rudolf Austria AAA – All About Automobiles 7C 4487-4494 96 62 Special prize for material Suri, Anil India Fiscals of Cochin 9 4667-4674 95 St. Pierre et Tillard, Jean-Jacques Overprints of St. Pierre-et-Miquelon in the 19th Century 2B 1283-1290 96 23 Special prize for material Miquelon Todd, Gregory U.K. Egypt- 1866: The First Issue 2D 1997-2004 95 van der Molen, Peter South Africa Swaziland Philately to 1968 (e-book edition) 11A 11A-073 95 van der Molen, Peter South Africa Swaziland Philately to 1968 (printed book edition) 11A 11A-074 95 Voruz, Jean Switzerland Geneva Postal Services 1839-1862 3C 2713-2720 96 21 Special prize for material Walters, Patrick U.S.A.
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