TUESDAY-SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 Miscellaneous 07 Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province: Roya Mahboob on empowering women through design education Paradise Lost of nature tourism From P3 and I told them that we ficial teams like the Afghan ence and have had access to Sistan and Balouchestan tion increased. The name Dozd- ways look like it is spring. due to its proximity to mangrove didn’t have enough resources, Dreamers, who are working on knowledge and education, they province located on southeast- ab was renamed Zahedan in the The Martian Mountains of forests. According to the Cha- they said they were going to robotics, and another team of feel like responsible citizens ern Iran bordering Pakistan and year 1935, after which it rapid- Chabahr probably date back to bahar Port Department of Envi- look for them in local markets girls who are building games. working for society. This might Afghanistan is the 'Paradise ly expanded and became the over 5 billion years ago accord- ronment, Gwater welcomes a and to find the gears from mo- AR: Could you tell us about send a big message to the gov- Lost' of nature tourism due to center of the province. ing to historians and geologists. large number of migratory birds torcycles. It has been interest- your plan to open an Afghan ernment, governors and policy- its unique tourist attractions for Chabahar, south of Sistan- They are as high as 100 meters each year in early fall. About 3 ing to see how they can find Dreamers Institute in Kabul to makers that they have to pay domestic and foreign tourists Baluchistan province, with a in most sections. Excavation of different species of birds enter parts and put them together. boost STEM (science, technol- attention to the younger gener- with ancient monuments and clean coastline free of contami- many fossils belonging to fish the area in the form of 4 groups. They did the research to build ogy, engineering and maths) ation in Afghanistan. More than numerous tourist resorts. nation in eight months of the indicates that Martian Moun- The Lut Desert has been put one type of ventilator, then had teaching in Afghanistan? 27 million Afghans are under As of 1980, World Tourism year, is suitable for shrimp farm- tains were underwater in an- on the United Nations list three more time to research and got RM: We are working on 25 and it is our government’s Day is celebrated annually ing, which has prompted experts cient times. years ago and is capable of inspired by a design from a team building Afghanistan’s first responsibility to pay attention across the world on September in the area to regard it as the In ancient times when hu- flourishing as a major Iranian at the Massachusetts Institute school of science, technology, to their education, because we 27. It was on this day in 1970 aquaculture paradise to Iran.In man beings were practicing sed- tourist resort. Iran's Lut Desert of Technology (MIT), so they engineering and medicine fo- all rely on this young genera- when the Statutes of the UN- addition to its commercial posi- entary life, a city which arche- was registered on the United changed their design, and now cusing on AI robotics, block- tion for Afghanistan’s future. WTO were adopted as a mile- tion, Chabahar has many his- ologists considered as the Nations Educational, Scientif- they’re working on a new one. chain and cybersecurity. Fortu- AR: The Afghan Dreamers stone of global tourism. UN- torical and natural attractions. world's first city in terms of ur- ic and Cultural Organization AR: It’s an incredibly in- nately, the Afghan government are demonstrating this with WTO celebrated the first World spiring story. Many people have has given us a piece of land at great aplomb. It is clear that the Tourism Day as an internation- been touched by their dedica- Kabul University for the insti- areas you’re focusing on – AI, tion and courage. But you be- tute. We are trying to offer robotics, blockchain and so on – al observance on September 27, gan a couple of other Covid-19 world-class education to Afghan will have huge growth in the 1980. design projects as well. Could students, focusing on women’s future, but why do you believe The purpose of this day is to you tell us about them? access to resources in the STEM they will be particularly impor- raise awareness on the impor- RM: We are working on a field. tant to Afghanistan? Is it relat- tance of tourism in affecting the couple of other projects. One is We seek to develop a foun- ed to Afghanistan’s cultural or social, cultural, political, and an experiment with using UV- dation for lifelong learning and artisanal traditions, for exam- economic values of the interna- C light, which kills infection. to promote economic develop- ple? tional community. Right now, another group of Af- ment. And we believe this could RM: I’m Afghan, I grew up In current times, it is impor- ghan Dreamers is building two be resolved by scientifically in- in this society, I feel responsi- tant to raise awareness about devices: a scanner and a robot formed citizens and a creative, ble for my community and I’ve the tourism sector given that that can be used in hospitals. solution- seeking population seen how powerful technology 90% of World Heritages Sites AR: You have had a phe- that is trying to bring positive has been for many others. We closed as protective measures to nomenal career in tech and de- change. And, hopefully, the Af- have done a lot of projects here contain the pandemic and young sign. What motivated you to ghan Dreamers will be Afghan- in Afghanistan, like Afghan people in rural communities found the Digital Citizen Fund, istan’s future scientists, entre- Dreamers, that have had a huge are three times more likely to and to try to help other women preneurs and mathematicians. impact. be unemployed. and girls in Afghanistan to be- We’ll start fundraising for the But Afghan Dreamers won’t However, domestic tourism come tech literate and to pur- institute after this pandemic. only be in Afghanistan, we be- is expected to return before in- sue careers in technology de- AR: How has your experi- lieve that it should be imple- ternational tourism, as per UN- sign? ence of the pandemic, and of the mented in other developing WTO foresight. This could ben- RM: I started with one design responses to Covid-19 countries, whose younger gen- efit rural communities if man- dream and one goal. The dream you’ve championed, affected erations need it. The idea of the aged well. The climate of this city and its ban texture, population, urban (UNESCO) natural heritage was to make technology acces- your ambitions for the Digital Brite Initiative was to invite Sistan-Baluchestan prov- surroundings is always spring planning, etc. emerged in Sis- list in 2016 when the 40th meet- sible for everyone. And the goal Citizen Fund? policymakers from the region ince is located in the east and and temperate, the reason it is tan. The burned City and its ing of the body was underway was to give access to technology RM: Before this crisis, we to discuss this. I feel that in or- southeast of Iran. It is Iran’s called Chabahar or Chaharba- creative and intelligent civili- in Istanbul. and education to every woman, were organising a big confer- der to compete and prosper in vastest province with an area har. zation, over 5,000 years old, is It was the first natural re- regardless of their social status ence, the Brite Initiative, to the 21st century, more countries and especially in Afghanistan. build resilience in technology, should be able to access the approximately equal to that of Chabahar is situated on the the largest urbanization (city- sorts of the country on the list Technology changed every- innovation and entrepreneur- groundbreaking technologies Syria but is less populous. Sis- Makran Coast of Sistan-Bal- dwelling) in the eastern half of where Iran already had other 19 thing for me, professionally and ship. The idea was to showcase that are transforming our world, tan includes Zabol and the cit- uchestan province of Iran and Iranian Plateau and a unique cultural heritage sites. The personally, ever since I was 16 Afghan girls’ talent in technol- but unfortunately, that’s not ies around it and Baluchestan is officially designated as a Free example of science, industry, stunning desert lies on south- when I was introduced to this ogy, entrepreneurship and art the case today. There is a huge encompasses the rest of the cit- Trade and Industrial Zone by and culture in ancient times of eastern Iran, straddling the magic box. I think it is a power- using robotics or anything else, gap between the richest and ies from Zahedan to Chabahar. the government. Declaring the this land. country's three South Kho- ful tool for women, especially and to write a declaration that poorest countries and huge gaps This province has special city as the free trade and indus- Shahr-e Sukhteh is the re- rasan, Sistan-Baluchestan, and in a conservative country. We policymakers and donors within those countries that in- significance in the region be- trial zone helped promote the maining of an ancient city in Kerman provinces. have helped 15,000 girls to date, should invest some part of their crease every day. I started in cause of being located in a stra- status of the city for interna- Iran located 56 kilometers from Spanning an area of 22,780 by educating them between the money in future jobs.
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