Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 1-14-1938 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1938). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4081. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/4081 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / -' 1.38. BULLOCH HERALD FRIDAY• .JANUARY T. .--_........_mE Mrs. Jack H. Awtry Miss Evelyn Anderson Becomes Bride Of Mr. nan Lee Miss Evelyn Anderson, lovely Loach, 'and Mra. Ben Deal, )lrs. W. DEDICATED -ro daugnter of Mr, W. D. Anderson and E. Dekle prellided over the bride's tile late Blanch Cra.. Cord Anderson, book. bee..me tile bride oC Dan Lee of Stil- Mr. and Mrs. Lee left during till. I MAJOR AND son at a beautiful ceremony perfor- afternoon for a motor trip to points JlR. AND MRS. Ho,,'r;..t, SEWELL MRS. LOUIS THOMPSON .iued Saturday afternoon at the home in Tenneasee. HOLD OPf,N HOUSE Jo'ETED AT MANY Mrs. Lee is a of G. S. C. LOVELY SOCIAl. FUNCfIONS of the bride" parents on College graduate TOBACCO.GRO�ERS Boulevard. The impressive ring cere- W. at MiIledge,;lIe and since her Mr. and Mrs. Howell Sewell \l(ere has been At the �\fajor and Mrs. Louis rnony was performed by Rev. C. M. graduation teaehing. 1I..... lal hl)BtS .'rldal' evening as, they Thompson, of close time of her she was a mem RECEIVE REfUND ON now of Los Coalson in the� presence marriage kept 'Open House' for their friends. Angeles, Calif., but tor­ friends IIl1d the families of the popu- bel' of the Caculty at Louisville, Ga. Lovely Christmas decorationa and the' merly residents of this city, have been central lar covered table III the dining room figures in a number of couple, WAREHOUSEMEN nES lace � social affairs brief of detail MIKELL.WILLIAMS 'C,entered with a huge punch bowl sur- uring their visii Beaut)' and perfection nora STOCKYARIIS HAVE Rl:· ut- here. in the home. , BULLOCH COUlI,"fY BANK WILL rounded with cups each bearing marked the decorations CORD Miss Zelia Mikell and ,J. Rupert SAtES, s�I.UNIl 2,11111 tractive place cards, were evidences On Monday evening of last week, The bridal motiC of green and white D1STIUBUTE $9.024.94 m�GINNING HOGS AND HF.AD OF CAT'" • Dr. and Mrs. Williams were married Sunday 417 Mrs. Sewell's and expuis- Hugh! Arundel enter­ was carried out in the use of white nigh,t JANUARY 15. of original SA'DURDAY, PAY. • December 26 Dr. John S. Wiledr, •. can- Major and Mrs. shared fern. The vows by \V:lTH 500 llEI.L Ite taste. Platters of sandwiches, Thompson chrysanthemums and MADEl IN TLE, FARM.ERS the Tom­ MENT WILL BE �ASH. at tained with a buffet honor pastor of Calvary Baptist dies and bon bona were placed supper the were spoken in the living room where ING. Williams is the of were with '.\ pie. MrR. daughter each end .of. tile table and gue�ts in- guests given guest books the alter was Cormed of Cern ith Mikell of this She is A total 'of $9,024.94 will he' dis­ en covers of natve wood. at which time can­ W. W. county. f.rmally helped themselves: Those an arrangement of five-branched Livestock . lilies broke all records a of Statesboro High School tributed to 6,066 tobacco growers, be� occasion were: honors with Major Mrs. Leroy cathedral can­ graduate . joying the delig.htful and delabra holding lighted here this week as the two weekly and attended the South Georgia Teach 15 by Mr. alld Mrs. Frank Simmons, Mr. Cowart. Other guests iwere Mr. and lies with white ehrysan- gil�lIil�g tomorrow, .Janunry interspersed '" and 417 head ers' Mr. and Mrs. Williams auctions sold 2600 hll!!'. :1111'. and Mrs. E. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Wil· College. the Hu110ch Bank, it. was . and Mr•. E�win . Groover, themums. County an: will live in Savannah. DC cattle, on, Dr. and Mrs. liam Sinclair, and Mr. and Mrs. week Mr. S. W. .)Irs. Bob .l;Ionald•. A program of nuptial muic was giv­ nounced '�his by At both t.he streets were Aru�del,. PI'. and Mrs. John Arthur Dillon, ali of Savannah and 'sa11l8 -Hagh.· en by Mrs.' J. G. Moore, pianist, and Lewis, friends of ANNOUNCEMENT president, ..:,1UI11 MfS., WI1ldo Floyd, mutual the honor guests. crowded and the �aleB I!,sted into tile """'ney, :l.l! Mrs. Earl Ellia of Chattanooga, Mr. Lewis stuted that the Bulloch Dr. Bak- of last week . and ·HM.. W. A. Bowen, On Tuesday evening with at five huridred ]l.r.' ' .alist, vo'1 night least. Mrs. Bartow Parks Lamb C,unty Bank wns selected to diatri­ Mis. Mrs. Brannen . Mr. and Mi•• Dorothy Brannen, Mr. asd Loyd compli­ . ";" Le�, the cere- 'farmers participated in the sales. II preceding announce tllo these fund.... Mary .A:lien Edge, Miss Elizabeth monted Major and Mrs. Louis Thomu Imme<lt.at.ely I of Sandersville, Ga., bute �ici) represents Anderson, of at The del' or under is not uncommon for. tile two aales and Miss a buffet at their of a 3, I was awarded Ilorrier, Leodel Coleman Son with supper .WIIIt�m brot�er birth daughter, January the money witich was impounded by Contract for this handsome building Statesboro; .by I by buildin� constru�tjon. _ MO�ldny. c�nt"""t ""onybride, the candles III the I :uesday git� Thls the Univeraity of to auction 1200 to 1500 and 200 Mr. and Mrs. home on Zettcrower Avenue. Their the Bulloch Coonty Hospital. She has hogs Brooks Grimes, anti .'� hght�d the court a contest of the in f�r SY8te� room, during to house teacher facilities at the Stnte Board of Reents, meeting �eor. M1SSCS enrol Anderon training ' e ow are on " hVlllg and will be e UJ snldy ;;ta, . 30U Mrs. Smith to Mrs. Thompson was turtle­ been named Carol Anne, " CthOGt ba�I"d,�uxlln�tel)'mg pteturer$180b,OIOO. ..;..., head of cattle but this weeks .&om Frankltu, Sidney lI�' gift Tobacco Warehousemen's II D�a1 cnn- Georgia A.tilU1ta. Construction is slated to either un- Photos Constitution. server. Other called Anne. Mrs. Lamb will be re­ South Teacher's College in be-, two of 16 new buildings Atlal\�, lIisted the Mates.. shaped hors d'oeuvre ."hl. Brunell.e . lighte� th.c Georgi." l Willl Courtesy III room. The bnde en- Act of 1935 the dif- lle the dining as Mi.s Kate An­ and represents guests were Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Arun membered Martha whom she ,- '.ered by Mn;. H. ference between the rates AVERITI' OHM'HltES ,AUTO . del, and Mr. and 1\Irs. Frank Sim- .with .her fat.h"r dorson, dane-hwr of Mr. and permitted • was given In marriage. She wore an of this O>MPANV ENTEIlTAINS' mons. D Ancleroon cit>" by the' GeQrgia law and the actual informal street length' frock of duck 'mEIR EMI-LO\'EES On 'I'uesday evening of lnst week I blue 3!'CC" t: ith matching ac- --- Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Arundel were Twnwl'! HJ..'�",r Photo.'11 �rjpl� iii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii Mrs. Jack II. who before and T. 1.!es3:)rie HEr corsage '\ as of lnli!"n:nn The Brothers Auto Com- host. at a card dance at Cecil Ken­ Awtry, M,'". C. Pun�". The marriage Averitt, lillies. Mrs. her marriage on December 22 was olemn;zcd at Pench. rosc. and valley acted as ho.ta Tuesday evening nedy's honoring Mlljor 111111 quietly the , ]Jany I !'iIis" Olivi" of M,'. After the Mr. and Mrs. Renette�s show room where Out-of·towll gllosts for l'urvis, daughter [wasIree Christian church ;n Atlanta. cereluony , 1.. their, spaciilUs Thompson, Anderson were hosts at an in­ tbey en�rt�i"ede'nployee�:and their the dance were Mr. and 1.1rs. Phil W. D. ; POI-UtAIl The lace covered • S. Miss DlUDE.ELECT Joe formal reception. "rives ,a turkey dinner: Features Sutler, of Greenville, C.; J·oincr and �'rances Deal, .John wi�h . E�D:OF HONORE:DAT room held on the .; of entert:ainlllent were bing'" and the Mary Allin Edge, Mr. and irs. Hob SEATED TEA _ Smith and Henrietta Tillman. Miss table in the dining silver basket of white '; Big Apple. �bou.t 33 guests ",",'e Russell, New York City; Mr. nnel Bropks Grimes 'and Leodel CoIOl1'..nn center n lovely Mrs. Leer on a rei1ector ) Mrs, Lawron Brannen, l\'lettet'; and DeLoach and Mrs. J. G chrysanthemums "laced SEASON. .)rescnt. \ White tao Mr. and Mrs. Everett Burron qf I',[oore were joint hostesses on Wed DlNNEIt PARTY FOil VISITOR silver candlesticks holding at oC white mints 8RIDJo�.ELECli HONOIIRD· Homerville. "eada)' afternoon of last week the pel'S and compotes Ice cream WITH BRrO(;.' I'AIlTY On Wednessy of lust \leek Major home of the. former ",\jth a llIiscella· Mi•• Zula Gammage entertained on further adorned th" table. : and mints I alld Mrs. Thomp�on were guests at neous seated tea hontaring Miss Eve- F.iduy cvcnhg for Carol Campbel1, cf ..nd individual cakes, coffee t • • I A· seM'ed.
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