PRSRT STD. U.S. Postage Paid Sanibel, FL Permit #33 Postal Patron Delivered to your home every Friday Since 1961 Vol. 41, No. 18 Week of June 14 - 20, 2002 28 Pages Congratulations to the Class of '02 The Sanibel School Mrs. Carol Smith & Ms. Kathy Jones Grade 8 Row 1 Sara De George, Jamie Cole, Byron Gaarder, Natalie Weatherby, Deena Banta, Dana Lubinski, Rebekah Donovan, Sean Radigan. Emily Compton, Michelle Johnson, Lauren Jeandron, Joey Harrity, Pippa Greenberg, Bette Roberts, Chris Tipton, Giles Stolarick, Row 2 Ryan Gelpi, Neill Mears. Kristi Corbin, Jennifer Leslie, Ariel Winslow, Ray Mason, Dennis Florie, Kenny Smith, Kelsie Maeray, Holly Van Gorder, Cassie Row 3: Humphrey, Katrina Zeigler, Joy Degele, Stephanie Albert, Ms. Kathy Jones, Greg Gleason, Brett Shannon, Steven Radakovic, Zach Faraone, Evan Bogdon, Dane Woodard, Brian Hinds, William Row 4: Thomas, Lars Bredahl, Mrs. Carol Smith. It's Flag Day! Ti$ the season Island graduates are Raise one today featured on pages 1S-1S 2 • Week of June 14-20, 2002 • Islander A WATERFRONT COMMUNITY LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE EVER SEEN. IIII.IJ;IIKJ ,i divp-w.itvr m.iiin.i will) diiiv.1 gulK.iv.Cv.1*' p.nifd willi WMII'ITHUM dliim;;, -.hofipiils;, .1 s;()ll pi.utiw hi> i [ILV J.IK.1 sp.i iiiMlnu'iir*. Add 2l liom IOIICIL'I^C IIL'I/iv.ts. i;.iii-vl pnvjv\ jinl .1 liiMinoiis Mixliiv'ii.niCJii .miliiciui1 I Ins is I .upon PiMiH M.u in.1. C .i|)i C'oi.il's niuM i\v.hisi\.. vs.iiLiliom iiimiiHiniiv An array of home styles offers elegant details and are designed to take full advantage of panoramic water and preserve views. Let your imagination run wild...at The Point. www.t3xponpoint.com • Sales & Information Center 941-549-8500 • 1-800-446-3641 Park Homes from the high $200s • Condominium Homes from the high $300s ^ Tarpon Point Development, LTD. is offered exclusively by Grosse Pointe Realty - all realtors welcome. Islander • Week of June 14-20, 2002 • TOOM0CH SON. COLUMNISTS Fishing & Shelling f. Mike Furry — page 6 The Metastatie Life Lisa Pierot — page 5 Center Stage 1 Marsha Wagner - pagea 17 & 21 r' Travel Diary 'Infill i-I ast time I had "the floor," so to speak, 20 MPH signs saying that people are (or Jauie) read'' I went on a rant about excessive rais- "highway-ized" after 1-75 and Summcrliu I once launched iulo a diatribe about Ling of the causeway drawbridge dur- speeds and couldn't lie expected to creep how the I ,ee ('oiinty school system hud ing rush hours. Conic (<> find mil, iieross the liriilee. In llie letter 1 liked tin* Tailed its eiti/eiv. by not teaeUini' tlietii In one biidyUcndci h.id decided lo writer look issue w'uli llie uholi- lead. 1 It.tl la .led a haie :,culcin e oi \\\«i help out the county's push to build „ i concept of "highway-i/wl" and before ( realized that l>l> ':/U.H. peicent at Uutrkiinv Season is Here a hisih rise bridge by being as pointed out that the signs were the drivers in l.ee County probably annoying as possible to the com- ^ I i there for a reason [See previous learned (o read somewhere else... in the ARE YOU KliADY? inuliim public. paragraph |. Where was the law superior schools of Middlesex County in Whoosh! enforcement? Why wasn't the .2(1 Massachusetts or Dutches* County in City of Sanibel's Have you noticed that the 20 MPH enforced? Why do people New York... you get the drift. MPH sign at the Sanibel end of pay no attention to the signs? Seeee ya! and please don't tailgate me Anno Hollow blowing your horn while I'm driving Hurricane the bascule bridge has disap- Assoriato. 1 made a copy of the commen- peared and been replaced by yet Editor tary page where her letter ran across the drawbridge! Preparedness and wrote her back, telling her I another "Do Not Pass" sign'/ Editors Last Word: couldn't really answer her questions Seminar Admittedly, most people paid no attention It seems to me that many posted speed (other than assume that there are many to them, but those of us who did knew we limits are set for the lowest common people in this world who didn't learn their June 17, 2002 9 - 1 1 a.m. did it because the slower speed was less denominator rather than any sort of aver- numbers and/or can't read), but that, obvi- Sundial Beach & Tennis Resort damaging to the relatively delicate work- age driver. Consequently, many are fre- ously, she and I and the few others who 1451 Middle Gulf Drive • ings of the "lift" system. And we loved quently ignored. felt it important were the only law Sanibel, Florida 33957 being the first car in a long line* of vehicles However, we do seem to pay attention crossing that bridge! enforcement out there for the drawbridge. And, of course, the whole issue leads when there is an actual reason, e.g. a See page 20 for details Several years ago a winter resident school zone, deaf dog, etc. How about wrote to the paper on this very issue... A to another rant (Nola Theiss's clever use of the word) of mine... Why can't Johnny "Fragile Bridge 20 MPH? previous writer had complained about the — RS Real Estate Loans Financing Arranged For • Primary • Second Home • Investors « First & Second Mortgages, Jumbos • FNMA 60 MINUTE APPROVALS SEAFOOD • SPOUTS • SPIRITS • Construction/Permanent, Lot Loans • Zero Points & Multiple Buydowns Available Father's Day is June 16th • Poor Credit, Prior Bankruptcy Programs are Subject to Change 'Treat Dad To Some CAC MORTGAGE INC. Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Business Manly Specials'' Charles A. Chegut John Friedlund Licensed Mortgage Brokers Serving 7 days, 4 p.m. to midnight 239/472-3110 695 Tarpon Bay Road Ste. 11 FAX 239/472-8159 NO APPLICATION FEE Sanibel, Fl 33957 703 Tarpon Bay Road • Sanibel • 395-CRAB Week of June 14-20, 2002 • Islander and Scott Steele. Johnson and Morris will accredited by the Florida Council of .** attend Davidson to take Algebra I. Independent Schools and a member of the TIP alumni are encouraged to continue National Association of Independent their summer studies by attending special Schools. Yacht Club on Driftwood Parkway and courses at Duke and Davidson. This sum- Loud baby toys? reservations are required. VISA and mer Stephanie lion, a rising 10th grader, The Sight and Hearing Association and MasterCard are accepted on advance tick- will attend Duke and will take Contro- the University of Minnesota researched et sales only. For more information or to versial Politics. Mike Rubenstein, also a and tested infant toys and came up with order tickets, call 997-0012. rising 10th grader, will take a three-week some startling results. Some toys are loud- To find out what the Science Center is genetics course at Duke. Jane Fisher, a ris- er than both a jackhammer and a chain all about, send the kids to its Bubbleology ing ninth grader, will attend the Duke saw! Week, July 8-14. Bubbleology isn't just University Marine Lab for a course on Infants are in more danger from loud about blowing bubbles. Bubbles and Behavioral Ecology and Jacob Fisher, a toys because they are limited in the ways foams surround us... How do they act and rising 11th grader, will also attend Duke, they can respond to a sound. Babies also react with the environment? Kids will taking Game Theory: Economics. play with toys at close range, often hold- learn about the structure of bubbles and ing them near their ears. They are inca- foam and investigate the nature of Camp Invention® pable of moving away from the loud "antibubbles" with lots of scientific exper- returns to Fort Myers sounds and can't cover their ears. iments. Why teach children about invention? Parents and care-givers are encouraged The program runs for five days at $50 Because invention means the survival of by the researchrs to listen to toys before for non-member children and $40 for the human species. Children who under- purchasing one for a small child. Some of museum members. Sessions run from stand invention hold the key to the future, the information in the article (from the 9:30-1 1 a.m. for kids ages 6-8 and 1:30-3 bridging history through science. June Silent Gazette) was previously pub- p.m. for those ages 9-12. One adult chap- Learning the invention process can be fun lished in the News-Press. For more infor- erone is required to attend. Space is limit- and rewarding, and it helps kids "think mation about the hazards and the names ed; call 997-0012 for reservations. outside the box." Optimist Road Rally of loud toys, log onto www.sightsand Camp Invention® is coming to hearing.org/healthissue.html. Canterbury School July 22-26 from 8:30 News from Canterbury a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Van Liming, director Seven qualify for Duke's TIP of summer camps at Canterbury School, Moomba Bonza coming up Each year Duke University's Talent says Camp Invention® provides children The Sixth Annual Caribbean Night, Identification Program (TIP) challenges with hands-on interactive activities that sponsored by Sprint to benefit the .seventh, graders to take the SAT I, normal- encourage finding creative solutions. Kids Children's Science Center's educational ly not given until the junior year of high participate in five inventive modules each programs, is scheduled for Friday, July school.
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