The Glengarry News THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 1950 $2.50 A YEAR VOL. LVIII.—No. 30 Ex- Prime Minister Last Many At Funeral Of Glengarry Liberals Wire Advisory Board Met Wednesday Petitioners For New School Favor Represented Glengarry Mrs. J. A. McDonell Regrets To Laurier House The regret of Glengarry Liberals To Select Adult Recreation Group Addition To The Present Building A very large number of relatives and in the death of their former leader, Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, friends paid an impressive last tribute Seven-Man Committee To Develop All Discussion At Board Meeting Favors of respect to the memory of Mrs. Mary was expressed in a telegram sent Belle McDonell, at her funeral held Sunday by G. G. Aubry, Alex- Types Of Adult And Children’s Adding To Alexander School And Bringing Wednesday morning to St. Alexander’s andria, president of the Glengarry Recreation — Plan Labor Day Opening Of Park All Separate School Students Together Church and cemetery, Lochiel. One of Liberal Association, fc* Laurier the most esteemed residents of the House in Ottawa. The message A seven-man Adult Recreation committee was appointed to organize and An addition to the present Alexander School and the bringing of all township, Mrs. McDonell was the wife read: develop all types of recreation in Alexandria, Wednesday night, when the .'Separate School students together at play, was favoured by a group of Parents of John Alexander McDonell, Lochiel “The Glengarry Liberal Associa- Advisory committee on Adult Recreation held its first meeting. The committee who attended Friday night’s meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Alex- Township Treasurer. Her death, in an tion, the Glengarry Young Liberal has the big task of developing recreation on the physical, cultural and educa- andria Separate School System. Ottawa hospital, Sunday evening, came Association and all Glengarrians tional levels. The group was predominantly from the English-speaking section of the with startling suddenness, though she learn with deepest regret of the Mayor R. J. Graham had been named by Town Council as its representative, had not been in good health for some community and they were present to present a petition for a new St. Margaret’s passing of one of our greatest # and the other members appointed School to replace the present Convent # — time. statesmen and once our repre- Wednasday were: G. G. Aubry, Elie building, Which has been ruled in- J^gpyQp JoWdShlp May She was in her 77th year. sentative in the House of Com- Yard At St. Joseph’s David and Monty Parisien, for a two- adequate by the school inspectors. It Mrs. McDonell was a lifelong resi- mons.” year term; Louis Shepherd, F. L. -was pointed out that under the new Have Vote On Beer dent of Lochiel, a daughter of the late W. X Major, M.P., Glengarry, at School Being Drained Pommier and Edwin A. Richardson, system of grants designed, to promote John Morris and his wife, Isabel present holidaying in Vancouver, for one year. the building of. modern schools, a new Donovan. She attended school at One of the chief tasks of the com- Plans are under way, we understand, sent the following telegram to the Workmen this week are completing .school or, an addition to the present Lochiel and at St. Margaret’s Convent, editor of The News: the installation of field tile in the mittee will be the securing of a quali- Alexander School could be erected, for a vote in Kenyon Township under THE LATE W. L. MACKENZIE Alexandria, prior to her marriage in “Very grieved to hear of the play-yard of St. Joseph’s School, Main fied director for Adult Recreation work. -without additional burden on the rate- the Liquor Control Act. At its regular KING, whose death at Ottawa, Sat- June, 1897, to Mr. MdDonell. They death of the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie street south. The main drain and four Officers are to be named at a subse- payers than was intended in erection August meeting, nexrt; Tuesday, the urday, is mourned by the nation. were privileged three years ago to King. The people of Glengarry lateral rows of tile have been put down quent meeting. •of the new Sacred Heart School alone. township council will consider a peti- An impressive demonstration of celebrate their golden wedding anni- join in the general regret for a and the grounds require only a' top The Advisory committee, representa- tion for the holding of such a vote. esteem was paid at his funeral, Wed- The land immediately east of St. versary, at which time they received statesman who honoured them as dressing of ground. tive of ten local organizations, had Two months must elapse between nesday. many evidences, of the high regard in Margaret’s Convent had been en- their représentative in the House.” Landscaping at the front of the been named at the request of Town receipt of the petition and the day of which they were held. A devoted and visioned as the site of the new school, The former Prime Minister made .school on Lochiel street is also being Council, and it will continue to func- voting, so it is probable the ballot day active member of St. Alexander’s but a suggestion by Trustee John his last public address at Alexandria, completed and trees and shrubs will tion in an advisory capacity to the will be set for early October. parish, Mrs. McDonell was a member Recreation committee. », Chisholm that both English and May 27th, 1949, when he came here be planted there. A six-foot wire mesh We understand Mr. Wilfrid St. of the Ladies of Ste Anne, who at- French-speaking children might be to thank the people of Glengarry for Heavy Work On Park fence is to be erected along the side Members are; Louise Shepherd, for Amour, proprietor of the hotel at Apple tended the funeral in a body. brought together by adding to the the privilege of having represented of the playground paralleling Highway the United Church; Lloyd McHugh, present Alexander School met with Hill, is chiefly interested in the them in the Commons. To mourn heri passing she leaves her for St. Finnan’s; G. G. Aubry, for petition, which asks for a vote on the Virtualey Completed 34. much favor. (See also Page 6) husband, one son, Alexander J. Mc- Sacred Heart parish; R. J. Graham, question of sale of beer on licensed for Town Council; Monty Parisien, fbr Mr. Chisholm pointed out that from o Donell, at home, three brothers and premises to men only. By this week-end almost all the work the Kinsmen Club; Donatien Theoret, a financial angle it might be cheaper two sisters. They are John J. Morris, — o— by heavy machines will have been com- for the Richelieu Club; Ernest Leblanc, to add to the present school and that Peter J. Morris and Michael J. Morris, Maroons On Victory pleted on the park site, and little re- for the Board of Trade; Arthur Stim- such a plan had other advantages Argyle Band Coming Alexandria; Rev. Sister M. of St. mains of the programme for develop- son, for the. Masonic Lodge; Jos. Filion, which might be of inestimable value Six Teams In The Oswald of the Holy Cross, St. Mar- Trail With Two Wins ing the mill pond into a thing of for the K. of C.; Angus R. McDonell, in building a better community spirit garet’s Convent, Alexandria, and Mrs. To Glengarry Games beauty and a source of water supply for Alexandria High School. and a better nation. He deplored the Duncan McCormick, Lochiel. With Gun Lebrun finally hitting his Jr. Football Play-Off for the town. Some cleaning of weeds The group decided to' add to its num- present situation which saw bilingual Rev. Charles F. Gauthier, pastor, stride, Alexandria Maroons improved Glengarry Highland Games officials and debris at the mouth of the pond bers with representatives from the students separated from their play- sang the Solemn Mass of Requiem in their league standing over the week- Six teams are entered in playdowns at Maxville received definite word this is needed, while work on clearing the Separate and Public Schools, and one mates during school hours, and he St. Alexander’s Church at 10 o’clock, end with successive wins over Corn- for the Junior Football championship week that the fine Argyle and Suther- Wednesday morning, assisted by Rev. north side of weeds and forming two each to be named from the four town- forecast a better understanding be- land band of Hamilton will be present wall Seniors and Ottawa St, An- of Glengarry, and play is to get under- R. J. MacDonald of Alexandria, and small islands, still remains to be com- ships.. A chairman will be named at tween children of French or Scotch for the August 5th competitions. Only thony’s. They have a chance to get way next Tuesday, August 1st. League Rev. Donald A. Kerr, St. Raphael’s, as pleted. its next meeting. descent if they learned to play to- two of the 14 bands expected are now within sniping distance of the top if President J. A. Macdonell has issued deacon and sub-deacon. Rev. Ewen J. It is possible the laying of the new Official opening of tljp new park and gether. As at present, classes could be on the uncertain list and, Games spec- they can repeat their victory over the following play-off schedule and Macdonald of Greenfield, was in the sewer along the north shoreline will playground was set for Labour Day, kept separate for" the bilingual course, tators are promised the best compe- Cornwall when the league leaders come rules of competition; Sanctuary and recited the prayers at be done in conjunction with clearing September 4th, and plans are being but at least all students would be under tition on the JSTorth American con- to Glengarry Gardens, Saturday night.
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