Why U.N. plans for 1IVorid government must be stopped with authoritative case read the plan of studies of Iraq, Cambodia, • the one-worlders EI Salvador, Somalia, and in their own words the former Yugoslavia , $250 " Make checks payable to: EIR News Service, Inc. p,o, Box 17390 Washington, D,C, 20041-0390 Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editor: Nora Hamennan Managing Editors: John Sigerson, Susan Welsh From the Editor Assistant Managing Editor: Ronald Kokinda Editorial Board: Warren Hamennan, Melvin Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Gerald Rose, Edward ' Spannaus, Nancy Spannaus, Webster Tarpley, we go to press, it is officially announced that Israel and the Carol White, Christopher White As Science and Technology: Carol White Palestine Liberation Organization have extended diplomatic recogni­ Special Services: Richard Freeman tion to each other, and that Jordan's King Hussein has endorsed their Book Editor: Katherine Notley peace plan. These steps in the unfolding Arab-I�rael peace process, Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol as Lyndon LaRouche emphasized during the recent ICLC-Schiller INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Institute conference near Washington, mark a shift of the same his­ Agriculture: Marcia Merry toric order as the fall of the Berlin Wall in the fall of 1989. We hasten Asia: Linda de Hoyos Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, to warn that the opportunity presented by the faltof communism was Paul Goldstein Economics: Christopher White sabotaged by monetarism and its ideological "mother," the doctrine European Economics: William Engdahl of geopolitics which has caused every war in this century_ lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus With the Israeli-Palestinian breakthrough, �orld peace is again Medicine: John Grauerholz, M.D. a real possibility. This is why we have quickly assembled an 18-page Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George Feature on the practical basis for an enduring Middle East settlement Special Projects: Mark Burdman based (especially) on sound, mutually beneficial. infrastructural de­ United States: Kathleen Klenetsky velopment. We are not ajohnny-come-Iately in this. The timeline in INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdee Tanapura, Sophie Tanapura our package only gives the highlights of repeated interventions over Bogota: Jose Restrepo nearly two decades, by Lyndon LaRouche personally and by this Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen review publishing his policies. Houston: Harley Schlanger With the limelight on the Middle East, it is important not to lose Lima: Sara Madueiio Melbourne: Don Veitch sight of the other strategic fronts. The former Soviet Union is on the Mexico City: Hugo L6pez Ochoa verge of a phase-change from the Yeltsin transitional regime, and it Milan: Leonardo Servadio New Delhi: Susan Maitra cannot be foretold what lies on the other side. As our International Paris: Christine Bierre lead shows, the possibility of the entire region spiraling into war is Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios Stockholm: Michael Ericson very great. Washington, D.C.: William Jones In Venezuela, deposed corrupt President Carlos Andres Perez, Wiesbaden: Garan Haglund backed by the international banking fraternity (Le., the State Depart­ EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues) ment and U.S. intelligence services), is battling furiously for politi­ except for the second week of July, and the last week of Decemberby EIR News Service Inc., 333¥2 cal survival, yet the LaRouche-inspired program of the producers' Pennsylvania Ave., S.E., 2nd Floor, Washilwton, DC 20003. (202) 544-7010. For subscriptions: (703) 777- rebellion against NAFfA in Sonora, Mexico has now spread into 9451. Venezuela. European Headquarters, Executive Intelligence Review Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, In the United States, two days after the inspiring conference of 65013 Wiesbaden; Otto von Guericke Ring 3, 65205 Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt, Federal Republic of Germany the LaRouche movement (see National lead), EIR banking columnist Tel: (6122) 9160. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, Michael Liebig· John Hoefle was invited to report to the House Banking Committee In Denmark: EIR, Post Box 2613, 2100 Copenhagen 0E, Tel. 35-43 60 40 on LaRouche's programs to stop the financial cQllapse. If any of you In Mexico: EIR, Francisco Diaz Covarrubias 54 A·3 readers are not yet subscribers, you should subscribe immediately in Colonia San Rafael, Mexico OF. Tel: 705-1295. Japan subscription SIlks: O.T.O. Research Corporation, order to be well equipped to help guide the world out of its present Takeuchi Bldg., 1-34·12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku·Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 3208-7821. crisis. Copyright © 1993 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. ReprodUction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailmg offices. 3 6 DoOlestic sUbscriptions, months-$l25, months-$225, 1 year -$396, SlOgle issue -$10 Postmaster: Send aU address �hanges to EIR. P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. • IIillContents Interviews Departments Econ�mics 11 Sen. Francisco Tatad 47 Australia Dossier 4 BanInng Committee hears The Philippines senator is an Senate demands action on Bosnia. EIR on derivatives, opponent of the government's NAFfA population control program, which 48 From New Delhi Bankil1g columnist John Hoefle he charges is being implemented at India eyes debate in Japan on NPT. testified before the House Banking the behest of foreign agencies with Committee, at the request of a malthusian agenda. 49 Report from Rio Chairman Henry B. Gonzalez (D­ Freeing terrorists: Collor'sfinal act. Tex.)� and delivered a powerful 45 P. van Duijvenboden indicunent of the financial policies A spokesman for the Dutch Patients that are ruining the nation. 72 Editorial Union speaks out against the When will the bubble pop? euthanasia policywhich is facing a 6 'Inv�ible hand' grabs critical vote in the Senate of the billiQns from China's Netherlands in mid-September. banking system 52 Gen. Manuel Antonio 8 Currency Rates Noriega Prisoner of war General Noriega 9 Phili pine bishop and spoke with EIR from his prison cell p in Florida, about the U.S. invasion senator decry U.S. plan as 'demographic imperialism' of Panama and the growing . resistance of Panamanians to the "Petainist" regime that now rules 11 Ramos's birth plan is a their country. "I shall return," 'foreign import' Noriega vows. An interviewwith Sen. Francisco Tatad. Photo aod graphic credits: Cover, 13 Malthusians predict end of page 19, UNRWA/M. Nasr. Pages world, push food policies 15, 33, 34, EIRNS/John Sigerson. that guarantee it Page UNRWNG. Nehmeh. 27, A review of the latest "Vital Signs" Page 39, EIRNS/Hugo L6pez report from the Worldwatch Ochoa. Pages 53, 59, EIRNS/ Institute. Carlos Wesley. Pages 23, 61, 67, EIRNS/Philip Ulanowsky. 15 U.S.,Unemployment Coverup 16 Business Briefs • Volume 20, Number 36, September 17,1993 Feature International National 36 War in Caucasus risks 60 LaRouche movement vows becoming internationalized to save U.S. from Russia all but controls the unraveling Caucasus, and will cement its The Schiller Institute and the control in the near future. Turkey Intemational:Caucus of Labor and Iran are both threatening to Committees met for their Labor help Azerbaijan against Armenia, Day conference, to discuss Lyndon as the crisis widens. LaRouche's groundbreaking new essay, "Hist<)ryas Science: Palestinian refugees at an UNRWA/UNESCO girls' 38 Mexican oligarchy panics America 2000." schoolin Jordan. Joint economic development of Pal­ estine and Israel will be essential to enable these stu­ as growers' rebellion dents to return to productive life in their homeland. spreads 62 Documentation Greetings to the conference from 18 Why the Israel-Palestine 40 Club of Rome: Twenty-five Dr. Nedzib Sacirbey, Personal accord must succeed years of malthusian fraud Representative in the United States With the historic agreement signed, of the President of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. its enemies are now gearing up to 42 Expanded Dutch drown it in blood. Only an euthanasia law: It's time to 63 Clinton strategic review approach based on infrastructure break up the debate ignores Rpssian danger, building can beat them. The "Dutch model" is being touted as an example of how targets TlitirdWorld 20 LaRouche: Israel-Palestine "compassionate killing" can economic plan is 'a very cheapen the cost of medical care. 64 LaRouche: Gore-Clinton pleasant deja vu' But it's nothing but Nazi plan is 'jttst cosmetics' euthanasia. 22 A chronology of 65 OBE the issue in Va. LaRouche's attempts to 44 The Netherlands must not gubernatorial race achieve a lasting Mideast legalize euthanasia! peace By Helga Zepp-LaRouche, 66 Schiller Ibstitute concert president of the German Civil honors anniversary of 24 Economics is at heart of Rights Movement Solidarity. March on Washington Mideast accord protocol I 45 'Care criteria' pushed for 68 Classical �bel canto' singing euthanasia 26 A peace plan in the true has becoQIe an endangered An intelViewwith P. van interests of Arabs and species Duijvenboden. Israelis Issued by Lyndon LaRouche in 70 National ews 50 NI August 1990. International Intelligence 29 The Oasis Plan: Man-made rivers and growth corridors span the deserts �TIillEconolDics BankingCommitte e hears EIR on derivatives, NAF'J'A by John Hoefle A warning of the impending collapse of the international with both feet into every harebrained, quick-buck scheme derivatives market, triggering the biggest financial blowout they could find. Citicorp made a killing in the 1980s, grow­ in centuries, was delivered by this writer to the House Bank­ ing almost as much in 10 years as it had in the previous ing Committee on Sept. 8, 1993, in testimony on the impact 168. This growth came, not from real economic activity, of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but from the growth of a huge speculative bubble, in real upon the U.S. banking system.
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