Septem ber 6, 2006 Novem ber 7 is Election Day Most Notable Prim ary Election O utcom es are in the Florida Senate Incum bent Senator Alex Villalobos wins his prim ary regardless of a m assive effort to unseat him – his return m eans a continuation of the fight for the Senate residency! This Capitol Report contains a list of all state Returning Senator 0 le1 2illalobos %R34 iam i' candidates advancing to the N ovem ber 5 having # on yesterday’s rim ary 33 is no# 2006 G eneral Election as a result of hoping to corral all of the Senate 6em ocrats yesterday’s rim ary Elections! " andidates and som e Republicans to ta7e bac7 his lost # ith a $%& '( or $%N '( affiliation attached to bid for the 20083-0 Senate residency from their nam e represent, for the m ost part, m inor Senator 9eff 0 t# ater %R3& est alm +each'! opposition at the G eneral Election! )n these /he ongoing riff has caused a severe split races it is safe to assum e that the m a*or party # ithin the Senate Republican " aucus and candidate # ins! " andidates sho# ing no no# threatens the # or7 of the Senate in the opposition are elected! near future! /he current Senate resident3 6esignee is :en ruitt %R3 ort St! ;ucie'! +attleground state legislative races to # atch in the ,lorida Senate # ill be districts -. & e do not e1pect the po# er3base to shift in %G ainesville and surrounding area' and -6 the < ouse of Representatives, but # atch %/am pa +ay area'! /he outcom e of these districts -- %G ainesville', 22 %= cala', and races could very # ell change the po# er >- %St! etersburg'! /he current Spea7er3 base in the ,lorida Senate! 6esignee is 4 arco Rubio %R34 iam i'! Copyright © 2006 by Carlton Fields. All rights reserved. N o part of this publication m ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system , or transm itted, in any form or by any m eans ithout the prior ritten perm ission of the copyright o ner. CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 G ENERA L ELECTIO N FLO RI A CA !INET D istrict 1 6 #e$ esta " :im +erfield %R' G o vern o r " harlie 9ustice %6' " harlie " rist %R' 9im 6avis %6' D istrict 1 8 % iller" 0 rthenia 9oyner %6' A g ricu ltu re C o m m issio n er Eric Suntich %& ' Charlie !ronson "#$ Eric " opeland %6' D istrict 2 0 Carey !a+er "#$ A tto rn ey G en era l S7ip " am pbell %6' D istrict 2 2 +ill 4 c" ollum %R' 'ee Constantine "#$ 9erem iah 9aspon %6' C h ief Fin a n cia l O fficer /om ;ee %R' D istrict 2 4 0 le1 Sin7 %6' !ill &osey "#$ D istrict 2 6 , i+e -aridopolos "#$ G ENERA L ELECTIO N STA TE SENA TE D istrict 2 8 )en &ruitt "#$ D istrict 2 Stan Sm ilan %6' %urell &eaden "#$ D istrict & 0 ' lein " D istrict 4 /ed 6eutch %6' 6on G aet? %R' :arl 6ic7ey %;' G eorge < arageones %& ' D istrict 6 Al 'a son "%$ D istrict & 2 C a m ( $ ell" :enneth ;un7ins %& ' D istrict 8 9erem y Ring %6' 9oseph Ellyson %& ' (im )ing "#$ D istrict & 4 4 arsha 4 orrison %& ' N an #ich "%$ D istrict 1 0 !ee" D istrict & 6 2ictoria +ra7e %& ' Ale. %ia/ de la &ortilla "#$ Stephen G orham %6' 0 ngie Rodri@ue? %& ' Ronda Storm s %R' D istrict & 8 D istrict 1 2 ;eighton ;ang %N ' *ictor Crist "#$ 0 le*andro Ri?o %& ' " ! +urt ;inthicum %" ' Ale. *illalobos "#$ D istrict 1 4 #m ith " D istrict 4 0 Ed 9ennings %6' #udy 0 arcia "#$ Steve = elrich %R' 2 CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 G ENERA L ELECTIO N D istrict 1 4 STA TE "O # SE O F REPRESENTA TI$ ES 4erry Fields "%$ 6onald ,oy %R' D istrict 1 0 reg 1vers "#$ D istrict 1 ) Audrey 0 ibson "%$ D istrict 2 " heryl & aters %& ' %ave , ur/in "#$ D istrict 1 6 D istrict & , ar+ , ahon "#$ -olly !enson "#$ Eli?abeth " am pbell %6' D istrict 1 + 2tan (ordan "#$ D istrict 4 #ay 2ansom "#$ D istrict 1 8 %on %avis "#$ D istrict ) %on !ro n "#$ D istrict 1 , /oreatha < ayes34 itchell %& ' %ic+ )ravit/ "#$ D istrict 6 * en se" D istrict 2 0 G eorge 4 ac +rogdon %& ' !ill &roctor "#$ 9anice ;ucas %6' 9im m y atronis %R' D istrict 2 1 (oe &ic+ens "#$ D istrict + , arti Coley "#$ D istrict 2 2 'arry Cretul "#$ D istrict 8 4 ac7y /hurm an %6' Curtis #ichardson "%$ D istrict 2 & -en n in g s" D istrict , " huc7 " hestnut %6' 'oranne Ausley "%$ " ain 6avis %R' D istrict 1 0 D istrict 2 4 3 ill )endric+ "%$ %ennis !a.ley "#$ 9am es & al7er %6' D istrict 1 1 #ta n sel" 6ebbie +oyd %6' D istrict 2 ) 6avid ope %R' Alan -ays "#$ D istrict 1 2 D istrict 2 6 Aaron !ean "#$ Ronald " ahen %6' &at &atterson "#$ D istrict 1 & (ennifer Carroll "#$ D istrict 2 + (oyce Cusac+ "%$ 6ave < ood %R' A CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 D istrict 2 8 D istrict 4 1 -o h n so n " %orothy -u+ill "#$ Rod 6rury %& ' & illiam Sm alley %6' +ill 4 c4 anus %6' Steve recourt %R' D istrict 2 , #alph &oppell "#$ D istrict 4 2 -ugh 0 ibson "#$ D istrict & 0 Robert /hom pson %6' 4had Altm an "#$ D istrict 4 & D istrict & 1 Charlie %ean "#$ 9ohnny 4 yers %& ' , itch N eedelm an "#$ D istrict 4 4 . u ssell" /im Shipe %6' G lenn " laytor %6' Robert Schenc7 %R' D istrict & 2 !ob Allen "#$ D istrict 4 ) Ed# ard +ro# n %& ' 4om Anderson "#$ " hris < rabovs7y %6' D istrict & & 2andy Adam s "#$ D istrict 4 6 Ernie ;angdon %6' (ohn 'egg "#$ ,ran7lin ere? %N ' D istrict 4 + D istrict & 4 )evin Am bler "#$ %avid , ealor "#$ 6aniel Suare? %6' D istrict & ) %ean Cannon "#$ D istrict 4 8 * ilira / is" 6avid = dom %& ' eter N ehr %R' " arl $B( Bim m erm ann %6' D istrict & 6 2heri , c5nvale "#$ D istrict 4 , Scott Randolph %6' (ohn 67 8 7 uinones "#$ Ruth 0 nn Raia %6' D istrict & + %avid 2im m ons "#$ D istrict ) 0 * erfiel0 " Ed < ooper %R' D istrict & 8 * ru m m er" " andice 9ovan %6' +ryan N elson %R' D istrict ) 1 1 a ters" D istrict & , A n to n e" 9anet ;ong %6' Earl = lden %& ' 6ottie Reeder %R' G eraldine /hom pson %6' D istrict ) 2 Fa r/ a s" D istrict 4 0 0 ngelo " appelli %R' Andy 0 ardiner "#$ +ill < eller %6' 6arren Soto %6' . CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 D istrict ) & -u stice" D istrict 6 6 Ric7 :risem an %6' !a.ter 4routm an "#$ /hom as iccolo %R' D istrict 6 + D istrict ) 4 . ice" #on #eagan "#$ 9im ,rishe %R' +etsy 2alentine %6' D istrict 6 8 !ill 0 alvano "#$ D istrict ) ) Fran+ &eterm an "%$ D istrict 6 , C la r/ e" ;aura +enson %R' D istrict ) 6 :eith ,it?gerald %6' ;ee N elson %6' 4rey 4raviesa "#$ D istrict + 0 D etert" 6oug < older %R' D istrict ) + 6avid Shapiro %6' +rian +ec7er %G ' D istrict + 1 6eborah " ope %6' , ichael 0 rant "#$ Faye Culp "#$ Robert eter Rice %& ' D istrict ) 8 2 en ri3 u e4" D istrict + 2 0 lfred Rui? %R' &aige )reegel "#$ 4 ichael Scionti %6' D istrict + & ' y le" D istrict ) , -o y n er" ete +ur7ert %6' & illis $:!" !( +o# ic7 %R' N ic7 /hom pson %R' +etty Reed %6' D istrict + 4 D istrict 6 0 (eff )ott+am p "#$ 1d -om an "#$ :aren ere? %6' D istrict + ) 4rudi 3 illiam s "#$ D istrict 6 1 6onovan +ro# n %6' D istrict + 6 G o o 0 lette" )en 'ittlefield "#$ :en 4 ac herson %" ' G arrett Richter %R' D istrict 6 2 #ich 0 lorioso "#$ D istrict + + 9erem y Belanes %6' %enise 0 rim sley "#$ Bane /hom as %6' D istrict 6 & . o ss" 9im 6avis %6' D istrict + 8 Seth 4 c:eel %R' #ichard , ache+ "%$ D istrict 6 4 #ta rg el" D istrict + , 6ennis Ross %R' Fran+ Att+isson "#$ D istrict 6 ) +eulah ,ar@uharson %6' , arty !o en "#$ > CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 D istrict 8 0 D istrict , & #m ith " 2tan , ayfield "#$ < enry +onner %& ' N ic7 $9am es 6ad( Sa7hnovs7y %N ' D istrict 8 1 erry /hurston %6' 0 ayle -arrell "#$ +ill Ram os %6' D istrict , 4 , atthe , eado s "%$ D istrict 8 2 5 eg ro n " " atherine < ilton %6' D istrict , ) G reen stein " & illiam Snyder %R' 9im & aldm an %6' D istrict 8 & D istrict , 6 Carl %om ino "#$ Ari &orth "%$ Ric7 ,ord %6' D istrict , + D istrict 8 4 2usan 0 oldstein "#$ &riscilla 4aylor "%$ 4 artin :iar %6' D istrict 8 ) D istrict , 8 Robert Siedlec7i %R' Fran+lin 2ands "%$ 2helley *ana "%$ D istrict , , #o $ el" D istrict 8 6 G a n n o n " 0 ndre# < ousm an %& ' :athleen ,aherty3Ruby %& ' Elaine Sch# art? %6' 4 aria Sachs %6' 9uan Selaya %R' D istrict 8 + D istrict 1 0 0 . y a n " Adam -asner "#$ Evan 9enne %6' Ed :opf %6' D istrict 1 0 1 D istrict 8 8 , i+e %avis "#$ 2usan !ucher "%$ D istrict 1 0 2 D istrict 8 , #alph Ar/a "#$ , ary !randenburg "%$ 4 anuel Riera %& ' D istrict , 0 #lo s$ erg " D istrict 1 0 & 4 anuel ress %& ' 4ee -ollo ay "%$ :elly S7idm ore %6' D istrict 1 0 4 D istrict , 1 9olly #oberson "%$ 1llyn !ogdanoff "#$ 9ie & ells %& ' " hristian " hiari %6' D istrict 1 0 ) G o ttlie$ " D istrict , 2 9oe G ibbons %6' (ac+ 2eiler "%$ D istrict 1 0 6 %an 0 elber "%$ 6 CARLTO N FIELD S CAPITO L REPO RT SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 D istrict 1 0 + * a rreiro " D istrict 1 2 0 #o ren sen " ,ran7 " arollo %R' +ob %& ' ;uis G arcia %6' 6avid Rice %R' Ron Saunders %6' D istrict 1 0 8 * ru tu s" Ronald +risD %6' rospero < errera %R' D istrict 1 0 , %orothy !endross:, indingall "%$ "#n the state Senate$ Villalobos also had Sarah Ruth Robinett %& ' few close friends! And those he thought were his allies$ such as %a&e ' ales( Sen! D istrict 1 1 0 )!D! Alexander and North alm *each(s )eff 0 le1 6ueso %& ' Atwater$ helped oust him as Senate #ene 0 arcia "#$ president for the two+year term beginning in ,--.! /a&ing Villalobos( post was D istrict 1 1 1 Atwater$ who once wore a gold cross +renda < ernande? %& ' , arco #ubio "#$ Villalobos brought to the pope for a blessing!0 D istrict 1 1 2 %avid #ivera "#$ "Villalobos insists that he can still be " hristina Sanche? %& ' Senate president! #f so$ he(ll need the support of all 12 Dem ocrats ++ a li&ely D istrict 1 1 & possibility ++ plus six 3epublican senators N icole 0 brante %& ' in the 2-+m em ber cham ber! 4ne of those Carlos 'ope/:Cantera "#$ senators$ Nancy Argen5iano of 6rystal 3iver$ suggested *ush was a ((dictator(( for D istrict 1 1 4 his involvem ent in the race! Anitere Flores "#$ D istrict 1 1 ) 7 iam i 8erald$ Septem ber 9$ ,--9 (.C.
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