f / LOCAL LEDGERETTE Christiana, Pa, J u l y I S , 1 9 4 4 D e a r P r i e n d s i n t h e S e r v i c e s : We read in the ’’Foreign Letter”: '’In many respects the situation in Germany is similar to that in July -August 1918, vdien hopes of German military leaders for astalemate had faded and the government was asked to sue for immediate peace, W e h o p e t h i s a n a l y s i s i s t r u e , and the day is near v;hen you will be crossing The Red Bridge, v/hicii i s s h o v m a b o v e . The mimeographing of the third issue of this news-letter was done by Arlene Hershey, Esther Rogers, Eleanor Eavonson, Roberta Brown, Nellie Bond and the writer, and we turned out 375 Ledgerettes before midnight, so you sec our production methods have improved. Preparation for mailing was done in the basement of the bank, (mimeographing was done in the writer’s dining room) and we had quite afew new faces on the assembly line, Mrs, Haines T*- Walker, Mrs, Wm, Borland and Mrs. Warren Huss doing the stapling, Mrs. John Shoff and Mrs, '''ia. Murphy folding, and Mrs. Wm., Chalfant, Mrs. George Morrison and Mrs. James C. Miller stamping and sealing the envelopes. Addressing was handled by Mrs. Robert G. Sm-allv>;ood, Mrs. D. C. Posey, Mrs. Pierce Simes, Mrs, Charles Sumners, Mrs. Harold Boyd, Mrs, U, H. Eckert, Mrs, Bruce Ibaugh and Mrs. Clarence T. Armor. At our meeting on July 24th Dr. H, H. Longenecker is going to tell us of his experiences as an ambulance driver in Italy, and we want you to know that we are counting upon your co-operation and suggestions to keep this publication alive and appealing. How about sitting right doTfvn and giving us some little human interest story today? Sincerely, CHRISTIANA SERVICE FLAG CLUB eWA Chairman LOG -olHni; 12, 1944 tn JTTT.Y 19 1944 ENGAGBIAENTS; Phebe D, Eavenson 0/G Plchard Klein Sti Paulj Minn, Stationed at Aberdeen, Maryland Esther M, Ayers Vifalter L. Todd VfflDDINGS: T h e H a n n v B r i d e T h e L u c k y B o y Date Kathryn R. Dyson Cpl, Fred R. Bishop dune 13 (Nine Points) Rachel Myra Dochter John W. Mothena d u l y 5 Nora Elizabeth Bume 1. Watson Buyers (To be duly 23) (Los Angeles) BIRTHS: Ma &Pa Dr. &Mrs, Raphael Cain Daughter dune 7 (Danville, Pa,) Mr. &Mrs, dacob Ii/hitelock Daughter dune 9 Mr. &Mrs. Williaia Trego Daughter dune 12 (Gap) Mr, &Mrs. Anos Yoder Daughter dune 12 (Gap) Cpl, &Mrs. d. Vif, Thompson Daughter dune 16 Mr. &Mrs, Donald Scott Daughter dune 16 Mr. &Mrs. Charles Chack Son dune 21 Mr. &Mrs, G, Vfalter lackson Daughter dune 27 Mr. &Mrs. dohn C, Baxter Son d u l y 9 Mr, &Mrs. Dewey Shumate ■ Son' d u l y V Mr, &Mrs. Douglas Watt Son "1. ■? (Formerly Barbara McClure) BAPTiaiS; At Latta Memorial Church on dune 11 Mary Louise Smallwood Melinda Lee Smallwood Ezetta V^heatley Walter Gretchen Ann V^alter Ellen Pierce Rittenhouse DEATHS; Lucy A. V/allace (Gap) dune 12 Mrs, dohn NeuhaUser (Gap) dune 11 Mrs. Elizabeth Heislor Lancaster) dune 20 Thomas P. dories (Atglen d u l y 4 d e r r y R . B o y d ( B a r t ) duly 15 RECEITT HOSPITAL PATIENTS; M r s , C h e s t e r B o o h a r d, Elliott Thompson Clarence Carlin (Fell from pole, breaking vertebrae) Emmett Powell -Skin infection Virginia Morgenroth -Tonsils removed P h y l l i s B o n d - To n s i l s r e m o v e d CHQRCH IVIESSAGE To Those Vi/ho Serve: It affords the Sahhath School of the Methodist Church of Christiana great pleasure to send you these greetings. We are pleased to hear the good reports of the Armed Forces of the U. S, A., and we \/vant you to know vro mil never let you down, but each new day will hold you to athrone of,Grace and ask God’s richest blessings upon you. A m o s B . N o r t o n Superintendent -- Methodist S. S. GREETINGS IROM SOCIETY OF FARki V/OMEN GROUP 16 Dear Men &Women in the Services: The farm women of this community send you greetings and best wishes. V/e have had along spell of dry weather, which is not doing the growing crops any good, but has been fine harvest weather for hay and wheat. Pheasants, ground hogs and rabbits are plentiful, so there should be more good hunting for you when you return. Our farm women contributed to the local Red Cross drives and sewed six coverlets for the the Valley Forge Hospital, With the other sixteen groups in the county, we helped to furnish aRecreation Room at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation. A s w e l o o k o v e r t h e w e l l - k e p t f a r m s o f L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y, w e arc thankful we have escaped the ruin and desolation of the lands in which many of you serve. We pray all of you will soon return to o u r o \ m b e a u t i f u l c o u n t r y. Bertha Harnish, President Society of Farm Vfomen, Group 16 BIRTHDAYS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST August 1-David Harry Rollin Sheaffer -August 15 3-John Chalfant Earl Miller 18 5-Dale Posey Vernon Mowrer 19 9-ViTarren Ammon Carl Albright SO 11 -Mitchell Boyd L e s t e r H i r s t S6 I S - E a r l H e n r y Clarence Armer S7 1 3 - W i l l i a m E c k e r t H a r r y L , M o r r i s o n S8 1 3 - H a r r y Y o s t Harold Thompson S9 ASALUTE FROM THE GIRL SO PUTS: The thirty -one America, salute scouts of Troop No. 67, Girl Scouts of you men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces, collected waste fats from houscv/ives, which netted them First AidTheye●●● have oried their hands at cooking and are now studying aweek-end camping trip is also being planned. ^^ ^ families receive their copy of The Local Ledp-erpttf:> through the delivery service the Scouts have offered, and they stand ready to do their part in any civic movement. Arlene Hershey, Scout Leader Mary Slokom, Assistant Leader Bertha Huster -Assistant Leader ALLEY GABBLE Mj summer season the bowling alloys are closed on ®t h f n l g S t e '5 ' dutieso/pSnfBenSnge?.“® waitress who has assumed the Tr^e.44- ,.fremembered as an ardent bowler, visited the alleys on arecent leave from Warner Robins Field, G^. wSL“"mL?ne the ?oSnds!5f" spendsome time atthe alleys ^^sht League is made up of these teams: Rowe’s, Parkesburg, Cochranville and Lechler’s, and seem to be going strong, Thursday Night Summer League the loaders are: Buu 2661 and 980, Freeman holding high triple with 657 and Ned McClure high single with 246. S T U M N O T E S ^ Did you know that the night of the ’big blow’ Jim Miller re- 5 on his eye when Wifie, Mabel, bumped into him in the dark when the storm raged? > x n And that Maude Mast turned street-cleaner for aday and picked up some twenty blackbirds which were killed by the violent wind asid rain? ●4- xt,. x^^^ again b u t B i l l F i e l e s w a n ’ t i n It this time. In fact, watching for planes is almost aforgotten art in these parts, and the old Post looks desolate and lonely. FIRE COMPAl'lY BULLETIN Ye Olde Fire Corrpany is still trying to keep up the good work, but at times finds it an up-hill proposition with so many of you fellows in the Services, To overcome this handicap, vje have taken into meiiibership Junior Firemen, who when you boys were around were about 13 or 14 yrs, old, but, who now have passed 16. These boys, Bob Myers, Joe Uright, Mason Hilton, Fred Bunting, Bob Rovre, Bob Hornberger, Harry Wilkey, and Junior Reedy, do aswell job under the leadership of older fire¬ fighters. The thirty-three Salvage Coromittees of Lancaster County, most of which are sponsored- by Fire CoriipaniQS..D.£,the county, were each awarded acitation of merit on July 10th by the State Salvage Committee for outstanding salvage collections in the past two years. Lancaster County, with Earl Rebman as Chairman, has far ex¬ ceeded its quota in every drive to date, and was the first in the county to receive recognition for its efforts in collecting scrap. The uniforms of the Drum and Bugle Corps are ’itching’ to be worn, and we are counting upon alarge supply of drill masters to be available when Victory is ours. On July 15th we placed thirty-six red roses in front of the Honor Roll in memory of Ross Benner who gave his life ayear ago in order that we might enjoy the peace and freedom of home-tovms like Christiana, The Carnival season is on...and what asuccessl O u r r e c e i p t s for the first four nights total $4900 and if the vraathcr favors us on the nights of July 21 and 22, will pay off the #3200 note at the, bank, which represents the final payment on the Autocori Engine, VJho is doing the work at the stands?.
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