N COU COUNTY A N THIS BALLOT CANNOT BE VOTED. IT IS A SAMPLE COPY Of THE OffICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT USED ON ELECTION DAY. E T C Y Of O N E Y E OCEAN W S SCOTT M. COLABELLA, County Clerk J E R OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION COUNTY OF OCEAN NOVEMBER 6, 2012 NOMINATION NOMINATION NOMINATION NOMINATION NOMINATION NOMINATION Beverly M. Carle, Municipal Clerk OFFICE REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC BY PETITION BY PETITION BY PETITION BY PETITION BY PETITION BY PETITION PERSONAL Township of Berkeley TITLE COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C COLUMN D COLUMN E COLUMN F COLUMN G COLUMN H CHOICE Kevin O’Shea MITT ROMNEY BARACK OBAMA JEFF BOSS GARY JOHNSON JILL STEIN PETA LINDSAY MERLIN MILLER ROSS C. (ROCKY) ANDERSON U S E KEYBOARD Business Administrator/Board Secretary 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N PRESIDENTIAL PAUL RYAN JOE BIDEN BOB PASTERNAK JAMES P. GRAY CHERI HONKALA YARI OSORIO HARRY BERTRAM LUIS J. RODRIGUEZ Central Regional School District ELECTORS FOR rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC NSA D ID 911 LIBerTArIAN PArTy GreeN PArTy SOCIALISM AND LIBerATION AMerICAN ThIrD POSITION NJ J uSTICe PArTy (V OTE fOR ONE SLATE ) VIRGIL GOODE 2C JAMES HARRIS 2F JIM CLYMER MAURA DeLUCA Laura Venter CONSTITuTION PArTy SOCIALIST WOrkerS PArTy Business Administrator/Board Secretary JOE ROBERT EUGENE MARTIN KENNETH R. KEN GREGORY GWEN DARYL MIKELL 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H U S E KEYBOARD MEMBER OF THE KYRILLOS MENENDEZ LAVERGNE KAPLAN WOLSKI PASON DIAKOS BROOKS ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N Township of Berkeley School District UNITED STATES SENATE rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC LIBerTArIAN PArTy GreeN PArTy SOCIALIST PArTy uSA JerSey STrONG INDePeNDeNTS reFOrM NATION SIx Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) ROBERT “TURK” INDER “ANDY” J. DAVID TURKAVAGE 4F SONI 4G DRANIKOFF 4H reSPONSIBILITy FAIrNeSS INTeGrITy AMerICA FIrST TOTALLy INDePeNDeNT CANDIDATe MEMBER OF THE JON SHELLEY FREDERICK JOHN ROBERT ROBERT CHRISTOPHER G. ROBERT EDWARD 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G U S E KEYBOARD HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RUNYAN ADLER LAVERGNE SHAPIRO WITTERSCHEIN DENNICK, JR. FORCHION WRITE-IN (3 RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ) ( BELOW ) rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC BOB ’S FOr JOBS NONe OF TheM LeGALIze MArIJuANA PArTy TWO Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) WILLIAM L. GEORGE “BOB” JOHN SHERIFF 6A 6B 6C U S E KEYBOARD POLHEMUS ARMSTRONG McMENAMIN ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N THREE YEAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC CALL OF DuTy JOHN C. JOSEPH D. SCOTT 7A 7B 7C U S E KEYBOARD MEMBER OF THE BARTLETT, JR. GRISANTI NEUMAN ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N ePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC BOARD OF r POLLS OPEN GERRY P. PAT CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS TRACY M. THREE Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR TWO ) 8A 8B 8C USE KEYBOARD LITTLE BARNDT CAPRIONI ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC BETWEEN MEMBER OF JAMES J. LYNN A. 9A 9B U S E KEYBOARD COUNCIL - WARD 1 BYRNES HANSEN ( BELOW )W R I T E - I N 6:00 A.M. AND 8:00 P.M. UNExPIRED ONE YEAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) rePuBLICAN DeMOCrATIC REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTING PUBLIC QUESTIONS TO BE VOTED UPON OFFICE PERSONAL 1Press the button to the right of the candidate of your choice; a green “x” will appear next to STATE QUESTION NO. 1 STATE QUESTION NO. 2 TITLE COLUMN I CHOICE your selection. BUILDING OUR fUTURE BOND ACT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ALLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS Do you approve the “Building Our Future Bond Act”? This bond TO BE TAKEN fROM JUSTICES’ AND JUDGES’ SALARIES CENTRAL REGIONAL ROBERT J. USE KEYBOARD act authorizes the State to issue bonds in the aggregate principal 1I ( )WRITE-IN To change a selection, press the button again. The green “x” will disappear and you may fOR THEIR EMPLOYEE BENEfITS SCHOOL DISTRICT EVERETT, JR. BELOW 2 amount of $750 million to provide matching grants to New Jersey’s (TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY) make a new selection. Do you approve an amendment to the New Jersey Constitution, colleges and universities. Money from the grants will be used to as agreed to by the Legislature, to allow contributions set by law to MEMBER OF THE KEITH A. USE KEYBOARD build, equip and expand higher education facilities for the purpose 2I ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N If you wish to cast a WRITE-IN vote, go to the PERSONAL CHOICE column and press the button be taken from the salaries of Supreme Court Justices and Superior BOARD OF EDUCATION BUSCIO 3 of increasing academic capacity. THREE Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR TWO ) next to WRITE-IN across from the office you wish to write-in. A blinking green “x” will appear. Using Court Judges for their employee benefits? INTERPRETIVE STATEMENT CENTRAL REGIONAL NICK the alphabetical keyboard below, enter the name of the person of your choice, one letter at a time. To Approval of this act will allow the State to issue bonds in the total principal amount INTERPRETIVE STATEMENT USE KEYBOARD This amendment clarifies the Legislature’s authority to pass laws requiring con - 3I ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N of $750 million. Proceeds from the bonds will be used to provide grants to New SCHOOL DISTRICT MACKRES make a space between first and middle name or initial and last name use the arrow pointing to the right tributions be taken from the salaries of Supreme Court Justices and Superior Court (TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY) on the keyboard. To make a correction, use the arrow pointing to the left. The name you enter will appear Jersey’s public and private colleges and universities to construct and equip higher education buildings to increase academic capacity. Judges for their employee benefits. These benefits include their pension and health MEMBER OF THE in the display to the left of the keyboard. When you have entered the whole name, proof it, then press Bond proceeds will be allocated as follows: care coverage. BOARD OF EDUCATION the ENTER button on the keyboard. Your choice is recorded and removed from the display. Do not press • $300 million for public research universities; The amendment responds to a question raised in a 2011 lawsuit filed by a judge UNExPIRED ONE Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) after the Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law P.L.2011, c.78. That the Cast Vote Button until all other choices are complete. (Each write-in is a separate entry.) • $247.5 million for State colleges and other State universities; • $150 million for county colleges; and law increased the contributions taken from current and future justices’ and judges’ LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT • $52.5 million for private institutions with an endowment of $1 billion salaries for their benefits, starting in October 2011. The lawsuit, which was ap - WARNING! An improperly cast write-in vote will be deemed void. Be sure that your write-in pealed to the New Jersey Supreme Court, argued against taking the higher con - vote is cast in the PERSONAL CHOICE column on the same line as the office for which you are or less. OFFICE PERSONAL Public and private colleges and universities which receive grants will be required tributions from currently appointed justices and judges, citing language in the casting the write-in vote . to provide funds to support 25% of a project. Constitution that their salaries cannot be reduced during their appointed terms. TITLE COLUMN J CHOICE The amendment clarifies that such contributions, set by law, may be taken from justices’ and judges’ salaries during their terms. It would also allow for the higher To vote on the PUBLIC QUESTIONS press the button to the right of the word “YES” or “NO”; contributions set by P.L.2011, c.78 to be deducted from current and future justices’ PATRICK 1J USE KEYBOARD 4 MOONEY ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N a green “x” will appear next to your selection. and judges’ salaries. YES YES LOUIS J. USE KEYBOARD 2J ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N After ALL selections have been made, press the RED CAST VOTE BUTTON located in the lower TUMINARO 5 NO right corner. This electronically records all of your votes. NO TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY KEITH 3J USE KEYBOARD Part the curtains and exit the voting booth. ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N FISHER 6 SCHOOL DISTRICT SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE JOHN 4J ASK THE DISTRICT BOARD WORKER BEfORE ENTERING THE VOTING BOOTH. Mac MOYLE MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION THREE Y EAR TERM (V OTE fOR THREE ) GEORGE A. KAMINSKI, JR. 6J DONNIE CLYBURN 7J WARNING DO NOT PRESS THE ‘CAST VOTE’ BUTTON DAVID M. 8J UNTIL YOU HAVE YTREBOE MADE ALL DESIRED SELECTIONS. TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY LAUREN 9J USE KEYBOARD CAST VOTE SCHOOL DISTRICT CICCONE-ZAWADA ( BELOW ) W R I T E - I N BUTTON MEMBER OF THE GERARD C. BOARD OF EDUCATION REUTER 10J UNExPIRED ONE YEAR TERM (V OTE fOR ONE ) IMPORTANT STUDY AND REVIEW YOUR SAMPLE BALLOT BEfORE YOU GO TO VOTE AT THE POLLS OFFICIAL Dear Voter: Earlier this year the Governor signed into law legislation that provided school districts, municipal governing bodies or voters the option to move school board elections from April to November. Your School District opted to move the school board election to November and you will find offices GENERAL ELECTION and candidates for school board on your November 6th Ballot. Please review a reduced image of your ballot below along with a checklist of the offices and questions that will appear on the voting machine in your polling place.
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