(BUSSLINE is the term for the complex multi- functional circuitry on a computer mother- Your technology helper for over 30 years. board, a PC’s heart.) Vol. 110 No. 7 Newsletter of the Central Florida Computer Society, Inc. [Non-Profit, 501(c)3] August, 2010 At- August 15 Meeting Topic: How to Use Sandboxes Want to be able to surf the Internet with ex- Computer Conference at traordinary safety and increased privacy? Want to try out lots of different shareware but afraid of all the Sea in 2011 gunk it'll leave on your PC? A sandbox is the answer -- a place where whatever you do can be completely Join us on next year's Florida Association of undone. This presentation looks at a piece of share- Computer User Groups (FACUG) Technical Confer- ware called SandboxIE that enables you to create ence @ Sea. For more information see FACUG.org sandboxes. Sandboxing is great if you like to try lots of similar shareware before picking the one you want 2011 FACUG Technology Conference Mex- to keep, or if you're thinking about trying software ico Cruise January 27th through January 31st - that might contain spyware or other nasties. It can 2011 also ensure that any malicious website you visit can't do any permanent damage. Our speaker, Mark Schul- There is no better bargain vacation than a cruise, man, is an experienced Sandbox user and all around add to it a fully fledged Computer and Technology computer guru, who has presented to us before with Conference and it becomes an outstanding event. Be outstanding topics. If you want to learn everything part of the FACUG's second Conference@Sea. Be important about a topic that every computer user with us for this will be another outstanding Sail - should know, don’t miss this free and exciting event! Abration . Check out this link: http://www.sandboxie.com/ Aug 15, 2010; 2:00-3:30pm At Jackson Hewitt Office 2221 Lee Rd. Winter Park, FL 32789 (See directions on page 24.) Inside this issue: Also, earlier on the same day, the Windows Page SIG* meeting (*Special Interest Group) The Win 3 ………………….Hewie’s Views & Reviews SIG always meets at 12:30pm, just before the CFCS 11 ……………………………....The Deals Guy General Meeting. If you use or plan to use Windows, 8 ……….…………….Special Interest Groups these discussions, demonstrations, and Q&A sessions 13 ......………….….……. ……...Space Corner will be of immense value to you. Geared to intermedi- 9 ……….………...…………..Musings by Stan ate level Windows users. Tips, tricks, and information 21 …………………….……………....Helpline on all versions of Windows are discussed. An e- 23 ……………...…………..Calendar of Events newsletter is sent periodically with meeting informa- 24 ……...…. Map to General Monthly Meeting tion. and links discussed at the meeting. You need not attend both meetings, but many members do. Non Unless otherwise noted, all article continuations are to members always welcome. the page immediately following where you are reading. PAGE 2 CFCS BUSSLINE NEWSLETTER August, 2010 such as new products and technologies, hardware, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) software, web-related, etc. Bring in articles from The iSIG meets every third Monday at 7:00 magazines, newsletters, unusual problems/situations pm at Denny's on Lee Rd & I-4. The iSIG meetings that have arisen, questions, etc. Also, new or ailing cover the products that use the iPhoneOS, which devices or notebook pc's are welcome, either for includes the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. This is a com- "show and tell" or discussion or demo of situations. bined effort of the Central Florida Computer Soci- E-mail: [email protected] ety http://www.cfcs.org and the Florida Macin- The iSIG meets on the third Monday of each tosh Users Group http://www.flmug.com . Other month at 7:00 PM at Denny's on Lee Rd & I-4. The groups are invited to participate. Attendees are iSIG meetings cover the products that use the iPho- consumers, developers, consultants, and publish neOS, which includes the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. ers. The SIG leader is Sean Kane, Certified Apple This is a combined effort of the Central Florida Com- Technical Coordinator, longtime Mac and iPhone puter Society http://www.cfcs.org and user, and a technologist and consultant to Walt the Florida Macintosh Users Group http:// Disney Feature Animation Florida. www.flmug.com . Other groups are invited to partici- Please note that the iSIG meets at the pate. Attendees are consumers, developers, consult- Denny's on Lee Rd. The Tech-SIG and the Board ants, and publishers, who find common interests and of Directors meetings continue to meet at discuss how to handle topics from both the consumer Denny's on 436 & Oxford Rd in Casselberry. & the developer perspectives. The SIG leader is Sean The ACCESS, MS OFFICE, and SECU- Kane, Certified Apple Technical Coordinator, long RITY SIGs meet conjointly on the second time Mac and iPhone user, and a technologist and Wednesday of each month from 7 to 9 pm at the consultant to Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida. New Horizons Learning Center at 1221 Lee Rd. Please note that the iSIG meets at the Denny's Arvin Meyer, a Microsoft MVP, (and current on Lee Rd. The Tech-SIG and the Board of Direc- CFCS president), leads the SIG. http:// tors meetings continue to meet at Denny's on 436 & groups.yahoo.com/group/cfcs-access This is a Oxford Rd in Casselberry. combination of three separate SIGs which now meet alternately for the duration of Arvin’s presi- dency. They will resume separate meetings when Photosynth Followup: he leaves office and/or publishes his upcoming You missed an exciting presentation last month. book. For a recap, watch the slide show at: The GRAPHICS/PHOTO SIG meets on the http://www.slideshare.net/hewie/ photosynth-a-3d third Wednesday of each month from 7 to 9pm at photo-experience-4830549. the New Horizons Learning Center at 1221 Lee Rd. Robert Black, CFCS newsletter editor, is a for- mer archaeological photographer and teacher. E- mail: [email protected] Interested in making a difference? This SIG concentrates on digital photogra- Then volunteer with CFCS! The programs and phy and any software or peripherals related to it. benefits that members receive would not exist Whether you are a beginner or a pro, bring your without members also volunteering. There are va- stuff (gear & photos) to show off or ask questions cancies for a Program Chair/Coordinator, Educa- so we can learn from each other! tion Chair and Advertising Chair. Please contact Stan Wallner, if you have any questions, com- The TECH DISCUSSION SIG meets on the ments, or suggestions. [email protected] fourth Tuesday of each month from 7 to 9 pm at the Casselberry Denny’s at 436 and Oxford Rd. This SIG is a non-structured, open conversa- tional group for CFCS members, that has no spe- Be a smart guy. You could pay your yearly cific topic or speaker, but is simply a round table dues to CFCS simply by making computer discussion. It is not an advanced group, but a place related purchases at Smart Guys Computers. for people to come and discuss various subjects, Buy a laptop, get free d ues! August, 2010 CFCS BUSSLINE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Malware can also automatically execute on many Hewie’s Views systems when a USB drive is plugged into the PC. and Reviews By Hewie Poplock, This vulnerability is due to the failure of Microsoft Windows to properly obtain icons for .LNK files. CFCS, FACUG Microsoft uses .LNK files, commonly referred to as http://www.hewie.net "shortcuts," as references to files or applications. U.S. Cert-gov says "By convincing a user to display a specially crafted .LNK file, an attacker may be able ++++ LNK zero day vulnerability to execute arbitrary code that would give the attacker the privileges of the user. Viewing the location of Within the last few days there has come to an .LNK file with Windows Explorer is sufficient to light a new zero-day attack vector in all modern ver- trigger the vulnerability. By default, Microsoft Win sions of Windows. You may know it as the "LNK dows has AutoRun/AutoPlay features enabled. These zero day" or the "USB zero day." Microsoft's Secu features can cause Windows to automatically open rity Bulletin 2286198 http://www.microsoft.com/ Windows Explorer when a removable drive is con- technet/security/advisory/2286198.mspx advises nected, thus opening the location of the .LNK and that the "Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Al- triggering the vulnerability. Other applications that low Remote Code Execution." display file icons can be used as an attack vector for Apparently none of the anti-virus programs or this vulnerability as well. Depending on the operat- anti-malware programs are able to catch or control ing system and AutoRun/AutoPlay configuration, the vulnerability. Your system can get infected by exploitation can occur without any interaction from simply opening the folder that contains the infected the user. This vulnerability can also be exploited re- files. It affects the LNK and PIF file on your com- motely through a malicious website, or through a puter. Microsoft's bulletin shows that it affects every malicious file or WebDAV share." version of Windows since XP SP3, but that is only because they no longer support earlier files. PIF files What can you do? Microsoft suggests *disabling the go back to DOS days. I suspect earlier versions of display of icons for shortcuts, *disabling the Web- Windows that are no longer supported may not ever Client service, *blocking the download of .LNK get fixes.
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