THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1991 PAGE 10/30/91 COMMITTEE INDEX FOR GCC DESCRIPTION REY # 105 -91GNa Authorized Meetings 1991 91-0000123 105 -91GNb Authorized Meetings 1992 91-0000127 117-91G Historic Stand for Temperance Principles - -Statement 91-0000106 140-91G Invitation to Overseas Div Presidents - -Sp Meeting & Premeetings 91-0000105 141-91G Employee Remuneration and Allowance Review Com - -1991 Sp Meeting 91-0000105 143-91G Annual Global Baptism Day 91-0000130 144 -91GN Authorized Meetings - -Locations 91-0000131 145 -91GN Use of Economy Hotels and Motels 91-0000131 149-91G Funding for Graduate Educ at GC Insts in NAD - Task Force Appt 91-0000131 149-91G Graduate Programs at GC Educational Institutions - -Task Force Appt 91-0000131 150-91G World Children's Ministries Advisory/Convention 91-0000109 151-91G International Year of the Family 1994 91-0000109 154-91G Availability of Sabbath School Quarterlies 91-0000112 155-91G Stewardship Reaffirmation Statement 91-0000112 156-91G Financial Report to Church Membership 91-0000113 157-91G Certification of Stewardship Ministry Directors 91-0000114 158-91G International Workshop on Youth Evangelism 1992 91-0000111 159-91G Year of Youth Evangelism 1993 91-0000109 161-91G Interdivision Youth Congresses 91-0000141 161-91G World Youth Congresses 91-0000141 163-91G World Commission on Youth - Appointment 91-0000116 166-91G Board of Regents Appointments 91-0000107 169 -91GN ASI Status 91-0000107 171-91G Annual Council 1991 - -Division Reports 91-0000108 174 -91GN NAD Tithe Percentages Adjustment - -Operating Cap - GC 91-0000140 176-91G Budget Projections Summary 1992 - Report 91-0000132 182-91G Proposed Meetings - -Cost Factor 91-0000119 183-91G Commission on the Church in South Africa - Preliminary Report 91-0000120 184 -91GN Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries 91-0000141 185 -91GN Publishing Program in NAD - -Authorization to Appoint a Task Force 91-0000142 AIDS Com (GCC -S) - -Member Adjust 91-0000032 AIDS Com (GCC -S) - -Member Adjust 91-0000292 ASI Status, 169 -91GN 91-0000107 Acnuta, German David - -Perm Ret from Mozambique, EUD to SAD 91-0000149 Adams, Marion Earl - -Appreciation 91-0000035 Adams, Marion Earl--Retirement, Effective January 1, 1991 91-0000035 Addai, J A - -District Pastor, C Ghana Conf, Natl Ret, AID 91-0000339 Adderton, George William - -Eat Serv, Maint Superv, Scheer Mem Hosp, SUD 91-0000340 Adderton, Iris - -Ext Serv, Teacher, Scheer Mem Hosp, Nepal, AVS, SUD 91-0000340 Additional Personnel to Standing Committees - 1991 AC 91-0000317 Administrative Com, Interim--Appointment 91-0000312 Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, 184 -91GN 91-0000141 Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries - -Credentials and Licenses 91-0000341 Adventist Development and Relief Agency International Credentials and Licenses 91-0000080 Credentials and Licenses 91-0000341 Di Pinto, Maitland A- -Dir of Community Development, Silver Spring, MD 91-0000158 Adventist Media Center Credentials and Licenses 91-0000080 Credentials and Licenses 91-0000341 Finley, Mark--Associate Speaker, It Is Written 91-0000255 Lindsey, Ronald A--Vice President for Finance 91-0000255 Melashenko, E Lonnie - -Associate Speaker, Voice of Prophecy 91-0000255 Adventist Review Survey 91-0000302 PAGE 2 10/30/91 COMMITTEE INDEX FOR GCC DESCRIPTION REF Adventist World Purchasing and Services Restructuring sl-D000329 • AdeentistWorldRadio Board, (GCCL131--Member Adjust 91-0000158 Credentiele, and Licenses 91-00003,41 Twentieth AnniversaryCelebratiOne 91-0000226 Affolter, Bryan Todd--Perm Ret from Singapore, Far Eastern Div 91-0000200 Africa-Indian Ocean Division Addai„ J A--District Pastor,C Ghana dent,' Natl Returning 91-0000339 'Agriculture-Adult Ethic Instructor--The Gambia, W African tin Miss,'AUS 91-0000184 Appropriation for Ghana liangelistie Series 91-0000145 Adoniii, Moses--Released, Phylician/Obitetrician4, Ile Ife Heap, Nigeria 91-0000163 Baiden, S K--District Pastor, C Ghana:Conf, National! Returning 91-0000340 C1Ork,, Randal Ellis--Publishing Director, Rwaida Deign Miseion 91-0000340 Clemonds Leonard George—Vice Pres' for Fie Affrs, Adv Sem of W Africa 91-0000086 Cooper, VictoiL-Assist.eith Mission Activities,' Seychelles Miss, AVS 91-0006259 Coseedai,' Aime--Ext ,Serv, Bible Teacher, Nanga-Eboko 96m4 Cameroon, AVS 91-0000266 Costa e Silva, Jose Francesco--Released, Theol Tchr,'Colee&daidw U 91L0000228 'Costa e.SlIvai, Jose iranciscoL-Theology Tchr, Colombia Adv' U4, doleMbia 91-0000086 Cudjce,'Dan,--District Paster, So Ghana Conf,;Netional Returning 91-000.0340 DePeiva, flamer Sabino-Reassige as' Prelideet4 LiberiaMission' 91-0000259' Eisele, Edwin--Director, Church Min-Trust Seriicee, Sahel An Miss, Togo 91-0000184 Exchange Rate AdjuStmsnt._ 91-0000066 Exchange'Rete Adjustment 91-0000087 Exchange Rate Adjustment 91-0000163 Exchange Rate Adjustment 91-0000209 ilichangeltate Adjukrtment 9140060238 Exchange 'Rate 'Adjust-meet 91-0000267 ',Richter-tiara Adjustment 91-0006307 Francis, Danforth--Church Ministries Director; Indian Ocean tin Miss 91-0000252 Friis, Arnet-Project'onetruction Supervisor, ADRABurundi, AVS/AAV, AID 91-0000282 Gated, Jeffrey Halph-flPublic Health Teacher, Adv u of Cifrica4 Reanda, 91-0000175 Gates, Jeffrey Ra1phLLReleaied,, Public Health Teacher, Adv 7. of C Africa 91-0000252 Gen Maint StiperVisor-Adult Ethic iestr-L.The Gambia, M'Afr Uft. Nis*, AVS 4170000184 George, Senny7-Dental Lan Ate, Yaounde Deetal Clinic, Camerourt,'AVS 91-0000259 Gibbons, Sydney- Cheiterfieldr—Dir, Church Min Dept, C African-0n Miss 91-0000328 sonmann, Per Kenneth--Released, Dentist, Xigeli,, Dental Rwandi 91-0006278 Howard, Mark Donglas-Released, Bus Teacher,TAdv'U of C Africa, Rwanda 91-0000018 UtIggine, George Edward-Ministeriai, Secretaiy, WAfrican Onion. Miss 91-00002es Joachim, R t—Eieetedteid secretary 931/4)000076- Lameur„ Jonas--Released, President, Gabon Mission .93:70900053,, Nawutor,, SamUelL-District Pastor, So shana.Ceni,'' Nat" Returning „91-0000340, Nimley, Aiunta--Internatl'Auditer, ADAA,shana,,Eatl Eat 9170620237 Norman, DruCeHEiciaard-Eeleased,' OlOgiThe Prof, Adv Sem of W Africa 91-6000066.; ihilipsen4 Philip--Business *eicher,Adris of Africa, Rwanda 91-6000086 Ofillipsen„ Philip Released, Dasiness Adv,U' of C Africa, 'Rwanda 91-0000185 FiCildst; 'Paul- -Released, DireCtor, SiVona.Secondery School, Burundi, 9170000259 Pierre,, EaS I,JoseHDresident,' Gabon ,c.A*rican ca,Eiasion 91=0000184! 'Project construction Supervisor--ADRALBurundi, AVS. 91-0000185e OearCoO,H C T=-Treasurer, ADEA,shana, Ne4iApturning' 91-000022S' ESidatEhySicianisee 9reCtide-Bere chad,Hoep, Chad, Avs 91-0009329 Relief-Sargeonasangai Hoep, Sierra, Leone, AVS';' 91-0000340 Roetin; RUhen Alcides Rhiner-4hy/Serg, Naaanga, Leprosy Hosp,, S, Leone 91-0000071 • Rostan, Ruben AlCides Rhiner—Releised, Phy/Serg, M4singalosp, S Leone 91-0000004 Spirit of pronhepy Book Subeidy 91-0000077' PAGE 3 10/30/91 COMMITTEE- INDEX FOR GCC DESCRIPTION REF i Taverny, Rose Aimee - -Teacher, Mugonero School of Nursing, Rwanda 91-0000329 Thomsen, Kirsten - -Released, Relief Dentist, Kigali Dental Cl, Rwanda 91-0000149 .Van Rhenen, Willem--Physician/Gen Practice, Masanga Hosp, Sierra Leone 91-0000237 Van Rhenen, Willem - -Released, Phy/Gen Pract, Masanga Hosp, Sierra Leone 91-0000307 Agastin, Franck--Perm Ret from Tahiti, South Pacific Div to EUD 91-0000214 Agriculture-Adult Educ Instructor - -The Gambia, W Afr Un Miss, AVS, AID 91-0000184 Airport Transportation Option - Report 91-0000017 Albuquerque, Orlando Manuel--Dist Pastor, Portuguese Un, Natl Ret, EUD 91-0000035 Alexander, St Clair - -Pastor -Evangelist, E Caribbean Conf, Natl Ret, IAD 91-0000064 All-Africa Religious Liberty Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, Appropriation for 91-0000145 Allen -Mersh, Barnabas J W - -Perm Ret from Zimbabwe, EAD to TED 91-0000071 Allowances and Adjust (GCC -S) - -Chairman Pro Tem - Appt, W Dean Rogers 91-0000313 Almonte, Aldine C - -Physician/Gen Practice, Mwami Adv Hosp, Zambia, EAD 91-0000199 Almonte, Aldine C - -Released, Phy/Gen Practice, Mwami Adv Hosp, Zambia, EAD 91-0000238 Anderson, Carl W--Dir of Recruitment and Development, Ga -Cumberland Acad 91-0000091 Andress, William Cadwalader - -Released, Pub Hlth Tchr, AIIAS; Assoc Dir H&T 91-0000027 Andrews University Appropriation 91-0000147 Bruinsma, Reinder - -Associate Professor of Mission 91-0000148 Burgher, Mima- -Associate Professor of Nursing 91-0000211 Choi, P Richard - -Assistant Professor of New Testament 91-0000083 Ford, James B - -Curator of Adventist Heritage Center 91-0000158 Greene, Glenda -Mae --Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs 91-0000083 McKenzie, L Roosevelt--Principal, Andrews Academy 91-0000222 Netteburg, Kermit L - -Professor of ‘journalism 91-0000255 Okuno, Roger W - -Warehouse Supervisor of Bookstore 91-0000211 Ruskjer, Ronald E - -Associate Professor of Management and Marketing 91-0000222 Santos, David - -Director of Public Relations 91-0000211 Wisbey, Randal R--Assistant Professor of Youth Ministry 91-0000083 Zork, Stephen P - -Assistant Professor of Music 91-0000181 Announcements and Scheduling of Meetings Committee - 1991 AC 91-0000322 Annual Council - 1991 Attendance - J David Newman and Walter Scragg 91-0000017 Division Reports, 171-910 91-0000108 General Conference Staff Attendees at Perth Australia 91-0000166 Invitations - -Ellen Bresee and Robert W Nixon 91-0000098 Invitations - -Eugene Hsu and Richard Liu 91-0000251 Invitations - -Mario H Ochoa, R I Gainer, Raymond D Tetz 91-0000070 Invitations - -Secretaries and Treasurers of SAUC & SUM and W Duncan Eva 91-0000174 Invitations - -Steele, Allen
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