TWO DOLLARS per Tear. Greeds Without Virtue Are Paltering Vanities.** ONE DOLLAR for Six Month*. VOLUME 4. CINCINNATI, SATUBDAY, JANUARY 26, 1889. NUMBER 82. [BnUnd il the Po«t-OJflc', Cincinnati, Ohio, as be better for Spiritualism, as it removes the cry for blood. No wonder humanity The Horn of Life. Second-Olaaa Nattvr.l So with man; ail changes were tending Tlte Spirit Telegraph. the danger of the error into which re it tick; no wonder you cry out this it not ever onward and upward. MV A L I C E S . D B M s e r . , To the Editor of The Belter Way. ligions ancient and modern have fallen of 1 saw a ship from yonder port, jutliee! When you eliminate this blood Death had been declared by the average Knowing that your readers will be in THE BETTER WAY. deifying their original promulgator, or thirstiness from your laws and religion, Sail oat apon the restless sen, doctor and by theologians to be exceeding The sen played Rally with the winds, terested in the progress of the spiritual some one who instituted a reform in the then, and not till then, will you realise a B WII P BVBKT liT U U A T . ly painful; they had declared as with one U|* birds Imprisoned Jaet set free, movement on the Pacific Coast, I tako methods and philosophy of the various re grander conception of life, and attain to voice that the soul of man suffered at And then my heart this question naked. rum wat pu blish ing oo, propneton pleasure in forwarding to you an account ligions. a higher unfoldment. death; but it was false. There was in re In anguished voice and tilled with pain; aim « m pmt i aw *, cm m K, a. of what has been accomplished here dur We must realise the fact that these peo The ship that has Jaet gone oat to eon, To find out justice, then, you should be ality no more pain at death to the man or WlU’t over come, ohfcome again? ing the past week. M. O. Yoon Aits, President. ple are but men and women, and not gods L S. McCracken, Treasurer. come students in the realms of nature and woman passing through that change, than But time passed on, n storm arose Hearing that Dr. D. J. Stansbury, the with supernal powers. We do not re Far oat upon the ocean wide, C. C. S towuu Secretary. delve deep into the mysteries of old mother therfc was to the tree growing day by day; celebrated medium for independent slate joice at their misfortune as men and earth, and find there the answer to your than there was to man himself in his The ship, proud ship, was swallowed op. By the wild and dark and restless tide. writing and occult telegraphy, would visit J anuary 26,1889 women, but at their fall from the po CINCINNATI question in the eternal and immutable laws growth from infancy to maturity of old I watched a soul from Heaven's bright gets our city, a number of prominent Spiritual- sition of gods we most heartily re of nature. age. 00 oat Into the restless sen, sts gathered at the wharf Sunday after BoalnMi Lotion should bo addressed 10 C. joice. Here is the great fact. The Its sails as pare as the drifted enow, C. 9T0VRLL, Secretary Toe Way Publishing Justice then is to become a student of Tiie time was coming when men would noon on the arrival of the “Queen of the Com pony, Cincinnati, Ohio. All other letters tendency of the mattes is towards the grander truths of life;* to broaden your recognize this fact, and would bring them Its pilots, fairy like end free. and 00m m an tea t Iona in oat bo addressed My heart asked then la anxious fear. Pacific," from San Francisco, and accom Editor of Tbs Berra Wat. All private the defication of the leaders of great j love; deepen your mercy; lift your asp’.ra- selves in to such harmonious conditions in In a voloe so low, and fall of woo. panied the Doctor and Mr*. Stansbury to letters should invariably be marked "Perl sonal" on the envelope. reforms or the promulgation of their tions higher and higher to a better unfold- theii relationship to the world of sub The ship Jaet now gone out to sea, their headquarters at the New Morria special theories. There is no progression ment of your spiritual nature, thus em- stance and spirit that there would he no 1 wonder where It now wlU go? House, where a reception was tendered SUBSCRIPTION PRICE - - TWO DOLLARS in this. But now we place them where bracing the truths of nature, and her disease; no death from disease; that there For It may sink beneath the wave per Tear, strictly In advance, fbo Dollar» Of that great sea of life so cold. the distinguished medium. Dr. and Mrs. and a BolJ to any Foreign Cbnnuy In the they belong. The Swedenborgians would workings and judgments as your teacher would only be that birth, that change And It may never come again costal Union. In the United States Thb Stansbury are on a missionary tour to Bwrrmm Way will be sent Six jfanUu for be progressing to-day had they not made to broaden you and to unfold you on every from the old to the new; from the mater To those bright lovely gates of gol l. convert the world to Spiritualism. They One Dollar. of Swedenborg and infallible authority and hand. ial to the spiritual that is miscalled death, O, when may It return? I asked are accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. H. declared he gave all the truth and that BENEDICTION. but is only the birth of the soul in a broad Again with bowed and lowering head. ADVERTISEMENTS And then my heart this answer gave, Mozart, lately returned from Europe. there was no more at the same spring from I Oh, may we all become more spiritual er, deeper and higher plane of existence. W henever the sea gives up Its dead. Mrs. May Mozart is an inspirational Will bo Inserted at Fifteen Cenit per line, ized; more loving and kind, and realize Nonpareil, tor first Insertion, and Zen Clmta whence he drew his inspiration. They There was no disease; what we call dis orator, and one of our finest trance medi per « m thereafter. Special contracts for long that around us are divine laws of spirit blindly accepted his words as law and gos Specially Reported for The Better W ay. time advertisements. and of truth. Amen. ease was the rebellion of nature against ums. F o jr public meetings have been Publication Offloe, 222 West Pearl Street, pel; and hence they do not and cannot Cincinnati. Ohio. the perversion of her laws. There could Douglas Hall Lecture. held during the week at Crane's Hall, and progress. The same is true of the Unita DEATH be no sympathy between him and those In spite of the gloomy and chilly weather a wonderful revival of interest in Spiritual rians with Parker and Channing; the Was the subject for the evening lecture, however, who cried: There is no sick the hour of opening the services saw ism has resulted. Mrs. Mozart has given Universalists with Murray and Ballou; THE ROSTRUM. j The speaker said: It is somewhat singu- ness; there is no matter; all is spirit; all is goodly number of people of intelligent us profound and logical discourses on the and the same has been true of the Spiritu Ur that the forces that are the most com God. For on every hand were the proofs and refinement assemblad at Douglas Hall philosophy of spiritual science, while Dr. ms and Answers. alists as regards the Fox girls and Andrew mon are the least understood. There is a of the existence of matter; of the existence corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. These Stansbury has publicly demonstrated his. Extracts From the Answers to Questions Jackson Davis. lectures are growing in interest and are Through the Medlnmship of Mr. George tendency on the part of many to regard of disease. marvelous mediumthip by independent H. Brooks, at Memorial Hall, Cincinnati, I know that in your own midsts you The change called death was absolutely proving a benefit to the cause. The con slate writing and with the .occult tele S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 2 0 ,J8S9, fo r th e C o n g re everything as their religious views have gation of the Soolety of (Julon Spiritualists have been passing through experiences in colored their ideas beforehand. Their painless. The spirit felt no pain when it gregation are especially fortunate in the graph has demonstrated, beyond all^cavil^ M|S.' IX VOCATION. which you have found mediums not true ronoapticsoof- a.dA u -auiw »/.i.vgo ' -fjfnfeachedt; that st&ga where the material musie. Hi M 'JtlR tl is \h e‘Organist; the truth of spffiiTttfirn. Tn'is Wonderful Ttnfiar gllM.'1 TCTWTagam l“say’”altnougn are dwarfed, and that which is in reality body was too cramped for its existence, and the selections played by her are ren telegraph gives from twenty to one hun within thy embrace, we would come t >| it may sound harsh, I am glad of it, for it and the seeming agonies were but the dered in a tasteful and pleasing manner.
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