•• 'l.. .., ' ";'.1 • VOLUME 3S September '17, In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks 2001. efforts were made last Tuesday to unite and find strength for those affected by ISSUE "1028 the shock at UM-St. Louis.. • See page 3 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ST. LOUIS nited We Stan Sept. 11,2001, willforever live in our hearts as a day of tragedy. On that storied day, the shores of the con­ tinental United States of' America were forever scarred by a devious act ofterrorism. The lives ofcit­ The flirtatious affair between hip-hop and horns has never been this spicy. That's izens and residents throughout the nation were because few artists have thrown themselves at the feet of brass. permanently changed. The following is a .. See page 6 summary ofthese events and how they have affected our .. lives . Secretary of State Colin Powell hinted at a pos­ sible connection between bin Laden Gas scare sends and the s e people rushing attacks for the to first time fuel pumps publicly, BV NICK BoWMAN and has .... ····· ·· .. ·.. · ·· se~1'io; ·edito;·:· ·· ~ .. ······· .... · been press­ ing the gov- ernment of Local gas stations were Pakistan, one of swarmed with people trying to three nations in beat out an anticipated rise in gas the world that rec­ prices following TUesday's ter­ ognizes rorists attacks on the United Afghanistan's States. Taliban rulers, for Widespread panic that the cooperation. General Arab nations would sanction oil Pervez Musharraf, the was the basis of rumors that military ruler of Pakistan, gasoline prices would skyrocket said, "I wish to assure to over $5 .00/gallon. President Bush and the U.S. "People were just crazy" said BY NICK BOWMAN government of our fullest Justin Ungerer, and employee at senior' editor cooperation in the fight against QuikTrip and current UM-St. terrorism. " Louis student. 'They were acting Sept. 11, President Bush declares like the world was going to end, 2001: September 14,2001 a National Day all over a tank of gas. it was just of Prayer. At 8:50 a.m., Trade • amazing." American Airlines Center Sept. 14, 2001: Ungerer. estimates that over shakes Flight 11 a Boeing Congress authorizes President 300-400 customers came to his and. col­ 767 headed from Bush to use military force against the station,. located on the comer of lapses, Boston to Los group involved in Tuesday's attack Natural Bridge road and buckliIlg Angeles crashes into tic on the United States. In a unanimous Interstate 170. from the One World Trade flights decision by the Senate, the "Our tanks almost went empty structural damage Center, the northern­ within "Authorization for Use of 11ilitary before we received a fresh ship­ from the collision. The most of the twin the Force" was approved, which states ment of gas around 9:00 p.m." Pentagon suffers a similar fate tower. located in the United that "the President is authorized to said Ungerer. "Thing began to as the west portion collapses. financial district of States" but use all necessary and appropriate die down around then; as I was ' Twenty minutes later, One World lower Manhattan, Was with serious force against those nations, organiza­ leaving there were maybe 30 cars Trade Center, the second tallest New York. The plane, also !\ security pre­ tions, or persons he determines in the lot compared to 300 earlier building in the United States, crashes beUeved to be hijacked target. The cautions being planned, authorized, committed, or in the day." to the ground. New York Gov. by followers of Osama plane circled over . implemented, aided the terrorist attacks that QuikTrip was not the only sta­ George Pataki declares a state of bin Laden, carried 81 the White House and then including the occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, or har­ tion to receive the rush. Around emergency in New York and asks the passengers, !line flight headed for the Pentagon. The Federal Air Marshall bored sucb organizations or persons, 4;00 p.m., . Natural Bridge road president to declare New York City a attendants and two fourth plane. which was downed in Program The program, in order to prevent any future acts or between the Citgo station at federal disaster area Hours later, pilots, Ten minutes Pennsylvania, is also believed to an expansion on the Sky international terrorism against the Hanley and the Quik'lli.p was a Building 7 of theWorld Trade Center later, United Airlines have been headed for Washlllgton or Marshall program enacted in the United States by such nations, orga­ veritable parking lot as people complex collapses. Plight 17S, a Boeing possibly to Camp David. 1970s, will place U.S . Marshalls in nizations or persons." frantically honked and stomped. A fourt:h hijacked plane, United 767 headed from Conditions in New York City airports and on selected flights in full The House of Representatives The Mobil station located across Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with Boston to Los Angeles continue to detel'iOfil.te as Building 5 cooperation with the FAA, to secure passed the resolution by a vote of from the Bel-Ridge police station 45 people aboard headed from New strilces the second tower. partially collapses. Buildings within air traffic and airports within the 420-l.Bush issued an executive was also gridlocked. Jersey to San Francisco is downed in Flight 175 carried 56 several blocks sustaincd major struc­ United States. order calling into military duty Gas priced did not raise as Somerset County, Pennsylvania. passengers, seven flight tural damage from the attack on Rescue efforts continue in New 35,000 of the 1.3 million reservists, speculated. According to federal Rumors that the US Air Force shot attendants, and two Tuesday and four other buildings still York City. Rescuers ferret through as well as placing 26 U.S. airfields on law, gas prices cannot be raised the plane down are later put to rest by pilots. The New York have firefigbters worried. Thousands the rubble and chaos in lower "strip alert," putting fighter aircraft by an exorbitant amount, to be the Pentagon. President George Bush Stock Exchange, of people are missing. Over 200 fire­ Manhattan. Over 300 firefighters and on standby status. decided by the courts, without Jr. addresses the nation \vith q mes­ Merchant Exchange and fighters and 50 police officers are 60 police officers are reported miss­ Both houses of Congress also proper notification and reason. sage that vows retaliation for these financial district are evac­ thought in the rubble. Over 50,000 ing, as well as 4,763 civilians, indud­ approved a $40 billion emergency "evil" acts. More importantly, be uated. All trading is sus­ people worked in the World Trade ing the passengers aboard the two spending package in response to the Editors Note: prices actually stresses that the United States "will pended. Center, and over ~(1 , OOO worked in airplanes. bombing to be split between cleanup dropped by 2 cents from make no distinction between the ter­ At 9:38 am. American the Pentagon. Over ' 2,300 people have been and rescue costs and the funding of $l.4B/gallon to' $1.46Igallon at rorists who committed these acts and Airlines Flight 77, a NATO Secretary-General Lord Ut~ated at New York hospitals, and what looks to be an inevitable war. the QuikTrip. those who harbor them." Boeing 757 carrying 58 Robertson said, "An attack on one is over 1,000 in New Jersey. Polls by ABC NEWSfWashington passengers, four flight 190 people are repolted dead at Sept. 12, 2001: an attack on all." All 19 NATO Post find that almost 85 percent of attendants and two pilots ambassadors decided to invoke the Pentagon as rescuers there spend the population support "getting into a from Washington, D. c. to The Federal Bureau of Article 5 of the alliance charter for the day pulling bodies {Jut of the war. " . Investigation announces that all 19 Los Angeles hits the west the first time in histOI). meaning that, 'WTeckage. Military strategists begin plan­ hijackers have been identified, and side of the Pentagon,. the if necessary, the. Unitt.."CI States can Authorities suspect a connection ning a possible invasion of INDEX estimate that at least tlu-ee to six were military center of the expect military support from all with Osama bin Laden after 10 peD­ Afghanistan, where bin Laden is aboard each of the four passenger United States. Shortly after, NATO members. pIe conneCted with him were taken believed to be harbored. .~~I.I.~~.I1... ~ ~.~9. ...... ....................... ~ planes. At least two of the 19 were on into custody for the attacks. The the Federal Aviation President Bush refers to the attack Bush visit~'New York City to the FBI's numerous 'watchlists', but .f.~~~.':!r.~~....... .................... ... ........... } Admini.stration grounds all as an "act of war:' names of all 10-nine men and one boost morale among the rescuers it is unclear whether they entered the 9.P.~~!.~.~~ .. ..... .... .. ........ ........... ... ....... ~ flights nationwide, stranding woman- were on FBI "watchlists," who have become fatigued by the travelers and shutting down United States legally. Most of the Sept. 13, 2001: and all had knives and false identifi­ ~~.~.s. .......... .. .................................... ~. hijackers were of Egyptian or Saudi ongoing search. Since Tuesday, no the Postal Service. The The New York Stock Exchange cation on their person. These 10, as suivivors have been found in the rub­ Arts & Entertainment 6 descent. ,vell as over 40 others, are being United States seals its remains closed and states that trading ble, and as the sun sets, so does the border between Canada The plane that hit the Pentagon is investigated by the FBI, and all have f:~~:~~ifi~~~:::::::: :::: ::::: : :::: : : : ::::::::: : ::::? will resume on Monday, Sept.
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