r NEW YORK i (TNEWYORK , CENTRAL CENTRAL SYSTEM A SYSTEM A TIME TABLES TIME TABLES Grand Central Terminal, New York City hyj The Water Level Route~~l/ou Can Sleep The Water Level Route-^ Can Sleep Effective June 27, 1937 Effective June 27, 1937 \ TABLE No. Index to Stations TABLE No. TABLE No. Index of Through Time Tables SturgLs. Mich 41 ljiwtmi, Mich 4, 6 Owego, N. Y. 55. 66 Suspension Bridge. N. Y. Stations shown in this folder are indexed under table numbers, not page "ximuoll. 12. 13 owosso. Mich 28 hid "TT 4, 6, 46 numbers. Information about other stations on the New York Central Lines ,4'iiawoe Jet., Mich 41. 43 Oxford, Mich. 30 Between and Table Nos. Between and Table Nos. Between and Table Nos. Syracuse, N. Y.. 1, 1A, 2, 3, may be had upon application to Ticket Agents. ... Hoy, III 36 Indianapolis, Ind. .Cleveland, Buffalo, New York 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 32, 46. 47. Boston, Mass. .Chicago 1 Chicago—-Cont'd.. .Washington, Richmond and Ixwlliv Mich 28 Cincinnati and St. Louis 1A Norfolk 22-23 and Boston 6-7 .Igonler, Ind 2. 3 48. 56. 68 Philadelphia and New York... .24 St. Louis 10-11 TABLE No. TABLE No. .1 laic. Ohio 2. 3. 6. 7. Buffalo, Cleveland and Gary. Ind 2, 3. 4. 5. 14, 15 Chicago 2-3 Binghamton and New York.... 25 Chicago 12-13 Adams, Mags 64 Chicago, HI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. V Palnesvllle, Ohio 2, 3 Toronto and Montreal 26 Toledo and Detroit 33-34 Adrian. Mich 41 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, Guvlord, Mich 30 .Itlln Falls. N. Y 2, 3 Palatine Bridge N. Y..2. 3 Detroit and Chicago 4-5 Peoria 36 Albany, N. Y..1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 23. 25, 26, 27, 28, 35, Geneva. N. Y 45 Jvlllgntoii. Ill 6, 7. 10. 11 Palmer, Mass 62. 63 Indianapolis and St. Louis... .6-7 Northern Michigan 27 Geneva, Ohio 2, 3 .Oakland. Ohio N, 9, 33. 34 Tampa, Fla 37 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 32. 47, 58, 37, 38, 40A, 58, 61a Palmyra. N. Y 2. 3 Tarry town. N. Y 2, 3 Columbus and Cincinnati 8-9 Lansing and Bay City 28 Florida 37 Gibson, Ind 38 Ohio H, » 59, 60, 61, 61a, 62, 63 C. 4 A. Jet., Ill 36 Pana. Ill 6, 7, 10, 11 Tecumseh. Mich 43 Louisville 35 Glouster, Ohio 20, 21 11, i- -1, Out 4, 5, 20 Hamilton and Toronto 32 Albion. Mich 4, 5 Childwold. N. Y 58 Paris. 111. .6, 7. 10, 11, 33, Terre Haute. Ind..6, 7, 10, . Chicago 1 Goshen, Ind 2, 3 <in NY 08 Pittsburgh 47 Florida 37 New York, N. Y. Alpena, Mich 30 Cincinnati. Ohio.. 1A. 8, 9, i.ii. 11. ISC. 22, 23, 33, 34, 38 Gouverneur, N. Y 48 l-olllsvllle, Kjr 36. 39 Pittsfield, Springfield, Worcester Danville, Evansville and Cairo.38 Cincinnati and St. Louis 1A Amsterdam, N. Y 2.3 10, 11. 12, 13, 22, 23. 33. l'ark'dale, Ont 26 Thendara. N. Y 58 Grand KapldH. Mich. yiirlilMirg. Va 40 Buffalo, Cleveland and Anderson, Ind. 34, 37 Peekskill, N. Y 2. 3 Thorntown, Ind 12. 13 and Albany 62-63 Asheville and Charleston 41 4, 5, 27. 29 Lynn. Ind I3A 6, 7, 33, 34, 39 Clark's Hill, Ind 12, 13 1'ekln. Ill 36 Thurston. Ohio.. 18, 20, 21 New York 66 Chicago 2-3 Granite City. 1116. 7. 10, 11 yolis. N. Y 2. 3 Andover Ohio 47 Clayton, N. Y 48. 53 Peoria, 111 36 Tichborne, Ont 26 Cincinnati, Ohio New York and Boston 1A Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit Angola, Ind 44 Cleveland, Ohio. 2, 3, 6. 7, Grayling. Mich 30 Peoria. Ohio 20. 21 Tilbury, Ont 4, 5 Cleveland, Buffalo, New York and Chicago 4-5 Ann Arbor, Mich. 8. 9, 14,15. 31, 37, 40, 42, Grayvlllc. Ill 38 Perth, Ont 26 Tllsonburg. Ont 4. 5 Buffalo, N. Y.i .New York and Boston 2-3 and Boston 8-9 Greencastle, Ind 6, 7. 10. Indianapolis and St. Louis.... 6-7 4, 5, 26, 29 58, 61a Ivtca-shurg, Ind 13C Toledo, Ohio 2,3, Cleveland and Chicago 2-3 11, 33, 34 St. Louis 10-11 Columbus and Cincinnati 8-9 Ansonia, Ohio 6, 7, 13B Clifton Springs, N. Y. 45 Petersburg, Va 40 14, 15. 20, 21. 31. 33. 34. Greendale, N. Y 2, 3 Detroit and Chicago 4-5 Indianapolis and Chicago.. .12-13 Asheville, N. C 40A Clinton. Mich 43 Macfclnao Island, Mich. l'i'toskey, Mich 27 37. 41. 42, 43, 58. 61a Hamilton and Toronto 32 Greeiisburg, Ind. Cincinnati 8-9 Ashtabula. Ohio. .2. 3, 6, 7, Clyde, Ohio 42 27, 30 Phelps. N Y 45 Toledo and Detroit 33-34 Lake Placid and Montreal 58 . .10. ll>2. 13, 35, 39 Tonawanda, N. Y 46 Cobourg. Ont 26 Mackinaw I ily. Midi 4. Phelps Jet.. N. Y 45 Indianapolis and St. Louis... .6-7 Montreal 60-61 8 9 31 47 Greeiilield Mast 61a Topinabee, Mich 30 Athens, Ohio 20, 21 Cold Springs, N. Y 2, 3 6. 30 Philadelphia. N. Y. .48. 53 Hamilton and Toronto 32 Cleveland, Ohio.. .Buffalo, \'ew York and Boston.2-3 Greenville. Ohio 13B Toronto, Ont.. .26, 32, 47 Boston 66 Athol, Mass 61a Coldwater, Mich 41 Mackinaw. Ill .11, Plnconning. Mich 30 Traverse City, Mich 27 Pittsburgh 47 Toledo and Chicago 2-3 Greenwich. Ohio 8, 9 Mai'on. Ga 37 Pittsburgh. Pa. .14, 15. 31. Atlanta. Ga 37 Collax, Ind 12, 13 Trenton, Ont 26 Montreal, Lake Placid and Indianapolis and St. Louis... .6-7 Columbia. S. C 40A Guelph Jet., out 26 Maloiie. N. Y 68 47 Pittsburgh, Pa. .Chicago 14-15 Auburn, Ind 44 Troy, N. Y 60, 61, 61a Saranac Lake 58 Cincinnati 8-9 Columbus, Ohio 8. 9, Miiiicelolia. Midi 27 Pittsliold, Mass. .2.'3, 4, 5, Auburn. N. Y 45 Troy, Ohio 13A Detroit 31 Detroit 31 20, 21, 33, 34. 37.40 Manchester Mich 43 li. 7, N, 9, 62, 63, 64 Tryon, N. C 40A Florida 37 Buffalo, Toronto and Boston.. .47 Comber, Ont 4, 5 M. 1,1 III 36 Plttsford, N. Y 45 Tupper Lake Jet., N. Y. 58 Conneaut, Ohio 2, 3 Mantoii. Mich 27 Phittslmrgh. N. Y 61 Chicago, 111. New York and Boston 1 Marlon. Ind 39 Pleasant Lake. Ind 44 Cleveland, Buffalo, Boston and Detroit, Mich Buffalo, New York and Boston.4-5 St. Louis, Mo. New York and Boston 1A Coming, Ohio 20, 21 Hamilton, Out 32. 47 Cornwall, N. Y 59 Marlon. I llilo 6, 7 New York 2-3 Hammond, luil 4, 5 Point Pleasant. W. Va..20, Grand Rapids and Muskegon... 29 Cleveland, Buffalo, New York Mar li ill III :IH Crawfordsville. Ind 36 Hanover, M ioh 44 21 Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Northern Michigan 30 and Boston 6-7 Crestline, Ohio... 6, 7, 8, 9 Mar. Mich 4, 6 Harbor Springs, Mich. .27 Purl I ilnton, Ohio 2, 3 Union City, Ind. .6. 7. 33. New York and Boston 4-5 Cleveland and Pittsburgh 31 Indianapolis and Cincinnati. 10-11 Barrytown, N. Y 2, 3 Harmon. N. V . .2, 3. 4, 5. Marysvlllr. Ohio. 20, 21 34 Mason. Midi 28 Port Hope, Ont 26 Indianapolis and Cincinnati. 12-13 Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Washington, Richmond and Batavia. N. Y... .2. 3. 4. 5 6, 7. 8. 9 Urbana. HI 36 MiiKseiia. N. Y 48 Potsdam. N. Y .'.48 Pittsburgh 14-15 St. Louis 33-34 Norfolk 22-23 Batesvllle, Ind. Harrisliurg. Ill 38 Poughkeepsie, N. Y...2, 3, Urbana, Ohio 33, 34 ..10. 11, 12, 13 Mail.MIII. Ill 11. 7, II), II Columbus 20-21 Florida 37 Toledo and Detroit 33-34 Hartford. Conn 62. 63, 66 33, II T. 5. 6. 7, 8, 9 Utica, N. Y. .1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, Bath, Mich 28 Harvey. Ill 12. 13 5. 6, 7. 8, 9, 32, 47, 54, 58 Danbury, Ohio 8, 9 cKceviir. N. Y 68 Providence. R. 1 62, 63 Bath, N. Y 25 Hastings, Mich 29 Miami, rla 37 Battle Creek, Mlch.4, 5, 26 Dansville, N. Y 25 Haverstraw. N. Y 59 Danville. IU 36. 38 MlaiiilHliurg, Ohio. .8. 9, Condensed Time Table—Through Service Between Chicago and New York and Boston Bay City. Mich.4, 5, 28, 30 Henderson viUe, N. «•. 40A Davton. Ohio 8, 9, 33, 33, :u Bay View, Mich 27 Herkimer, N. Y 2, 3 4 X4 44-4 6 8 68 26 10 142 3 58 40 90 34, 37 M Iridium < 'It y Ind.... 4, 6 Ravena. N. Y 69 Beacon, N. Y .2, 3 Highland, N. Y 69 Daytona Beach, Fla... .37 Mlilillctowii. Ohio. .8. 9, Ray, Ind 44 Valley field, Que. ...58 Dally Dally I Dally _Dally Dally Dally I Dally _Datly Dally Dally Daljy_ Dally Dally Beaver, Pa 14, 15 llillsla.ro. Ml .6, 7. 10, 11 Table Dearborn, Mich 4, 5 1311, 33, 34 Reading, Mich 44 Valdosta, Ga ...37 * New w„rW. Trans- Fifth The The 20th TJie Lake North The Beaver River, N. Y 58 Hillsdale. Mich 41. 44 Redwood, N. Y 48 York Delaware. Ohio 8, 9 Miildlevllle. Midi 29 Van Wert, Ohio .13B SLiSfLL Atlantic Avenue Wolverine- Commodore Century Water The shore The 8n0re Forcst Beaverville, 111 12, 13 Hltop. W. Va 17 Reed City, Mich 27 Mohawk . .30 EASTBOUND Special *al«lner Lunged Special Detroiter Vanderbilt j Limited Limited Niagara jjmited Clty Bellefontaine, Ohio Detroit. Mich 4, 5, Mllfonl, Mass 65 Vassar, Mich JSHL] HolMiill, Ohio 20.
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