DIRECTORY.] CHESHIRE. KYuTSFORD. 407 Nether Wa.td. · Treasurer, T. H. W. Bineham, Union Bank of .l\lan• Retire April Retire April chester, Knutsford Thomas Cunnellon ...... 1915 I R. G. Newhall ............ 1916 Medieal Officer of Health, Thoma! Waiter Harropp A. J. Edwards............ 1915 1 George Wildgoose .•.•.• 1916 Garstang M.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H. Edgemount, Herbert Potter ......... 19151 T. Fennel! M.R.C.S ••• 1917 Altrincham Fred Lee .................. 1916 G. H. Smith M. B., C.M 1917 Surveyor &; Inspector of Canal Boats, Factories & Work· Over Ward. shops, J. MoDonald McKenzie, Mossburn buildings; Stamford New road, Altrincham Robert Lee ............... 1915 : Ernest Taylur ........... T. Eden .................. 1916 · Highway Surveyor, Joseph Burgess, York lodge, Man­ 1 chester road, Tabley Superior~ Knutsford Officials. Sanitary Inspector of Dairies, Cowsheds & Milkshops, R, Clerk, Edward Lewis A.shworth, Boothfi.eld M. Metcalfe, Mossburn buildings, Stamford New road, Treasurer, T. H. W. Bineham, Union Bank of Man­ Altrincham chester Limited, King street • BUCKLOW UNION . Medical Officer of Health, Thomas Waiter Harropp Gar­ . stang M.A.Oxon., M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.Vict. 22 The title changed from Altrincham by Local Government Station buildings, Altrincham Board Order, March 4• 1895 Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, R. Wilson Marshall I Board day, every alternate wednesday, at the Union M.I.Mun.E., S.R.S.I. 6 Gaskell avenue I Workhouse, Knntsford, at 2.20. Collector, James H. Dean, 2 Minshull street . The BU<!klow union consists of the following townships : 1 AO"den, Altrincbam, Ashley, Ashton-on-Mersey, Aston­ OOUNTY M.AGISTR.ATES USUALLY AOTING FOR by-Budworth, Baguley, Bexton, Bollin Fee, Bollington, BUCKLOW PETTY SJ<~SIONAL DIVISION. Bowdon, Carrington, Dunham ~Iassey, Hale, High Legh, Leycester Ernest Gerard B.A., LL.B. Mobberley Old Knutsford, Lymm, Marthall-cum-Warford, Mere, Mill­ hall, Knutsford, chair:man inogton, Mobberley, Northenden, Northen Etchells, Alien John Edward Taylor, Bolt house, Mobberley Ollerton, Partington, Peover Inferior, Peover Superior, Ashworth Francis, The Mount, Legh road, Knutsford Pickmere, Plumley, Ringway, Rostherne, Sale, Styal, Benton Charles Henry, The Terrace, Knutsford Tabley Inferior, Tabley Superior, Tatton, Timperley, Birley Hugh .A.rthur, Woodside, Knutsford Toft, · Warburton & Wilmslow. The population in Carver Frederick William, Oakhurst, Bexton, Knutsford , 1901 was 79,595, & in 19II, 93.o915; area, 75,421 Comber George, Rowley Brow, Bexton, Knutsford I acres; rateable value, March, 1914, £695,936 Cox Joseph Peter, Ty Gwyn, Knutsford Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. J. P. C<>rt Crosslev• Sir Kenneth Irwin hart. Mobberlev• hall, M.A. The Vicarage, Sale Mobberley . Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George Egcrton of Tatton Lord D.L. Tatton park, Knutsford Leigh (barrister-at-law), Union offices, Knutsford Goodson Alfred Lassam, Peterley manor, Great Missen­ Treasurer, T. H. W. Bineham, Union Bank, Knutsford den, Bucks ·Medical Officer, Altrincham district, .A.rthur T. Blease Houldsworth Sir William Henry bart. Coodham, Kil­ M.B. Clairville, Woodlands road, .A.ltrincham.; Knuts­ marnocl>, N .B ford district, George Henry Smith M.B., C.M. Princess Leicester-Warren Cuthbert, The Roode, High Legh, street, Knutsford & Theodore Fennell M.R.C. S.Eng. Knutsford · Princess street, Knutsford; Lymm district, Edward Longridge Robert Bewick, Yew Tree house, Ta bley, :Meyer De Jong M.R.C.S.Eng. Portland house, Lymm; Knutsford Sale district, Marks G'olding L.R.C.P. & S.Irel., Mainwaring Sir Harry Stapleton hart. Peover hall, D.P.H. Lindenholme, Wardle road, Sale; Wilmslow Knutsford district, Alfred Byers M.D., B.Ch. Bramshott, Melior His Honor Judge Francis Hamilton K.C. Heath­ Wilmslow field, Knutsford Public Vaccinators, Altrincham district, H. Gordon Merriman Frank, Hollingford house, Knutsford Cooper, Foye, Manchester road, .A.ltrincham ; other Payne Arthur Lavington, 20 Washington house, Basil districts san1e as medical officers street, London S W Relieving, Vaccination & Infant Life Protection Officers &ri Spurrier Henry, The Old house, Marston-on-Dove,Derby Collectors to the Guardians, Altrincham district, T. Tattersall Thomas Frederick, W oodgarth, Leycester Pritchard, Springfield road, . Altrincham; Knutsford , road, Knutsford district, Harry .A. Moore, Manor cottage, Knutsford ; Wildgoose William, The Heath, Knutsford Lymm district, H. T. Mercer, .:'i"ewfield view, Lymm; The Chairmen, for the time be·ing, of the Bucklow Rur·al Sale district, J. T. C'ockram, Sale; Wilmslow drstrict, ' & Knutsford Urban District Councils are ex-officio J. W. Sornerville, Wihnslow; Collector to the Guar­ maglist.rates dians, Sale district, William Charles Jennings, l'nion Clerk to the Magistrates, LeicesteT Oaldecutt, solicitor, , offices, Knntsford Kingstreet I Workhouse, Knutsford, to hold 412 inmates, Rev. Joh11. Petty 8essions held in the court hou8e, Knutsford, on the Henry Poole M. A. chaplain, Toft ; George Henry Smith first wednesday in every month, 10.30 a.m :\I. B.. C.M. medical officer; F. East wood, master; 1 .Places in the petty sessional division are :-Bexton, :Mrs. Eastwood, matron; :Miss ·white, superintenden~ Knutsford, Marthall-cum-Warford, Mere, Mobberley, nurse Ollerton, Peover Inferior, Peover Superior, Plumley, BUCKLOW REGISTR.\TIOX DISTRICT. Tabley Inferior, Tabley Superior, Tatton & Toft Superintendent Registrar, George Leigh (barrister-at­ law), Union offices, Knutsford; deputy, William CHESHIRE LOCAl. PENSION COMMITTEE. Charles Jennings, Union offices, Knutsford Knutsford & Wilmslow District Sub-Committee. ' Registrars of Births & Deaths, Altrincham sub-district, j T. Pritchard, Stockport road, Altrincham; Knutsford Clerk, George Leigh (barrister-at-law), Union offices . I sub-district, Harry A. Moore, ~anor cottage, Knuts- Pension Officers, Alfred Paddock, Ivy lea, St. John s 1 ford; Lvrnm sub-district. H. T. Mercer, Lymm; Sale avenue, Knntsford; W. Tipping, Cheadle 1 district." J. T. Cockram, Sale; Wilmslow sub-district, J. W. Somerville, Wilmslow . BUOKLOW RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Registrars of Marriages, T. Pritchard, Springfield road, Council meets at the Bucklow Guardians' Board room, Altrincham; J. H. Somerville, 1Vilm8low; H. T. Workhouse, Knutsford, on every alternate wed. (each I Mercer, Lymm & Harry A. Moore, Manor cottage, Board day). Knut8ford The district comprises the townships of :-Ag?en, Ashley, , BUCKLOl\' JOI~'l' HO SPIT.AL BO.ARD. Aston-by-Budworth, Baguley, Bexton, Bolbngton, Car- . , . rington, Dunham Massey, High Legh, Marthall-cum- 1 Const1tute-d by the Local ~overnment Boards ProviSIOnal Warford, Mere, Millington, ~obberley, Northenden, 1 Orders ConfiimatiOn (No. 4) Aet, 1897· Northen Etchells, Ollerton, Partington, Peover In- 1 The Urban Districts of Alderley Edge, Ashton-u[>on..- ., ferior; Pec;~ver Superior, Pickme~e, Plumley, Ring":ar, / :\lers-ey, Hale, Knwtsford, Sale & WilmsJ.ow_ & t_he Rural Rostherne, Styal, Tabley Inferwr, Tabley SuperiOr, District o-f Bucklow consti.tut~ a unuted d1stnct call~ Tatt,on. Timperley, T?ft ~ Warburton. The area is the Bucklow Joint Hospital District, for the purpose! · 57,656 acres; populatiOn m 19II, 22,868. of the provision, maintenance & management, for the Chairman, E. G. Leycester B..A., LL.B., J.:(>. ~Iobberley use of the inhabitants of. the const:Jtuent districts, of a Old hall, Knutsford hospital 00' hospiitai-s foor the reception of cases of ill- ,. , Offit:ials. fec~ious diseases Clerk. George Leigh {barrister-at-law), Union dikes, The Joint Booal'd. as' the governing body of web united Knutsford diSitrtiot., oonsist5 of one ex-officio & 22 elt'ICtive membel"ll . ' .
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