9888 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26ra JULY 1983 MAHFOOZZAMAN, Mohammed, SUPERMARKET PIERLEJEWSKI, Susan Elizabeth Jane Ellis (married PROPRIETOR, residing and carrying on business at 83- woman), of 1 Beach Road, Southporf, Merseyside, for- 87 and 91 Lower1 LichshUl Road, Stourport-on-Severn merly known as Susan Elizabeth Jane Ellis Jones, lately in the county of Hereford and Worcester under the trading as The Treasure House, 34-38 Mount Pleasant, style of "Two Star Supermarkets" and "Almading Waterloo, Liverpool 22, Merseyside, as a SECOND Group", lately a Shop Assistant of 125 Durham Road, HAND FURNITURE RETAILER. Court—LIVERPOOL Sparkhill, Birmingham in the metropolitan county of (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter West Midlands. Court—KIDDERMINSTER, No. of —37 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description! Matter—6 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- —Wheatley, William B., Barratt House, North John tion—Halls, Nigel John, Lennox House, Spa Road, Street, Liverpool L2 6SZ, Official Receiver. Date of Gloucester. Date of Release—3rd May 1983. Release—7th February 1983. POUND, Reginald Jayson, unemployed, residing at 70 HILL, Thomas, of Flat 2, 57 Brighton Grove, Rusholme, Whittal Drive West, Birohin Coppice, Kidderminster in Manchester, SERVICE ENGINEER, lately trading with the county of Hereford and Worcester, lately residing another as Garage Service & Supply Co., lately residing and carrying on business as a GREENGROCER at at 7 Midgeley Avenue, Gorton, Manchester. Court— 107-109 LichhiU Drive, Stouirport-on-Severn and formerly MANCHESTER (by transfer from High Court of Jus- residing at Fetterlocks Lodge, Shelsley Beauchamps, both tice). No. of Matter—39 of 1982. Trustee's Name, in the aforesaid county, previously a COMPANY DIR- Address and Description—Bishop, Walter Arthur, Town- ECTOR. Court—KIDDERMINSTER. No. of Matter— bury House, 11 Blackfriars Street, Salford, Official Re- SA of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— ceiver. Date of Release—28th April 1983. Halls, Nigel John, Lennox House, Spa Road, Gloucester, Chartered Accountant. Date of Release—1st June 1983. DOWNES, David Edward, unemployed, residing at 6 Prudhoe Terrace, Tynemouth in the county of Tyne and CUTSFORTH, David, now unemployed, residing at 211 Wear, formerly residing at 2 Dunslow Croft, Horsley in Wansbeck Road, Longhill Estate, Kingston-upon-Hull, the county of Northumberland and lately carrying on and lately carrying on business at 146 Freeman Street, business under the style of " The Corner Shop " at 103 Grimsby and previously under the style of Pick-n-Choose Huddlestone Street Cullercoats, North Shields in, the at Dansom Lane, Kingston-upon-Hull and prior thereto county of Tyne and Wear and as a GENERAL DEAL- under the style of Meat Market at 414 Staveley Road, ER and TOBACCONIST. Court—NEWCASTLE- Bilton Grange, Kingston-upon-Hull, all in the county of UPON-TYNE. No. of Matter—52 of 1976. Trustee's Humberside as a RETAIL BUTCHER. Court— Name, Address and Description—Gray, Alan Jared, 19 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. No. of Matter—30 of 1981. Borough Road, Sunderland SRI 1LA, Chartered Accoun- Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Winn, George tant. Date of Release—19th April 1983. Ronald, Mecca Buildings, 24 Ferensway, Hull HU2 8NU, Official Receiver. Date of Release—7th February 1983. BRIGHOUSE, Barrington David, of Cambrian Vaults, Clifton Terrace, Newtown in the county of Powys, un- SMIRK, Lesley Anne (married woman), of 40 Amberley employed, lately carrying on business as a PUBLICAN. Close, Branshoime, Kingston-upon-Hull in the county of Court—NEWTOWN. No. of Matter—1 of 1982. Hunsberside, Court—KINOSTON-UPON-HULL. No. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Percy, Albert of Matter—19 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Norris, London House, Hide Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Description—Winn, George Ronald, Mecca Buildings, Official Receiver. Date of Release—28th April 1983. 24 Ferensway, Hull HU28NU, Official Receiver. Date of Release—3rd March 1983. EVANS, Cyril Leslie Emlyn, of 359; Loneithin, Trehafren, Newtown, Powys, previously residing at Gate House, LIGHT, Noah, a Market Stall Holder, residing at 11 Trewam, Welshpool, Powys and previously at Little Queens House, Little Queens Road, Teddington, Middle- Llandinier, Carthmyl, Berriew, Welshpool, Powys, SELF sex and carrying on business in partnership with another EMPLOYED BRICKLAYER. Court—NEWTOWN (by under the style of "Noahs" from the Apple Market transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— and previously carrying on business on his own account 5A of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— under same style from the Apple Market, Kingston-upon- Percy, Albert Norris, London House, Hide Street, Stoke- Thames in the county of Surrey (described in the Re- on-Trent ST4 1QN, Official Receiver. Date of Release— ceiving Order as a Greengrocer). Court—KINGSTON- 28th April 1983. UPON-THAMES (by transfer from High Court of Jus- tice). No. of Matter—17A of 1981. Trustee's Name, PILGRIM, Elliott Walter, a PAINTER and DECORATOR Address and Description—Joyce, Peter Robert, Park of and trading at 101 Hill Farm Close, Fitton Hall, Old- House, 22 Park Street, Croydon CR9 1TX, Official Re- ham, Manchester. Court—OLDHAM. No. of Matter— ceiver. Date of Release—28th June 1983. 32 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description.— Durable, John Francis, Townbury House, 11 Blackfriars WHITTLE, John, of 15 Greenside Road, Weybridge, Surrey, Street, Salford M3 SAB, Official Receiver. Date of Re- MAINTENANCE WORKER. Court—KINGSTON- lease—29th June 1983. UPON-THAMES. No. of Matter—28 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Joyce, Peter Robert, Official Receiver's Office, Park House, 22 Park Street, RICHARDSON, Kevin, and RICHARDSON, Maureen Croydon CR9 ITX, Official Receiver. Date of Release (Mrs.) (his wife), both unemployed, of 48A Nowell Road, —21st April 1983. Rollins Estate, Middleton, lately carrying on business in partnership as PROPRIETORS of a HAIRDRESSING RUSSELL, William Ferguson, of Next End Farm!, Lyons- SALON under the style of "Twice as Nice" at 14-16 hall, Kington, Hereford, Herefordshire HR5 3HZ, trad- Sadler Street Middleton aforesaid and previously at 794 ing as Fergus Russell as an ANTIQUE DEALER at Manchester Road, Castieton, Rochdale. Court—OLD- Lion Yard, Broad Street, Leominster, Herefordshire and HAM. No. of Matter—41 of 1982. Trustee's Name, lately so trading in Chapel House, High Street, Burford, Address and Description—Dumble, John Francis, Town- Oxfordshire OX8 4QA. Court—LEOMINSTER (by bury House, 11 Blackfriars Street, Salford M3 5AB, transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— Official Receiver. Date of Release—29th June 1983. 6A of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Stretton, Alan Trevor Read, Commercial Union House, SMITH, Meriel June, formerly known as ABBEY, Meriel 22 Martineau Suare, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Re- June, Presser, residing at 7 Florian House Burnley Street, ceiver. Date of Release—13th June 1983. Oldham, lately residing at the Snipe Inn, 31 Henshaw Street, Oldham, formerly residing at 31 Featherstall House, TURTON, Paul, trading as Turton's General Stores, resid- Werneth, Oldham and previously carrying on business ing at and carrying on business at 27 Oak Tree Close, on her own account as a PUBLICAN at the Lancashire Orchard Grove, Burford, Tenbury Wells, Worcester. Hotel, 78 Manchester Street, Oldham in the metropolitan Court—LEOMINSTER. No. of Matter—1 of 1982. county of Greater Manchester. Court—OLDHAM. No. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Stretton, Alan of Matter—34 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Trevor Read, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Description—Dumble, John Francis, Townbury House, Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of- 11 Blackfriars Street, Salford M3 5AB, Official Receiver. Release—I4th February 1983. Date of Release—29th June 1983..
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