CASTRO COUNTY NEWS Published in Castro County—"THE GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY" Vol. V.—Number 43 DIMMITT, CASTRO COUNTY, TEXAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930. $2.00 a Year-5c a Copy Many Conversions Much Interest Stock Lost From C. of C. Plans Local Legionairres Town Topics At Baptist Meet Was Indicated Apparent Poison- Couuty Drive Will Organize An Nov On Here ing of Animals Auxilliary Unit YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF! In Dairy Meet For Members A city, or town, or community, Large congregations continue E. E. Herring, a farmer living At the regular semi-monthly to fill the new Baptist Church, in the Bethel community, 12 meeting of the Castro County can only measure its bigness and Much Interest Shown As Result Meeting to be Held Latter Part importance in proportion to the where Rev. C. Y. Dossey, State miles southwest of Dimmitt, re- Post No. 445, American Legion, activity of its citizens in its civ- Evangelist, of Dallas, is deliver- of Meeting at Court House ported last week the loss of two of This Week to Complete to be held on Friday night of ic affairs. Citizens of Dimmitt some wonderful messages every Last Saturday. horses and one mule, apparant- Year's Program. this week, an Auxiliary unit will and Castro County, as we see it, morning at 10:30 and in the eve- ly from poison. Two other ani- be organized, composed of the are willing to support an agency ning at 7:45. mals, he said, were taken sick the A meeting of the Directors of Mothers, wives, sisters and Upwards of fifty conversions Over forty farmers of Castro latter part of the week. that devotes its entire time to- County attended the meeting the Chamber of Commerce of daughters of the members. ward helping the community have been reported since the According to Mr. Herring, who Castro County will be called by The purpose of this organiza- meeting started two weeks ago, held at the court house in this feels his loss keenly, the animals grow and prosper. That agency city last Saturday afternoon, in President George C. Smith for tion is similar to all such units, is the Chamber of Commerce of and practically every church in became suddenly ill on Tuesday and the work of the Legion Aux- Dimmitt has received new mem- the interest of a dairy program the latter part of this week, at Castro County. in the county. of last week, and were dead in which time committees will be iliary thruout the United States Possibly you have some pet bers as the result of the revival:. a short time, dieing, apparantly, completed and a detailed pro- and in some foreign countries On last Sunday people were The call for the meeting was in much pain. After death the criticism concerning some of the issued thru the News last week, gram will be outlined for the has been such to inspire the men policies and past activities of the turned away at the morning ser- bodies were rigid, and the limbs year. to their own organization actiVi- vice, when the auditorium be- and was signed by several busi- Chamber of Commerce. No in- ness men, including T. V. Weav- could not be moved. Work has been delayed some- ties, to a greater extent. ' dividual, no company, or corpor- came so crowded that many were what, awaiting a final report on Every ex-service man in Cas- standing, in order to hear the er and the president of the cham- ation, is above criticism, or im- ber of commerce. the budget pledge cards, which tro County is urged to attend message and the beautiful sing- SCHMITZ STILL IN the meeting Friday night, with a mune from making mistakes. In Much interest was shown by have been in the hands of several fact the person or organization ing by the large choir. COUNTY JAIL HERE directors and other members for view of joining, and to bring one The meeting will close on next those attending, and it is believ- or more members eligible for that does not make mistakes is ed that an extensive dairy pro- the past ten days. The budget is never credited with trying to ac- Sunday, and it expected that W. L. Schmitz, who was tried practically assured, there being, membership in the Auxilary. near or over a hundred conver- gram will be put over in the complish anything. The person county as a result, and thru the in county court last week on a up to Thursday, over $2,600.00 who critizes the Chamber of sions will be total result of the lunacy charge, after the death subscribed for the year's work, revival, which has been a suc- efforts of Mr. Weaver, who is Judge Gough Will Commerce for erring, has erred head of the vocational depart- of his wife from a shot gun which not only assures a paid himself. In our opinion, there is cess and officials, with Rev. N. charge in this city two secretary, but also the carrying M. Gilbert, of the church, are ment of the Dimmitt High School weeks a Speak in Dimmitt no reason for not supporting the and whose efforts in the farmers' go, is still confined in the Coun- out of a program which will Chamber of Commerce that ill well pleased with the results. ty jail, awaiting instructions mean a great deal to the County, 0 behalf have been untiring since Next Thursday overshadow the reasons why last fall, when he- took up his from State authorities at Aus- agriculturally, industrially and you should support it! BROOKS' SEDAN BADLY work here. tin, as to which institution he commercially. Has it ever occurred to you DAMAGED IN MISHAP shall be taken. (Continued on fifth page) As announced in last week's that you could do as well as the Inspiring talks were made at the meeting by R. C. Nicholl and News, Judge L. Gough, former- men active in Chamber of Com- ly of this county, would talk to merce work, men who are giving The Buick Sedan, belonging to 0. B. Martin, of Tulia, H. A. Fer- FUTURE FARMER CLUB Official Scores for I. B. Brooks, local land man, guson of Amarillo, A. F. Collett the citizens at an early date on freely of time they might be de- BOYS RECEIVE SUITS a matter which should be of vital voting to personal gain? If was badly damaged four miles of San Angelo, and several local Local Gun Club west of Dimmitt on the Clovis men. interest to every citizen, and 'es- you make your living in this pecially the farmers and busi- community, and call it your highway last Saturday morning, As a direct result of the meet- Members of the Future Farm- when a Ford truck hit his car ers of Texas Club, sixteen in Following is the official scores ness men of Dimmitt. home, aren't you willing to sup- ing, increased interest was man- of the Dimmitt Gun Club, for The meeting will be held in port the men directing the af- broadside, tearing off the fend- ifested in the dairy program, number, and organized by the ers, running board, and doing Dimmitt High vocational agri- the meet held on. Thursday of the district court room on next fairs of the Chamber of Com- which has the full support of the last week: Thursday night, and it is hoped merce to the extent of becoming other damage, to the extent of chamber of commerce ; one more culture class, have received their several hundred dollars, accord- new uniforms. ' The scores are for hits out of that a large representation will a member? Are you interested bull circle was formed, and rep- be out to hear him, as he will enough in your city to employ ing to Mr. Brodks, who was driv- resentatives were sent to Ama- The suits are of a solid gray a possible 25. ing his car. color, heavy material, and on the have an important, as well as in- every possible means to help it rillo and San Angelo this week D. L. McDonald, 25. teresting message. grow? The truck was approching to look at stock. It is expected front of the shirt is a fac simile Edwin Ramey, 25. 'This editorial is directed to him from the east, when loose that a car load of 20 head of of a hog, and the members' ini- Frank Annen, 22. those who are not members of dirt caused the driver to lose con- dairy stock, will soon be shipped tials. On the back of the shirt A. M. Holland, 21. Masons Confer the Chamber of Commerce of trol, .swerving into the side of into the county. is the Texas seal, and the F. F. Edgar Ramey, 21. Castro County. and to those who the Buick, despite the efforts of The chamber of commerce of- T. Insigna. W. G. Baxter, 20. Special Degrees have been unable to see the ben- Mr. Brooks to dodge it. ficials are watching with inter- The suits consist of shirt and Charles Wilson, 20. efits derived from it, to the ex- The truck was also damaged est the growth of this movement trousers. Carrol Gunter, 20. tent of joining. considerably. which will mean so much to the D. D. Whitlow, 19. Some special degree work was A membership drive will be 0 county at large. Fred Boswell, 18. conferred by the local Masons at COUNTY SINGING CONVEN- DIMMITT HAS ANOTHER their Monday night meeting this started at an early date, and ev- 0 Bert Huckabee, 17.
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