LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority Minutes of the meeting of the above named Council convened by the Council to be held in the Oak Room, Thornborough Hall on Monday, 21st October 2019 at 7.00pm .PRESENT: Cllr Alderson Cllr Beswick Cllr Holder Cllr Medley Cllr Sanderson Cllr Spenceley Cllr Waites Cllr Walker Cllr Wood District Councillor Amsden Clerk Mrs. C Smith Deputy Clerk Ms R Hurst 6 members of the public & 2 members from the Roundtable 4278 PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS- A resident from Brentwood raised concerns over the increase in dog fouling. Cllr Sanderson explained that the Council is doing everything possible to reduce this issue, a new dog waste bag dispenser and bin have been located on Brentwood and the Council encourages dog owners to use these and pick up after your dog. 4279 APOLOGIES – District Cllr Sedgewick 4280 DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Cllr Sanderson 4283a, c & e as a neighbour of these properties & 4283g as the neighbouring property is owned by a family member. Cllr Wood pecuniary interest 4290a as RM Wood have provided a quotation. Cllr Alderson item 4290a as he works in one of the offices affected. Cllr Waites 4290b as he requested this Agenda item following recent hire of the Oak Room. 4281 MINUTES OF MEETING held on Monday 16th September 2019, Approved and signed as a true record. 4282 REPORTS a. Leyburn Police Report (Appendix 1). b. Reports from Meetings Attended By Councillors. Cllr Medley, Sanderson, Walker & Wood attended the Shawl Committee Meeting. Cllr Waites attended a meeting with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) as a Leyburn community first responder and reported to the Council that YAS are looking for more volunteers to become first responders. Cllr Sanderson attended a meeting with the head teacher of the Wensleydale School to discuss access to the football pitches & MUGA. Cllr Sanderson proposed an extra ordinary meeting should be called to discuss this further with the authorities and school. c. Update from the Leyburn Town Plan Groups. None Action: Clerk to contact NYCC to chase up when the parking report will be released. d. Update from the Clerk On Upcoming Events. Leyburn Bonfire will be held on Tuesday 5th November starting at 7pm. Richmondshire District Council is consulting on its budget and council tax levels for 2020-21. Views and Comments can be made by filling in the short budget consultation questionnaire available on their website. All comments must be made by Friday 29 November 2019. The NHS Clinical Commissioning Group is holding a consultation on proposals for building a sustainable future for the friarage hospital. They invite people to complete a questionnaire to tell them what you think about the proposed options and vision for the future of the hospital. LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority Questionnaires are available from the Town Council office or can be completed online at https://www.hambletonrichmondshireandwhitbyccg.nhs.uk/friarageconsultation 4283 PLANNING PLANNING INFORMATION a. RDC Ref: 19/00307/FULL & 19/00308/LBC Proposal: Internal Refurbishment Works and External Improvements to Existing Rear Terrace/Outside Seating Area (Including Hard and Soft Landscaping Works)(Revised Plans Received 17th July 2019) Location: Black Swan, 28 Market Place, Leyburn GRANTED b. RDC Ref: 19/00581/FULL Proposal: Full Planning Permission to Replace Two Windows Location: 6 Quarry Hills Lane, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5EJ GRANTED PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND DECISIONS c. RDC Ref: 19/00601/FULL Proposal: Erection of Two Semi Detached Dwellings - Previous Permission Expired - Ref 1/78/526D/EXT. Location: Land between 21 and 23 Brentwood, Leyburn, North Yorkshire. OBJECTED -The Council consider the plans over-bearing and out of scale for this site. Concerns were raised over the capacity of the culvert running under this site and emphasised that this culvert must be taken into consideration and not be reduced in size. The Council acknowledges that there is housing need for two bedroom properties, but stipulated that these must be affordable. d. RDC Ref: 19/00648/FULL Proposal: Two Storey Side Extension and Rear Single Storey Extension Location: Dale View Barn, Shawl Quarry Lane, Leyburn, DL8 5BU. NO OBJECTIONS- as long as it in keeping with the existing property. e. RDC Ref: 19/00661/FULL Proposal: Reroofing Works over Utility Room and Garage to the Rear. Location: 3 St Matthews Terrace, Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5EL. NO OBJECTIONS -as long as it is in keeping with Conservation Area Guidelines. The Council agreed that imitation blue slate would fit in better with the Conservation Area. f. RDC Ref: 19/00585/FULL Proposal: Minor Internal Alterations to the Existing First Floor Flats Creating a More Workable Layout, Internal Changes to the Existing Ground Floor Bedsit, Construction of External Staircase to Access First Floor Flat with Minor Changes Externally to Create Door. Location: Eastfield Lodge, 1 St Matthews Terrace, Harmby Road, Leyburn NO OBJECTIONS- as long as work completed is in keeping with the existing property. g. RDC Ref: 19/00656/FULL Proposal: Full Planning Permission for Demolition of Existing Garage and Erection of a Two Storey Dwelling House. Location: Adjacent Dunelm, Woodburn Drive, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5HU. OBJECTED- The scale and dominance of the property is too large for the site. The design of the property and materials used are not in keeping with the existing properties on Woodburn Drive. The Council proposes that plans for a bungalow would be more appropriate. 4284 EVENTS a. Remembrance Day – The Councillors were informed about the Service and resolved to meet at 10.45am in front of the old Town Hall. LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority b. Donation to the Royal British Legion- The Council resolved to make a donation of £100 from the Chairman’s Allowance to the British Legion. c. Bonfire night – The Council approved the documentation provided by the round table and resolved to grant permission to use the Shawl Playing Field for the Bonfire. d. S 137 Donation request from Round Table for Leyburn Bonfire - The Council resolved to make a S137 payment of £1000.00 towards the event on the condition that any unused funds are returned.. 4285 RESILIENCE COMMITTEE a. Committee Members-The Council resolved to appoint Councillors Alderson, Beswick, Medley & Spenceley to the Committee. Councillor Sanderson will attend the first few meetings. b. First Committee Meeting date- Thursday 24th October. 4286 TOWN PLAN COMMITTEES a. To set a Meeting date for all group leaders – It was resolved that this item should be deferred until the report on parking form NYCC is received. 4287 DOG FOULING a. Dog waste bins – The Council resolved to ratify the purchase one dog waste bin, located on Brentwood. 4288 PLAY AREAS a. ROSPA Report – The Council reviewed to report and resolved to obtain quotations for the remedial works. 4289 FLORAL DISPLAYS a. Winter floral displays- The Council resolved to approve to quotation received from Braithwaite’s. 4290 THORNBOROUGH HALL a. Internal Repairs work- It was resolved that the quotations for ceiling/ wall repairs and new carpets should be deferred to the next Thornborough Hall Meeting. Action: Clerk to request flooring samples. The Council approved the quotation received for painting the storm damaged areas and resolved to appoint MR T Wake to carry out the work once the external repairs are complete. b. Oak Room Hire fees –It was resolved that consideration of the categorisation for room hire rates be deferred until the Annual review in April 2020. 4291 TRAINING a. SLCC Clerks Guide- The Council resolved to approve the purchase of the 2019 Clerks Manual. 4292 FINANCE a. Accounting Software renewal- The Council resolved to renew the software license with Scribe. b. Budget/ Precept Meetings- It was resolved that the Budget / Precept Meetings will take place on Thursday 14th November & Thursday 12th December. c. Bank Reconciliation Statement dated 30th September 2019- Approved d. Budget situation as detailed- Noted e. Invoices awaiting payment- Approved f. Payments list approved and receipts list noted. LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority 4293 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC- The Council resolved that under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information” The meeting re-convened after item 4293 to consider Tenders with the press and public excluded. 4294 TENDERS- The Council discussed the forthcoming tenders for 2020 and clarified the specifications required. 4295 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday, 18th November 2019 in the Oak Room, Thornborough Hall at 7.00 p.m. Meeting closed By Order of the Council. LEYBURN TOWN COUNCIL Market and Burial Authority APPENDIX Appendix 1 Dales Police Report Oct 2019 Issue I start by saying how sorry I was that the route for the final big day of the UCI World Cycling Championships was diverted away from Upper Wensleydale and Swaledale due to the terrible weather conditions. The right decision in the circumstances, but hugely disappointing for everyone who had invested time, effort and money into supporting the event in our area. Hopefully we have had our share of bad luck for this year now! The following incidents of note have occurred in the area in the last month – Overnight on 26th September padlocks on an outbuilding at Arkengarthdale Road, Reeth were cut off and entry gained. Nothing appears to have been stolen but it is a warning to all to check the security of garden sheds and garages. Around the 3rd October thieves entered the Leyburn Recycling Depot and stole about 40 scrap car batteries. On a wider note please do not leave scrap items on display around your homes or businesses as it will attract unwanted visitors.
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