. : GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH u . ANDHRA PRADESH ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ANDHRA PRADESH ROAD SECTOR PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized Feasibility Study, Design and Detailed Engineering FINAL DETAILED PIROJECT REPOlXl' (UPGRADING OF KANDl - SHADNAGAR ROAD) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized I! Submitted by: Submitted to: i I THE Louis Ber~erGroup. Inc. Chief Engineer (R&B) & Managing ~ir'ector Engineers Planners .Scientists Economists plot NO. - 41. Sector - 18. Near Maruti Industrial Area. A. P. Road Development Corporation Gurgaon - 122 015. Haryana. India Erramanzil, Hyderabad 500 082, A.P., India I The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project Feas~bil~tyStudy, Deslgn and Detaled Engneerlng EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 BACKGROUND Roads and Bulldmgs Department (RBD) of the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) has entrusted the responsibhty of planning, construction and maintenance of the core state roads network to the Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation (APRDC). In order to improve the selected core roads network, APRDC has planned to provide better quality and safer roads to the road users on a sustainable basis. In ths contest, APRDC is seehg the World Bank fundmg for the proposed Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project (APKSP). This is in continuation to the earlier loan from the Bank for improving the corc nenvork m the state. As part of th~sproject preparation, APRDC engaged Feasibhty consultants to prepare a detailed project report of about 900 km of road stretches which included undertakmg social assessment and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). As per the requirements of Andhra Pradesh Resettlement and Rehabhation Policy (APRRP) 2005, an RAP is required to be prepared to assess the impacts resulting from the proposed road improvements. The document in hand deals about the Social Management Plan (SMP) of Kandi-Sadhnagar @<S) road (about 69 krn) and it is one of the sub-projects (also referred as package) proposed to be covered in the Year 1 of the project implementation. 2 ABOUTAPRSP The proposed project (APRSP) envisions following three components: Component A - Road Improvement: Based on traffic studies, this road improvement component has been subdivided into the following sub-components (i) Road improvemen/ and zpgradation: Based on core network analysis, APRDC has selected about 900 km of road for widening, upgradation and strengthening purposes. These roads wdl be constructed by loan assistance from the World Bank. (ii) I'IJ/>/Z~.- 1)~ivuloPur/ners/1zp(l)PP): XPRDC has selected about 1200 km of high traffic densin road on PPP mode mvolvmg private entrepreneurship (ii) Ou/pu/ and Peq'omonc~~~I.a.l-cd Kond cun/r-ac/.r (OI'KCJ : -4hout 650(r km of roads ha1.e bcen selected under this sub-component. Component B - Institutional Strengthening component: ?'his component nil1 facilit;~te operationahzation of ,'\PKDC. capaciy bddmg of APIIDC. Component C - Road safety component: l'his component wdl help XJ'Kl)(:/KHD towards better managcmcnt of traffic and other road safe? issues through improved technical solutions. 3 OBJECTIVES The main objccti\-es of the proposed SMP are the following: Qvoid. if not minimize involuntar). resettlement. rsplorinp all viable project alternatives; Where inl.oluntary rcsettlclnent is unavoidable, assess the maptudc of adverse social impacts and propose rmtlgatlon measures; Hold consultations with the project stakeholders and asslmdate the outcome of these consultations in SMP; Develop institutional mechanism for planning, implementing and monitoring the process and the R&R activities; Detailed Project Report, Vol - VIII : Resettlement Action Plan E-1 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project Feasibility Study, Deslgn and Detailed Enpeenng .Address other social issues (resulting from the proposed project interventions) related to vulnerable groups (includmg tribal) and road safety; and Prepare a plan (SMP) to address all social issues associated with the project. 4 METHODOLOGY The preparation of SMP has focused on detaded consultations and participation of project affected persons (PAPS) and other project stakeholders. It involved extensive field (census and socioeconomic) survey using structured questionnaires and guidelmes for undertakmg Focus Group lscussions (FGD) and other stakeholders' consultation. The desk review, structured questionnaires, open ended formats, FGD guidelines, preparation of Vdlage Diary etc. were the specific tools used to collect the required inforrnatlon. The data/information thus collected helped in understandmg the social and economic features of the affected communities and in appreciating thelr issues and concerns. Identification of land to be acquired and inventory of structures coming with the corridor of impact were the main components of the census survey carried out among the identified potential project affected fades (PAF). 5 PROJECT AREA Kandi - Shadnagar road, the present sub-project road is a cluster of Major District Raod (MDR) and Other District Road (ODR) Sections, located in Telangana Regon of Andhra Pradesh. The Project road (PR) starts at km O/O in Kanh CJunction with NH-9 at km 496/0) in Medak &strict and runs south-east cluection connecting Shankatpath, Chevella, Shaabad towns (in Rangareddp District) and terminates at Shadnagar (Junction with NH-7 at krn 47/6 through SH4 at km 3/000) in Mahboobnagar District. Cumulative length of hsroad is 65.50 krn. The project road provides connectivity between NH-9 and NH-7, as a bypass to Hyderabad and is presendy widely used by interstate traffic. 'The proposed project road, by and large, has sufficient kght of Way (Row to accommodate the proposed improvement in road geometrlcs and upgradtng of the road to taro lane/four lane standard. However, at some locations it becomes necessary to acquire the land for proposed improvements, particularly for a bypass. 6 PROJECT lMPACTS Proposed road improvement wdl require about 30 ha of land malnly for a bypass, qeometric/cunre and junction improvements. Besides, hswdl require acquisition of road side structures, whch in turn, will Qsplace about 80 fades. There are 182 project affected fades 'ii'ii' , - (PAFs) whose population is 1046, referred as project affected persons (PAPS). Out of the total 'a 182 PAFs, 80 are titleholders, 22 encroachers (occup)ing public/RBD land), 42 squatters (within ROW'), 1 tenant and 37 hosks (mostly wooden cabins u~hchcould be easily moved). r- Social assessment of these PAFs has identified 132 PAFs as xulnerable including 19 Scheduled ?. Caste (SC) and 18 Women Headed (WH) families. Among the PL4Fs majority (132 PAFs mclulng SC and WH fades) is reported to be below poverty level (RPL). In other words, there are 95 PA4Fswho do not belong to the socially lsadvantaged gxoups (SC and WH) but are economically backward and are livmg blow poverty level. These families are also considered as vulnerable PAFs. The Qstribution of vulnerable PAFs m lffercnt social groups is given in the Table 1. These fadies received focus attenuon du~gRAP preparation for their R&R entitlements and options. Based on the stakeholders' consultatloll, a comprehensive study about physical displacement and land acquisition and social assessment undertaken, it has been established the proposed project interventions will result in low adverse impacts on the local population. .< I - Resettlement E-2 Detailed Project Report, Vol VIII . Action Plan .:, The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project Feasibihty Study, Des~gnand Detailed Enpeenng 7 SOCIAL SAFEGUARD POLICIES TRIGGERED Whde the proposed interventions for improvement of KS road d necessitate some involuntary resettlement, the results of the social assessment established that this will not impact any tribal groups in the project area. More over, the assessment found that there are no tribal specific habitations along the proposed KS road. In other words, hssub-project triggers the Bank's operational policy (OP 4.12) on mvoluntary resettlement but not OP 4.10 on Indgenous Peoples (referred as tribal m Indian context). While the present SMP includes a detailed Resettlement Action Plan (includmg measures for con~pensatingloss of land and other assets, relocation of project dsplaced fades and economic rehabhtation to restore livelihood)', it also include measures to address other social issues related to women, prevention of HIVIAIDS and road safety (mainly awareness proh~am)aspects. 8 STAKEHOLDERS' CONSULTATION To ensure continued people parucipation dunng project preparation, a consultation mechanism was adopted whch would conunue during the project implementauon. Local people were informed about the proiect and its activiues and they were consulted in the project related decisions. Th~shelped in understandmg not only their perceptions about the project but also seek their opinion about the project. their preferences/options and their input in the project designs. These consultations were two-way cornmunicauon where relevant information was shared with the project stakeholders includmg affected communities. The information shared with the stakeholders related to the extent of land acquisition and number of structures affected, physical dsplacement and relocation, economic rehabhtation, institutional mechanism for planning and implementation of the project, etc. The stakeholders' consultation were held at various levels - vdlage, Mandal, District and Project. The consultation has emphasized
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