FREE :FLASH: OUT OF TIME VOLUME 6 PDF Van Jensen,Brett Booth,Robert Venditti | 208 pages | 26 Jan 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401258740 | English | United States The Flash: Out of Time #1 - Volume 6 (Issue) Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — The Flash, Vol. The Flash, Vol. Van Jensen Goodreads Author. Brett Booth Illustrations. The start of a new era for the Fastest Man Alive! In the future, The Flash is a broken man. His powers have failed him time and again at great cost to him and the city he has sworn to protect. Now he's coming back to the current time to stop the one event that destroyed his life. Meanwhile, in the present, Barry Allen must contend :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 thieves trying to capitalize on the d The start of a new era for the Fastest Man Alive! Meanwhile, in the present, Barry Allen must contend with thieves trying to capitalize on the devastation of Forever Evil. It's a tale of two timelines that ushers in one of The New 52's most anticipated character debuts! Collecting : The FlashAnnual Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 6. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Flash, Vol. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Flash, Vol. May 19, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: comicsgraphic-novelsnetgalleyread-in Unfortunately, I have no idea what just happened Warning: Here Be Spoilers! Ok, I'm going to try not to spoil everything in the story for you, but I'm not making any guarantees. Add in the fact :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 I'm actually not quite sure what happened in this volume, and I think you're probably safe. Time-travel stories like this are where Flash loses a lot of mainstream fans. I personally think, when used sparinglytime-travel can be a great plot device for characters like this one. They can be fun! Did you hear me, DC? You can use it to correct stories that were totally FUBAR from the get-go, or fix shit that idiot writers may have fucked up. You can also use it to reboot your entire :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6, and give everything a glossy new make-over But just because you have a character who can time-travel, doesn't mean they should. I mean, at some point, :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 makes the stories you're telling mean nothingbecause the readers just assume that none of it is written in stone. We're already dealing with Lazarus pits, magic, and alien tech that can all resurrect the dead. So we're used to the Surprise! It was really my evil twin that died! But to have years worth of continuity wiped out by a single issue? Sparingly, please So, who's the man in blue? Well, it's Future Flashof course. He's racing through time to fix :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6. Only this time he's a bit unhinged. Something happened when Reverse Flash Daniel West plowed through the timeline a while back. In our time, Barry is noticing that he is still don't :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 this totally losing time when he starts speeding from one place to another. But wouldn't he just sort of make up the time he's losing, since he's gong faster than normal, you ask? Barry is losing time! So the entire volume is filled with our Barry here in the present, plus future Barry going steadily backward in time. Our Barry is still trying to deal with the aftermath of the Crime Syndicate thing, his relationship with not Iris Patty, and a new version of Wally. Meanwhile, future Flash is making stops all along the timeline, to fix all the things he couldn't the first time around. Ok, in my effort not to spoil everything, I can only say that 'characters' die, get saved, get powers, go back in time, and die Or do they? Are they still alive in this this timeline, but with a changed future? Will they still get powers, or was that a one-time thing caused by future Flash? Is the timeline safe? Did anything really change? And the soap opera goes on In the end, I can't say it was a bad story. Great pacing, lovely art, and characters that I really like. It's just the fucking time-travel that rakes my nerves. For the love of God Get this review and more at View all 37 comments. Feb 23, Calista rated it it was ok Shelves: bage-young-adultgenre-thrillergenre-fantasyseriesseries-unfinished, comics-graphic-noveli-dc-vertigomyth-folktale-fable. Well, they have a new team of writes and this is a whole different kind of story from what they were telling. I guess I'm cranky, but I wish they connected more dots so you could understand more of what's going on in this story. It sure is high energy. So, there is Flash and there is 20 years from now Future flash who is going back through time fixing the past mistakes in order to heal the Speed force which is broken. I'm not buying into how this thing got broken. It's all silly. If some Well, they have a new team of writes and this is a whole different kind of story from what they were telling. If something else can use the speed force, then how is that going to break it. Future flash has many upgrades and he's stronger, faster and he learned some skills. It was still entertaining, but I wish it could have been better at the same time. The whole Barry losing time didn't make much sense to me either. I'm not a fan of time travel in stories, especially as much as the Flash uses it. It's almost like that's all they use anymore. Can't we have a flash story with no time travel. It's getting old. I hope this will get better. I have enjoyed the 1st 5 volumes of :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 run. The Flash: Out of Time (Volume) - Comic Vine Thankfully, this is becoming something of a regular occasion, and I personally will be enjoying it for as long as it lasts. The Flash, Vol. Publisher: DC Comics June 23, The only superheroes who might be cooler than him are Green Arrow the tv version and Superman. Superman has to be up there, because he is the coolest and best hero in the DC Universe. But right behind :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 guys is the Flash. Sure, I prefer the tv Barry Allen, but the comic is cool too. And that is why this comic disappointed me. But the time traveling is the main story here. Okay, the big reason why I was disappointed in this book was the actually story. Maybe, other books in the series have been better, and it was hard for this one to compete with them. Or, maybe, this time traveling story just confused me too much. What was good about this book was the art and characters, who I really liked. Well, I hope you liked this review, and if you are on Goodreads, friend me any time to talk about my reviews or comic books. And, no, Connor did not have any input into my :Flash: Out of Time Volume 6 about him. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Email Address:. Skip to content. Like this: Like Loading Bookmark the permalink. 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