John Carroll University Carroll Collected Commencement Programs University 6-11-1956 Commencement Program, 6-11-1956 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/commencementprograms Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Commencement Program, 6-11-1956" (1956). Commencement Programs. 19. http://collected.jcu.edu/commencementprograms/19 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SEVENTIETH A NNlllJAJIL (?~ 10 ~VJ\[ ~VJ\UlEN f!]IE~VJIU I EN11L JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY MONDAY JUNE ll, 1956 3:00P . M. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO ORDER OF EXERCISES Processional ANNOUNCEMENTS Very Reverend Frederick E. W elfle, S.J. President of John Carroll University ADDRESS TO THE GRADUATES Honorable Paul Martin Minister of National Health and Welfare Ottawa, Canada COKFERRING OF DEGREES BENEDICTION Rt. Rev. Msgr. 0. A. Mazanec Pastor of St. Rita's Parish Solon, Ohio Recessional DEGREES IN COURSE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates will he presented by REVEREND EDWARD C. McCUE, .J., Ph.D., S.T.L. Dean Bachelor of Arts John Patrick Elkanich, John Louis Nowlan cum laude Vincent Chri topher Puozo, John Aloysius English summa cum laude Raymond Franklin Jasko, cum umde Robert Joseph Reitz Edward Pierre LaMarche Henry Anthony Strater, Thomas Arthur Lichtle magna cum laude Philip Joseph Murawa John Philip Naims, Robert Hugh Thein magna cum laude James Francis Vargo Bachelor of Science in Social Science Thomas James Behm William Mark Devine, Jr. John Martin Berg Daniel Patrick Dhondt J o eph Stanley Bokar Thomas Alovsiu Dick, John Joseph Boyle cum laud; Edward John Bracken Robert James Dirk Edward Patrick Bresnan Marshall Clark Downs, Thomas Howard Broadbent magna cum laude John Thomas Broderick Otto George Dreiling, Jr. Richard Robert Buescher Theodore Joseph Druhot Norbert James Bunsey John Francis Dvorak Ellen Cecilia Campbell Anthony John Elisco, Jr. Edwin Henry Canning, John Patrick Faragher, in absentia in absentia Lawrence Peter Carelli, John Patrick Flood, Jr. in absentia Joseph Samuel Fox, Jr. William Joseph Carrick, Jr., Francis George Friedel in absentia Lawrence Francis Gallagher Bartholomew Michael Caterino, Donald Eugene Gehlmann cum laude Richard John Giffels James Campbell Chiprean Ralph Jude Gorny, Nicholas Angelo Christopher cum laude Gerald Edward Cook Ronald Joseph Grose Joseph Thomas Cregan Ronald Stephen Hadinger, Henrietta Hronek Crouch in absentia Edward Louis Daugherty, Jr. James Michael Hallinan, Jr. Bachelor of Science in Social Science Harvey Harth John Donald O'Malley llichard Jerome Hartman, Thomas Francis O'Neil in absentia Leonard Joseph Pchola Robert Anthony Hogan James Salvatore Pipino, Lawrence Randall Howse cum laude Donald Francis Hueber Conrad Martin Pokorski Peter Enright Jenkins James Stephen Pro ek, Edward Frank Katalinas cum laude James Franci Kilcoyne, John Kennedy Pugh in absentia William Reeves Quilter Frank Edward King Neil Joseph Raleigh John James Kinney III, Raymond Joseph Reilly in absentia James Dennis Riccardi, John Francis Kirchner in absentia Richard Nick Kmetz, Eugene Loren Riegelsberger in absentia Robert William Ryan Henry Donald Knecht David Anthony Santoro James Aloy iu Knechtges James Arthur Schindler Richard Andrew Krzys, Paul Henry Schlimm cum laude Lawrence O'Hare Selhorst James Earl Lacey Leo James Slack, Jr. Kenneth Edward Looney Joseph Andrew Snyderwine Eugene Gerald McConvi11e, James Bernard Spayde in absentia Peter Thomas Stager James Thomas McDonough, A1len George Stej kal, in absentia in absentia James Robert McLaughlin Charles Francis Step, John Francis McMullen, Jr. in absentia Anthony F. Mackie Donald Halliday Stout Thomas Joseph Maruna Raymond George Suelzer John Emmett 1asterson Daniel Albert Sullivan Charles Joseph Maxwe1l Jo eph Edward Sullivan Jame William Mayer Edward Joseph Synek, Jr. Thomas Patrick Meehan, George Charles Taylor in absentin William Joseph Telzrow, Jr. Henry Joseph Meurer, Jr. George Joseph Thomey Frank Joseph Moran Larry Victor ntcrbrink, Albert Knute Oberst magnet cum laude Fred John Obreza George Philip Waldeck Thomas Franci O'Connell Jame Rus ell Wargo Donald J o eph O'Connor Wilfred Joseph Whealon Kevin Daniel O'Connor Ronald Charles Wysocki James Anthony O'Donnell James J o eph Young Daniel Jos ph o·Horo Jerome Joseph Zavadil, Jr. Bachelor of Science m Natural Science James Anthony Arkey Jame Terrance Moran Leonard abath Belmonte in absentia ' David Steele Bresnahan Frank Joseph Novak John Dominic Buckon Le lie Howard Paley Allen Patrick Caine Donald George Palu , cum laude Loui Peter Castellarin Francis John Paulovich William Ganley Cibula Richard Thomas Pfeifer James Patrick Cusick Bernard Charles Rauckhorst Thomas Frederick Dambach Philip Pa quale Ripepi Clarence Gust Danielson, in absentia Bertram Paul Samerdyke Leo Joseph Duffy Philip William Schaefer, cum laude Charles Robert Ensign, in absentia Donald Edward Schuele, magna cum laude Donald Edward Furry Richard Francis Solti Robert Z. Greenley, cum laude Donald Arthur Spisak Robert Andrew Grimesey Hideko Tamanaha Charles Gerhardt Hippler Michael Angelo Torrelli Paul Martin Jarchow Robert Patrick Velotta Donald John J osephik, Edward Francis W achovec in absentia Emmett James Walsh, Jr. Thomas Francis Kelly Gerald Edwin W einberrrt:> Joseph David Kost, Jr. Victor George Weizer, Jr. James Bernard McAuley III Charles John Zelnik SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, AND GOVERNMENT Candidates will be presented by FRITZ W. GRAFF, M.B.A., C.P.A., Dean Bachelor of ctence m Busine s Administration Michael Ronald Benson James Raymond Heckman, in absentia Thomas Alphon e Bonifas John Eugene l(ennedy David Henry Bruening, in absentict J a me Francis Kerg Thoma J o eph Burke, Lawrence Charles K.inskey in absentia Anthony James Kosak Maurice James Callahan Gordon Leonard LaGanke, Jr. Thomas Roswell Carmody Donald Dennis Lynch, cum laude John Thomas Collins Harry Allan Lynn Leo Robert Collins James Joseph McDonough, Robert Harry Dawson in absentia Joseph Paul DeAngelis Gerald Joseph McGuire, Charles William DeVille cum laude James Michael Dzurinda Donald Anthony Mahn.e, Robert Devon Eckert cum laude Lawrence Edward Faulhaber, Camillo Mariotti in absentict Walter Joseph Martin Harold William Feldman, Leonard Mendlovitz in absentia Benedict Paul Miraglia, John Edward Finan cum laude Joseph Paul Freeh, Eugene Robert Mische in absentia Thomas Edward Moloney, James Steven Gasper in absentia Gerald Linus Geiss, Carl Joseph Monastra in absentia Patrick Joseph Moran, Jr. Stanley Leonard Gorski Richard William Mulae, David Shiel Hauer, in absentia in absentia Peter Joseph Neroni, Ernest Paul Haufe in absentia Bachelor of Science tn Business Admini tration Lawrence John ichta Michael Brendan Supple Eugene Owen O'Donnell, Haymond John usnik, in absentia in absentia Patricia Ann Oldfield William Alan wanson, Paul Michael Pacer, in absen tieL in absentia John Emery Szakal Raymond John Peat, in absentia James Jo cph Trainor, in absentict Frank Louis Prijatel Thomas Richard Tremper Richard James Reese, in absentia Cyril I. Va ko Gerald Joseph Rezac Jolm Vincent Volpe H.ichard Valentine Salvino Richard Daley Waddick, Otto Santos in absentia Roger Gordon Sargent John Prange Weizer J arne Gartland Stephens, Myron Samuel Wettrich, Jr. in absentia Donald Paul Wingenfeld Bachelor of Science in Economics Albert Jo eph DeGulis, Joseph Jude O'Connell magna cum laude John E. Perz GRADUATE DIVISION Candidate will be presented by REVEREND HENRY F. BIRK.ENHAUER, S.J ., Ph.D., S.T.L. Director Master of Arts REVEREND RoBERT EDWARD BACHER ______ Saint Mary Seminary, 1948 EssAY: A Handbook of Public Relations for the Principal of Borromeo Seminary High School. LAWRENCE VER ELL BARCLAY, B.S.S._John Carroll University, 1951 EssAY: Tests of Intelligence as Predictors of Scholastic Achievement in a Junior High. JuLIA K ESS BARRETT, B.S. ___ _____ ______ ______ College of St. Teresa, 1940 E SAY: The Efficacy of a Reading Program at John Carroll University- 1955. RosE fARY SPICUZZA BEcK, A.B. ____________ Marymount College, 1951 THE IS: The Father-Daughter Relationship in the Plays of Philip Barry. REVEREND LAWRENCE PATRICK CAHILL ______ Saint Mary Seminary, 1947 THESIS: Bishop Gilmour and the Tenure of Church Property in the Diocese of Cleveland. JA 1ES THOMAS CA SIDY, B.S. _______ John Carroll University, 1954 EssAY: A Comparison of Two Methods of T eaching Bird Recognition to Beginning Biology Students. RoBERT FRA CIS DoBER, B.S.S. __________ John Carroll University, 1954 EssAY: Geor,_e W-1shingto1•'s Problems in Dealing with Prisoners of W ar, 1775-1 780. REVERE. D GEORGE EDWARD EPPLEY __________ Saint Mary Seminary, ]949 EssAy: An Evaluation of the Liturgical Program at Borromeo Seminary in the Light of Ecclesiastical Norms. HENRY L. FELTE , B.S.Ed. ----------------- _____ ..Kent State University, 1949 THESIS: A Survey of the Budgetary Practices and Procedures in the Lutheran Schools in the Central District of the Lmheran Church - Missouri Synod. REVEREND JosEPH PAUL Fonr, S.M. Catholic University of America, 1953 THESIS: An Investigation of Remedial Work in Gregorian Chant Courses of the Minor Seminaries of the United States. REvEREND JEROME Vx CE T FREY, S.M., A.B. Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 1954 EssAY: An Experimental Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Tape Re­ corder
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