THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2ND SEPTEMBER 1969 9065 SMITH, John Henry, 67, Knights Road, Blackbird and DECORATOR. Court—WALSALL. No. of Leys in the county of Oxford, DRIVER. Court— Matter—26 of 1969. Date of Order—26th Aug., OXFORD. No. of Matter—28 of 1969. Date of 1969. Date of Filing Petition—26th Aug., 1969. Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition —26th Aug., 1969. FO'RD, William Thomas, of 47, Leigh Furlong Road, Street, CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN, formerly JOHNS, Leslie Charles, Lorry Driver and COM- residing at 23, Fairfield Gardens, Glastonbury, and PANY DIRECTOR, of 10, Godsey Crescent, at 9, Jocelyn Drive, Wells, all in the county of Market Deeping in the county of Lincoln (des- Somerset, and previously residing at 268, London' cribed in the Receiving Order as L. C. Johns Road, Stanway, Colchester, in the county of Essex. (male)). Court—PETERBOROUGH. No. of Court—WELLS. No. of Matter—5 of 1969. Date Matter—17 of 1969. Date of Order—20th Aug., of Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition 1969. Date of Filing Petition—28th April, 1969. —26th Aug., 1969. KLEPCZYNSKI, Eugieniusz (described in the Re- COTTRELL, Doris Evelyn, of 166B, Kensington ceiving Order as Klep, Engeniusz), of 19, Willow Road, Reading, Berkshire, lately residing and carry- Drive, Bilbrook, Wolverhampton in the county of ing on business at Gem Stores, 47, Rhuddlan Road, Stafford, unemployed. Court—WOLVERHAMP- Rhyl in the county of Flint, as a GENERAL TON. No. of Matter—21 of 1969. Date of GROCER. Court—RHYL. No. of Matter—19 Order—22nd Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition— of 1969. Date of Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date 18th July, 1969. of Filing Petition—26th Aug., 1969. HEAD, George, residing at Field House, Field Lane, POTTON, Geoffrey, of 34, Allandale (formerly Wistow, near Selby, carrying on business at 65, known as Redbourne Road), Hemel Hempstead in Micklegate, otherwise known as 65, Wide Street, the county of Hertford, SUB-CONTRACTING Selby, and formerly carrying on business under BRICKLAYER, and lately residing at 59, Crabtree the name or style of H. Spinks, at 61, Micklegate, Lane, Hemel Hempstead aforesaid. Court—ST. otherwise known as 61, Wide Street, Selby, all in ALBANS. No. of Matter—30 of 1969. Date of the county of York, as a MOTOR ENGINEER. Order—21st Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition Court—YORK. No. of Matter—21 of 1969. Date —29th May, 1969. of Order—27th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition —27'th Aug., 1969. HUSSEIN, Tofazzal, and WAHID, Abdul, both of 49, The Wicker, Sheffield, trading as The Star of The following amended notice is substituted for that Asia Restaurant, as RESTAURANT PROPRIE- published in the London Gazette of 8th July, TORS. Court—SHEFFIELD. No. of Matter— 1969: 70 of 1969. Date of Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date ALETRAS, Marou'lla Costa, {married woman), of Filing Petition—26th Aug., 1969. known as Mary Aletras, and Maritsa Aletras, Dressmaker, of and lately trading as Mary Gowns, SMITH, Harry, residing at 33, Dearne Road, at 401, Caledonian Road, London, N.7, as DRESS- Brampton Bierlow, Wombwell, near Barnsley in MAKER, described in the Receiving Order as the county of York, formerly living at 64, Moor- Maroulla Costa Aletra, (married woman), known bridge Crescent, Brampton Bierlow, Wombwel'l, as Mary Aletra. Court—HIGH COURT OF near Barnsley aforesaid, MINER. Court—SHEF- JUSTICE. No. of Matter—618 of 1969. Date FIELD. No. of Matter—71 of 1969. Date of of Order—30th June, 1969. Date of Filing Peti- Order—28th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Petition tion—30th June, 1969. —28th Aug., 1969. The following amended notice is substituted for that DAY-WINTER, Peter Michael, residing and carry- published in the London Gazette of 24th July ing on business at 7, Silwood Road, Sunninghill, and 30th Sept., 1969: Ascot, Berks, as a GROCERY and PROVISION BRITTON, Colin Ernest, residing at Firbank, MERCHANT. Court—SLOUGH. No. of Matter Biokley 'Road, Bromley, and carrying on business —42 of 1969. Date of Order—19th Aug., 1969. on his own account as a GROCER, at 86-88, Date of Filing Petition—10th July, 1969. Royal Hill, Greenwich, S.E.I0, both in Greater London, and BRITTON, Isobel Leishman, (married woman), residing at 39, Cheyney Avenue, DANDO, Joan (married woman), residing and carry- South Woodford in the county of Essex, previously ing on business together with another at 63A, Cen- residing at The Lodge, Dry Hill 'Lane, Sundridge, tral Buildings, High Street, Wordsley in the county and formerly at Minnis Bay, Birchington, both in of Stafford, and lately carrying on business at the county of Kent, housewife, and carrying on 224-226, High Street, Pensnett, Brierley Hill in the business together in partnership as BACON county of Stafford, GENERAL GROCERS. Court PACKERS, under the style of Britton & Co., at —STOURBRIDGE. No. of Matter—IS of 1969. 25-29, Widmore Road, Bromley in Greater London. Date of Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—49 of 1969. Petition—26th Aug., 1969. Date of Order—llth July 1969 Colin Ernest Britton ; 14th Aug., 1969 Isobel Leishman Britton. DALKINS, Barry John, residing at 168, Sandwell Date of Filing Petition—21st May, 1969. Street, Walsall in the county of Stafford, unem- ployed, and WALTERS, Denys Geoffrey, residing at 24, Deepmore Avenue, Walsall! aforesaid, unem- The following amended notice is substituted for that ployed, lately carrying on business in partnership published in the London Gazette of 14th Aug., at 19, Sand well Street, Walsall aforesaid, under .1969: the style of " Dalkins & Walters ", as CARAVAN BRADY, Clifford Richard Thomas, and BRADY, and CAMPING ACCESSORY FACTORS, and Edwin Richard Henry, (described in the Receiving previously carrying on business under the same Order as Edwin Richard Brady), 'both residing and style from Tantarra Street, Walsaill aforesaid, as trading together in partnership under the tides of FABRICATION and WELDING ENGINEERS. " Brady Bros.", " Brady Bros. Roofing Specialists ", Court—WALSALL. Not of Matter—28 of 1969. and "The One Number Service", at 89, Con- Date of Order—27th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing naught Road, Luton in the county of Bedford, as Petition—27th Aug., 1969. BUILDERS, ROOFING CONTRACTORS and WALLTILERS. Court—LUTON. No. of Matter PICKERING, Kenneth, residing and carrying on —30 of 1969. Date of Order—8th Aug., 1969. business at Unit 12, Liskard Road, Gillety Village, Date of Filing Petition—8th Aug., 1969. Park Hall Estate, WalsaLII in the county of Staf- ford, under the style of Ambassador Dry Cleaners. The following amended notice is substituted for that Court—WALSALL. No. of Matter—27 of 1969. published in the London Gazette of 8th July, Date of Order—26th Aug., 1969. Date of Filing 1969: Petition—26th Aug., 1969. MORETON, Richard Baker, residing at and lately carrying on business as a TAXI PROPRIETOR, WARD, George Henry, residing and carrying on on his own account and previously in partnership business at 16, Newton Place, Beechdale Estate, with others under the style of " Bridgemary Taxis ", Walsaill in the county of Stafford, as a PAINTER from 106, Tukes Avenue, iBridgemary, Gosport in For any late Notices see Contents list on first page.
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