Threatened Spaces, Disappearing Species: The Forests and Woodlands of the Coastal East Africa Region REPORT INT 2011 Threatened Spaces, Disappearing Species: The Forests and Woodlands of the Coastal East Africa Region © JOHN SALEHE Threatened Spaces, Disappearing Species: The Forests and Woodlands of the Coastal East Africa Region CONTENTS FOREWORD Eastern Africa’s coastal forests and Tanzania’s Eastern Arc 03 FOREWORD Mountains are globally recognized by biologists as Centres of 03 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Endemism, home to species found nowhere else on Earth. While, for reasons explained in this report, a mere 10% of the original coastal 04 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY forests of Eastern Africa remain, the surviving fragile patches are a 05 THREATENED SPACES, DISAPPEARING SPECIES: treasure trove of fascinating plants and animals. THE FORESTS AND WOODLANDS OF THE COASTAL EAST AFRICA REGION However, the forests and woodlands of coastal East Africa, which include the 06 AFRICA’S LAST SAVANNA WILDERNESS - THE EASTERN endemic-rich Eastern Arc mountain forests and the vast tracts of Miombo woodland are at increasing risk. Some 20 million people live in the Coastal East Africa region and all MIOMBO WOODLANDS of them depend directly or indirectly on these resources for the goods and services they SURYLGH$WWKHLUFXUUHQWUDWHRIGHJHQHUDWLRQKRZHYHUWKHVHEHQH¿WVZLOOEHVKRUWOLYHG 07 FRAGILE AND THREATENED - THE COASTAL FORESTS and a world that has still so much to be discovered will be lost forever. 08 TREASURE “ISLANDS” - THE EASTERN ARC MOUNTAINS The UN General Assembly has declared 2011 as the’ International Year of Forests’ - Forests, biodiversity and human well-being to raise awareness on sustainable management, and conservation of all types of 10 ENDEMIC SPECIES, CENTRES OF ENDEMISM, AND CONSERVATION forests. Within this context, the publication of this report marks the beginning of a concerted campaign to preserve the vital forest resources of the coastal East Africa 12 SPECIES OF THE EASTERN MIOMBO WOODLANDS region. WWF believes that with government commitment and the support of local communities, we can create a balance between people’s need for forest products and 14 ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE COASTAL FORESTS services and the survival of Coastal East Africa’s unique biodiversity. WWF, through its Coastal East Africa initiative, is committed to ensure the conservation of this 16 ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE EASTERN ARC MOUNTAINS important natural heritage. 19 SAVING SPECIES SAVES LIVELIHOODS: Peter Scheren A CASE STUDY FROM THE COASTAL FORESTS WWF Coastal East Africa Network Initiative Leader - WWF’s Global and local partners - Addressing the international market chain (DVLQJFHUWL¿FDWLRQSURFHVVHVLQWKH5HJLRQ - Meeting the Challenge of Mpingo conservation 21 COASTAL EAST AFRICA’S BIODIVERSITY – A CALL TO ACTION 23 FURTHER READING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank the following for their assistance in the writing of this report and for generously providing the photographs: Neil Burgess; Rolf Baldus; Colin Jackson; Evan Bowen Jones; Arabella Bramley; Rob Brett; Phil Clarke; Viola Clausnitzer; Will Darwall; Tim Davenport; Ingrid & Ron Eggert; Steffen Foerster; Rudi Hahn; Louis Hansen; Tim Herman; Peter Howard; David Hoyle; Leigh Ann Hurt; Nate Johnson; Bronwyn Llewellyn; Quentin Luke; Sue Mainka; Michele Menegon; Amani Ngusaru; David Peterson; Henrietta Pringle; Galen Rathbun; Francesco Rovero; John Salehe; Claire Spottiswoode; Tom Struhsaker; Colin Watkins; Warwick Tarboton; soundandfair.org. Written and researched by Alison Wilson with advice from WWF’s Coastal East Africa Initiative. Designed by The Clarion Portfolio Ltd, UK. 2 3 Threatened Spaces, Disappearing Species: The Forests and Woodlands of the Coastal East Africa Region EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THREATENED SPACES, DISAPPEARING SPECIES: The African countries bordering the Indian Ocean have an amazing diversity of THE FORESTS AND WOODLANDS ecosystems and are rich in biodiversity. Despite this, their human populations are among the poorest on the planet. The region’s miombo woodlands, coastal forests, and Eastern OF THE COASTAL EAST AFRICA REGION Arc mountains harbour tens of thousands of known species of plants and animals, and species new to science are regularly being discovered. While these landscapes are crucially important for the people of the region, as well as for biodiversity, they are under :KHUHFDQ\RX¿QGYDVWVZDWKHVRIZRRGODQGVDYDQQDV unprecedented pressure as human populations expand and embrace development. teeming with elephants, tropical rainforests ringing with ELUGFDOOVSDOPIULQJHGEHDFKHVZKHUH¿GGOHUFUDEV FKDVHWKHZDYHVDQGPDJQL¿FHQWFRUDOUHHIVDOLYHZLWK FRORXUIXO¿VK±DOOZLWKLQDIHZKXQGUHGNLORPHWUHVRI each other? The eastern seaboard of Africa! This amazing corner of the globe is extraordinarily special for its rich tapestry of ecosystems and because its forests and woodlands harbour hundreds of endemic species, found The miombo ecosystems of northern Mozambique and most important areas of the world for the conservation of nowhere else on earth. Yet this unique assemblage southern Tanzania encompass some of the last great endemic birds, plants and other taxonomic groups: they of plants and animals is under increasing danger of wilderness areas in Africa, home to the continent’s are also home to some of the highest densities of rare disappearing forever. greatest populations of savanna elephants and DQGHQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHVDQGJHQHUDRIÀRUDDQGIDXQDLQ Endangered African wild dogs, as well as to numerous the whole of Eastern Africa, if not the world. Only 30% WWF’s Coastal East Africa Initiative region covers an species of antelope, woodland birds, and other of the original forest cover of these mountains survives area of some 1.4 million km2 and stretches 4,600 km from vertebrates. Many thousands of species are unique to and what is left, mostly in protected areas, is still under northern Mozambique, through southern and eastern miombo woodlands and while much of the miombo threat, along with all its special biodiversity. If the forest Tanzania, and along Kenya’s coastline north to the remains intact within protected areas such as the vast cover of these mountains continues to diminish it is not ERUGHUZLWK6RPDOLD7KHUHJLRQ¶VODQGVFDSHV±PLRPER 6HORXV*DPH5HVHUYHODUJHDUHDVDUHWKUHDWHQHGE\ only biodiversity that will suffer: so, to will the people of woodlands, coastal forests, Eastern Arc mountains, and commercial logging for timber species and by clearance Tanzania who rely on these mountains for the ecosystem inshore waters - harbour tens of thousands of known for subsistence agriculture, fuelwood and charcoal. VHUYLFHV±HVSHFLDOO\ZDWHUDQGHQHUJ\WKDWWKH\SURYLGH species of plants and animals. And new species are regularly found: in the last ten years more than 400 Eastern Africa’s coastal forests and Tanzania’s Eastern WWF’s Coastal East Africa Initiative, together its QHZVSHFLHVLQFOXGLQJLQYHUWHEUDWHV¿VK KEY HABITAT TYPES Arc mountains are globally recognized by biologists as development and conservation partners, is working amphibians, 19 reptiles, ten birds, seven mammals and 93 Eastern Arc Forests Centres of Endemism, home to species found nowhere to conserve these woodlands and forests and their plants have been discovered in the region. Eastern Mombo Woodlands else on Earth. Most of the coastal lowland forests, XQLTXHIDXQDDQGÀRUDE\GHPRQVWUDWLQJWKHYDOXH Coastal Forest inhabited by people for thousands of years, have long of biodiversity, engaging governments and local Eastern Africa’s woodlands and forests are crucially since been cleared. A mere 10% of the original coastal communities, and reducing human impact through a important for the people of the region, as well as for forest habitat remains and the surviving fragile patches range of approaches. biodiversity, including many migratory Palearctic bird 400+ are a treasure trove of fascinating plants and animals, species. The coastal forests and Tanzania’s Eastern Arc some of them unique to only one or two forest remnants. mountains are also globally recognized by biologists as NEW SPECIES DISCOVERED IN We are only now starting to make discoveries of species Centres of Endemism. THE LAST TEN YEARS, INCLUDING: new to science in the coastal forests of Mozambique, WE ARE ONLY NOW STARTING TO MAKE which were closed to biologists for decades during that DISCOVERIES OF SPECIES NEW TO SCIENCE IN / 261 invertebrates country’s civil war. If we lose what is left of this habitat, THE COASTAL FORESTS OF MOZAMBIQUE / 28 fish we will be losing not only a unique ecosystem which / 25 amphibians provides local people with an array of services, but also its remarkable biodiversity. EASTERN AFRICA’S WOODLANDS AND FORESTS ARE / 19 reptiles CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE / 10 birds Global analyses of biodiversity priority undertaken / 7 mammals by conservation biologists show that the Eastern Arc REGION, AS WELL AS FOR BIODIVERSITY, INCLUDING / 93 plants Mountains - a chain of massifs stretching from southern MANY MIGRATORY PALEARCTIC BIRD SPECIES Tanzania and into southern Kenya - rank among the 4 5 Threatened Spaces, Disappearing Species: The Forests and Woodlands of the Coastal East Africa Region FRAGILE AND THREATENED - THE COASTAL FORESTS 10% OF THE ORIGINAL © RUDI H The lowland regions of coastal eastern Africa were once COASTAL © N covered by a forest mosaic extending from southern E I FOREST L Mozambique north to the Kenya’s border with Somalia. BU AHN R These forests were a diverse mix of forest and woodland HABITAT G ESS Miombo woodlands in the Selous-Niassa
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