BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 50, No. 9. Philadelphia, November 9, 1907. Price, Five Cents. DY6ERT, P. fl WADDELL,P.\\ fl COOMBS, P. 0 SEYBOLD, O.f. among the minor league folks. The big- fel the apparent desire of a number of club a question whether the attendance has in* low intimated that Manager McGraw wil to make changes it is ,up to the manage creased in the same ratio as the outgo neces have a big crop of promising youngsters ment to, get busy. John I. Taylor, of th sary to keep the club alive and for that IETTS WINS under his wing when the "assembly" sounds Boston Club, is said to be still in a tradin reason every club is bound to go to much, early next spring. Not a few of the minoi mood, while the Cleveland and Washingto; expense in order that it© shall have a good league men echoed Brouthers© assertion tha Clubs would doubtless be interested in som enough attraction to make both ends meet. in Merkle, the new first baseman, the Giants of the Yankees, To frame up the poMcj AS TO OUTLAWS. HAHLON AND ABEL RETIRE have the greatest minor league output o: of the club for next year will be no eas; the year. This was music to the ears of task, but the sooner it is done the bette It is understood that Stricklett has been FROM THE FIELD. Messrs. Knowles and McGraw. Big things chance there will be to mend fences. notified that be must not play with an out are predicted for Merkle, who is©expected to law club in California in conformity with MISCELLANY. the ruling of the National Commission. If become the Hal Chase of the National Leagu Infielder Bell made a very favorable im next year. The Strjeklett is a wise player he will mind what All Suits and Differences in the pression in the few games he played wit! the National Commission says. The players EXPECTED SHAKE-UP the Yankees toward the close of the season in the larger leagues must begin to learn in the ranks of the Giants is still very much He is a good fielder, hit the ball nicely an< before long that it is the part of wisdom Brooklyn Club Settled By under discussion among local fans. The was as daring and fast as Gobb on the for them to help protect the men who are latest regarding the future of Dan ©McGann bases. - = paying©Whe larger salaries in base ball. If betts* Purchase of the Recalci is the gossip that the veteran first sacker Christy Mathewson will spend the white they fail to do so they will put the business may be seen in Philadelphia n«st year in New York and has taken -up the "study in such chaotic condition that for a second Having apparently failed to land -Fred Ten of forestry. time there will be a horizontal reduction in trant Stock Holders© Shares* ney from Boston, Manager Murray is said tt Great .doings are expected of pitcher Lake Salaries which will -hurt all along., tne line. have McGann in mind to replace Bransfield who was secured from Jersey City by Mana On what basis the change is to be made ger Griffith. Eastern League folks predic ,©.©,©.,© THE OWNERS© SIDE. ; , SPECIAL TO "SPORTING has not even been hinted at. Some figure that he will join the top-linerS in th< Tfce player takes the ground that when he Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 5. President Chas out some sort of a three-cornered dea American next year. " * is through with the club with which he may H. Ebbetts, of the Brooklyn Club, yesterday whereby McGann will join the Phillies anc happen to be playing for the summer he is made the announcement that all the troubles Tenney will come to New York, although a free agent and may do as he pleases. Per of the club, which took the others declare that if Tenney leaves Boston haps so, but not. t©o the extent that he shall form of lawsuits, injunctions his destination will be Pittsburg. All things injure those who are in allegiaricd with his and much acrimonious talk: point to some general deals of wide scope Increased Cost of Conducting Base Ball in summer employers. The National League have been amicably settled The rumor that Joe McGinnity would be and American League are bound to protect This was brought about by traded seems to have struck a responsive Evidence in the City of Churches The the other organizations with which they are the purchase by Ebbetts o; chord in St. Louis. A report from the affiliated and if the participation in games the club stock held by F. A Missouri metropolis has it that the Rpbi Player - Discipline Question and the with outlaw clubs is hurting the clubs which Abel, Edward Hanlon anc sons are willing to give cash and "Pig" National Commission©s Mistaken Leni are a part of the National Agreement the the estate of the late Harry Bennett for players of the major league clubs should von der Horst. Ebbetts an THE IRON MAN. ency to Contract Jumpers. consider it a part of their duty to preserve nounced that he now holds the organization intact which is guarantee 60 per cent, of the stock Local gossip has it that Manager McGraw By John B. Foster. ing them their salaries and paying them contemplates trading both McGinnity anc faithfully during the summer. Henry W. Medicus holds 30 Taylor if hercan do so to advantage. There Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 3. Editor "Sport per cent, and Charles H is also more! talk of the probable trading o; ing Life." Base ball is no more exemp TOO MUCH CODDLING. ; Ebbetts, Jr., 10 per cent from the advanced scale of living than othe: Chas. Ebbetts © ©For the first time in its either Bresnahan or Bowerman. On accomr There is a growing impression that the ball history all the stock of the Brooklyn Club of the availability of Roger Bresnahan as business enterprises. Hence player is becoming too much of an ego in is now held by Brooklynites," said Ebbetts managerial timber it is believed that some the fact that the Brooklyn the sport. Everything is sacrificed to the yesterday. "Heretofore there have always club might give up considerable in return Club of 1908 will be a mor player. Men are pampered more than they been foreign stockholders.©© for the Toleda man©s services, in which costly undertaking than tha. were in the past. There was a time when event Bowerman would be retained to do of 1907. In addition to the players felt hurt and aggrieved if they SHIFTING CONTROL. the lion©s share of the catching. Again, growing increase of salaries could not participate in every game. I have F. A- Abel held the controlling. interest matters may shape themselves just the re the management in this city seen catchers behind the bat who went in the Brooklyn Club up to 1899, when the verse and Bowerman may be traded. It is will have to face a greater through nine innings with blood streaming Brooklyn and Baltimore teams were con believed by many that one of the Giants© outlay in other directions from their hands and fingers. They would solidated. Then Abel ane big catchers will be used in a deal. It is In the first place the grount not stop if asked to do so. They took pride Harry von der Horst became realized that in order to add strength to rent will be higher for in doing well in spite of a temporary hurt. the owners of eighty pel- the club where it is badly needed the man another term of years. Thi Nowadays most of those who are catching cent, of the stock, with Han agement must offer a strong man or two jj lease of the ball park ii are ready to quit as the first crack that Ion and Ebbetts each holding it hopes to secure men of equal calibre. U this city expires next May makes a finger joint tingle. ten per cent. Four years added coin will land the men McGraw needs John B. Foster It will then have run ten ago Hanlon secured contro© it will, of course, be forthcoming. years. The management will SHORT-SIGHTED POLICY. of the Von der Horst stock, lease the ground for another term of years, AMONG THE HITTERS Owners of clubs who take the ground and, forming a combination but to do so will have to pay more that that certain players are indispensable to the with Ebbetts, they assumed as shown in the official averages Dan Mc they have paid for the last decade. It will game are merely placing the control of control of the club, leaving Gann leads McGraw©s men with a percentage also be necessary to those players further from their reach. There Abel out in the cold. Two of .298 in 81 games played, closely followed BUILD NEW STANDS is a disposition to be lax when laws should years ago differences arose by Seymour with a percentage of .294 in be enforced, simply because those in control between Hanlon and Ebbetts, 126 games. These two men are the only and that means a further outlay. The twenty-five-cent seats have been built te of the sport allow their sympathies to over H W Medico* "with the result that Hanlon, ones among the Giants who appear among come their better judgment. This has beea after having his salary ma the League©s leading batsmen.
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