thunder word Six win in HCSU race Wendy Holte and Terry Sell er, 1976, and is presently as- were the top vote-getters’. in sociate editor. the HCSU election, May 4, 5 Third-placefinisher John and 6. Eight students ran for Luman is veterans* affairs the six available positions. editor of the T-Word. “Ibe- . Following Holte (118 votes) lieve it’s time to get student and Sell (113 votes)were John government involvedwith the Stanley Luman (66 votes), students it’s supposed to rep Jerry Fritzmann (65votes) resent.’*Luman served four and E. Layne Farmer (62 long years in the U.S. Navy. votes). A tie for the sixth Jerry Fritzmann is current- positiondeveloped between ly editor-in-chief of the T- H.N. Bennerand Allan Word. His mainadministra- Latham, both receiving 5s tive experience comes from votes. six years as a leader of West Bennerresigned following Seattle Chapter, Order of De- the vote counting, sayingthat molay. Fritzmann pledgesto “I feel Allan can be more remain in office for his full dedicated at this time, hecan term. He says “Ihope tobring better servethe students in Q little continuityinto our that capacity. I wish him all student government in order the luck.” to help run more efficiently. Jim Anderson was theother “Thanks to all who voted me candidate, receiving SO votes. in,” was the word from fifth THE 1977-78 HCSU COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES(MINUS ONE)...(aeated, left to right)Terry Holte is the Only current place finisherE. Layne Farm- M. Sell, Wendy Holte and Allan Iatbam. (standing, left to ri&t) Jerry Fritz- dJob w. HCSU representative to run er. “Iwill do an honest job in Not pictured: E. Lame Farmer, nhoto by Cook for re-election. Her other ac- my role in studentgovern- - complishments include mem- ment. Farmer’s currentinter- The strike of theWashing- campus Wednesday 7 a.m. ta bership in the National Or- ests include dog breeding, ton Pub1i c emp ioyees Associ- 10 p.m. along with some facub ganization of Women.She is political activities, boating, WPEA ation endedThursday morn- ’ ty members. .also office, Manager for the fishing andart. ingafter a conferencebet- Steve White,volunteer - Des Moines Chamber of Com- Allan Lathamis a U.S. Army ween Ann Quantock, statestrike coordinator for the merce. veteran who has longbeen strike president, andGovernor Ray. HCC-WPEA said the strike Sell is national president of active in veterans’ rights or- HCC’s classifiedstaff, endedbecause $he Governor Phi Theta Kappa, the national ganizations.Allan’s major is members of the stateassocia- junior collegehonor frater- journalism, and he is current- ends tion,had been picketing the (continued on page 16) nity. He serve8 as editor-in- ly arts and entertainment chief of the T-WordFall Quart- editor of the T-Word. Eureka! He found it! Ancient manuscript ‘returned by Carolyn Williamson time of themove. He even The manuscript was purch- in Latin written onit.The back framed so that the front and tried to contactretired people ased from a monastery in cover has musical notationfor backcover are visible from A 14th century manuscript who hadbeen at HCC back Cordova,Spain by Charlotte a chant and a crest on it. .oneside and the reverse of which disappeared whenHCC then. Davis ofthe Humanities Divi- Black, red, blue, green and those pages canbe seen OR the moved to its present campus Then he went to the High- sion in 1963. In the spring of yellow were used on the man- other side. from the temporary quarters line School District office to 1964 she gave it to HCC. uscript. Surprisingly the col- The manuscript has not atGlacier High Schoolhas qee if their records had any The manuscript isthe front ors are still very clear. The red been formally appraised butit been recovered by a student, information about the manus- and back covera of Mass book. especially is vivid although is believed to be worth about Steve Christoph. cript. The secretary he talked The writing is on Vellum over six hundredyears the $2,000. A site is being selected Christoph’squest for the to mentionedthat Gene F’riese, which is an opaque material othercolors may have for permanent display. manuscriptbegan as an as- co-ordinatorof learning re- made from calf‘s skin. changed somewhat. “We won’t let it out of our signment for his research and sources for the district, might The front cover has prayers Themanuscript has been hands,” said Briesmeister. persuasive writing class. know something aboutit since Robert Briesmeister, who is he was interested in old man- teaching Writing 10s this uscripts. quarter, makes a list of cam- “Surprised,”said pus research projects for his Christoph is how he felt when studentsas an exercise in Friese pulled the framed man- interviewing. Out of thelist of uscript out of a closet in his 15 or 20 projectsChristoph got office. Christophwas not com- thelost manuscript for his pletely sure at first this was assignment. themanuscript they were Briesmeister, who joined seeking; but Briesmeister the faculty in 1963, remem- confirmed that it was indeed bered the framed manuscript treasure.lostthe I hangingoutside of the HCC Of courseno one really President’s office before the knows for surewhere the move. He wondered what had manuscript spent all the years happened toit. This is the first it wasmisplaced; but the time a student has worked on theory seemsto bethat it that project for Briesmeis- remained in storage for sever- ter’s class. al years. Then it mayhave Christoph, who is enrolled hung in the Highline High in the law enforcement prog- School for awhile. Someone ram, started his research by who knew of Friese’s interest interviewing facultyand staff in manuscripts took it to his who had been on campusat the office for keeping. Thunder Words .................................... Paw 2 Centerfold.__ ........................................ peoe 8 Arts and Entertainment ............................. I ............................................ pa”oP8- 13 600 YEARS OLD.,.This ancient manuscript is still easy to read... for those who know fartin photo by Mark Mannard I I .” .-””””-. .””_. -.“-..”- ””- .”. .. c by Marjorie Mhorley Encounter with nausea An explicit statement concerning the Ku she anexample of *'a savageand brutal And a long time ago, I worked for Jewsat Klu Klun was the subject of an article in race.**Rather, shewas a lesson in humility . Meier and Frank Company in Portland; I The Seattle Times on April 14, 1977. Infor- and concernwith duty worthyof emulation. never saw .Julius Meier or AaronFrank that I mation was given the newsman, Eric Lacitis, Not that she couldn't evidence irritation if know of, but AaronFrank, Junior sometimes by the Imperial Wizard of the Klan, Bill some little thingwere neglected - little addressed employee's meetings.My depan- Wilkinson. Thunder Word received the fol- things, because her team didn't neglect big ment head, boss, was a Mr. Finklestein, a lowing comment from a Humunities student things. small, capable, nice man with thinning hair who quotes from Lacitis' article. And, on thosenightmare shiftscaused by and a big nose who called me by name and two or more team members callingin ill or proffered constructive suggestions. There is a certain adrenalin-bornpain no-show, she'dleave herdesk workor hurry But his name brough smiles and giggles whichfollows the reading of a highly her medications and doa morn, perhaps two from the customers in those loud speaker provoking literature - a kind of wild rise to rooms.Sometimes she'd bring a special days: "Calling Mr. Finklestein. Calling Mr. migraine and bloodpressureat the topof the chocolatecake, baked with honey rather Finklestein." So the Company changed his gauge. Thena wash of emptinessand than sugar, somethingdifferent asapprecia- nameto Burton; "Calling Mr. Burton" frustration, and almost of futility. Mr. Eric tion for team cooperation.I surely was not sounded better. Less Jewish. There I was, tacitis, you did this to me. "Move over'old' surrendering to "black terror." surrounded "by Jews, by more Jews, and But she encountered white hate regular- K.K.K. - make way for the *new,* ** you still more Jews," andI didn't feel any one of wrote and continued on to. exemplify that ly: "Get out of here you old, black ----.'* themwanted to "mongrelize" me. And I nothing was new. Your anger became my "Don't touch me,you black --.'* This, from would never haveadvocated "they shouldbe anger. peopleshe was helping, and always with systematicallyremoved from their posi- And you wrote, **majorconcerns of this emphasis on the black. Such people would tions**because Meier and Frank was a good new K.K.K. - are (1) blacks and(2) Jews." accept my ministrations, however, becauseI placeto work. Recognition of seniority, These "blacks and Jews"are my concerns, was white, though much less capable. We capability, employeediscounts, bonuses too, because they are people and because never discussed the incidents except, were companypolicies 'way back in the Klan judgments disagree with my unique perhaps,to mention that someonewas Forties. experience. agitated, but I'd address her as "ma'am" at Not long ago,I worked for a Negro nurse, these. times, and I aiways called her Mrs. Sorry, Klansmen, I cannot agree with a Mrs. Flora Gordon, a person who could not Gordon rather than Flora. She understood your ideations, andI am not preparing for a be anyone's **intellectualinferior," nor was this was my respectfor the person she was. race war. I pray for your enlightenment. Ode to a Therapist (or, "NO Overtime for Me") At times I think about my work I consider how theload will be Water..a good solution In &ng through the&er Administration energy andsomeput coffee on to perk. with one more tracheostomy. proposals we were quite amazed that one major source of energy was not included in the possible solutions to helping Relaxing, finally, in a chair,While on the floors I sure work hard- America out of this energy crisis.Hydro=electric power was not included in the list of areas that the merAdministration propose that we strenghtento help our energy problems.
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