February 5, 1876, Vol. 22, No

February 5, 1876, Vol. 22, No

JHH, turn HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE U.VITED STATES VOL. 22 NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 5, 1876 NO. 654. FinanciaL Finanoial. Finanoial. THB Samuel Shaw, FISK & HATCH, BANKER, National Bank-Note Co., BANKERS, And Dealer In Commerelal Paper, •(• (INCORPOBATKD NOVKMBEB, 1859.) No. 5 .NASSAU ST., NKW YORK. 6«l XTAIjI. STREET. K. J. KsKET, Preildent. 8. G. Collikb, Cuh!er. OFFICE, Ko. 1 "WAX.!. STREET, We fflre particular atteatloa to Dibkot Dkalihqb IN QOVKRNUKNT BONU3 A.T CUftaSMT MABKKT BATI8, The Exchance Bank. NEW YORK. aQd are prepared, at uU times, to buyer veil In Urge or small amojiits, to suit ull cUsscm of luvestoriT OP DENVER, COLORADO. exghatebb or thi Orders by mall or telegraph will receive careful atten- UMlt«d States Bonds, Notes, Cnrreaoy tion. Capital Stock, - - «2tO,000. We vhftll be pleased to famish Information In and National Bank Notes. reference to all matters connected with Investments Special attention givau to Collections, and to th ZSSBATTHO AHS PBrKTINa 01> in Uovernment Uonds. iDVcttlog of inonev on Itral-clasa real estate security Wc also buy and sell •ANK-NOTES, STATU AND RAILBOAD BONDS, Gold and Gold rotiPONS. (or nonresidents. COLLKor DiviDKNUs, and Town. County and Btatk STAMPS, ' POSTAGE AND BBVBNTJE Coupons, &c.. and buy and sell, on CoMuisstON, all CORBK8PONDENT8. Tradesmen's Natlonil Bank, and Glloian, OSRTIFIOATES, DRAFTS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, Mabkktablx Stock < and Bonds. Son A Co., New York ; Walla, Fargo * Co.'s Bank, Saa Fraoclsco. AND COMMERCIAL PAPERS, In our Bankino DsPABTMKNT we receive deposits and remUtances fcubject to draft, and allow Interestf in the highest Btjl* of the art with tpeeial taft- to becreiUed monih^y. on balances averaging, for the John Munroe & Co., devised prevent connter- fvardt and patented, to mouth, from VltCOO to f5,00U, at the rate of three per luting and alterations. cent per annum, and on balances averaging over No. 8 'W»n street. New York, No. This Company engraves and prints bonds, postage i^j.OOO, at the rate of four per cent. 4 Post OiBce Square, Boston. CHKtJUES AND CABLK TRAN8FKU3 ON stamps and paper money for various foreign FISK Sc HATCH. ntUNROB 4c CO., PARiau Oovemmeuts and Banldng Institutions—South STEIiLINa CHEQUES ON American, Eoropean, West India Islands, Japan, &e. Greenebaum Bros,&Co., 4I.KXA>IDKRS, CITNLIPPBS * CO., CotnmunieaHotu may be addremd to tM4 London. Vompany in any language. BANKERS, SIXTY DAY 8TEULINO ON THK C »NSULiDATED BANK, LONDONi J. H. VAN ANTW^EBP, Pres't. 1 Nassau Street, New ifork, J. nACDONOUGH, Vlce.Prest. (CoBXKB OF Wall Stbbkt.) CIBCULAR NOTKS AND CSSDITS rOS TKAVBLBia A. D. SHEPARD, Treasurer. CHICAGO HOUSE: HENUY GREKNKBAtJM & CO NEW YORK. BOSTON, JNO. B. CVBBIBB, Secrvtary. 1st Pearl Street. '0 8U:e Street Issue Bills Of Exchange, Travelers' and Commercial GOSSLER Co., Credits, al«o Telegraphic Transfers of Mone; , avail & able In the leading cities of Europe and the United OOBBESPOMDXNTB OF Fdward C. Fox & Co , States. International Bank or iiambnrK and Dppos I accounts received on favorable terms. Loudon, (Limited.) STOCK BROKERS, We oil ir for sale a limited amount of HOU8B IN KUBOPK, %Ve«t Ohlcaffo Park 7 Per Cent Bonds, JOHN BERKNBKRG, GOSSLKR ic CO 30 BROAD ST., KKXT YORK. Due 1S90. HAMBURG. Stocks, Bonds and Oovemment Securities bought and sold at the New Yorlc Stocic Exchange. F. W. Gilley, Jr. & Co., McKim Brothers & Co.^ We give Special Attention to State, BA.VKERS, BANKRRS AND BROKERS, 4T Vl^all street. Naw Tork. CItf, County and Toivn Bonds, and •ecurltles of defaulted Railroads for C4 BROADWAY AND 19 NEW STREET, . wblcU there Is no regular market. P. O. Box 4259. Neiv York* Albert H. Nicolay & Co. QUOTATIONS FURNISHED. Order sin Government Securities, Kallvay Shares and HotidM, executed strictly on Commls&toD.at the stock Anctionecrs and Brokers, AUeUSTUB J. BHOWH. WAL8TOH B. BBOWB, New Y( rk Sio :k hxchaage. Pariicular atti'ntlou paid to Investments. Foreign No. 43 PINB STRBBT, NEUT YORK. Jfxchauge Uouifht anu Sold. Deposits received sub- Aug. Brown & Son, ject to sight check, and Interest allowed on dally tr REGULAR AUCTION SALES J. balance-', accomlng to the nature of the account. Prompt attentinii g veil to Oollec ions and Konilt- or BANKERS, tanccu. lufurnittllon CO cernlng ay spt-cifled security will be eht'crfulty furnUhed without churge. 59 Liberty Street, Neiv York. STOCKS AKD BONDS, K. W. OlLLBY. JR , K.S. GiLLKT. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange. J. NsLaow TAPPA.N, Special. Every Monday and Thursilaif, or PKCIAL. ATTKNTION GIVKN TO THK NKGOTIA tiPKOtAL SALBS MADB ON ALL OTRBB DATS. TION OK Sherman Grant, OPOS ONE DAY'S KOTICE, WHBM RbQUIRKO RAILROAIt SECUniTIRS. & BANKERS, Onr Eatabllahed Custom 33 Years. WASHINGTOK, D. C. USNIBAL KXOnAKSK AND PakKINO BUSlNStS. ^r* stocks and Bonds bougbt and sold at tbe New CnlXKCTIGWS £*<' ALL hOlHTB. Charles G. Johnsen, York Stock Bichsnge, and at private sale, on commis- sion. Andrew Stuart & Co., Slock Boards a nERCIIANT AND BANKER, BANKERS, tr Securities not dealt In at tlie specialty wltk ttils house (or many years. 34 PINE STHKET, NEW YORK. nrst-class Municipal Bonds, Railroad Bonds 166 GRAVIBR STREET, DRAW EXCHANOK ON tr OAVID STUART ^ CO., Liverpool, and other Incorporated loans negotiated on liberal Pavable in I.ondon. inade on OonslKnments. term*. NBW OBLBAN8, I. A. Advances THE CHRONICLF. [Februaiy 5, 187 G. Boston Baakers. Southern Bankers. Western Bankers. Brewster, Basset & Co., TIlos. F. UlLLKB, B. D. WILLIAMS, J.VO. W. UILLBB Thos. P. Miller & Co., BAN KEKS. Anglo-Californian Bank B A N K E n S , (LIMITED), IVlOBILIi:, AI^AHAIfll, LONDON, Head Office, 3 Angel Court. No. 35 CONGBESS STREKT, Special attention palil to coltecllon?. with prompt rates day reiiiUtances at current of exchange on uf SAN FRANCISCO Office, «a California St. Boatoni IQass. payni'-iit. t'l rr iMponde ts. — German American Hauk, Kew NEW YORK Agents, J. & W. Seli^raan & Co. Dealer) Id Stocka, Bonds, Uoia and CommercUl fork; LouUlana National Bank, New Or:eau8 ; Bank of Liverpool, Liverpool. Autliorlzed Capital, • - $6,000,000. J"a,.i-r. Paid-up aud Reserve, • 1, £2 0,000.. UrUer^t oxeculed on CoiimiUslon at Brokura Boaid ames Hunter, Auctions, and Private Sale. J Transact a ereneral Banking buvincsa. isaue Coini| inerciai Credits and Bills of Kxcbaa^e, available iLivudlmetit S«curltlea conatantlvnn lianr.. BBOKER, in al! pa-tB of tlic world. Collections and orders for BondsI, Dealer lu Coin, Southern Securities and ExchAnzt Stocks, etc., executed upon tlie inott favorable teruifl. Loans Kegoilated. Advances made ou Securities FliKU'K f. LOW. !„.„..... Chas. A. Sweet & Co., (Placed tu my hands lor sate at current rates. BANKKKS, Address, r. N. LILIENTHAL. Catliler. 40 STATE STREET, SaTaiiuali, Georgia. BOSTON. (P. O. Box 81.) T. K. Skinker, DKAl.KltS IN GOVKliNMHNT SKCUKITIKS Kefersto Henry Talmadge & Co., New York; Soutb- ATTORNEY-AT LAW, rn Uaok, Savannah, Oa. 417 Olive Street. Oold. titatc, ('Ity, County and lUUroad Bunds. ST. LOI7IS, MoI |ap~ Special attention given to llie Sam'l H, Kk.sxkdy, Cbas. L. C. pr-puY, collection <{ Pie lien t. Cisiiler. IfllJNKllF.^L, BONDS. Cobb, It. I Parker & References—J. Lleul>erger, r.'S't I bird National Bank, St. Louis Will. i*. Capital, $850,000. Limit, $1,000,000. ; Waters, I'rea't FecuDd Nat. Bank, i-t. BANbUUS, 78 DKVONSQIKK STKKKT Louis ; I'dward P. Curtis. Cash er Nat. BauK of the State 01 Mo., St. LoulJ; Wm. H. Tliomsoii, uosTo?r, State National Baiik Cashier Uoatuieu'a Saviug Uauk, St. Louts. | Buy and Sell n'cstcrn Cltjr and OP NEW ORLEANS. C«aiilr Bonds. CFOKMKBLT LOCISIANA SXATK BaNK) Smith & Hannaman, Transacts a General Banking Business. s Collecllo I N Ifl V £ S T E N T B R O K E U S j made free of charge. Kidder, Peabody & Co., INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Especial attention gi en to Collections, and Prompt BOSTON, iriASS. Itemiitancea niad^. Exchange purchased on alt points in the United Slates «nd Canid i. Financial. Sleillug and francs bought and sold. U'JtfUKHOIAL AKD ClBCULAB LSTTXna OF GSKDIT C0RBK8PONDKNTS. dSLIaD, ATAILXUI.S IN ALL PABT8 07 THX WOBLD. VERMILYE CO.< LoND K—London Joint Stock Bank. & KXOEIANOB Paris—Messrs. A. & M. Heine. BAISKERS, OH LojrOOS, PaBIB, ASD OTHKH COSTIMBHTAr, Nkw Tokk—The Bank of New York. N. B. A. 16 aud IS Nassnu sfeet, Ne«w lorkj ClTIBfl or EVBOFX. San Francisco— the Bunk of California, and The Nevada Bank of San Francisco, DKALKliS IS ALL ISSUES Of OOVliKNMK.SI New York Office, 33 Wall Street. SECUUlTiKS, Western Bankeii. NKW YORK CITY Fhila. &, Ealtimore Bankers. BROOKLYN UO.ND3. Bell Austin, J. BUY AND SELL 03J COMMIiSION STOCK BROKER, BANKERS AND BROKERS, ikAILWAY STO( KS, BONOS& HOLI No. 319 W A 1,71 VT STREET, ST. LOUIS, mo PUiladelpIiIa. I.\TEREST ON BKPOSI TS. Orders in Stocka and Bonds promptly executed at WASH'N R. VKitMILYE, MACKAY.I I DONALD he i'tiiladelphla and Hew York Boards. DEFAULTED MISSOURI COUNTY, CiTV AND JAS. A. THOWiJUlDOU. | LATIIAvl A. KlSH. TOWNSHIP BONDS MADE A SPECIALTY. XDMUJfD D. ItANOOLPH. UOWSLL W. BICKLKl ALSO, Wilson, Colston & Co., WILLIAM J. BLACK. BANKERS AND BKOKKKB, RAILROAD BONDS, STOCKS. MI8CKLLANE0US BALTIIflORE. AND LOCAL SECURITIKS, ETC. INVKSTMENT and VIRGINIA SECUIilTIKS a specialty. Our long experience in above class of Securltloa t'orrcapondeiico solicited. enables us to be pieparcd to make cash bids by wiie N. Y. roKRKspoNDBNTs—McKlm Brothers & Co, 'VeVV-VoH^ O0^\\WNh. "///UDEIP^^^ and Davl Isou & Jones. to parties giving fall description. Southern Bankers. A. O. Slaughter, THE CITY BANK OF HOUSTON, .BANKER Capital, $500,000, Houston, Texas. CHICAGO, ILLllWOIS, We Klve special attention to collections on all acces* BU y 8 AND SELLS CHICAGO CITT, COOS COC KTi Henry S.

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