s tate treasurers, 1976–Present Note: this list includes state treasurers for every year since NaSt’s founding in 1976. AlAbAmA C AliforniA young J. Boozer III 2011–present Bill lockyer 2007–present Kay ivey 2003–2011 Philip angelides 1999–2007 lucy Baxley 1995–2002 Matthew fong 1995–1999 George Wallace Jr. 1987–1995 Kathleen Brown 1991–1995 annie laurie Gunter 1978–1986 thomas W. Hayes 1989–1991 Melba till allen 1977 elizabeth Whitney 1987–1989 Jesse M. unruh 1975–1987 AlAskA ivy Baker Priest 1967–1975 angela rodell 2011–present Jerry Burnett 2008–2011 ColorAdo Brian C. andrews 2007–2008 Walker Stapleton 2011–present tom Boutin 2003–2007 Cary Kennedy 2007–2011 Neil Slotnick 2000–2003 Mike Coffman 1999–2007 ross a. Kinney 1995–2000 Bill owens 1995–1998 William M. Howe 1995 Gail Schoettler 1987–1994 Brian C. andrews 1992–1995 roy r. romer 1978–1986 Darrel rexwinkel 1991–1992 Sam Brown 1977 Milton Barker 1983–1991 ConneCtiCut ArizonA Denise l. Nappier 1999–present Doug Ducey 2011–present Paul Silvester 1997–1998 Dean Martin 2007–2011 Christopher B. Burnham 1995–1997 elliot Hibbs 2006 Joseph M. Suggs Jr. 1993–1994 David Petersen 2003–2006 francisco l. Borges 1987–1993 Carol Springer 1999–2002 Henry e. Parker 1978–1986 tony West 1991–1998 robert Berdon 1973–1976 ray rottas 1983–1991 Clark r. Dierks 1978–1983 delAwAre Bartlett fleming 1973–1978 Chip flowers 2011–present Velda Jones-Potter 2009–2011 ArkAnsAs Jack Markell 1999–2009 Charles l. robinson 2013–present Janet rzewnicki 1983–1998 Martha Shoffner 2007–2013 thomas r. Carper 1978–1982 Gus Wingfield 2003–2007 Mary Jornlin 1973–1977 Jimmie lou fisher 1981–2002 Nancy J. Hall 1973–1980 State treaSury ProfileS 107 State Treasurers, 1976–Present continued District oF Columbia Illinois Jeffrey Barnette 2012–present Dan rutherford 2011–present lasana mack 2005–2012 alexi Giannoulias 2007–2011 anthony Calhoun 2001–2005 Judy Baar topinka 1995–2007 William hall 1999–2001 Patrick Quinn 1991–1994 thomas huestis 1996–1999 Jerry Cosentino 1987–1990 maria K. Day-marshall 1991–1996 James Donnewald 1983–1986 sophia Green 1988–1991 Jerry Cosentino 1979–1982 Donald smith 1977–1978 FlorIdA alan J. Dixon 1973–1977 Jeff atwater 2011–present alex sink 2007–2011 INdiana Charles t. Gallagher III 1989–1994, 2001–2007 richard mourdock 2007–present William Nelson 1995–2001 tim Berry 1999–2007 William D. Gunter Jr. 1977–1988 Joyce Brinkman 1995–1999 thomas D. o’malley 1973–1977 marjorie h. o’laughlin 1987–1995 Julian l. ridlen 1979–1987 georgia Jack l. New 1973–1979 steve mcCoy 2011–present thomas D. hills 2010–2011 IowA W. Daniel ebersole 1997–2010 michael l. fitzgerald 1983–present steven mcCoy 1992–1997 maurice e. Baringer 1969–1982 Claude vickers 1982–1992 richard e. millsaps sr. 1978–1982 Kansas William h. Burson 1973–1978 ron estes 2011–present Dennis mcKinney 2009–2011 hAwaii lynn Jenkins 2003–2009 Kalbert K. Young 2011–present tim shallenburger 1999–2002 Georgina K. Kawamura 2002–2011 Clyde Graber 1997–1998 stanley shiraki 2002 sally thompson 1991–1997 Neal miyahira 1999–2002 Joan finney 1975–1990 earl anzai 1995–1999 Yukio takemoto 1987–1994 kentuCky Jensen s.l. hee 1980–1986 todd hollenbach 2008–present Jonathan miller 2000–2008 IdAho John Kennedy hamilton 1996–1999 ron G. Crane 1999–present robert meade 1988–1991 lydia Justice edwards 1987–1998 frances Jones mills 1976–1979, 1984–1987, marjorie ruth moon 1962–1986 1992–1995 Drexell Davis 1972–1975, 1980–1983 108 NatioNal assoCiatioN of state treasurers State Treasurers, 1976–Present continued louisiana MinneSota John Kennedy 2000–present Jim schowalter 2011–present Ken Duncan 1996–1999 tom hanson 2006–2011 mary landrieu 1988–1995 Peggy ingison 2005–2006 thomas D. Burbank Jr. 1987 Dan mcelroy 2003–2005 mary evelyn Parker 1969–1986 Carol Johnson 1999–2002 michael a. mcGrath 1987–1998 Maine robert mattson 1983–1986 Neria Douglass 2013–present Jim lord 1975–1983 Bruce l. Poliquin 2011–2012 David lemoine 2004–2011 Mississippi Dale mcCormick 1997–2004 lynn fitch 2012–present samuel shapiro 1981–1996 tate reeves 2004–2012 Jerrold B. speers 1978–1980 Peyton Prospere 2003–2004 marshall Bennett 1988–2003 Maryland Bill Cole 1980–1987 Nancy Kopp 2002–present edwin lloyd Pittman 1977–1980 richard Dixon 1996–2002 Brad Dye 1973–1977 lucille maurer 1987–1996 William s. James 1977–1986 MissourI Clint Zweifel 2009–present MassachuSetts sarah steelman 2005–2009 steven Grossman 2011–present Nancy farmer 2001–2005 timothy P. Cahill 2003–2011 Bob holden 1993–2001 shannon o’Brien 1999–2002 Wendell Bailey 1985–1992 Joseph D. malone 1991–1998 mel Carnahan 1975–1984 robert Q. Crane 1964–1990 montana MichIgan Janet Kelly 2004–present andy Dillon 2011–present scott Darkenwald 2001–2004 robert Kleine 2006–2011 Barbara ranf 2001 Jay rising 2003–2006 lois menzies 1993–2001 Douglas B. roberts 2001–2002 robert l. marks 1991–1992 mark murray 1999–2001 David ashley 1989–1990 Douglas B. roberts 1991–1998 ellen feaver 1984–1988 robert Bowman 1983–1990 morris l. Brusett 1983 loren e. monroe 1978–1982 vera freseman 1977–1983 hollis G. Connors 1973–1977 state treasurY Profiles 109 State Treasurers, 1976–Present continued NebraskA New mexico Don stenberg 2011–present James B. lewis 2006–present shane osborn 2007–2011 Douglas m. Brown 2005–2006 ron ross 2003–2007 robert vigil 2003–2005 lorelee Byrd 2001–2003 michael montoya 1995–2002 David heineman 1995–2001 David King 1991–1994 Dawn rockey 1991–1994 James B. lewis 1985–1990 Kay orr 1982–1986 earl e. hartley 1983–1985 frank marsh 1975–1981, 1987–1990 alan hartke 1979–1982 edward m. murphy (d.) 1975–1978 NevAdA Jesse D. Kornegay 1969–1970, 1970–1974 Kate marshall 2007–present Brian Krolicki 1999–2007 New york robert l. seale 1991–1998 aida Brewer 2002–present Kenneth santor 1987–1990 George Gasser 1997–2002 Patricia Cafferata 1982–1986 James s. Cappiello 1989–1997 stanton B. Colton 1977–1981 Barbara andrus 1987–1989 mike mirabelli 1972–1976 Barry m. Bresler 1986–1987 eugene sunshine 1982–1986 New hAmpshIre robert Bouchard 1977–1982 Catherine Provencher 2007–present michael ablowich 2002–2007 NorTh CArolina Georgie thomas 1984–2002 Janet Cowell 2009–present robert W. flanders 1964–1984 richard moore 2001–2009 harlan Boyles (d.) 1977–2001 New jerSey edwin Gill (d.) 1972–1976 andrew P. sidamon-eristoff 2010–present r. David rousseau 2008–2010 NorTh Dakota Bradley abelow 2006–2007 Kelly l. schmidt 2005–present John mcCormac 2002–2006 Kathi Gilmore 1993–2005 Peter lawrance 2001–2002 robert hanson 1985–1992 roland machold 1999–2000 John steven lesmeister 1981–1984 James a. Dieleuterio Jr. 1997–1999 Walter Christensen (d.) 1965–1968, 1973–1979 Brian Clymer 1994–1997 samuel f. Crane 1992–1994 Douglas C. Berman 1990–1992 feather o’Connor 1986–1990 michael m. horn 1984–1986 Kenneth Biederman 1982–1984 Clifford a. Goldman 1977–1982 110 NatioNal assoCiatioN of state treasurers State Treasurers, 1976–Present continued ohIo rhode ISland Josh mandel 2011–present Gina m. raimondo 2011–present Kevin l. Boyce 2009–2011 frank t. Caprio 2007–2011 richard Cordray 2007–2009 Paul tavares 1999–2007 Jennette Bradley 2004–2007 Nancy mayer 1993–1998 Joseph Deters 1999–2004 roger Begin 1985–1989 J. Kenneth Blackwell 1994–1998 anthony solomon 1978–1984, 1989–1992 mary ellen Withrow 1983–1994 raymond h. hawksley 1973–1976 Gertrude W. Donahey 1971–1980 SouTh CArolina oklAhomA Curtis m. loftis Jr. 2011–present Ken miller 2011–present Converse a. Chellis III 2007–2011 scott meacham 2005–2011 thomas ravenel 2007 robert Butkin 1995–2005 Grady Patterson 1973–1994, 1999–2007 Claudette henry 1991–1994 richard eckstrom 1995–1998 edward ellis 1987–1990 leo Winters 1973–1986 SouTh Dakota richard l. sattgast 2011–present oregoN vernon l. larson 2003–2011 ted Wheeler 2010–present richard Butler 1995–2002 Ben Westlund 2009–2010 G. homer harding 1991–1995 randall edwards 2001–2009 Janis Kelley 1990–1991 Jim hill 1993–2001 David volk 1973–1990 tony meeker 1987–1992 Bill rutherford 1984–1986 Tennessee Clay myers 1977–1984 David h. lillard Jr. 2009–present James a. redden 1973–1977 Dale sims 2003–2009 steve adams 1987–2003 Pennsylvania harlan mathews 1974–1986 rob mcCord 2009–present robin Wiessmann 2007–2009 Texas robert P. Casey Jr. 2005–2007 susan Combs 2007–present Barbara hafer 1987–2005 Carole Keeton strayhorn 1999–2007 Catherine Baker Knoll 1989–1997 John sharp 1996–1998 G. Davis Greene Jr. 1987–1989 martha Whitehead 1993–1996 r. Budd Dwyer 1981–1987 Kay Bailey hutchison 1991–1993 robert e. Casey 1977–1981 ann W. richards 1983–1990 Grace m. sloan 1973–1977 Warren G. harding 1978–1982 Jesse James 1973–1977 state treasurY Profiles 111 State Treasurers, 1976–Present continued Utah Wisconsin richard K. ellis 2009–present Kurt schuller 2011–present edward alter 1981–2009 Dawn marie sass 2007–2011 linn C. Baker 1965–1968, 1977–1981 Jack voight 1995–2007 David l. Duncan 1973–1977 Cathy Zeuske 1991–1994 Charles P. smith 1971–1990 vermont Beth Pearce 2011–present wyoming Jeb spaulding 2003–2011 mark Gordon 2012–present Jim Douglas 1995–2002 Joseph B. meyer 2007–2012 Paul W. ruse 1989–1994 Cynthia lummis 1999–2007 stella sims 1987–1989 stan smith 1983–1998 shirley Wittler 1979–1982 Virginia edwin Witzenberger 1977–1978 manju Ganeriwala 2009–present James Griffith 1973–1977 J. Braxton Powell 2006–2008 Jody Wagner 2002–2006 mary morris 1999–2001 susan Dewey 1996–1999 ronald tillett 1993–1996 eddie N. moore Jr. 1990–1993 alice handy 1988–1990 William Clay Wiley 1986–1988 C.J. “Burr” Boehm 1981–1986 robert C. Watts Jr. 1974–1981 WashingToN James l.
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