2 I SHIRE TOWN OF AROOSTOOK TIMES ! AROOSTOOK COUNTY April 13. 1860 to f December 27, 1916 \ 5 BOULTON TIMES : n J i M! r n 111 * m n 1111: II r n m i: n (f f i n f' f i! n * m i! IM n r t j i II ’ n f t M111 f M i n M r IM / M f n 11 n M J r Vol. LXII 31 1<>22 llOL’LTOX, MAIXIC, WEDNESDAY, MAY , No. 22 WEEKLY CROP NOTES CRESCENT PARK OPENING The* season is still from one to OPPOSE GRANTING On*1 of th*1 largest crowds that ever throe weeks backward. Temperat tiros ANNUAL PHYSICAL MUSICAL gathered a. Orescent Park, lloulton’s have1 continued to be- cool. Tin1 condi­ popular Summer resort, was present OF CHARTER tion of tbi1 soil has improved tend at the1 annual opening which took ENTERTAINMENT planting and sowing have1 mad*1 good place last Thursday ('veiling. progress. EDUCATION DAY Fully three hundred and fifty people Witnesses Before Commission The planting of potatoes, while1 gathered from all over Aroostook Male Musical Society Gives somewhat Indiind hand for the* season, County and New Brunswick to dance Explain Why New Road has made1 good progress during the Parade, Track Meet, and Pageant Combined with Ideal to the excellent music that was First Concert Before week. In Aroostook county the farm­ furnished by a seven piece orchestra is Not Needed ers are hard at work in th*> fields and Weather Make Successful Day— Island Falls and to partake of the refreshments. Large Audience in some1 localities planting will lie The two days' hearing before Fx- Th*1 crowded throng that congested completed by June1 1 but in others not Wins Track Meet by Five Points miner R. W. Clarke of the Inter­ th*1 dance hall and filled tin* porch to 'l'he delmt of th*1 Mill*1 M usical over 2(> percent has beam done. Much state commerce in the matter of the overflowing was a fitting testimonial Society, which took place Friday fertilizer has beam coming in later in Tin1 second animal oliservaire of I’h-asant St. school, red caps. construction of the Mattawamkeag to tile popular position which Crescent evening at the Temple theatr* was an the1 se>ason than usual but many Physical Education Day, an event Bowdoin Si. school, green caps. amt Eastern railroad and the East­ Park bolds in Aroostook County and event which has been anticipated with farmers an> not financially able to instil uled by the public schools of Fair St. school, yellow caps. ern Maine railroad was concluded last may be taken as a fair prophecy of tin1 pleasure and when th*1 curtain rung buy it. It is too early to estimate the Houlton last year and so successfully Longfellow school, white caps. Wednesday at Augusta. Tin* Matta- successful season that is in store for down at tin1 clos*1 of their splendid acreage to be planted uccuratedy but carried out at that time, was again Central school, dark blue caps. wamkeag and Eastern railroad ask it. program, nothing but words of praise til*1 prevailing opinion puts it at from celebrated on Wednesday, May 24th. H. H. S.. orange caps. lor authority to build a line from The next big (lane*1 that is to be could be heard as th*1 audience mad*1 90 to lot) percent of that of last year. the even being in the nature of an Nearly lnnu in all. in a march that Mattawamkeag to Bancroft, a dis­ held tiler*1 will take place* Wednesday their way toward the exits. intersclmlastic track meet in which, was inspiring and that was watched tance of 13 miles, and the Eastern (“veiling, May thirty-first, when the* Beginning their career with a Miss Ethed Thompson will return six of the secondary schools of the by hundreds who lined the streets Maine Railroad company asks the Rainbo orchestra of Boston compose1;! benefit for th*1 baseball association home* this week from Parisdoro, N. S., county participated, and a Pageant in through which they passed. Inter-State Commerce commission to of five star dance1 musicians will demonst rates th*1 tact that this where she has beam visiting sine*1 lur the Temple theatre in the evening. On arriving at the Park each school give it permission to construct a rail­ lurnish music for a dance on that society was not organized as a money school at Sackville (losod last week. To say that the days program was was assigned a section of the grand­ road from Houlton to Bangor, a dis­ night. making scheme, but almost wholly for a success would be putting it mildly. stand which was soon a riot of colo '. tance of 128 miles. The two railroad til*1 purpose of th*1 study of good Tlu* weather, th* crowd of towns­ Tlm program was started by til*1 companies also ask the Inter-State1 music and to acquire proper training. LOCAL BOWLERS people, the visitors from tlm different younger pupils who went through th*1 Commerce commission to approve Probably no town in Maine has any towns, th*1 nicety with which every drills and games taught in the schools. HOULTON GIRLS WIN their issues of securities totalling more singers, both male and female, AT FREDERICTON part of th*1 program was carried out. approximately $3,500,000. The propon­ The High School pupils were given than there are in Houlton. and as th*1 till went to make it a red-letter day a setting up exercise by physical CHECKS AND MEDALS ents of the plan at the hearing ar­ Houlton Music Club, an organization Guests of the Canadian Bowlers for tin1 town of Houlton. i instructor Jenkins in front of th*1 gued that public necessity and con­ Student and Teacher in i_ocal Schools of ladies lias covered the field in tin; May 24th— As Usual are grandstand, a feature of the program venience required the construction of Immediately after dinner crowds | Win High Honors in Nation­ matter of female voice study it re­ Well Entertained well worth while to watch. the two roads. began to gather near the High School I al Safety Contest mained for tin1 gentlemen to get busy, On the other hand, the opponents campus to be in readiness for the During the interim between events and to B. E. Anderson the greatest Twice during the past year wo have1 th*1 Misses Bernice Taggett and Marie to the proposed railroad construction, parade. Soon the pupils from the credit should be given for through his had as our guests at either the Elks An (‘ssay by Winona Tozier, *3<• the Maine Central Railroad company, various schools began to arrive a*-, Chamberlain gave a costum*1 dance on indefatigable efforts this society was or Meduxnekeag Club, Sandy Staples the platform, doing th** difficult “High­ Pearce Avenue, Houlton, won first the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad and companied by their teachers, each formed, a director engaged and and his team of famous pinpiekers honors for Maine in the1 national the Canadian Pacific railway, argued adorned with a colored cap and carry­ land Fling" in a dainty and graceful rehearsals held during the past few from Fredericton. Several times the*y safety campaign, it was announced that there was no necessity for the ing suitably inscribed banners. manner. The May Pole dance by months and Friday evening's concert have invited tlm Houlton boys to their about 311 of tin1 younger pupils was a in Washington, I). G. by tin* Highway two proposed roads. Th*1 line was soon formed and was a proof of his vision for a male beautiful city and we were always gorgeous affair. and Highway Transport Education At the hearing Wednesday after­ promptly at 1 o'clock began the march chorus in Houlton. I anxious to go as it is a well known Committee, under whose auspices the noon J. E. Lobeley of Bangor, a sur­ to th*1 park made up as fellows: There was also an exhibition of Tlm members of the society are j fact that the middle1 names of the1 Horse jumping, a novelty in this contests were held. At the same veyor of land and lumber, testified Houlton Police. Houlton boys, all of whom are deep­ I Fredericton boys is Hospitality with time it was made known that a lesson that the timber between Amity and section. given by the Misses Jean ly interested, as we all are, in good an overgrown 11.. but something has Select men in a in om old Ic. by Miss Blanche1 Helen Brown, a Bancroft is being cut quite rapidly Dirkisnu and Lydia Rideout on their music. Tli*» director Mr. Bernard always eome up to prevent our going. Ricker Classical In-iiniM i nmiec teacher in th*1 Homton schools, had and that the logs are being sent along 'Highly trained saddle horses. Archibald lias no peer as a musician This spring they invited us for May Student body, tteurl;)' l";l in purple I ir.r taken first honors in th*1 lesson con­ by water. The witness further testi­ ing all of the preliminary at­ in this part of the state and th*1 easy 24th. the big holiday of Britain, in caps. 11 act ii test with a paper designed to teach fied that it was cheaper to send logs om the grand stand was crowd- manner in which he handled th*1 St. Alary's Academy facility In unto- children sat'*1 behavior on ihe high­ commemoration of the natal day ot \s scon as the track events (horns showed him to be fully equal by water than by rail.
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