FMR 20 Survival to livelihood strategies for Mozambican refugees in South Africa 29 pensioners, the unemployed and other areas where living costs are high. Conclusion categories of the disadvantaged. In They have opted to live in rural areas 1996, the new South African govern- because of the opportunities for liveli- Although they left their country of ment granted amnesty to all citizens hood diversification and the wider origin against a background of great of the 14 member states of the scope for securing support when in uncertainty, Mozambican refugees Southern African Development difficulties. have managed to establish self-reliant Community under which long-time and dignified lives in their new envi- ronment. In addition to pursuing residents in South Africa could apply Mutual aid characterises the lives of familiar livelihood strategies they refugees the world over and have taken advantage of available Mutual aid characterises the lives of the Mozambicans in Tiko opportunities to craft new ones. Their are no exception. Goods and experience reminds us that refugees refugees the world over services are regularly are not always destined to be depen- exchanged. Those lacking dent on handouts. Left to their own for permanent residence and, subse- food and other essentials ask from devices, they are able to use their quently, citizenship. Many refugees neighbours, as do those lacking ingenuity to construct and maintain took up the offer and acquired the money. Women generally help each sustainable livelihoods. necessary documentation – thus open- other with childminding. ing the way to accessing social security benefits. Others acquired citi- Frederick Golooba-Mutebi (mute- “When I don’t have food, I go there [to zenship through marriage to South [email protected]) and Stephen M a neighbour] and ask for a bucket of Africans, bribing civil servants or pay- Tollman ([email protected]. maize meal. I can also go there [to ing South Africans to claim them as ac.za) work at the Agincourt another neighbour] and ask, and cook relatives. Health and Population Unit, for my children. We help each other.” School of Public Health, University Remittances from relatives working in of the Witwatersrand, urban areas or in rural employment Local shopkeepers extend credit facili- Johannesburg, South Africa: elsewhere – while not always regular ties to many families, provided that http://healthpop.agincourt.wits.ac. or even sufficient to constitute an they are employed or have a regular za/agincourt_hdss.htm adequate basis for survival – are an income and have a good repayment important source of livelihood. Many track record. In the absence of formal 1. The village name is fictitious. The study is part of a project looking at livelihoods and well-being refugees have consciously refrained credit facilities, many would have of Mozambican refugees and their hosts, support- from going to live or work in urban experienced greater hardship. ed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation in 2001-03. The forgotten Palestinians: how Palestinian refugees survive in Egypt by Oroub El Abed The rise to power of Gamal Abdel- Some 50,000 Palestinian refugees live in Egypt Nasser in 1952 ushered in a golden without UN assistance or protection and burdened by age for Palestinians in Egypt. Palestinians were regarded as equal to many restrictive laws and regulations. Little is known Egyptian nationals and were able to access education and other state ser- about their plight and their unique status. vices and to work without restrictions. However, by the late 1970s the dis- alestinians fled to Egypt after assisted either by UNHCR or by the persed Palestinian communities in the wars of 1948, 1956 and United Nations Relief and Works Egypt were increasingly affected by P 1967. Gazans employed as civil Agency (UNRWA) – the agency set up tensions between the Egyptian govern- servants when the Gaza Strip was to assist Palestinian refugees which ment and the Palestinian liberation under Egyptian administrative rule began operations in 1950. While organisation. The Camp David peace and Gazan students in Egypt when it UNRWA established relief and assis- agreement and the assassination of was occupied by Israel in 1967 were tance projects in Syria, Jordan, Egypt’s culture minister by the also prevented from returning home. Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, Egypt Palestinian faction headed by Abu Neither group of displaced did not allow UNRWA to operate on Nidal in 1978 proved a turning point. Palestinians has been protected or its territories. Laws and regulations were amended 30 The forgotten Palestinians: how Palestinian refugees survive in Egypt FMR 20 to treat Palestinians as foreigners. without paying fees. This has assisted had studied in Russia spent 14 Rights to free education, employment a few but has done little to make up months shuffling between Moscow and residency were rescinded. The for the lack of education over the and Cairo airports before UNHCR state media projected negative images years. managed to secure asylum in of ‘ungrateful’ Palestinians and Sweden. accused them of having brought The private sector requires skills about their expulsion by their greed which, without education, Palestinians Who protects the rights of and willingness to sell their land to are unable to obtain. Private employ- Palestinians in Egypt? Zionists. As a result, many Egyptians ers are required to obtain work believe that Palestinians are rich, eco- permits for Palestinians and regula- In theory, UNHCR has a mandate to nomically powerful and influential tions restrict the number of protect Palestinians living outside the and deserve neither sympathy nor ‘foreigners’ in any company to 10%. five UNRWA areas of operation. assistance. Palestinians are thus forced to work However, Arab politicians have ham- as truck or taxi drivers, unskilled or pered UNHCR’s ability to provide Palestinian rights in Egypt semi-skilled labourers, bicycle-repair- protection. Arab states have argued since 1978 ers, street vendors of used clothing or that as the UN is responsible for itinerant ‘suitcase merchants’ carrying Palestinian expulsion – the General University education, free for items from governorate to gover- Assembly Resolution 181 in 1947 Palestinians under Nasser, now has to norate. approved the Partition Plan for be paid for in foreign currency. Even Palestine – the UN has therefore an those Palestinians entitled to exemp- A minority of Palestinians are more ongoing responsibility to develop tion from paying 90% of the fees fortunate. Employees of the PLO and mechanisms for repatriation and com- charged to foreign students are often former Egyptian civil servants are pensation. Allowing Palestinians to be unable to raise the remainder. Some assured a regular income and have protected by UNHCR would prejudice Palestinians report forging birth cer- been able to send their children to their case by encouraging third-coun- tificates to indicate they are Egyptian public schools and are exempted from try resettlement. in order to get free education. Others paying university fees. have initially paid the minimum fees Palestinians have been excluded from that Egyptians pay, promising to pay Palestinians are also affected by: the protection of UNHCR, based on the remaining foreign fees after grad- the fact that they receive assistance uation. Often they are unable to do ■ the risk of health emergencies: from UNRWA – regardless of the fact so and are thus denied official while basic health services for that only those who live within its five accreditation. Palestinians in Egypt are satisfacto- ry, most fear inability to pay for areas of operation are assisted. Only in September 2002 did UNHCR rein- Due to their educational qualifications unexpected and costly medical terpret Article 1D of the 1951 Refugee Egypt-based Palestinians were able to operations and prolonged Convention in order to emphasise secure well-paid employment in the medication. that Palestinian refugees are ipso facto Gulf in the 1960s and 1970s. ■ a 1976 law restricting foreigners refugees and are to be protected by Palestinians were known as highly from owning buildings and lands UNHCR if the assistance or protection educated professionals and worked in and a 1988 limiting ownership of of the other UN body ceases. In light medicine, commerce, engineering, agricultural land to Egyptians of this, it has included those teaching and management. Those who ■ strict residency requirements: Palestinians not living in the countries began professional careers prior to renewal of permits is conditional of UNRWA field operations within 1978 have been able to keep their on paying a fee and proving a rea- UNHCR’s protection mandate. In prac- posts. However, education restrictions son to remain in Egypt – even though none of them can go back tice, however, UNHCR is still not Young women have given up to Palestine. Palestinians unable to doing much for Palestinians who do provide evidence of educational not come under the UNRWA mandate. hope for an education enrolment, a work permit, mar- riage to an Egyptian, a business Conclusion mean they have not been joined by relationship with an Egyptian or a younger Palestinians. Many adolescent bank balance of $5,000 are at risk Egypt is a signatory to the 1965 1 Palestinians have dropped out of of jail or deportation. Casablanca Protocol and has ratified school. Aware of the constraints on ■ tight travel restrictions: if its articles designed to give their livelihoods, many young men Palestinians spend more than six Palestinians rights to residency, work only aspire to learning a vocational months out of Egypt their residen- and travel while emphasising the skill or owning a shop. Young women cy may be revoked. Those who importance of preserving Palestinian have given up hope for an education need to reside abroad for one year nationality and maintaining refugee and resign themselves to household are required to apply for a one- status. In 1981 Egypt additionally duties and child-rearing. Public sym- year return visa which is signed the 1951 UN Convention.
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