... , ", , ." .,," , " ' ", J .". J, '. ' '. • • The ' ' ' ' .' ; .. ·.. ··.MILWAU~KEE •..•..... ". ~ , ..... ,.' -. ..... ·MAGAZINE·· ..' " '.," ..' " • '.. y ,~ , , • ~A ' ". ". "', . .... ", ',. JULY,.' 1927 ~:.""""".' ~~.:t.~~+:'.~.::~:~;;.:.:~;"";';...... ..;:,;,.~~. __,.... ~~~,;.'.;;l ..!lo .... ";.-,,;~.~'-..'..:. ..,:,,:::­ Timken-Equipped Cars may be seen on The Olympian and on The Pioneer Limited, crack flyers of the Chicago, Mil­ waukee & St. Paul Railroad. .. , ." '<.....'......... down-grade .difficulties are done away with Naturally, long down-grades and sharp-radius curves make the control of heavy trains difficult and place considerable strain on brake rigging. Not so where electric locomotives with their regen­ erative braking are employed. The two per cent grade which extends for 21 miles between Pied.. mant and Donald on the C.· M. & St. P. is now negotiated at a uniform speed of 17 miles an hour. The m-otors, their function reversed, become gener­ ators which return electric power through the trolley and thereby absorb the energy of descent and restrict every train to a safe and even speed. Third of a series de­ piding actual oper­ ating experiences on Actual operation is proving the, worth of electrifi­ well-known electTijied railroads. cation-.f . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE GENERAL ELECTRIC F LK CONTENTS Castings P ... The Galh,,t'iu Gateway Inn . $ Our Advertising Progra,m.. " ----,­ 5 The Falk Foundries spec­ ~ ~ ialize in acid open hearth The SUJnnler Cal)itol C()untr.y .. _..._. __ :__----­ 'l .tee! castings from 1 to A~arrative of ~l'1unes .~ . W. D. SeverjUlce 'l 100,000 pounds for raiL - Courtesy jn Verse ._,, ._.__.. '1'. E. Melcher.. 'l road, marine, mining and A_n.C.Railwa~- Rhyme -'.. H. E. Smith..__. • hydraulic machinery. Pmirie du Chien Lockup Su-Ie __,, E. A. Lalk S Falk castings are made in a RicU", Up The Old Bug Line__. A Trlwellng Man • modern and - completely Pioneer Train and EnghH' Crews Relne~bered 9 equipped plant, under the Chnyles G. Juneau . _ 1& supervision of a skilled and $36,000 n. Nothing ,, .... ._._. ____________ 10 experienced personnel. The The Olympian Train __,, .... ~E. S. McC"nnell ,J,1 central location of the Falk Cnl'r~Jlt· R~~.ilroarl Topics ..... ._­ . 12 Foundries insures prompt Hell> \yanterl. .__ . ._ ..... -----~--.--------.--_. -13 service on all work. From the Buroau of Sa-fcty ~ .. A. 'V. Smallen, G.8.S_ 15 Let us furnish an estimate Clairn Prevention ._~ _ _ .__ 16 before you place your next C.lII.&St.P.Ry \TolOen's Club - ...... .__ 1& order for castings. at Home . ..__Hazel 1\1 1\lerrilL :n S}>ecial COln:melldation --.---------------~~----.-----_c_---26- The Falk Corporation ~_ On The Steel Trail ... .. .._ .... ... __ 29 Milwaukee :.; Wisconsin The Impressionable Age When your youngster is in the fifth or sixth grade, he is at that age when his character and habits are most easily moulded. That is the time to teach him the value of money-how to spend sanely and wisely; likewise how to save. At this impressionable age, o;?en -a savings account for him. Let him make his own deposits~ Handling his passbook will give him a fine feeling of manliness and he;n do his best to show dad what a good busi­ ness man he is. First Wisconsin National Bank Milwaukee Capital and Surplus Ten Million Dolla'fs ~~~v MILWAU~'~~7 MAGAZI~~4 --;;:] .... ~-_---:..---_~ The Gallatin Gateway Inn HE.openi.ng of Gallatin Gateway -extend to the lofiy ceiling. In this I ts many windows loa!, out upon the Inn, The Milwaukee's splendid foyer are located the office of the Park enchanting scenes of this mountain T new hotel at Gallatin Gateway, Transportation and Hotel Company, and valley country, while its gay-color­ Montana, took place on Friday June the curio stands, telegraph offices, in­ ed interior, and its beautifully appoint­ 17th, and an event -it was to be formation bureau, etc. Opening from ed tables give promise of the pleasures remembered by The Milwaukee Rail­ this, at one side is the great Lounge­ that a "Milwaukee dining-service" road and all its friends in Mon­ Room 72 feet long, where hopeful always fulfills.. The color used in this tana. And keeping them company was happy travelers on their Gallatin Gate­ roo~ is yellow, varying from deep a goodly gathering from greater dis­ way "in" may spend what time at orange to the light creams; the win­ tance's than the borders of th.e Empire their disposal in serene and delighted dow draperies emphasize the darker State of the \Vest which has the honor contemplation of the beautiful sur­ shades and the table linen, china and to give location to this beautiful ne'w roundings which The Milwaukee has glass'ware carry the lighter tones; and tribute to the discrimination of traveJc provided for their comfort and benefit; all has the delightful suggestion of ers. and likewise enthusiastic tourists on sunshine and summer. The kitchen The Inn, as we know, was built their Gallatin Gateway "out" have appointments are everything that is for the accommodation of tourists to time to rest in the great quiet room up to date in hotel service. There and from Yellowstorie Park, via The and talk over their wonderful experi­ are steam tables and containers to keep Milwaukee _Railway and the Gallatin ences of the past few days. The Inn, the food hot, hot plates arid warm­ Gateway. It occupies a site which in in everv detail is an ideal welcome ing compartments of every descrip­ itself is a beauty spot that looks out to" the coming, and a gentle farewell tion and the most improved type;. across the wonderful garden land of to speed the parting guest. The lounge there are cold storage rooms, refrigera­ the Gallatin Valley to the snow topped room has been furnished with every tion rooms, and ice houses,' most" per­ mountains of Yellowstone Park and attention to comfort in an artistic en­ fect in detail and efficiency; there are the Continental Divide. The building vironment. High-arched French win­ acres of store rooms for food stuffs of Spanish Colonial type, is finished on dows open on the verandas on each with aU of it substantial, compact and the exterior in white stucco, with red side of the room, and midway is a orderly. There is every modern ap­ tile roof, and is so designed that when huge firepLace, large enough for a pliance to assist the chefs,- waitresses the need requires, it may be enlarged man with a big log to walk Tight into. and other help, such as the fam.ous by adding units at each end. a contin­ Big promise in this for cozy chats ai1d "Kitchen Aid" eleetrically operated gency that even before the "Park Sea­ welcome cheer. The color s:Cheme which does in a trice, the work of son" was fairly opened was already begins on the floor with a gaiety of two cooks and a boy, and does it, looming as a very imminentnecessitv. tone that softens and. blends as it shall we say, better, or perhaps just The front 6f the building faces "a rises to the high, beamed ceiling. The as well, but quicker; there are egg­ parkway through which winds the rugs are of deep-piled Worsted \Vilton boilers that your waitress sets for one driv~ that leads away to Gallatin Can­ in conventional pattern and brilliant minute, two, three or whatever, and yon and the Park. At the back are c®lor, and the furnishings lead away when the appointed .timeexpires, out flower gardens and broad walks lead­ from them to suggestions of soft tints pops the egg, ready for the waitress' ing down to the railroad tracks where and deeper shades. The sumptuous hand. No mistake on the "three­ the. Park trains receive and discharge davenports, fireside chairs, deep seated minute-egg," possible, with this ma­ theIr loads. Nothing more inviting arm chairs and the smaller "occasion­ chine on the job. One can roam and comfort laden could be devised als" are covered in mohair of soft through the machinery of the cater­ than the arrangements for cariug for blue, 'rose color, and delicate green ing part of Gallatin Gateway Inn and th~ "Gallagater" travelers, who, as they with here and there a note of deep find at every hand, the modern and ahght from their train see the Inn be­ color in coverings of tapestry that up-to-the minute in everything that fore them with flower bordered walks seem to lead the eye easily to the win­ pertains to helping the hungry traveler and boxes and pots of gav bloom~ dow draperies which carry sh'des of to comfort and enjoyment. nodding at them from the" terraces green in a wonderful combination. and windows, and Old Glory in the Up-stairs we go to find' the' twenty­ Tables, lamps, a Brunswick Panatrope six bedrooms which are the first unit blue above, standing out in the breeze Machine, piano and everywhere flow­ in all its splendor. Similarly, will th~ in this construction. The rooms may ers add their beauty and" color to sense of its comfort and beauty send be used singly or en suite, eleven have the departing traveler happily on his this really wonderful interior. The private bath-rooms, ten have connect-· way back from the Park tour-a fit walls of this room are a deep cream ing bath with showers, and five are· and crowning pleasure to the greatest color, which is carried out in the cei'­ without bath: This gives a variety of of all tours. ing between· the heavy drop beams; .choice, with a price to correspond. T~e interior .arrangement, the fur­ and the c<illor motif is again met in a The bath-rooms are sumptuously mshtng and equipment spell perfection wonderful' handling of polychrome, on equipped, have tiled floors and hot and completeness in every detail to the cross-beams.
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