VOL. 10, NO. 3 ROSARY HILL COLLEGE, BUFFALO, N. Y. MARCH 6, 1959 Dr. Bella Dodd, Ex-Communist, Lawyer To Speak on "Challenge To Americans" Few people in the United States today are more familiar with the objectives of the American Communist Party than Bella Dodd. Her knowledge is the result of first-hand experience, for Dr. Dodd was herself a member of the Communist Party for a number of years. Under the sponsorship of the Student Government Association, Dr. Dodd will speak at Rosary Hill on Sunday, March 8 at 8 :00 P. M. Her topic will be “Challenge to Americans.” Social .Problems Pose Dilemma After receiving her master’s degree from Teacher’s College Colgate Thirteen of Columbia University and her doctorate in law from New York Cheerleaders set for the conflict tonight: 1 to r. (front) To Offer Fest University, Bella Dodd was ad­ Katherine Collins, Kathleen Colquhoun. (back)) Patricia mitted to the New York State Bar Association in 1930. Four Heffernan, Carol Condon, Adele De Collibul Marsha THE COLGATE THIRTEEN, years prior to that she had be­ Randall and Molly Moore. known as “A m erica’s Unique come an instructor at Hunter Collegiate Singing Group,” will Uollege where she remained un­ sing at Rosary Hill on Friday til her resignation in 1938. Con­ Rosary H ill Shooters To Clash March 20. They will give their cern over social problems in concert in the Mafian Social Room at noon. this country and disgust with With Defending D YC Five the mediocrity of fellow Catho­ The Thirteen, formed in 1942 lics gradually drove Dr. Dodd Victory! The aim and the battle cry of every Rosary Hill at Colgate University in Hamil­ into the Communist Party dur­ student. Tonight, at 8 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute ton, New York, has achieved a ing the 1930’s. There she re­ the RHC basketball team will attempt to outshoot the defending wide popularity with collegiate mained, a loyal and obedient D Youville five. Coached by Toni O’Brien and captained by Rose­ and adult audiences alike. The party member, until the late mary Reina '61 the RH team will gain additional victory fire from group has appeared at the Brit­ ’forties, when she realized that the support and almost 400 cheering voices. ish Colonial Hotel in Nassau, Communism did not hold the A victory rally will be held in the Social Room at 4 p.m. to Jamaica’s Montego Beach Hotel, solution which she sought to generate by means of pep talks, and to coordinate with practice as well as Hollywood’s Mocam- Bella Dodd, noted ex-Com- the problem of unjust social cheers, campus enthusiasm. bo Club and Fort Lauderdale’s munist who will lecture conditions. Sister M. Angela, president, new Galt Ocean Mile Hotel. They March 8. will open the program and will Re-embraced also make annual visits to the Catholicism be followed by Student Govern­ Joyce Fink Coordinates metropolitan areas of New York ment representative Betsy Ahr­ Dr. Dodd re-embraced Ca­ and Chicago. Many have view­ tholicism, the faith of her child­ ens ’60. A skit based on college Publicity, Development ed and listened to the College sports life will be presented by Duns Scotus Hall hood, -in 1952, largely?-.through Miss Joyce Fink, an alumna Thirteen through television the efforts of Bishop Sheen. three members of the Student of the class of ’52, has returned programs. With a distinctive Athletic Association. The cheer­ Nears Completion Her autobiography, School of to campus to serve as co-ordin­ manner of singing, they pre­ leaders under the direction of Darkness, published in 1955, ator of public relations and de­ sent a varied program of spir­ In a recent interview, Sister contains the record of her ex­ Adele De Collibus ’62 will then velopment. ituals, college songs, and popu­ rehearse the student body in M. Angela, president, revealed perience and might be recom­ Miss Fink left Rosary Hill lar standards, as well as ca­ the “delicate art of out-cheer­ that Duns Scotus Hall should be mended to any one who wishes last spring to attend classes at lypso, barbershop, and novelty completed by June 1. to obtain an insight into com­ ing friendly foes.” The rally the University of Buffalo work­ selections. Workmen are now painting munism. will end with an individual sa­ ing toward her Master of Edu­ Following their appearance at the top floor of the building and lute to each team member. A cation degree, which she ex­ Rosary Hill, the group will are installing the acoustical motor caravan will then proceed pects to receive in June. A sur­ about the campus. travel to Fort Lauderdale, Flor­ ceiling tile. The college has Formula Predicts vey of RHC alumnae was the ida. Gail Sullivan, chairman, purchased three hundred new The game is being held for topic of her thesis. The results says, “The donation of fifty desks which will be supplement­ the benefit of the Catholic Char­ of this survey will be utilized, Academic Success cents is an investment certain ed by those from Daemen Hall. ities Appeal. A check represent­ and perhaps published by' the to obtain for’ each individual Formal bids for the elevator How well will a girl succeed ing tonight’s profits will be pre­ college. This alumnae study the enjoyment of truly profes­ were opened February 24. as a college student? Can her sented to a Charities official by will aidi the college in evaluate Margaret Margiott, D’Youville sional entertainment.” Carole Interior decorators will sub­ degree of achievement at Ros­ ing its current program. ary Hill be accurately pre­ representative, and Sally Spann Scliau is co-chairman mit several schemes for the dicted? ’61, Rosary Hill representative. decoration of the student In an attempt to answer these Committee chairmen from lounge. One of these will be questions, Sister M. Georgia, this campus are: tickets, Shar­ selected by vote of the Student on Lamson ’61 and Patricia Prize- Winning Journalist Kehr Council. Dean of Studies, and Sister M. McMahon ’61; publicity, R a­ De Sales recently attended a In order to avoid use of the Seminar on Prediction spon­ mona Zaleski ’61 and Anne Skul- lounge as a cafeteria, Sister icz ’61. To Examine US Foreign Policy sored by the College Entrance Angela said that a snack bar Examination Board. Meeting in Ernest A. Kehr, news expert on foreign affairs, will address will be provided. It will con­ Highland Park, Illinois, from the student body at the assembly on March 13 The subject of tain candy, coffee and other English, Math his lecture will be “U. S. Foreign Policy at Work.” At present a February 10 to 13, representa­ machines, as well as tables and tives from eighteen colleges de­ member of the editorial staff of the New York Herald Tribune, Mr. chairs. Experiment In Kehr has also written for such publications as Life, the Saturday rived statistical formulas for Evening Post, and Think. Tt is hoped that the early com­ use in their individual schools. Directed Study He has traveled extensively, --------------------------------------- pletion of the building will en­ The participants uti 1 i z e d not only in Europe but through able the laboratory equipment a random sampling of the The new look has invaded the out South America, the Middle from the science departments grades of one hundred of their English and Mathematics de­ High School Hopefuls East, and Africa. He accompan­ to be moved and completely set­ students to arrive at a constant. partm ents. ied Vice-President Nixon dur­ To Try Examination tled before the opening of the With this constant is correlated Two world literature groups ing his recent South American Hopeful high school seniors fall semester. the student’s rank in her high are doing independent reading visit and witnessed the startling — prospective |Rosary Hill school class and her C E E B during two class hours and re­ events which occurred at that freshmen — will try the Schol­ score. The result will enable porting through panels and time. The list of world leaders arship Examinations on March the college to forecast her fu­ symposia. Formal classes are interviewed personally by Mr. 7 in the Marian Library. The ture academic success. The for­ reduced to one weekly meeting. Kehr includes Konrad Ade­ testing will begin at 9:30 a.m. SGA ELECTIONS mula is particularly accurate be­ After a semester of experi­ nauer, Nasser, and the late and will consist of psycholog­ cause it combines native abil­ mentation, the class which ini­ Pope Pius XII. ical and aptitude examinations. President March 16 ity and achievement with per­ tiated the plan voted 5 to 1 for For helping to promote good There will be three full schol­ sonal industry. its continuance. The main ad­ relations between European arships awarded, one for gen­ Emphasized Sister Georgia, vantages to be gained are a VicePresident countries and the United States eral excellence, one for music, “This statistical inference will wider and a more perceptive in­ through his news coverage, the and one for art. Four partial Secretaries April 6 be valuable in deciding whether terest in reading. journalist has been the recip­ scholarships will also be given. or not to admit students who are Seniors taking the mathemat­ ient of a number of awards For the first time, out of town Treasurer ‘borderline’ cases. However, ics of finance have also begun a from several nations, including students who wish to take the since it is dependent on human guided study course, meeting West Germany and Holland.
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