Vo1. v. vVednesday, Number 20 O!fj clnl Publicati on of me UnIted States (bess feclerati on June 20, 1951 STAGE SET FOR JUNIORS! Po,;t;on No. 59 i. Por;t;on No. 60 PHILAllELPHIA LAYS PLA:NS Bronstein V5. Botvinnik O. Ostrum vs. H. Burdge SUCHOBECK WINS 22nd Match Game Atlantic City, 1923 FOR GALA JUNIOR TOURNEY PUDGET SOUND Alex Suchobeek, recent Ukrain­ Mix Chess And Educational Values ian arrival, won the 1951 Puget Sound Open Championship 6·0 in a At Franklin Institute Meeting 19 player 6 round Swiss. Second A rare oppor tunity for fun, chess and a liberal education on the place went to Carl Enz with 5-1, side beckons U. S. junior players in the forthcoming U. S. Junior Champ­ losing his only game to Suchoberk. ionship at Philadelphia, J uly 23-28 The site of the tournament is the Cheevers and Turner tied for famous Franklin Institute, justly noted fo r its "Science is Fun" ap­ fourth with equal 4-2 scores, proach to learning. It.s muscum, devoted to .scicntifie exhibitions whcrc Cheev('rs losing games to Slieho­ the visitor does all the experimenting him.scU by pushing buttons, beck and Ballantine while Turner pulling levers and turning knobs, was not designed originally just for lost to Em and Cheevers. Fifth juniors but is the sort o[ place few alert and curious young chess players place on S-B points went to Wash­ could pass by. Inexpensive and convenient housing for the players will ington Champion Charles Ballan­ be provided by the YMCA, three blocks from Franklin Institute, while tine with 3Jh ·2% . The tournament players can obtain inexpensive meals at the Franklin Institute cafeteria was held at the Seattle Chess without leaving the building. Club. ___ _ ~ __ The Junior Chamber of Com­ merce of Philadelphia, which is RESHEVSKY LEADS SUESMAN TOPS sponsoring the tournament in eo­ IN WERTHEIM IN RHODE ISLAND Finish It The Clever Way! operation with 'the Philadelphia Chess Association, has provided As we go to press Samuel Resh­ Walter Suesman, chess editor of Conducted by Ed1ntind Nash prizes (or some 25 places in ad evsky leads the Wer thcim Mem· Providence Journal, again won the Send all contribu t ion. for t his co lumn to Edmund H•• h, 153D 28th PI • ••, S.E.. orial Tourney in New York at the Rhode Island State Championship W8.hln gton 20, O. c. dition to some special prizes. It has also made plans to enterta in e nd o( S rounds by 51h ·l lj~ , draw­ :6y a score of 7-0 in an 8 player N both positions above the same type of piece uecides the game in all the entl·.mts at a night basd)ull ing with Dr. Fine in a very unevent­ round robin event. Albert C. Mar­ I one move. In Position No. 59, Bronstein's move appeal'S to have g;une and has made arrangement fu l game. Mendel Najdorf held sec­ t in placed second with 5%-1%, and stunned Botvinnik, for he made one more move beCol'e resigning. Note ond 5-2, while Dr. Euwe and Larry for i! IU!ng\.l~~ at the close of the Carl L. Grosstuth was third with thal White'S Queen is unproleel('(i. wid. th is wi ft llrollslein look the tournament. Evans were tied 5·3· 4-3. lead in the match. He needed only to draw ttie last two games to become 8th Round St.ndi"gl In the B, Division the title went Reshevsky .. ~H' Horowlb M .... 3&-11 W(l{J ~ Ch:om pj(ll\. Howel(er, he l,os t the 23rd game and dl-ew the 24th; ~o Historic and interesting sites NaJdorr .. ".... :; ,2 O' Kelb' .. _...... 3 ·5 . to Daniel A. Pollen, 16 year old ,abound In Phih'S€:phia, and be­ Eu ... c , ........ _ .. $·3 ' :l\:r.ml:r M ...M._ 2 -( thl: match ended in a draw, . student at MUSCH Brown, while UIC tween rounds the junior players E"anl .............. :; -l Blslfulcr __ ._. 2 -$ By rne ........ _ 4 ~-3~ Gulmard '.M_'. 2 ·5 High School Championship went to In Positron 'No. 50, Harold Burdge-now of Tampa, Florida-also can visit the line Public Library, stunned his opponenl who resigned without making any further moves. ~'I nc ............. _ 4 -4 Shlllnswlt .... a-51 Joseph S. Wholey, Jr., 16 year old the noted Aquarium, Betsy Ross's student at LaSalle Academy. For solutions, please turn to Page four. house, r-.dga r Allen Poe's residence, Franklin's grave, Independence ELIZABETH LEADS Hall, the Ar t Museum, the U.s NO JERSEY TEAMS NEW PUBLICATION Koelsche Wins Trans-Mississippi, Mint, and many olher places of As rcsult of recent matches Eliz­ great interest, while Fairmont Park abeth Chess leads the North Jer­ BY CALIF. ASS'N Sandrin Second In 27th Annual Event and other attractive gardens and sey League with 5* ;-1,2, closely The untimely demise of Chess parks arc never far away. The followed by Plainlield Cbess wHit Digest left a void in California Dr. Giles A. Koelsehc of Rochester, Minn., former Minnesota Slate more venturesome will find Valley 5-1. Orange is thivd with 4* ·1112, c h e s s publications which the Champion, won the 27th annual Trans·Mississippi Open Chess Tourna­ Forge an attractive sidc,-irip for while Irvington.Polish holds fourtli Northern California Chess Assn, ment at Davenport, Ia. with a score of 51At -1At , when he defeated Alfred its historic and scenic interest. with 3'h-2'h. has tened to fill with the California C_ Ludwig oC Omaha, Neb., national CCLA correspondence chess Cham­ There are no entry fees to the Chess Reporter. edited by Dr. H. pion and Omaha city tillist, in the final round of the tourney in the J . Ralston, 184 Edgewood Ave" Chamber of Commerce auditorium. Dr. Koelsehe's final victol'y came U.S. Junior Championship this year and the only requirement 'is ELMAN CAPTURES San Francisco 17, Calif, Volume I, with the modem variation of the Sicilian Defense when Ludwig took number 1, June, 1951 is an attrac­ the play out of the book lines with' 6. 8 -K2. Dr. Ludwig's draw wns with membership in U.e USCF. Space in ST. JOHN TITLE Franklin Institute will accomodale tive multigraph or planograph bul­ former Wisconsin Champion Mark Surgies in the third round. Maurice Elman, New Brunswick Ictin of 12 pages wilh CatiIornia ovcr 125 player'S, and the local Champion, won the St, John City Angelo Sandrin, brother of eommittec confidently expect from chess news and the first twelve former U.S. Opcn Champion Albert, Championship at the Admiral Beat games of the World Champion' UNDERWOOD TOPS advance inqueries that this will be ty Hotel in a 5 round Swiss with of Ch icago, Ill, took seeond prize the largest and best attended in ship Title Match, This well,edited with the Sl.'Ore of 5-1. Sandrin lost IN MASS STATE 5-0, Tied for second were John new publication is $1.00 per year the series of noteworthy U.S Lederer and George Doyle with one game to Mark Euchel' and did Ervin Undcrwood with 41At- l lh, Junior Championships. and promises to be worth it to not meet Dr, Koelsche. Third won the Massachusetts State Cham­ 4 Y.z-Y.z each. For fourth place H. L. anyone interested in the chess ac· place wcnt to A. C. Block of Chi­ pionship at Boston in a 12 player McAlary, Tom Hammett, R. G, Yeo­ tivities or the West Coast Sub­ cago, while fou rth was Mark 6 round Swiss event, losing one PRINS WINS MEET; mans and L. W, Bagnell held a scriptions may be sent to Dr. Ral· Euchcr o( Detroit, Mich., captain game to Fred Keller and draWing four-way tie at 3·2 each, ston. of the University of Michigan with Harlow Daly. Second place STEINER TIE 2ND chess team, Tied for fifth were went to Charles Heising with 4-2, Lodewijk Prins of Amsterdam Frank Cabot 3rd of Chatfield, losing to Underwood. and Kazys with J21At -41h, won the Madrid In· Revised Plan For U. S. Championship Minn., and Karl Wiegmann of Rock Skema. Third to sixth on S-B ternational Tourney. U. S. Cham­ Island, 111." the Quad-C ity Cham· pOints with equal 31At -21At scores pion Herman Steiner, Dr. O. S pion, were F'r1!d Kellcr, Kazys Skema, Bernstein of l'ariS, and Herman Provides Opportunity For More Players • Pilnik or Buenos Aires tied for The tournament was sponsored Harlow Daly and Kazys Merkis. A final ~vision.of .plans for the U.S. Championship Tournament in second with 1 tlh-51,~ each, In the In the B Class Championship New .C!ty, begl!llll,ng July will permit more playe" to con­ by the Tri-City Chess and Checker 12th round Steiner broke Prins' Yor~ ~th, Club, 322 1At Harrison, Davenport, lirst place went to Stanley Ciog t~s l by dlyldln ~ the InVited parllCl~an ts into four preliminary sections. with 5 1At -¥.! in the 16 player 6 winning streak by defeating the Eaeh secf:ion playa roll:nd and the three ranking players of Ia. 39 players competed in the two­ Dutch master. w~ J1 ro~m , day event, for one of the largest round Swiss. Second to fifth with each secllon will compete In a fmal round robin tournament to de­ L elldln9 Seorerl turn-outs ever had by this im­ equal 4-2 scores on 5-B points were t ~r~ine the U.
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