HappiLess is a perishable, NATIONAL fruit, which must be used APPLE WEEK each day, for it will not keep. OCTOBER 14 - 23 THE CARROLL RECORD c, YEAR IN ADVANCII $2.0" 5c per Single Copy VOL. 72, No. 17 TANEYTOWN, MARYLAND, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1965 or Treat Night — "SPICE 'N' EVERYTHING NICE' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Church Celebrates ZONING ORDINANCE Trick (Your Chatty Column) COMMUNITY LOCALS October 30 MEETS EXPLAINED With all my heart, I wish you every- 75th Anniversary morning The Graceful Workers S. S. Class night, October 30, has A smile that shall last until the next days of the This is the fifth in a series of Saturday will meet Thursday, October 21 at The regular monthly meeting St. Paul's Lutheran Church cele- been officially designated as "Trick dawning. Taneytown Chamber of Commerce weekly discussions on the Compre- I wish you health—life's greatest weattik the home of Mildred Anders. brated its 75th anniversary on Sun- adopted for or Treat" night in Taneytown. This I wish you always near so that I may he'lp was held at Taney Inn on Monday, with the hensive Zoning Ordinance day, October 17, beginning County. Future discussions announcement comes from the Mayor to cheer Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Baker of October 18. Jr. Choir sang Carroll Each future day and in some way—help to morning service. The included in this newspaper on and City Council. Officer Boone will Annapolis were week-end visitors of Plans are progressing satisfactorily number. The Rev. Dwight will be ring- bring you happiness! a special each of the vital phases of the zoning keep close watch on youngsters The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Wiley for the annual Banquet to be held in Putman gave a very inspiring ad- bells other nights of the -Sr. regulations.) ing door chil- at the parsonage. the auditorium of Taneytown Jr. dress. Greetings were given by Rev. week. Parents are urged to cooperate Did you know that all school High School on Nov. 18 at 6:30 P. M. E. Held and Rev. Mervin dren in Japan wear red hats so as of Charles The administration of any set of with this notice. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown Dinner music and entertainment fol- Eyler, Jr. The congregation was very closed dur- "Traffic" will see them and there New are visit- rules and regulations is one of the The Town Office will be Albuquerque, Mexico, lowing dinner has been arranged. The glad to have them and their families governing October 25 due to the won't be any accidents? ing with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wantz most important features ing the week of which I guest speaker will be Dr. Robert with them; also, all other guests. of such rules and Town Secretary being on vacation. Now, here is •a cute one and family. Chief, Business and the effectiveness a dear friend whose Sparks, who is Following this service the ground regulations. This is true of a zoning The citizenry is reminded of the heard visiting Industrial Development, Department breaking ceremonies were held for the item of dis- House to be held this Friday daughter of 30 was at home due to Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Kiser called for the measure and will be Open The bell of Economic Development the new Sunday School rooms. in this part of the series on evening, October 22, from 6:30 P. M. the "Columbus Holiday." on Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dudderar, Mt. of Maryland. cussion went to the door and I The Dudderars State The Ladies Aid Society then served the new zoning ordinance. to 9:30 P. M. Light refreshments rang and she Pleasant, on Sunday. The Nominating Committee report- saw her face turn scarlet as she took moved in to their newly-built home lunch for all members and friends in A Zoning Administrator is respon- will be served. It is hoped many will ed the following slate of nominees for the parish hall. Everyone enjoyed an Offices and talk in the packages delivered from a last Monday. sible for administering and enforcing visit the new City in the coming year: president, Frank T. afternoon of fellowship. Zoning Ordin- their representatives serving on department store. Her hair was up president, Neal W. the provisions of the with tied under her Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reindollar, Jr., Dunham; 1st vice An evening service was held at 7 is a person who is appointed the City Council. curlers, a blue net cap 2nd vice president, Paul M. ance. He make-up for her lips attended the stockholders meeting Powell; P. M. with the Senior Choir singing by the County Commissioners after chin, white and hardware show of the American Morelock; secretary, Singleton E. a special number and also the Men's from REPRESENTATIVE OF (which I was told after that, that was M. the receipt of recommendations DISTRICT she ap- Hardware and Supply Co. at New Remsburg; treasurer, Murray Chorus from Taneytown favored us and Zoning SOUTHERN STATES COOP. to make soft lips) —well, Committee: the County Planning eyes of that Castle, Pa., over the week-end. Baumgardner; Executive with two very fine selections. The The ordinance requires peared hideous in the R. Arnold and Merwyn C. Commission. She said as she accep- Charles address was given by Rev. Howard that he be a resident of the county delivery man. Mrs. Wilmer L. Shoop, Mt. Joy, Fuss. Election will take place at the Miller of Taneytown, which was al- pre- ted the packages, "Oh! I am a sight,' nomi- and be qualified by education, replied, "Well, I Pa., and Miss Beulah Castle of York, December meeting. Additional so very inspiring. Greetings were ex- or training for the to which he quickly of made from the floor vious experience, Lulus getting around!' Pa., were Sunday dinner guests nations may be tended from Rev. Held and Mr. Mer- work in zoning administration. see some Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reindollar at at this time. vin Fuss. Rev. John Fry closed the Ugh! officially One of the key features in Article different Meadow Hills Dining House, Lan- The Chamber wishes to service with prayer. is the re- Years ago, Folks it was so the Unichem Corporation to 16 under "Administration" did not have naturally caster, Pa. welcome The congregation was very glad quirement that any department, offi- for those who Taneytown. This company is occupy- former mem- curly locks. An invisable fancy cap meeting of to have these ministers, cial, or employee of Carroll County The regular monthly ing the A. W. Feeser Building. Uni- the church, and all friends was placed over the (kids) on which Jaycettes will be held bers of who is vested with authority to issue the Taneytown chem manufactures Aerosol products help celebrate this anniversary. your hair was wound. No husband on Wednesday, October 27th at 8:00 operation in permits or licenses may not do so if up — and paint. May their with the never saw his wife in this get in the Taneytown Grain & Supply be a long and prosperous there would be a conflict modest were women!! Taneytown of the zoning ordinance. so sweet and building. Miss Joyce Schwartz of one. provisions I go into the market, I really State Scholarships Available All uses of buildings, structures or When Gettysburg will show slides on her Dues notices for the coming year am ashamed of my own sex, the "get- recent tour of the European countries. soon. It is hoped that land or parts thereof thereafter cre- no make up, will be mailed to Students changed, converted or up" with the curlers, members will submit their remittance ated, erected, awful, awful PA NTS! The annual Sport's Carnival, spon- enlarged require the issuance of a and those without delay so that final arrange- State Scholarship No wonder men do not have the re- sored by the Girls' Athletic Associ- made. The Maryland zoning certificate. Applications are ments for the banquet can be today announced plans for spect today of the Feminine Gender! ation of Taneytown H. S., will be Board made in the Building Permit Office, performer is in the high conducting t h e State-wide com- Westminster The sweetest night held Friday, October 29 County Office Building, He surely is a natural!' Time: 6:30-8:30. petitive examination for the three plans drawn approxi- Mery Griffin. school glmnasium. HARNEY 4-H CLUB and request he is a "Leo!" A dance will follow in the cafeteria. St a te Scholarship Programs. The mately to scale showing lot size, size Betas, If you want to taste something de- The public is cordially invited. recent special meeting there examination will be held on Satur- and location of the buildings. At the cen- licious try "SPAM" on crackers.. were four new members present. day, November 20, 1965 in test If all requirements of the ordinance The Taneytown Volunteer Fire Co. throughout the State. Testing which is a spread and the best tasting They were Dennis Guyton, Diane ters are met as to use, height and yard re- other prom- responded with two trucks to a call will take place in Carroll County in parking as well I have ever known of any Fream, Susan Null and Karon Penny- quirements, lot Aize, Not hot and salty as of fire this (Thurs.) morning on the welcomes the Multi-Purpose Room at the West- conditions required in the inent make. packer. The entire club as other makes and it is a grand TV Harney Road, near the Chas. B.
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