(RE)PRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL TERRAIN VAGUE: THE CASE OF THE NATIONAL TEXTILE FACTORY IN ADANA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY GÖZDE GÜLDAL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN URBAN DESIGN IN CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING JULY 2020 Approval of the thesis: (RE)PRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL TERRAIN VAGUE: THE CASE OF THE NATIONAL TEXTILE FACTORY IN ADANA submitted by GÖZDE GÜLDAL in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department, Middle East Technical University by, Prof. Dr. Halil Kalıpçılar Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Çağatay Keskinok Head of Department, City and Regional Planning Prof. Dr. Nil Uzun Supervisor, City and Regional Planning, METU Examining Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Çağatay Keskinok City and Regional Planning, METU Prof. Dr. Nil Uzun City and Regional Planning, METU Prof. Dr. Ela Babalık City and Regional Planning, METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Can Severcan City and Regional Planning, METU Prof. Dr. Nihan Özdemir Sönmez Real Estate Development and Management, Ankara University Date: 24.07.2020 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Surname: Gözde Güldal Signature: iv ABSTRACT (RE)PRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL TERRAIN VAGUE: THE CASE OF THE NATIONAL TEXTILE FACTORY IN ADANA Güldal, Gözde Master of Science, Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nil Uzun July 2020, 249 pages In this thesis it is aimed to reveal a value model that can be referred to be able to reevaluation of the abandoned industrial assets which are industrial heritage, in the urban context. The main purpose is to construct a holistic approach for preservation and improvement of the abandoned industrial assets. In accordance with this purpose, the situation of abandoned industrial assets is expressed as industrial terrain vague, because of their values in the historical process in one hand and their obsolescence on the other hand. Spatial trialectic of Lefebvre clears up the required space inquiry for reproduction of industrial terrain vague in the basis of values. Accordingly changing dimensions of the industrial space (mental, physical and social) from genesis till presence of industrial terrain vague are examined. At the end, a cultural value model is presented which is supported by Lefebvrian analysis method. In this context Milli Mensucat Fabrikası [the National Textile Factory] which is in the old industry district at the city centre of Adana has been chosen as the research area. The factory, which is constructed in 1906, abandoned in the 1990s step by step and reserved for preservation in 2013, is examined with its environs. Factory and its environs are examined at five different time intervals based on the changes happened v in mental, physical and social dimensions and different value gaining or value losing processes are seen. A new criticizing vision based on cultural value model is constructed for the reproduction of abandoned factory. Keywords: Industrial Heritage, Industrial Terrain Vague, Spatial Triad, Cultural Value Model, Milli Mensucat Fabrikası [the National Textile Factory] vi ÖZ KARARSIZ ENDÜSTRİ ALANININ (YENİDEN) ÜRETİMİ: ADANA MİLLİ MENSUCAT FABRİKASI ÖRNEĞİ Güldal, Gözde Yüksek Lisans, Kentsel Tasarım Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Nil Uzun Temmuz 2020, 249 sayfa Bu tez, günümüzde terkedilmiş durumda olan ve endüstri mirası kapsamına giren endüstri varlıklarının kent bağlamında yeniden değerlendirilmesinde başvurulabilecek bir değer modelini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Temel amaç endüstri varlıklarının korunması ve geliştirilmesine yönelik bütüncül bir yaklaşım geliştirmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, terkedilmiş endüstri varlıklarının geldiği aşama bir tarafta tarihsel süreç içinde taşıdıkları değerler, diğer tarafta geçirdikleri değer yitim süreçleri nedeniyle kararsız endüstri alanı olarak tariflenmiştir. Lefebvre’in mekânsal triyalektiği kararsız endüstri alanının değerler temelinde yeniden üretilebilmesi için gereken mekan sorgusuna ışık tutmuştur. Bu doğrultuda mekanın, doğuşundan kararsız endüstriyel alan olana kadarki süreçte değişen boyutları (zihinsel, fiziksel ve sosyal) irdelenmiştir. En sonunda Lefebvreci analiz yönteminden beslenmiş bir kültürel değer modeli ortaya koyulmuştur. Adana’da kent merkezinde eski endüstri alanı içinde yer alan Milli Mensucat Fabrikası bu kapsamda araştırma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. 1906 yılında inşa edilen, 1990lı yıllar itibariyle aşama aşama boşaltılan ve en sonunda 2013 yılı itibariyle korumaya alınarak müzeye dönüştürülen fabrika ve yakın çevresi bu kapsamda incelenmiştir. Fabrika ve çevresi beş farklı dönem içinde zihinsel, fiziksel ve sosyal boyutların değişimi vii üzerinden incelenmiş farklı değer üretim ve değer yitim süreçleri ile karşılaşılmıştır. Fabrikanın yeniden üretiminde kültürel değer modeli üzerinden eleştirel bir yeniden bakış geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endüstri Mirası, Kararsız Endüstri Alanı, Mekansal Üçlü, Kültürel Değer Modeli, Milli Mensucat Fabrikası viii to Çukurova who lost her writers, drawers and thinkers ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Nil Uzun for her encouragements and insight throughout the research. I would also like to thank the examining committee members; Prof. Dr. Çağatay Keskinok, Prof. Dr. Ela Babalık, Prof. Dr. Nihan Özdemir Sözmez and Asist. Prof. Dr. Yücel Can Severcan for their valuable suggestions and comments for the thesis. Besides, I owe earnest thankfulness to Prof. Dr. Çağatay Keskinok for encouraging me to think on the modern city where laborers are at the heart of it. I thank Halim Karataş for his cheerfulness, loving support, encouragement and endless tolerance throughout my study. I would like to express my appreciation to my parents, Şeref Güldal and Rukiye Güldal, for all their love and support. I sincerely thank my beloved sister Göksu Güldal for the joy and hope she gave me throughout the thesis. I am also indebted to all my friends who touched my life and make me the person who I am. Last but not the least, I would like to thank all laborers who narrate labor and the city. As I read and listened to them, I saw that I was doing something right. x TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. v ÖZ vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xiv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... xv 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Problem Statement and Aim of the Study ......................................................... 1 1.2. Structure of the Thesis ....................................................................................... 4 2. ABANDONMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SPACE .................................................. 7 2.1. Industrialization ................................................................................................. 7 2.1.1. Spaces in the Industrial Era ...................................................................... 10 2.2. Deindustrialization .......................................................................................... 13 2.2.1. Spaces in the Post-Industrial Era .............................................................. 15 2.3. Industrial Heritage and Archaeology .............................................................. 17 2.3.1. Industrial Heritage and Archaeology in Europe ....................................... 19 2.3.2. International Documents ........................................................................... 21 2.3.3. Industrial Heritage and Archaeology in Turkey ....................................... 30 2.4. Concluding Remarks ....................................................................................... 34 3. A THEMATIC APPROACH FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE SITES .................................................................................................... 35 3.1. Drosscape ........................................................................................................ 36 xi 3.2. Brownfield ...................................................................................................... 38 3.3. Terrain Vague ................................................................................................. 38 3.3.1. Industrial Terrain Vague .......................................................................... 45 Obsolescence in Industrial Terrain Vague ......................................... 45 The Values in Industrial Terrain Vague ............................................ 51 3.3.2. A Value Model for the Reproduction of Industrial Terrain Vague .........
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