Location Index

Location Index

Location File Number 17 Mile Station 911/1906 47 Mile 284/1904 50 Mile Rock 582/1898 Abbot's Station 958/1899 Abbott's Police Station 255/1902 Addington 109/1901 Adelaide (SA) 351/1906 Albany 253/1905 Albany 536/1906 Albany 334/1904 Albany 984/1900 Albany 40/1905 Albany 116/1900 Albany Unnumbered/1908 Albany 402/1908 Albany 409B/1908 Albany 84/1901 Albany 177/1905 Albany 989/1901 Albany 65/1900 Albany 406/1907 Albany 20/1904 Albany 643/1898 Albany 644/1898 Albany 284/1904 Albany 1024/1908 Albany 793/1902 Albany 230/1904 Albany 241/1904 Albany 302/1905 Albany 531/1905 Alice Downs Station 822/1906 Alice Downs Station 466/1906 Alligator Creek 52/1899 Alligator Creek (aka Bulla Bulla Man Creek) 437/1908 Andover Station 368/1898 Angkitchiemiah 34/1904 Anna Plains Station 284/1908 Anna Plains Station 305/1908 Location File Number Anna Plains Station 264/1905 Annean Station 953/1899 Annean Station 488/1899 Annean Station 765/1908 Annear Station 289/1905 Argyle Downs Station 137/1901 Argyle Police Station 147/1903 Argyle Police Station 795/1908 Argyle Police Station 148/1903 Argyle Police Station 339/1904 Argyle Police Station 53/1905 Argyle Police Station 44/1904 Argyle Police Station 321/1902 Arrico Station 573/1900 Arrino 371/1903 Arrino Station 1/1900 Arrino Station 792/1899 Arthur River 353/1898 Arthur River 658/1906 Arthur River 246/1903 Arthur River 198/1906 Arthur River 33/1905 Arthur River 240/1903 Arthur River 408/1907 Arthur River 89/1905 Ascot Station 289/1905 Ashburton 589/1902 Ashburton 452/1898 Ashburton 51/1900 Ashburton 62/1900 Ashburton 64/1901 Ashburton 53/1898 Ashburton 65/1900 Ashburton Downs Station 29/1903 Ashburton Downs Station 862/1908 Ashburton Downs Station 51/1900 Ashburton Downs Station 911/1906 Ashburton Downs Station 321/1902 Ashburton Downs Station 809/1906 Location File Number Ashburton Downs Station 973/1901 Ashburton Downs Station 169/1899 Ashburton Downs Station 651/1900 Ashburton Downs Station 64/1901 Ashburton Downs Station 71/1905 Ashburton Fields 650A/1900 Ashburton Goldfields 51/1900 Ashburton River 898/1908 Australind 289/1905 Back Flats (Greenough) 897/1899 Badetoppin 230/1904 Badjin (York) 217/1903 Balbinia Station 207/1902 Baldwin Creek 153/1904 Baldwin Creek Unnumbered/1907 Balfour Downs Station 658/1907 Balgooda Station 786/1899 Balla Balla Station 531/1907 Balla Balla Station 409/1908 Balla Balla Station 345/1906 Balla Balla Station 62/1901 Balla Balla Station 407A/1908 Balla Balla Station 269/1908 Balladonia 109/1901 Balladonia 937/1901 Balladonia 205/1902 Balladonia 388/1904 Balladonia 584/1907 Balladonia 17/1903 Balladonia 445/1907 Balladonia 383/1906 Balladonia 4/1902 Balladonia 274/1905 Balladonia 311/1906 Balladonia 166/1903 Ballagin Station 536/1906 Ballagin Station 345/1905 Ballaratt (Near Bunbury) 214/1899 Balmaningarra 617/1908 Location File Number Balmaningarra Station 289/1905 Bamboo Pool 1013/1901 Bamboo Pool 368/1898 Bamboo Springs Station 6/1907 Bamboo Springs Station 331A/1904 Bangemall 352/1903 Bangemall 229/1902 Bangemall 321/1902 Bangemall 409B/1908 Bangemall 62/1900 Bangemall 567/1908 Bangemall 83/1898 Vol I Bangemall 83/1898 Vol II Bangemall 284/1908 Bangemall 896/1908 Bangemall 91/1907 Bangemall Unnumbered/1908 Bangemall 93/1901 Bangemall 167/1905 Banningarra Creek 746/1907 Barker Gorge Station 289/1905 Barnong Station 432/1905 Barnong Station 547/1906 Barrell Creek 332/1908 Barrow Island Lock Hospital 467/1908 Batbatting Station 588/1899 Battbating Station 665/1898 Bay Taddock (?) 339/1898 Bayswater 955/1899 Bayswater 246/1902 Beaconsfield 289/1905 Beagle Bay 28/1903 Beagle Bay 832/1908 Beagle Bay 53/1898 Beagle Bay 418/1908 Beagle Bay 284/1908 Beagle Bay 14/1904 Beagle Bay 528/1908 Beagle Bay 131/1901 Location File Number Beagle Bay Mission 409B/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 144/1898 Beagle Bay Mission 778/1906 Beagle Bay Mission 602/1899 Beagle Bay Mission 437/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 452/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 500/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 11/1901 Beagle Bay Mission Unnumbered/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 7/1901 Beagle Bay Mission 9308/1900 Beagle Bay Mission 86/1900 Beagle Bay Mission 464/1906 Beagle Bay Mission 24/1906 Beagle Bay Mission 782/1899 Beagle Bay Mission 602/1901 Beagle Bay Mission 52/1899 Beagle Bay Mission 329/1907 Beagle Bay Mission 376/1907 Beagle Bay Mission 262/1898 Beagle Bay Mission 148/1903 Beagle Bay Mission 22/1907 Beagle Bay Mission 153/1904 Beagle Bay Mission 284/1908 Beagle Bay Mission 107/1905 Beagle Bay Mission 321/1902 Beagle Bay Mission 151/1904 Beagle Bay Mission 408A/1908 Beauford River 408/1907 Beaufort Farm 900/1901 Beauharia Station (?) 46/1904 Beechboro 564/1902 Beeringarra Station 297/1907 Belang Pool 373/1898 Belele Station 289/1905 Belele Station 760/1908 Belele Station 896/1908 Bellevue 156/1905 Bellevue 119/1905 Location File Number Belmonging 148/1905 Belmont 3/1903 Bengarra 373/1898 Benger 38/1902 Benmore 949/1906 Vol. I Benmore 289/1905 Beringarra Station 906/1899 Beringarra Station 855/1902 Beringarra Station 1140/1906 Beringarra Station 763/1908 Berkshire Valley 352/1905 Berkshire Valley 632/1900 Berkshire Valley 346/1906 Berkshire Valley 671/1899 Bernier Island 1004/1908 Bernier Island 988/1908 Bernier Island Lock Hospital 987/1908 Bernier Island Lock Hospital Unnumbered/1908 Berringarra Station 762/1908 Berringarra Station 373/1898 Beverley 354/1907 Beverley 343/1907 Beverley 230/1901 Beverley 109/1901 Beverley 328/1901 Beverley 23/1900 Beverley 65/1900 Beverley Unnumbered/1908 Beverley 612/1903 Beverley 408/1898 Beverley 350B/1901 Beverley 455/1899 Beverley 955/1899 Beverley 423/1908 Beverley 516/1902 Beverley 44/1900 Beverley 354/1900 Beverley 560/1900 Beverley 263/1904 Location File Number Beverley 38/1902 Beverley 936/1900 Beverley 654/1899 Biarney Farm (?) 452/1898 Big Springs 804A/1908 Billabalong Station 809/1899 Billabalong Station 876/1908 Billabalong Station 808/1899 Billabalong Station 869/1908 Billabolony Station 839/1906 Bilmonying 1041/1901 Binterbook Station 352/1903 Birringarr Station 514/1901 Black Boy Hill 245/1902 Black Hill Well 167/1903 Black Range 955/1906 Black Range 185/1904 Black Range Police Station 406/1907 Blackfellow Creek 795/1908 Blackwood 67/1907 Blackwood 261/1898 Blackwood River 289/1905 Bodallin 919/1906 Bodallin Railway Station 128/1905 Bohemia Downs Station 289/1905 Bollah Station 638/1907 Bollah Station 631/1908 Bonelter Station 67/1907 Bonny Downs Station 612/1906 Boodarie Station 207/1903 Boodarie Station 171/1899 Boodarrie Station 60/1901 Boogardie Station 289/1905 Boolaloo Sheep Camp 284/1908 Boolandy Station 388/1898 Boolandy Station 702/1898 Boolardy Station 876/1908 Boolardy Station 875/1908 Boolardy Station 839/1906 Location File Number Boolgin Creek 409B/1908 Boolgin Station 153/1904 Boolgin Station (Pearlers' Camp) 153/1904 Boolgooro Station 311/1900 Booligin Station 832/1908 Boologoon Station Unnumbered/1908 Boologoora Station 471/1901 Boologoora Station 51/1900 Boologooroo Station 339/1908 Booloogoora Station 170/1903 Boolyin Station 506A/1908 Boolyin Station 491/1908 Boorara 52/1904 Bordarrie Station 41/1901 Bossut Creek 34/1904 Boulder 98/1903 Boulder 108/1901 Boulder 547/1902 Boulder 180/1903 Bowelling Pool 425/1906 Bowelling Pools 557/1906 Bowes Station 178/1902 Bowes Station 106/1901 Bowes, The 36/1900 Braeside Station 307/1907 Braeside Station 381/1900 Braeside Station 264/1898 Braeside Station Unnumbered/1908 Braeside Station 171/1899 Braeside Station 75/1898 Braeside Station 26/1901 Bremer Bay 476/1905 Bremer Bay 34/1900 Bremer Bay 302/1905 Bremer Bay 52/1907 Bremer Bay 210/1901 Bremer Bay 1082/1906 Bremer Bay 1037/1906 Bremer Bay 198/1904 Location File Number Bremer Bay 202A/1907 Bremer Bay 202/1907 Brick House Station 12/1903 Bridgetown 994/1901 Bridgetown 214/1899 Bridgetown 261/1898 Bridgetown 142/1899 Bridgetown 178/1898 Bridgetown 122/1902 Bridgetown 178/1902 Bridgetown 566/1902 Bridgetown 1024/1906 Bridgetown 412/1902 Bridgetown 16/1903 Bridgetown 289/1905 Bridgetown 64/1901 Bridgetown 630/1902 Bridgetown 647/1902 Bridgetown 28/1901 Bridgetown 640/1906 Bridgetown 286/1907 Bridgetown 51/1907 Bridgetown 243/1903 Bridgetown 389/1906 Bridgetown 818/1908 Brisbane (Qld.) 351/1906 Broad Arrow 567/1898 Broad Arrow 396/1898 Broad Arrow 1082/1901 Broad Arrow 155/1903 Bronti 51/1901 Brooding Creek Station 289/1905 Brookfield Station 808/1899 Brookin Creek 228/1903 Brooking Station 904/1908 Brookton 575/1898 Brookton 3/1903 Broome 245A/1904 Broome 418/1908 Location File Number Broome 1013/1908 Broome 415A/1908 Broome 289/1905 Broome 782/1907 Broome 783/1907 Broome 778/1907 Broome 485/1908 Broome 33/1901 Broome 638/1907 Broome 701/1907 Broome 499/1908 Broome 728/1907 Broome 34/1904 Broome 409/1906 Broome 537/1902 Broome 731/1907 Broome 741/1907 Broome 449A/1908 Broome 315/1904 Broome 746/1907 Broome 389/1906 Broome 730/1907 Broome 332A/1908 Broome 786/1907 Broome 467/1901 Broome 378/1906 Broome 284/1908 Broome 377/1906 Broome 164/1905 Broome 8/1902 Broome 1083/1901 Broome 43A/1905 Broome 124/1905 Broome 332/1908 Broome 331/1908 Broome 365/1906 Broome Unnumbered/1908 Broome 305/1908 Broome 1/1902 Location File Number Broome Unnumbered/1907 Broome 131/1901 Broome 784/1907 Broome 59/1907 Broome 787/1907 Broome 1004/1906 Broome 409B/1908 Broome 57/1905 Broome 413/1904 Broome 350/1906 Broome 144/1898 Broome 264/1905 Broome 1/1905 Broome 692/1906 Broome 557/1903 Broome 381/1906 Broome 878/1907 Broome 148/1903 Broome 15/1903 Broome 24/1906 Broome 406/1907 Broome 43/1903 Broome 10/1903 Broome 28/1903 Broome 49/1907 Broome 1127/1906 Broome 317/1905 Broome 153/1904 Broome 487/1906

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