THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND CALENDAR 1964 1964 Calendar PRINTED FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND BY WHITCOMBE AND TOMBS LIMITED AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 1964 1964 Calendar CONTENTS CALENDAR 5 OFFICERS OF TIIE UNIVERSITY 19 TIIE COUNCIL .. 20 TIIE SENATE 21 DEANS OF FACULTIES 22 STAFF: ACADEMIC 24 LffiRARY .• 37 ADMINISTRATION 38 GENERAL INFORMATION 40 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS: CONFERRING OF DEGREES 41 MATRICULATION 43 PROVISIONAL ADMISSION 45 ADMISSION AD EUNDEM STATUM '.. 47 TERMS 49, ENROLMENT AND LECTURES .. 51 EXTRAMURAL ENROLMENT 57 EXAMINATIONS 62 DISCIPLINE 67 TIIE LIBRARY .. 69 BURSARIES AND STUDY AWARDS 74 SCHOLARSlllPS AND PRIZES: AUCKLAND AWARDS 83 NATIONAL AWARDS 153 ANNUAL FEES .. 162 EXAMINATION FEES 170 COURSE REGULATIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS: ARTS 174 SCIENCE •• 275 COMMERCE 330 LAW 350 M:USIC 373 ARCHITECTURE 394 TOWN PLANNING 414 3 1964 Calendar ENGINEERING 419 FINE ARTS 440 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY .. 452 DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY .455 CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY 459 INTERMEDIATE COURSES 460 TiMETABI.E.."l: ARTS 462 SCIENCE 464 LAW 466 MUSIC 467 COMMERCE 469 HALLS OF RESIDENCE 470 THE CHAPLAIN 471 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE 471 STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION 472 UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS 478 GRADUATE THESES 497 SCHOLARS :AND PRIZEWINNERS 502 ROLL OF GRADUATES AND DIPLOMA-HOLDERS 512 LEGISLATION: UNIVEitSITY OF AUCKLAND ACT 1961 529 COURT OF CONVOCATION STATUTE 551 ELECTIONS TO THE COUNCIL 553 ELECTIONS TO THE SENATE 560 FORM OF ~EGACY 564 INDEX .. 566 The following material was last included in the Calendar for 1956: FORMER OFFICERS HISTORICAL SKETCH The following material was last included in the Calendar for 1961: BENEFACTIONS DONORS TO THE LIBRARY _ Marginal black lines indicate amendments to which particular attention is drawn. 4 1964 Calendar CAL END A R .. 196 4 IMPORTANT DATES FAILURE IN DEGREE UNITS: Any student who has failedto pass at least two units over the last two years of his academic studies must make application to the Senate for permission to re-enrol on or before 31st January, 1964. Late applications will be accepted up until 21st February if accompanied by a late fee of £2/2/-. SPECIAL ADMISSIONS: Students seeking Provisional or Ad . Eundem Statum admission should complete all arrange- ments before Enrolment Week begins. INTERNAL STUDENTS: Enrolment will take place between 24-28 February. Prescribed dates for the various Faculties are set out on pages 7 and 8. An Enrolment Penalty of £ 10 will be payable by all students who do NOT enrol on the prescribed dates. EXTERNAL STUDENTS: Exemption applications should be completed before 31st January (Massey subjects) or 1st March (Auckland subjects). CHANGES OF COURSE: The last day for withdrawals from classes is 31st March. No student may alter his course after this date. TERMS CARRIED FORWARD: Students should apply as soon as Degree results are known, and complete applications before 31st March. CONFERMENT OF DEGREES AND AWARD OF DIPLO- MAS AT MAY CEREMONY: Applications must be lodged with the Registrar on or before 10th April. EXAMINATIONS: Entries must be completed by 10th May for Honours, Masters and Engineering Professional; all others by 10th June. 5 1 1964 Calendar CAL END A R 1 964 JANUARY 1 WED 2 THUR 3 Fro 4 SAT - 5 SUN 6 MON 7 TUEs 8 WED 9 THUR 10 Fro 11 SAT Applications for University Research Fund Fellowships close with the Registrar. 12 SUN 13 MON 14 TUEs 15 WED 16 THUR 17 Fro -18 SAT 19 SUN 20 MON 21 TUEs 22 WED 23 THUR 24 Fro -25 SAT 26 SUN 27 MON 28 TUES. 29 WED 30 THUR 31 Fro FEBRUARY 1 SAT Applications close with the Registrar for the Sir James Gunson and John Court Scholarships (Agriculture). 2 SUN 3 MON 6 1964 Calendar 4 TuEs 5 WED 6 THUR 7 FBI 8 SAT 9 SUN 10 MON 11 TUES 12 WED 13 THUR 14 FBI 15 SAT 16 SUN 17 MON 18 ToEs 19 WED 20 THUR 21 FBI 22 SAT 23 SUN SURNAME 24 MON Enrolment week begins. These students enrol today: INITIALS (a) Faculty of Science (including Engineering, Medical, Dental, Home Science, Agricultural, Surveying, Architectural and Veterinary inter- mediates) A-K (b) Faculty of Law (Students taking Law subjects only) A-L (c) Faculty of Commerce (Students taking Com- merce subjects only) ., A-L (d) Fine Arts - full-time (application in the first instance at Elam School of Fine Arts, Wynyard Street) A-Z SURNAME TUES These students enrol today: 25 INITIALS (a) Faculty of Science (including Engineering, Medical, Dental, Home Science, Agricultural, Surveying, Architectural and Veterinary inter- mediates) L-S (b) Faculty of Law (i) Students taking Law subjects only M-Z (ii) All students taking any Arts subjects A-Z 7 1964 Calendar (c) Faculty of Commerce (i) Students taking Commerce subjects only' M-Z (ii) Students taking any Arts subjects A-Z (d) Fine Arts - part-time (application in the first instance at Elam School of Fine Arts, Wyn- yard Street) A-Z 26 WED These students enrol today: SURNAME .lNITIALS (a) Faculty of Science (including Engineering, Medical, Dental, Home Science, Agricultural, Surveying, Architectural and Veterinary Inter- mediates) T-Z (b) Arts students taking Science subjects, includ- ing Mathematics and Geography A-Z (c) Faculty of Arts, Education and Music A-C (d) Faculty of Architecture including Urban Valuation 27 THUR These students enrol today: SURNAME ...INITIALS (a) Faculties of Arts, Education and Music D-M (b) Faculty of Architecture including Urban Valuation (c) Town Planning A-L 28 FRI These students enrol today: SURNAME INITIALS .. (a) Faculties of Arts, Education and Music N-Z (b) Professional Engineering Students A-Z (c) Town Planning M-Z Candi~at~s for a Master's Degre~ who have. not presented . theses by this date will be required to .re-enrol. They wiIlnot be entitled to have their degrees conferred at the Graduation Ceremony in May. Candidates for B.Arch. who have not presented theses by this date will be required to make a further examination entry by 10th June if presenting theses this year. 29 SAT MARCH 1 SUN Applicatioris close for Provisional Admission except with late fee. 8 1964 Calendar Exemption applications due for Auckland subjects, and not accepted after this date, except with late fee by 31st March. Applications close for the Hugh Campbell Scholarship and f J. P. Campbell Bursary (Law). Applications for the Beit Fellowship for Scientific. Research must be received by the Registrar, Imperial College, London, by this date. 2 MON First Term opens. 3 TUEs 4 WED 5 THUR 6 FRI 7 SAT. 8 SUN 9 MON 10 TUES 11 WED 12 THUR 13 FRI 14 SAT 15 SUN 16 MON 17 TUES 18 WED 19 THUR 20 FRi 21 SAT 22 SUN 23 MON 24 TUES 25 WED 26 THUR General Meeting of Students' Association. 27 FRI Good Friday. Easter Recess begins. 28 SAT 29 SUN 30 MON 31 TUES Easter Recess ends. Last day for alterations to courses. Last day for signing Matriculation declarations except with late fee. Applications close for Terms to be carried .forward. 9 1964 Calendar External students' late fee applications (Auckland subjects) not'accepted after this 'date. APRIL 1 WED Lectures (resurite (after 'Easter Recess. 2 .THUR .3 Fro 4 SAT 5 SUN 6- MON 7 TUES 8 WED 9 THUR 10 FRI Graduands and Diploma-holders wishing to ha,,~. degrees conferred and diplomas presented at the Annual Gradu- ation Ceremony must apply to the Registrar' by this date. 11 SAT 12 SUN 13 MON 14 TUES 15 WED 16 THUR 17 Fro ~.:,n" 18 SAT 19 SUN 20 MON 21 TUES Matriculation declarations, due 31st March, received until this date if accompanied by late fee of £2/2/ •. 22 WED 23 THUR 24 Fro 25 SAT Anzac Day. 26 SUN 27 MON . 1; 28 TUES 29 WED 30 THUR Applications for Provisional Admission due 1st March received until this date if accompanied by '.late fee of £2/2/-. .~.".' . MAY 1 Fill 2 SAT 10 1964 Calendar 3 SUN \ 4 MaN 5 TUES 6 WED 7 THUR 8 Fro Convocation for the Conferring of Degrees. 9 SAT First Term closes. ", l; i •_ •• .'.. .".. f ",-. i,'-"'" • I"' ,".' \/ j' 10 SUN ' Examination entrieL(with fees) close:Vrith the Rligistrarfor Masters and HononrsiIt Arts, 'S~i~n~~,Law, Commerce, Fine Arts and EngineedIlg,," ilia :Engineering Profes- sional examinations and Scienc~Foreign Language Reading Test. '" , 11 MaN , , il 12 TUES ,".,: WED 13 ;'. ' ~ 14 THUR 15 Fro 16 SAT ~, .' I,' "j' '! i, 17 SUN ,(' I 18 MaN . '. ,) ~'\ r 19 TUEs 20 WED ! 21 THUR \,1 ,! 22 Fro .. ! 1 (.~. ! 23 SAT \'", r: : ~(", : : ! ; ;-I. j 24 SUN 25 MaN ,;(1 (;! 26 TUEs 27 WED 28 THUR \. ,r 29 Fro 30 SAT 31 SUN Examination entries due by 10th May received until this djlte if accompanied by late fee of £2/2/-.! i\; Essays for the Desmond Lewis Memorial Prize'ilf' Intet- national Law must be delivered to the Registrar" A~~k-' land by this date. ' ,,: " ': , c' ( ',' {.~.: ;\,' JUNE I;", 1 MaN Queen's Birthday. ' i, \) I Applications cI?~~ ",i~h the Re.gistr~, t;~i~,e~~~ty,I~!ptaro; for the PhIlip NeIll MemorIal PrIZe m MusIc:'" , , ' Seco~d''T~rIrt op~ns.: , ", ",i" 2 TUES 1964 Calendar 3 WED 4 THUR 5 FRI 6 SAT 7 SUN 8 MON 9 TUES 10 WED Entries (with fe<es)close with the Registrar for the following October and <November examination~: B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., LL.B~, La~ Professional, B.Arch., Mus.B., Intermediate Examinations for Architecture and En- gineering; for Diplomas. in Architecture, Education, Educational Psychology, Executant Diploma in Music, Fine Arts (other than Honours), Music, Town. Planning and Urban Valuation. Entries (with fees) for the Professional Examinations in Accountancy and Institute Examinations in Architecture close with the Secretary, Examinations Board, Box 8035, Wellington.
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