innovatorsDBT-BIRAC Impacting through innovations DBT – BIRAC INNOVATORS Department of Biotechnology PROMOTING INNOVATION FOR AFFORDABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Government of India DBT – BIRAC Innovators Compendium: 2012 In association with Biotech Consortium India Limited V Floor, Anuvrat Bhawan, 10, Deen Dayal Upadhay Marg Namaste Publication Pvt Ltd New Delhi-110002 Lakshmi Villa, 93/14, Nandidurga Road, Phones: +91 (011) 23219064-67 Benson Town, Bangalore 560 046. Fax: +91 (011) 23219063 Phone: +91-80-2353 6022/4095 8114 E Mail: [email protected] E Mail: [email protected] Web Site:www.bcil.nic.in DBT – BIRAC Innovators Compendium: 2012 Foreword DBT-BIRAC Innovators Meet-Compendium It gives me great satisfaction to note that Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and Biotechnology In- dustry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) have through a critical due diligence process identi! ed and supported innovative nationally relevant ideas / products / processes for further development and commercialization. This support to industry innovation research through public private partnership is aimed at developing innovative technologies aimed for a" ordable product development. This compendium is an e" ort to share the highlights of these innovation ef- forts with the researchers and the Biotech Community at large. I hope that this document would facilitate knowledge networking and collaborations desirable for strengthening the capabilities of our national Biotech Sector and give us a sense of how well we are doing and what aspects need redesigning. I wish the researchers success in their endeavors towards innovation research. Dr. M. K. Bhan Secretary, DBT & Chairman, BIRAC 10 October 2012 | 3 DBT – BIRAC Innovators Compendium: 2012 List of companies in compendium List of companies in compendium Company Page No. Company Page No. A P Organics Pvt Ltd 45 Metahelix Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. 54 Agada Medical Technologies 14 Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited 60 Amar Immunodiagnostics Pvt. Ltd. 44 Neurosynaptic Communications Pvt. Ltd. 31 Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. 15 Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd . 55 Bejo Sheetal Seeds Pvt Ltd 46 Panacea Biotec Ltd. 32 Bigtec Private Ltd 16 Persistent Systems 65 Biocon Ltd. 17 Rasayani Biologics Pvt Ltd 33 Cellworks Research India Pvt Ltd 18 Ravindranath GE Medical Associates Pvt. Ltd. 34 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms 19 Revelations Biotech Pvt Ltd 35 (CCAMP) Richcore Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. 61 Chromous Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 47 Rossari Biotech Limited 66 Clonz Biotech Private Limited 20 Sea6 Energy Pvt. Ltd. 62 Crystalin Research Pvt Ltd 21 Serum Institute of India Ltd. 36 Designinnova 22 Serum Institute of India Ltd 37 Frontier Lifeline Pvt. Ltd 23 SPC Biotech P Limited 63 GEO Biotechnologies India Pvt. Ltd. 48 Sphaera Pharma 28 Imgenex India Pvt. Ltd. 24 SRI Biotech Laboratories India Ltd 56 Inbiopro Solutions Pvt Ltd 25 SRI Biotech Laboratories India Ltd 57 Incozen Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. 26 Stempeutics Research Pvt Ltd. 38 India Glycols Ltd. 59 Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. 39 Janacare Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 40 JK Agri Genetics Ltd. 49 Tata Chemicals Ltd. 58 Kaveri Seed Company Ltd 50 Tergene Biotech Private Limited 41 Krishidhan Seeds Pvt Ltd. 51 Thermax Ltd. 64 Lifecare Innovations Pvt Ltd 29 Transasia Bio-medicals Ltd 42 Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited 52 Vitas Pharma Research Pvt. Ltd. 43 Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited 53 Merkel Haptic Systems Pvt Ltd 30 Foreword - 3 Preface - 5 Impact Assessment Report - 67 Introduction - 6 DBT – BIRAC Innovators Compendium: 2012 Preface DBT-BIRAC Innovators Meet-Compendium The Department of Biotechnology, under the Government of India, has been support- ing industry innovation research through various schemes such as Small Business Inno- vation Research Initiative (SBIRI), Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) and the recently launched Biotechnology Ignition Grant Scheme (BIG). The e" ort has been to promote and nurture innovation research in the biotech enterprise with special focus on promoting industry academia interaction. The Contract Research and Services Scheme (CRS) launched early this year is also aimed in this direction. The recently setup Public Sector Organization of Department of Biotechnology (DBT)- Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) aims at empowering and enabling the biotech innovation ecosystem for a" ordable product development. One of the key strategies of BIRAC is fostering innovating capabilities in all places of research, with a focus on Startups and SMEs. BIPP is a government partnership with Industries for support on a cost sharing basis for path-breaking research in frontier futuristic technology areas that have major economic potential, making the Indian industry globally competitive. It is focused on IP creation with ownership retained by Indian industry. Over the last few years through this sup- port, a large number of innovations have resulted in some important technologies and products. Nearly 100 agreements have been signed with approximately 90 di" erent companies including more than 50 startups and SMEs. Nearly 30 academic research institutes and universities are involved in collaborative projects. A total investment of US$ 150 million has been committed with approximately US$ 65m coming from Government of India and a contribution of US$ 95m coming in as private sector contribution. Through this compendium we have compiled the various innovations highlighting the uniqueness, novelty, national and societal relevance and market potential of the tech- nologies and products developed and under development. We hope this compendium would provide useful information with regard to the innovation research being conduct- ed by the Biotech Industry through Government support and we wish the researchers success in their present and future endeavors. Dr. Renu Swarup Adviser, DBT and MD, BIRAC 10 October 2012 | 5 DBT – BIRAC Innovators 2012: Introduction n -cancer compounds, immunogens against rope and DNA chips. Bacterial ropes essen ally consist of H1N1, detec on kits for autoimmune diseases, certain mutant bacteria that have the ability to grow into cheap recombinant human insulin, stem cell re- spaghe -like structures. When impregnated with certain Asearch, stress tolerant rice, enzyme produc on metal ions, these can be stronger than steel but much from agri-waste, enhancing ethanol yield, biomass pro- lighter and biodegradable. DNA chips, as part of predic ve duc on and conversion to fuel, bio-hydrogen produc on, medicine, will enable monitoring and predic ng the possi- nano pes cide manufacture - the Indian biotech industry bility of diseases, thereby ins tu ng preven ve measures is in the thick of it all. India is amongst the top-12 biotech or treatments. Gene cally engineered plants will show des na ons in the world and ranks second in Asia, a er the way towards produc on of monoclonal an bodies for China. The largest producer of the recombinant Hepa s diagnosis and therapy. All these can be developed with B vaccine in the world, India is globally recognised as a the available knowledge and skills. manufacturer of economical, high-quality bulk drugs and But for all these to happen, the country needs to invest formula ons. Scien sts believe that India can leapfrog big me in research and development (R&D). While we into the biotech future shaped by materials like bacterial know the importance of R&D, most large organisa ons in 6 | October 2012 DBT – BIRAC Innovators 2012: Introduction India are not very forthcoming in commi ng large bud- According to the data obtained from BIRAC sources, gets in R&D and prefer to buy knowhow or are happy to of the total 93 approved schemes under BIRAC-BIPP um- work as a franchisee of an original inventor from abroad. brella, there are 57 products/processes under the broad On the other hand, there are large number of small com- healthcare segment; 21 under agriculture; 3 Industrial; 9 panies and entrepreneurs, bubbling with innova ve ideas under Energy; 4 under infrastructure capacity building; but very li le fund to bank on. Fortunately, in the fi eld and one under Bio-informa cs. The range is clearly indica- of biotechnology, which has many promising sub-seg- ve of the reach of BIRAC while a look at the fi rms will ments, the government of India through the Department reveal that not only many SMEs have availed the benefi ts, of Biotechnology has extended its helping hand. The DBT, there are many big names like Biocon, Mahyco, Avestha- through several government en es, has launched many gen, Cadilla, Serum Ins tute, Bharat Biotech, Stempeu cs, schemes to foster innova ons. Strand Life Science, and others who have also got fi nan- cial assistance from BIPP. Not only is this proof of BIRAC’s Making a diff erence strengths but also of the sore need for such an agency. It is in this context that the Biotechnology Industry Re- Given the poor reach of healthcare services in India search Assistance Council (BIRAC) has been set up ex- and the huge need to make healthcare aff ordable and pressly to support innova on and provide infrastructure well penetrated for the vast popula on in the country, and services to the Indian biotechnology sector, espe- BIRAC has rightly emphasised its assistance focus. The cially the SMEs. Set up as a Sec on 25 company, BIRAC sector-wise distribu on of assisted companies indicates addresses sector needs by providing a suitable environ-
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