Title of the Book Author's Last Name Publication Year Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Slater 2017 9 1984 Orwell 1947 10 12 3 Plays About Crimes and Criminals Various 1962 3 Theban Plays Sophocles 429-420 BCE 12 About this Life Lopez 1998 12 All Quiet On The Western Front Remarque 1929 9 10 All the Pretty Horses McCarthy 1992 11 12 American Born Chinese Yang 2006 10 American Short Stories Various 1997 11 Americanah Adichie 2013 11 Angle of Repose Stegner 1971 11 Animal Dreams Kingsolver 1990 12 Animal Farm Orwell 1945 9 Antigone Sophocles 429-420 BCE 10 Arabian Nights and Days Mahfouz 1995 12 As I Lay Dying Faulkner 1930 11 As You Like It Shakespeare 1599 10 Atonement McEwan 2007 12 Awakening, The Chopin 1899 11 Bartleby and Benito Cereno Melville 1853 11 Bean Trees, The Kingsolver 1988 9 Beloved Morrison 1987 11 12 Beowulf Beowulf Poet 12 Beowulf (Heaney) Heaney (trans) 2000 Between the World and Me Coates 2015 11 12 Bible (Genesis & Exodus) Various 10 Biography of Benjamin Franklin Franklin 1791 Black Boy Wright 1945 11 Black Swan Green Mitchell 2006 12 Bless Me Ultima Anaya 1972 10 Bluest Eye Morrison 1970 11 12 Born a Crime Noah 2016 9 10 Boy's Will, A Frost 1954 11 Braided Lives Anthology Various 1991 12 Brave New World Huxley 1932 10 12 Breakfast at Tiffany's Capote 1958 11 Brothers Karamazov Dostoevsky 1880 12 Burning Chrome Gibson 1982 12 Candide Voltaire 1759 12 Canterbury Tales, The Chaucer 1386 12 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Williams 1955 11 Cat’s Cradle Vonnegut 1963 11 12 Catcher in the Rye, The Salinger 1951 10 11 Children of Wil. Lane Golabek 2002 9 Christmas Carol, A Dickens 1843 9 Civilization and Its Discontents Freud 1930 Classic Myths to Read Aloud Various 1989 9 Clockwork Orange Burgess 1972 12 Collections (textbook) Various 2015 9 Color Purple, The Walker 1982 10 12 Compact Reader Various 2003 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A Twain 1889 11 Cosmopolis Delillo 2003 12 Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky 1866 12 Crucible, The Miller 1953 11 Cry the Beloved Country Paton 1948 10 12 Cyrano De Burgerac Rostand 1879 10 Darkness at Noon Koestler 1940 12 David Copperfield Dickens 1850 Death of a Salesman Miller 1949 11 Demian Hesse 1919 Desert Solitaire Abbey 1968 11 Devil in the White City Larson 2003 10 Different Seasons King 1982 Doctor Faustus Marlowe 1604 12 Doll’s House Ibsen 1879 12 Don Quixote Cervantes 1605 12 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Stevenson 1886 10 Dubliners Joyce 1914 12 Earth Abides Stewart 1949 10 East of Eden Steinbeck 1952 11 Educated, A Memoir Westover 2019 11 12 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Kesey 1968 12 Elements of Style White 1920 Endgame Becket 1957 12 English Patient, The Ondaatje 1992 12 English Romantic Poetry Various 1996 Ethan Frome Wharton 1911 11 Everything I Never Told You Ng 2014 11 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury 1953 9 10 Farewell to Arms Hemingway 1929 11 Farewell to Manzanar Houston 1973 Fences Wilson 1985 11 Fire Next Time, The Baldwin 1963 11 Fire This Time, The Ward 2016 11 12 For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway 1940 11 Frankenstein Shelley 1818 12 French Lieutenant's Woman Fowles 1969 12 Funny in Farsi Dumas 2003 10 Gandhi: His Life & Message for the World Louis Fischer 2010 9 Glass Menagerie, The Williams 1944 11 God of Small Things, The Roy 1997 12 Good Earth, The Buck 1931 9 Good Man is Hard to Find, A O'Connor 1917 11 12 Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck 1939 11 Great Expectations Dickens 1861 10 12 Great Gatsby, The Fitzgerald 1925 11 Grendel Gardner 1971 12 Gulliver's Travels Swift 1726 Hamlet Shakespeare 1600 12 Handmaid’s Tale, The Atwood 1985 12 Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The McCullers 1940 9 11 Heart of Darkness Conrad 1899 12 Heart of Darkness and Secret Sharer Conrad 1909 Henry IV Part 1 Shakespeare 1597 Herland Perkins Gilman1915 Hiroshima Hersey 1946 9 History of Love, The Krauss 2005 12 Hold Still LaCour 2009 10 House on Mango Street Cisneros 1984 9 Housekeeping Robinson 1980 12 How to Read Literature Like a Professor Foster 2003 Howards End Forrester 1910 12 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou 1969 10 Iliad, The Homer 799 BCE 10 Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Skloot 2010 11 Impact: Fifty Short Stories (Hardcover) Various 1996 9 Importance of Being Earnest, The Wilde 1899 12 In Cold Blood Capote 1965 12 Inferno, The Dante 1303 12 Inherit the Wind Lawrence 1960 10 Into the Wild Krakauer 1996 10 11 12 Into Thin Air Krakauer 1997 10 Invisible Man Ellison 1952 11 Jane Eyre Bronte 1847 12 Joy Luck Club Tan 1989 9 10 Julius Caesar Shakespeare 1599-1600 9 10 Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption Stevenson 2019 12 Kindred Butler 1979 9 Kindred,: A Graphic Novel Adaptation Butler, Jennings, Duffy 2017 9 King Lear Shakespeare 1606 12 Kitchen Yoshimoto 1988 10 Kitchen God's Wife Tan 1991 11 Kite Runner Hosseini 2003 10 LaGuardia Okorafor 2019 12 Laramie Project, The Kaurman 2000 12 Leavers, The Ko 2017 10 Left Hand of Darkness LeGuin 1969 11 Les Miserables Hugo 1862 Lesson Before Dying, A Gaines 1995 10 Light in August Faulkner 1932 11 Like Water for Chocolate Esquivel 1992 10 Little Prince, The St.Exupery 1943 Living Up the Street Soto 1985 9 Lord of the Flies Golding 1954 9 10 Macbeth Shakespeare 1606 10 Madame Bovary Flaubert 1857 12 Magic Barrel Malamud 1958 11 Man For All Seasons, A More 1960 12 Man in the High Castle Dick 1962 12 March (I, II, III) Lewis 2013-2016 9 Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury 1950 9 Master Harold and the Boys Fugard 1950 9 Maus I Spiegelman 1980-1991 9 Maus II Spiegelman 1991 9 Maus, Complete (I&II) Spiegelman 1996 9 Mayor of Casterbridge, The Hardy 1886 12 McTeague Norris 1899 11 Measure for Measure Shakespeare 1603 12 Medea Euripides 431 BCE10 Men Without Women Hemingway 1927 Merchant of Venice Shakespeare 1605 10 Metamorphosis Kafka 1915 12 Metamorphosis and Other Stories, The Kafka 1915 12 Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare 1595 9 10 Moby Dick Melville 1851 11 Moneyball Lewis 2003 Montana 1948 Watson 1993 Moveable Feast Hemingway 1964 11 Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare 1600 10 Music of Chance Auster 1990 11 My Antonia Cather 1918 11 Mythology Hamilton 1942 9 Mythology (New) Boyett 2016 9 Narrative of Frederick Douglass, The Douglass 1845 11 Native Son Wright 1940 11 Never Cry Wolf Farley Mowatt 1963 10 Night Wiesel 1960 9 12 Night Thoreau Spent in Jail, The Lee and Lawrence 1971 11 Nine Stories by Salinger Salinger 1953 11 No Country for Old Men McCarthy 2005 11 No Exit Sartre 1944 12 Norton Anthology, The Various Odyssey, The Fitzgerald (trans) Odyssey, The Homer 910 Oedipus Rex Sophocles 429 BCE 12 Of Mice and Men Steinbeck 1937 9 Old Man and the Sea Hemingway 1952 9 11 On the Road Keroauc 1957 11 One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest Kesey 1962 11 Ordinary People Guest 1976 9 10 Othello Shakespeare 1603 12 Our Town Wilder 1938 Parable of the Sower, The Butler 1993 11 12 Passage to India Forster 1924 12 Pearl, The Steinbeck 1947 9 Pere Goriot de Balzac 1835 12 Persepolis Satrapi 2000 10 Picture of Dorian Gray, The Wilde 1890 10 12 Plague, The Camus 1947 Poet X Acevedo 2018 9 Poetry Pocket Anthology Various Points of View Various Politics and Poetics, Aristotle's Aristotle 350 BCE 12 Portable Arthur Miller Miller 1987 11 Portrait of Artist Joyce 1916 12 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A Joyce Pride and Prejudice Austen 1813 12 Purple Hibiscus Adichie 2003 10 Raisin in the Sun Hansberry 1959 10 11 Republic, The Plato 378 BC 12 Return of the Native, The Hardy 1878 Road, The McCarthy 2006 11 12 Romeo & Juliet Shakespeare 1597 9 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Stoppard 1966 12 Scarlet Letter, The Hawthorne 1850 11 Secret Life of Bees, The Monk Kidd 2008 11 Separate Peace, A Knowles 1959 10 Short Prose Reader Various 2003 9 Siddhartha Hesse 1922 12 Side By Side --Anthology Various 1996 9 Signs Preceding the End of the Earth Herrera 2009 12 Sir Gawain & the Green Knight Gawain poet Late 14th Cent 12 Six Great Sherlock Holmes Stories Doyle 1887 Slaughterhouse - Five Vonnegut 1969 11 Small Place, A Kincaid 1988 12 Snow Country Kawabata 1948 11 Snow Falling On Cedars Guterson 1994 11 Song of Solomon Morrison 1977 11 12 Song of the Lark Cather 1915 9 Sound and Sense Perrine 2011 Speak Anderson 1999 9 Spoon River Anthology Masters 1915 11 St. Joan Shaw 1923 Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You Kendi, Raynolds 2020 11 12 Stories (Jennings & Calitri) Various 1957 9 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Stevenson 1886 9 Stranger, The Camus 1942 12 Streetcar Named Desire Williams 1947 11 Sula Morrison 1973 11 Sun Also Rises, The Hemingway 1926 11 Tale of Two Cities Dickens 1859 10 Talk Like Ted Carmine Gallo 2014 Talking Back to Poems Various 1990 9 Taming of the Shrew, The Shakespeare 1591 10 Tell the Wolves I'm Home Brunt 2012 10 Tempest, The Shakespeare 1610 12 Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy 1891 12 Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston 1937 11 There There Orange 2018 11 12 Things Fall Apart Achebe 1958 9 Things They Carried, The O'Brien 1990 10 11 12 Tiger's Wife, The Obreht 2011 12 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee 1960 9 Tortilla Flat Steinbeck 1935 9 Trial and Death of Socrates, The Plato 399 BCE 12 Trial, The Kafka 1914 12 Tripmaster Monkey Kingston 1989 11 Turn of the Screw James 1898 12 Twelfth Night Shakespeare 1601 10 12 Waiting for Godot Becket 1953 12 Walden Thoreau 1854 Walden & Essays by Thoreau Thoreau 1854 Walden and Civil Disobedience Emerson 1854 11 Walk in the Woods, A Bryson 1998 11 We Should All Be Feminists Adichie 2014 10 White Album Didion 1979 White Fragility, Why It's Hard for White People to Talk About Diangelo 2018 12 White Teeth Smith 2000 12 Whole New Mind, A Daniel Pink 2005 10 Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria Tatum 1997 12 Winter’s Bone Woodrell 2006 12 Woman Warrior Kingston 1976 11 12 Wuthering Heights Bronte 1847 WWI British Poets Various 2008 9 Zeitoun Eggerts 2009 11.
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