1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 1267 By ~1r. HARRIS, of Georgia,: The petition of citize~ of Georgin,, his publication, greatly to his injury. I move the reference of this for a -post.-route from C::trro1lton to Cedartown, Georgta, to the Com­ memorial to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. ruittcc on t he Post-Office and Post-Roads. The mot ion was agreed to. By 1\lr. LOFLAND : The petit ion of citizens of Wilmington, D ~la­ Mr. CAMERON. I present a large number of petitions of work­ wm:o, for the nweal of the 10 per eent. reduction of duties made in ing men of Reading, in Berks County~ Pennsylvania, who ask for 1:372 and against a duty on ten, n,nd coffee and revival of internal some aiel to the Texas Pa-cific Railroad.. They believe that an ap­ taxes, to the Committee on Ways and Means. propriation by Congress to this great work will restore confidence .By Mr. MAGEE: The petition of citizens of Newport, Pennsyl­ and give labor to a great number of persons who now need it very vania, that the national credit be e~"i:ended to the great southern much. I have several petitions of· the same nature from working line to the Pa.cific, IIDd interest upon bonds of the company to be people employed in different manufactories in the city of Philadel­ gnaranteeu by the Gove~nment, to the Committee on the Padfic phia. I move that all these petitiollS be referred to- the Committee Hailroau. on Railroads. By .Mr. MYERS: The petition of ·'Varren Gale, for extension of The motion was agreed to. :pntent for improvement in straw-cutters, to the Committee on Pat­ Mr. HAMILTON, of Texas, present-ed a memorial of Eugene Ar­ euts. mendaiz and others, praying Congress to pass an act authorizing By Mr. SCUDDER, of New York: The petition of the Ship-Owners' them to becQme a body-corporate with a franchise to construct a Associntion of the State of New York, for an appropriation to im­ bridge across ihe Rio Grande River at Brownsville, Texas; which prove Hell Gate, to the Committee on Commerce. was referred to the Committee on Commerce. · By Mr. SMITH, of Pennsylvania: The petition of citizens of L~n­ Mr. RAMSEY presented a memorial numerously signed by citizens caster County, Pennsylvania,, for the passage of the Texas Pamfic of Northern Dakota and Northern Minnesota, in favor of the early Railroad bill, to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. passa~ of the bill now pending in Congress for the division of Da­ By .Mr. SPEER: The memorial of J obn Dougherty, of Mount Union, kota Territory; which was referred to the Committee on Terri­ Pennsylvania, in relation to safe, rapid, and cheap railway trMsit, tories. and praying · Congress to aid the Southern Pacific Railway, to the :M:r. SCOTT presented three petitions of citizens of Berks County~ same committee. Pennsylva-nia, praying that the aid of the national credit be extended Also, the petition of 577 citizens of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, for to the completion of a great southern line of railway to the Pacific; , congressional aid to tho Southern Pacific Railroad, to the same com­ which were referred to the Committee on Railroads. mittee. He also presented a memorial of citizens of Indiana County, Penn­ By Mr. STORM: The petitions of Grech's Machine-shop and .7 sylvania, remonstrating against the restoration of duties on tea and others; Franklin Iron-Works and 44 others; Gibraltar Iron-Works coffee and prayin~ for the repeal of the 10 per cent. reduction of and 'l:l others; Steam-forge of Reading Iron-Works and 14 others; duties upon certam foreign goods made by the act of 1~2; which Scott Foundery and 51 others; West Reading Boiler-Works and 21 was referred to the Committee on Finance. others; Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Rail Mills and Mr. MORTON presented a petition of 100 women, tax-payers of the 44 others; WilHam :Mcilvain & Sons and 65 others; Union Boiler­ District of Columbia, asking that the District government bill be so Works and 40 others; Keystone Hardware-Works anu 44 others; amended as to read" all citizens, irrespective of sex, otherwise tluly Seyfert, :McManus & Co.'s Sheet Mills and 1()-2 others; Seyfert, Mc­ qualified, shall be competent to vote for such officers as ::tre Jillade Manus & Co.'s Pipe Mills and 230 others; Reading Iron-Works, Blast elective;" which was ordered to lie on the.table. Furnaces Nos. 1 and 2, and 60 others; Reading Iron-Works, Rolling Mr. MORRILL, of Maine, presented a memorial of citizens of Hal­ Mills, and Nail Factory, and 265 others, of Reading, Pennsylvania., lowell, .Maine, stating that disastrous injury will be done to innocent asking the Government of the Unite<.l States to exteud its aid to the holders of municipal btonds unless by a law of Congress a sure and completion of the Texas and Pacific Railroad, to the same committee. certain method is provided for enforcing the judgments of United By .Mr. SWANN : The memqrial of Henry J. Rogers, relative to his States courts in cases where municipal officers by resigning evade. code of signaJs, to the Committee· on Nftval Affairs. · compliance with judgments aud writs of ntandamus of United States By :Mr. WOODWORTH: The petition of Jonah Woodward, to be courts, and praying Congress to pass a law which will remedy this . reinstatecl on the pension-rolls, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. evil; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. ROBERTSON presented a petition of over twelve hundred citizens of South Carolina, asking Congress for: an amendment t,o the Constitution to prohibit the manufacture, importation, and s:.tle of all intoxicating liquors, to tn,ke effect on the 1st of January, 1876, or IN SENATE. .as soon thereafter as possible; which was referred to the Committe~ on Finance. · MONDAY, Febr·uary 15, 1875. · He also presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. Charleston, South Carolina, asking an appropriation for the purchase of a site in that city for a depot for the United Stat-es light-house ELECTION OF PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE. establishment; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. The SECRETARY (Hon. GEORGE C. GORHAM) called the Senate to Mr. CLAYTON presented a petition of citizens of Hot Springs, order, saying: Arkansas, asking that a receiver be appointed to take possession of The Senate will please come to order. I am in receipt of this com­ the Hot. Springs reservation in that State; which was referred to the munication from the Vice-President: Committee on the Judiciary. VICE-PRESIDE~""T'S CHAMBER, Mr. HAMILTON, of Maryland, presented the petition of Jane E. Washington, February 13, 1875. Slamm, of Prince George's County, .Maryland, pr~ying to be allowed DEAR Sm : Please inform the Sena.te that absonce from the city for two or three anears of pension; which was referred t.o the Committee on Pensions. days will prevent me from being present at its session on Monday. Respectfnlly, yours, Mr. BOGY presented a resolution of the Legislature of Missouri, HE::8RY WILSON. remonstrating against the imposition of any additional tax upon Hon. GEO. C. GORH.UI. manufactured tobacco; which was referred to the Committee ·on Mr. HAMLIN. Mr. Secretary, I send a resolution to the chair. Finance, and ordered to be printed. Mr. l\lERRThiON. I present a memorial signed by 37 merchants­ The SECRETARY. Th~ Senator from Maine offers the following resolution, and asks for its present considemtion: and dealers and manufacture1·s of tobacco of the town of Durham, North Carolina, remonstrating against any increase of the tax on Resolved, That in the absence of the Vice-President Hon. liENRY B. A..vrHon be, aml he is hereby, chosen President of the Senate pro tempo-re. tobacco. As it is brief, I ask that it be read. The PRESIDENT 1n·o tem:Pore. The Senator from. North Carolina The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed asks that the petition be reacl. The Chair hears no objection, ::md it to, 11en~. con.. will be read. · · ' · · ; Mr. ANTHONY thereupon took the chair. The Chief Clerk read as follows : Mr. HAMLIN. Mr. P1·esident, I submit the following resolution: • To the honorable Se-nate and House of Rep-resentatives in Oongress assJmbled: Resolved, That the Secretary wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that in the 11bscnce of the Vice-President the Senate has chosen Ron. W e, the undersigned, manufacturers and dealers in tobacco, of Du.rham, North HIL\"RY B. ANTHONY, a. Senator from tho St.'tte of Rhode Island, President of the Carolina, would very respectfully but earnestly petition your honorable bodies to Senate pro tempore; and that he make a similar commuriication to the House of make no advance on the existin~ pte 9f tax npon tobacco, for the fuUowing among R epresentatives. · many other reasons which coula be !riven: . First. Tobacco, on the average vaftte of the entire amount which enter& into con­ The resolution wa-s cons~d,ereq by unanimous consent, and agreed t.o. sumption, is now more heavily taxed than any other article, either of domestic or The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and ap­ foreign production. proved. SeCond. The great preponderance of this t.'tX falls upon the laboring portion of the community, the consumers of cheap tobacco, who. not· onlY. pay t.h~ tax· but PETITIO~S A..'iD ffiMORIALS.
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