Nine Are Mothers of 111 Children 3 Priests to Note Silver Jubilee + Holy Family Parish Frs. O'Heron, Smith, Will Start $51,000 And Horgan Ordained 25 Years on June 11 Building Program Three priests of the Archdiocese of Denver will complete 25 years since ordination on June 11. They are the Rev. A $51,000 expansion program, designed to relieve over­ Edward L. Horgan, administrator of Annunciation parish, crowded conditions in both the church and school, will be Leadville; the Very Rev. Joseph P. O’Heron, pastor of St. undertaken next month by Holy Family parish, Denver. Ac­ Louis' parish, Englewood; and the Rev. Gregory Smith, pas­ cording to the Rev. Leo Flynn, pastor, a two-story addition tor of St. Francis de Sales’ parish, Denver. will be built at the rear of the present church building, which All three priests were ordained in the CaUiedral, Denver, by will provide two more classrooms for the school and increase Bishop J. Henry Tihen on June 11, 1922, for work in the Denver diocese. They completed their study of theology together at St. the capacity of the church by more than one-third. Thomas’ seminary in Denver. The new structure, 74 feet long and 24 feet wide, will Father O’Heron will celebrate his silver jubilee with a Solemn also make possible the installation of a central heating plant Mass coram Archiepiecopo on Tuesday, June 3, at 10 o’clock in St. Louis’ church. A dinner will be served for the clergy after the Mass, for all parish buildings, including the school, convent, and Fr. Gregory Smith and a reception honoring Father O’Heron will be held by the laity rectory. The plant will be large in the evening. enough to service any buildings Father Smith will offer a Solemn Mass eoram Arehiepioeopo erected in the future. Wednesday, June 11, at 10 o’clock in St. Francis de Sales’ church. AboT« It a picture of real tifaifieaBce for These in the picture, with the number of their In addition to the basement of A dinner for the clergy will be served after the Mass. Plans for Mother’s daj. These nine mothers, members of St. children, are, left to rifht; Mrs. Adam Roth, 14; the proposed building, the ground Father Horgan’s jubilee have not yet been announced. Aufustine’s parish, BrifhtOB, hare borne 111 chil­ Mrs. Andrew Degenhart, 11; Mrs. Jacob grants, 13; beneath the church will be ex­ * * * dren. Twenty-nine ether women in the parish hare Mrs. John Vonfeldt, 16; Mrs. Martha Saks, 11; cavated back 31 feet This will pro­ had 10 or more children. All will bo honored by Mrs. Adam Schell, 14; Mrs. Vincent Stoeckline, FATHER O’HERON was bom in Rochester, N.Y., March 27, vide complete toilet facilities for 1896. His college course was taken in St. Andrew’s Preparatory the Holy Name society at a Mats and breakfast 11; Mrs. Adolph W in^ols, 10; and Mrs. Frank the school children, as well as this Sunday. Kruotser, 11. seminary in his native city. He studied philosophy and theology in athletic equipment rooms and St. Bernard’s seminary, Rochester, until 1921, and in that year locker and shower facilities for entered St. Thomas’ seminary in Denver, where he completed his Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations both grade and high school teanu. theological studies. A storage room for janitor sup­ Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc, 1947—Permission to Reproduce, Except on After ordination. Father O’Heron was named assistant at St. plies is also included in the plans. Francis de Sales’ parish, where he served until May, 1929, when Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue The first floor will be used to he was given charge of St. Louis’ parish, Englewood, the pastorate enlarge the present seating capa­ which he still holds. city of the cnurch. The altar will Archbishop Urban J. Vehr appointed Father O’Heron a parish be moved back, and six new pbars priest consultor in 1937, and Diocesan Consultor Jan. 1, 1941. He is will be installed in the present chaplain of the Denver university Newman club, and has served as sanctuary. These will provide regrional chaplain of college Newman clubs. Every_ year the Engle­ DENVER CATHOLIC seats for 144 more persons, which, wood pastor receives a large number of converts into the Church. added to the present capacity of He is also active in civic ^fairs. 336, will give the expanded edi­ * * * fice accommodations for 480. BORN MARCH 25, 1898, in Altoona, Pa., Father Smith received On the second floor will be two his early education in the Altoona Cathedral school and his classical modem classrooms, each 21^ by training in St. Francis’ college, Loretto, Pa. He has the Bachelor 32 feet. According to present plans, of Arts and the Master of Arts degrees from St. Francis’. He re­ RECISTCR the high school will take over Fr. Edward L. Morgan Fr. Joieph P, O’Heron ceived a year of philosophical trainihg in St. Francis’ seminary at the rooms vacated in the school Loretto, Pa.; another year in philosophy at St. Thomas’ seminary, The National Catholie Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We building. Denver; and four years of theology at St. Thomas’. Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller The new addition will be con­ In the winter of 1935, Father Smith took linguistic studies in Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (8 cents per copy) structed of reinforced concrete NATIVE OF DENVER PARISH Rome, Italy, and attended lectures on the matrimonial law of the and red pressed brick to harmon­ Church at the Grfegorian university there. ize with the present church struc­ Father Smith's first appointment after ordination was as VOL. XLII. No. 37. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1947. $1 PER YEAR. ture. TO BE ORDAINED ON MAY 27 assistant at St. Francis de Sales’ parish, where he served until Designed by John K. Monroe, July, 1928. Father O’Heron was also assistant in the same parish The Rev. Martin Van Uithoven, from the University of Dayton in during this time. In July, 1928, Father Smith was made pastor of Denver architect, the structure will 1940, and immediately took up K , of C. Supreme Master, 4th Degree,- Is Visitor in Denver be erected by J. T. Gibson, con son of Mr^ and Mrs. Van Uithoven, St. Mary’s parish, Littleton, and in 1932 was named pastor of St, will be ordained priest at St. Mein- teaching in William Cullen Mc­ John the Evangelist’s church, Denver, In July, 1940, he became tractor. Work is expected to get Bride high school, St. Louis, Mo. under way on June 9. rad’s Abbey church, St. Meinrad, pastor of St. Francis de Sales’. Ind., May 2T, by the Most Rev. Two years later he was transferred * * • In spite of present high costs of Paul Schulte, Archbishop of In­ to Chaminade college, Clayton, Air Tour Reveals Vast Riches labor and material, the construc­ dianapolis. He will sing his firdt Mo., where he continued his teach­ DURING MOST OF HIS PRIESTHOOD, Father Smith has been tion is necessary at this time be­ Solemn Mass in S t Mary’s of the ing, and became prefect of disci­ diocesan secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith cause of extremely crowded condi­ Lake church, Chicago, 111., June 1. pline of one of the boarding di­ and field secretary of the Catholic Students’ Mission Crusade. He tions in the school, which now has Father Martin Van Ui^oven is visions. has taken the lead in the organization of religious vacation schools Of Nation Are Yet Untouched 666 pupils. In the junior and senior a native of Denver and of S t Fran­ In June of 1944 he entered St. in the archdiocese, and in the other activities of the Confraternity classes of the high school, for ex­ cis de Sales’ parish. His relatives Meinrad’s seminary to finish his of Christian Doctrine, such as the adult discussion clubs. In 1935 . By D avid P b u d h o m m e ample, there are 186 students with have arranged for him to sing a theological studies. His summers he was appointed national chairman of the adult discussion club only three classrooms to accommo­ of 1943-44 were spent as counselor committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Nocturnal Devotion His plane was late. He was tired of Columbus, I’m a lawyer,” the Solemn Mass Sunday, June 8, at He is also the co-author of several study texts used by the Con­ date them. St Francis de Sales’ church at of Camp chaminade, Clayton, Mo. and needed a shave. But traveling official said. He has been asso­ During the summer of 1946 he fraternity, a judge of the archdiocesan matrimonial court, and a from city to city from the Atlantic ciated with the order since he be­ Eventuallv, according to Father 10 o’clock. A reception will be Is Begun by Men in Flynn, it^s hoped to add a second held for Father Van Uithoven at conducted a recreation project for junior clergy examiner.- Monsigrnor Matthew Smith, editor of the seaboard 'A the' Rocky mountains gan law practice and devotes most the orphans of St. Michael’s or» Register, is a brother of Father Smith. of his waking hours to its welfare. floor to the present church edifice * « • had no bad effect on William J. to provide several additional class­ phanage.
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