ТНЕ CAMPANIAN-MAASTRICHTIAN BOUNDARY IN ТНЕ CHALKY FACIES CLOSE ТО ТНЕ ТYPE-MAASTRICHTIAN AREA Francis ROBASZYNSKI, Martin J.M. BLESS, P.J.(Sjeuf) FELDER, Jean-Claude FOUCHER, Odile LEGOUX, Helene MANIVIT, Jan P.M.Th. MEESSEN and Luit А. VAN DER TUUK AOBASZYNSKI, F., BLESS. M.J.M.. FELDER. P.J.. FOUCHER. J.-CI .. LEGOUX. О .. MANIVIT. Н .. MEESSEN. J.P.M.Th. & VAN DER TUUK. L.A. (1985). - The Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the chalky facies close to the type-Maas­ trichtian агеа. - Ви/1. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, 9, 1. 1-113, 35 fig .. 22 pl., Pau, June 28. 1985. - ISSN 0396-2687 CODEN BCREDP The рарег develops results related to the macro- and micropalaeontological content of the chalks known оп either sides of the Campanian-Maastrichti;эn boundary in the type-Maastrichtian агеа. This boundary is studied in the Halembaye quarry (NE of the Belgian Limburg) and in the агеа around Beutenaken (SE of the Netherlands Limburg). Analytical results аге presented for both Ьiostratigraphical and palaeoecolo­ gical aspects. Biostratigraphical evidence is given with the distribution of macrofossils. especially Belemnites and other Cephalopods. and of microfossils such as benthic and planktonic Foraminifera. Nannoplankton and Dinoflagellates. Palaeoenvironmental characteristics are suggested after quantitative study оп fossil groups giving good palaeoecological information such as mesofossils. Ostracods. Spores and pollen grains. Thus, from one of another fossil group. Ьiostratigraphical zones and ecozones are defined. The proposal Ьу the lnternational Subcommission оп Cretaceous Stratigraphy for beginning an extended Maastrichtian stage with the appearance of Belemnella lanceolata is followed up here. With this concept. the Zeven Wegen Member containing Belemnitella mucronata and Belemnitella mucronata "тinor" is considered as Upper Campanian. the Beutenaken Member with Ве/етпе//а /anceolata inflata and Ве/етпе//а "occidentalis" is lower Lower Maastrichtian, the Vijlen Member with Belemnitella junior is Upper Maastrichtian (lower part). Long absences of sedimentation separate the three members and are marked Ьу hardgrounds. but reworked material is present only at the very base of each member. The vertical distributions of macrofossils. Foraminifera. Nannoplankton. Dinoflagel­ lates. Spores and pollen grains. mesofossils and Ostracods are presented оп several charts and their stratigraphical and ecological value are commented оп. F Robaszynski. Faculte Po/ytechnique. lnstitut de Geologie. rue de Houdain 9, 7000 Mons (Belgium). - М.J.М. 8/ess and P.J. Felder, Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, Bosquet-plein 7, 6211 KJ Maastricht (The Netherlands). - J.-C. Fou­ cher, Facu/te des Sciences de /'Universite. Laboratoire des Sciences de /а Terre, В.Р 347, 51062 Reims CEDEX (France). - О. Legoux, SNEA(P), Laboratoire de Geologie, Departement Biostratigraphie. Boussens, 31360 Saint-Martory (France). - Н. Manivit, BRGM and LA 319 Paris VI, В.Р 6009, 45060 Orleans CEDEX (France). - J. Р.М. Th. Meessen, Geologica/ Survey of the Netherlands, Geologisch Bureau, 0396-2687/85/0009-0001 $ 23.00 © 1985 Soc.•Nat. Elf Aquitaine (Production). F-64018 Pau CEDEX 2 F. ROBASlYNSКI ЕТ COLL. BCREDP 9 (1985) РЬ. 126, 6400 АС Heerlen (The Netherlands}. - LA. Van der Tuuk, Flamingostraat 20. 3582 SX Utrecht (fhe Netherlands). Кеу words : Boundary. Campanian. Maastrichtian. Biostratigraphy. Belemnites. Stra­ totype. Netherlands (Beutenaken). Belgium (Halembaye quarry). Limburg. RESUME CONTENTS La limite Campanien-Maastrichtien est etudiee dans 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................. 3 le Limbourg belgo-neerlandais ou se trouve le Maastrich­ tien type. et plus specialement а la carriere d'Halembaye 2. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION AND LITHO­ et dans plusieurs localites autour de Beutenaken. Des LOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF STUDIED resultats analytiques sont apportes quant а la distribution SECTIONS ....................................................... 4 verticale d'organismes marqueurs dans les craies situees 2.1. The C.P.L. quarry at Halembaye (Bel- de part et d'autre de cette limite. tant aux plans biostra­ gian Limburg) ......................................... 4 tigraphique que paleoecologique 2.1.1. The Vaals Formation ................... 5 La biostratigraphie est assuree par l'expose de la 2.1.2. The Gulpen Formation ................ 5 distribution verticale des principaux marqueurs parmi les 2.1 .2.1 . The Zeven Wegen macrofossiles-Belemnites et autres Cephalopodes - Member .......................... .. 5 ainsi que parmi les microfossiles tels que les Foraminife­ The Vijlen Member ........ 6 res planctoniques et benthiques. le Nannoplancton et les 2.1 .2.3. The Lixhe Members ...... 6 Dinoflagelles. Les caracteristiques du paleoenvironne­ The Lanaye Member ...... 6 ment des diverses craies sont deduites de l'etude 2.2. The quarry Habets at Beutenaken (Ne- quantitative de groupes fossiles consideres comme bons therlands Limburg) ................................. 6 marqueurs ecologiques, par exemple. les mesofossiles. 2.3. The Bovenste Bosch quarry at Epen les Ostracodes et les Spores-Pollens. Suivant sa valeur (Netherlands Limburg) ........................... 7 propre. chacun des groupes permet de definir des zones 2.4. The Borehole КВ 423 at Cadier en Keer biostratigraphiques ou des ecozones. (Netherlands Limburg) ........................... 8 Par ailleurs. la proposition de la Sous-Commission 3. - ТНЕ BASE OF ТНЕ MAASTRICHTIAN lnternationale de Stratigraphie du Cretace faisant debu­ STAGE ............................................................ .. 9 ter l'etage Maastrichtien avec l'apparition de la Belem­ nite Belemnella lanceolata est adoptee dans се travail. 3.1. Historical review of the concept of the Maastrichtian stage ............................... 9 En tenant compte de cette definition. la craie Ыanche 3.2. The present definition of the base of de Zeven Wegen et а Belemnitel/a mucronata Belemni­ the Maastrichtian stage ........................ .. 9 tella mucronata "minor" est attribuee au Campanien superieur. la craie de Beutenaken а Ве/етпе//а lanceo­ 4. WHAT IS ТНЕ MAASTRICHTIAN IN ТНЕ lata inflataet Belemnella "occidentalis" est attribuee а la ТУРЕ REGION ................................................ .. 12 partie inferieure du Maastrichtien inferieur tandis que la 4.1. The "type section" of the Maastrichtian 12 craie grise de Vijlen appartient la а Belemnitella junior а 4.2. Correlation of local sections in the partie inferieure du Maastrichtien superieur. De longues Maastricht region .................................. .. 12 periodes d'arret de sedimentation separent les trois unites lithologiques et sont soulignees par des hard­ 5. - BIOSTRATIGRAPHY : ANALYТICAL RE- grounds. Pourtant il semЫe que des remaniements SU LTS ................................................................ 15 n'aient ete enregistres que sur quelques centimetres а 5.1. Cephalopods : Belemnites .................... 15 un ou deux decimetres la base de chaque unite а 5.1.1. lntroduction.................................. .. 15 lithologique. 5.1.2. Historical review ........................ .. 16 Les extensions verticales des differentes especes de 5.1 .3. Description of the material ........ 16 macrofossiles, de Foraminiferes, Nannoplancton. Dino­ 5.1.4. Stratigraphical observations...... .. 18 flagelles. Spores-Pollens. mesofossiles et Ostracodes 5.1.5. Definition of Late Cretaceous sont presentees dans une serie de taЫeaux et leurs belemnite zones in Limburg .... .. 21 valeurs stratigraphique et ecologique sont discutees. 5.1 .6. Conclusions .................................. 22 5.2. Other Cephalopods and other macro- Mots-clefs : Limite stratigraphique, Campanien. Maas­ fossils ....................................................... 23 trichtien. Biostratigraphie. Faune belemnite, Strato­ 5.3. Foraminifera ............................................ .. 23 type, Pays-Bas, Belgique, Limbourg. 5.3.1. Benthic Foraminifera .................... 23 5.3.2. Planktonic Foraminifera ............ .. 25 5.4. Nannoplankton ........................................ 25 5.4.1. Main Ьiostratigraphic results .... .. 31 5.4.2. Biozonation .................................. .. 31 BCREDP 9 (1985) CAMPANIAN-MAASTRICHTIAN BOUNDARY NEAR MAASTRICHT з 5.5. Dinoflagellates ....................................... 32 (1927); Jштzку (1951); VAN DER HEIDE (1954); BERG­ 5.5.1 . Previous works............................. 32 GREN (1964); EL NдGGAR (1966); Sснмю (1967); 5.5.2. Analytical results ......................... 32 VILLAIN (1977); ROBASZYNSKI et а/. (Colloque de 5.5.3. Biostratigraphical dinocyst spe- Marseille 1983, in press); B1RKELUND et al. (1984); cies................................................. 33 et 5.5.4. Remarks ....................................... 33 ScнuLZ а/. (1984). 5.6. Spores and pollen grains ...................... 33 At first sight. the biostratigraphical arguments 5.6.1. Halembaye quarry........................ 33 for defining the limits and the subdivisions of the 5.6.2. Beutenaken section...................... 37 Maastrichtian stage аге quite different in the 5.6.3. Cadier en Кеег borehole ............ 37 Boreal and in the Tethyan realms. ln brief, in the Boreal realm. the main "traditional" fossil markers. 6. PALAEOECOLOGY AND PALAEOENVI- the most largely used belong to the groups of RONMENT ........................................................ 40 Belemnites and small benthic Foraminifera, whe­ 6.1. Macrofossils
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