February 8, 1961 HOLINESS Official Organ of the Church of the Nazarene Everyone Counts General Superintendent Young It is easy to let pagan and worldly ideas creep unawares into our philosophy of life. This is one reason why we need to turn to the Bible daily—to keep our thoughts corrected and purified. Jesus himself emphasized that His way of life was in contrast to the world’s point of view. His followers, He insisted, were not to be climbers, status seekers, but servants. Even in a society of plenty, frustration seems to describe our soul sickness and unhappiness more than ever before. So often this frustration is born of self-willing and self-planning. Too many have never made a full surrender to the will of God and reveal an un­ willingness to take the cup of life afforded them. The emphasis of Jesus’ teaching is always upon individual fidelity. This is the strength and key to His kingdom. Faithfulness, Jesus taught, usually begins with a “few7 things.” Enlargement follows this faithfulness. Jesus knew men thoroughly. He was careful to point out that it was the one-talent man who hid it and neglected it, and then complained of his master’s strictness and hardness. But even this perverted and disobedient man could not quite shake himself free from a sense of personal responsibility and accountability. In God’s kingdom everyone counts. Entrance into it and continuance therein are on a “whosoever” basis. What each one does is important to God. fesus dared to say to unlettered men, “Ye are the light of the world,” and, "Ye are the salt of the earth.” Despite this, we confess that the vast majority of us cannot honestly rate higher than second- or third-rate, at best. (But who is first-rate who thinks he is?) But God dares to work through common humanity, for “not many noble, are called.” What a soul-shaking assignment fesus gave His followers after His resurrection in those words: “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21) ! His divine mission had become their daily message. This apostolic succession, based on truth and experience, is ours today. Our witness is relevant lor our generation. But we must lose ourselves for God and others if we would truly find ourselves. Liberation comes only to the abandoned life. In this twentieth century, too, the self-indulgent life has no real insides—it is hollow—and the years spent in this path are always wasted. On the cross of Calvary the Son of Man made himself of no reputation that He might redeem us from our sinfulness and selfishness. Let us dare to follow Him one by one, with high purpose and with lowly hearts. lenalicffblwesi from the Office Editor's Desl February 8,1961 V ol. 49, N o. 50 “Enclosed find money order for $1.5( Evangelist Robert E. Watson writes: Whole Number 2546 to renew my subscription to the Herali “I am leaving the field to accept the of Holiness. I do not want to be withmi pastorate at St. Bernier, Indiana. I have 1 Everyone Counts. General Su perintendrnt Young this wonderful paper.”—AYntucky. appreciated working in tlie evangelistic field with our fine pastors and laymen. 3 A Revealed Re<|iiireinciil, It has been a pleasure to serve the Eric /'. J or den “We enjoy the Herald of Holiness ver church in this capacity. We thank God 4 Cod’s Lost-Properly Office, much, especially the ‘Answer Corner.” for our new field of labor and are pray­ A. J. Loirn —K entucky. ing that He will help us to continue to G The Motive That Moves Men, win souls for the Kingdom.” Evangelist G. Franklin AI lee "The editorials have been enjoyed anc 7 Lincoln an Example of Chris­ found most helpful. In addition to be After pastoring the church at Fred­ tian Love, Fred Floyd ing so helpful, the Herald of Holiness i erick, Maryland, for the past nine years, Cross-Bearer, Christine White a fine value for so modest a price. I an not a member of your church, neverthe Rev. Wm. D. Mowen has accepted a call 8 News in Picture to the church in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. The Way Back, Janies E. less a friend . .’’—N ew York. Kratz "I am reading the H erald regular! Mr. and Mrs. Otto Siegrist of Route 3, 9 W e Met Calvin! J. K enneth and find much information and inspir Box 143, Chicago Heights, Illinois, will Grider ing material therein."—M issouri. celebrate their golden wedding anniver­ 10 Conference of General and sary on Saturday, February 25. The Distrid Superintendents “I have taken the Herald of Holines Siegrists were converted in December of 11 Fuel and Draft, M ilo IAr­ for many years and enjoy it very much 1913, in the newly organized Church of nold but I miss so very much the beautifu the Nazarene, during the first pastorate truths from the pen of Bertha Munro.' of Dr. and Mrs. C. Warren Jones. Mrs. 12 Editorials. H\ 7. Turkiser — Washington. Siegrist served as secretary of the church board for seventeen years, taught a Sun­ HERALD OF HOLINESS: W. T. Purkiser, Editor in Chief; Velma I. Knight, Office Ed­ “I nearly always read the H erald fron day school class for thirty-eight years, itor. Contributing Editors: Hardy C. Powers, cover to cover and get a wonderful mes and has been serving as Sunday school G. B. Williamson, Samuel Young, 0. I. Van- derpool, Hugh C. Benner, V. H. Lewis, Gen­ sage; it has been a great help in mam treasurer for twenty-seven years; she also eral Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene. ways .’'—Florida. serves as N.F.M.S. treasurer. Mr. Siegrist Published every Wednesday, by the N A Z A ­ has been a Sunday school teacher, church RENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, M. A. Lunn, manager, 2923 Troost Avenue, Box 527, “We receive and read the Herald o board member, and for fifteen years the Kansas City 41, Missouri. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance. Second-class H oliness weekly and love it from cove: song leader for the midweek service. postage paid at Kansas City, Missouri. to cover . out here in a little deser Rev. Byron M. Carmony, their pastor Printed in U.S.A. town.”—Idaho. for the past fifteen years, writes, “The Siegrists are the ‘salt of the earth’ kind “Enclosed please find three dollars foi of Xazarenes.” which send to my address the Herald o Holiness for two years. We receive mucl Rev, G. Thomas Spiker has resigned GOD'S WAY inspiration and news from it, reading i as pastor of the church in Pitman, New every year since in the 1920’s.—California Jersey, on the Philadelphia District, to B y DONNA CLARK GOODRICH accept a call to pastor First Church in \\vvwww\v\v\wv\v\vvv\wvw\\wvwwwwvwvwvvw\wwm Syracuse, New York, on the Albany Dis­ “This is the way to travel” trict. My Saviour spoke to me GOD’S TIME—God always acts al One day as I teas standing the right time—His time. He can set After pastoring the church in Kings­ And gazing at the sea. from an eternal perspective. If ow ville, Texas, for four and one-half years, v iew of the world is limited, His it Rev. Bud Garber has accepted the pas­ The waves were large and restless; unlimited. Thus He can act at timet which seem very unwise to us, bit! torate of the Trinity Heights Church in The wind—how it did blow! My soul teas lost in turmoil; considered as part of the total picturt Waco, Texas. The James Connally Air speak of divine wisdom. Force Base and the headquarters for the I knew not where to go. Twelfth Air Force both are located in I had searched the world for pleasure, Waco. If you have friends stationed at For thrills, for joy, for peace; either place, write Brother Garber (3113 THE MOTTO FOR ME: Yet notch ere could I find them. Live Oak) , and lie'll be glad to contact The longing w ould not cease. Somewhere I heard it—the motto for me them for the church. I want to live it that others may see Within my poor, lost nature, The Christ who is living—living in me Dr. Jarrette Aycock, district superin­ Wandering from day to day, tendent, sends word: Because of the Out in bitter darkness, “Give others the sunshine; tell Jesus tht illness of Rev. Ralph Jared, pastor of I strove to find the way. r e s t” First Church in Topeka, the Kansas City That is the motto. I think it is best District Preachers’ and Missionary Con­ Until that blessed moment, In trial or gladness, in heartache or test— vention. March 8 to 10, will be held in Standing by the sea, “Gjive others the sunshine; tell Jesus the First Church, Lawrence, Kansas. Dr. I found that Christ, my Saviour, r e st” G. B. Williamson is the special speaker. Had a path reserved for me. —R u b y M. F r a n k l in 2 (1214) • HERALD OF HOLINESS rZecfruirement B y ERIC E. JORDEN* The Apostle Peter briefly but adequately in­ yet “he became sin for us.” The blood of Christ dicates the resource and the requirement of holi­ was and is priceless. Secondly, the Blood is precious, ness in chapter 1, verses 13 to 23, of his First Peter says, because of the timelessness of the pro­ Epistle.
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