The Flavor Thesaurus A Compendium of Pairings, Recipes and Ideas for the Creative Cook NIKI SEGNIT 6609g.indd09g.indd iiiiii 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2011:16:20 Copyright © 2010 by Niki Segnit All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For informa- tion address Bloomsbury USA, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Quote from The Debt to Pleasure by John Lanchester copyright © 1996 John Lanchester. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. Extracts from The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath copyright © 1971 Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Extracts from Venus in the Kitchen by Norman Douglas reprinted by permission of The Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Norman Douglas. Extracts from How to Eat by Nigella Lawson © 1998 Nigella Lawson. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright owner of The Book of New French Cooking by Paul Reboux. Extracts from French Provincial Cooking by Elizabeth David, published by Michael Joseph. Reprinted by permis- sion of the Estate of Elizabeth David. Excerpts from Everyday Drinking by Kingsley Amis © 2008 The Literary Estate of Sir Kingsley Amis. Published by Bloomsbury USA. Published by Bloomsbury USA, New York All papers used by Bloomsbury USA are natural, recyclable products made from wood grown in well-managed forests. The manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. library of congress control number: 2010910372 ISBN 978-1-59691-604-3 First U.S. Edition 2010 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Typeset by Hewer Text UK Ltd, Edinburgh Printed in the U.S.A. by Quad/Graphics, Fairfi eld, Pennsylvania 6609g.indd09g.indd iviv 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2011:16:20 It seems fi tting to dedicate this book to a pair: my cooking adviser and mother, Marian Stevens, and my writing adviser and husband, Nat Segnit. 6609g.indd09g.indd v 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2111:16:21 Contents Introduction 1 Roasted 6 Meaty 18 Cheesy 44 Earthy 62 Mustardy 86 Sulfurous 96 Marine 128 Brine & Salt 150 Green & Grassy 166 Spicy 198 Woodland 214 Fresh Fruity 234 Creamy Fruity 262 Citrusy 278 Berry & Bush 300 Floral Fruity 320 Bibliography 338 Recipe Index 343 General Index 345 Pairings Index 365 vii 6609g.indd09g.indd viivii 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2111:16:21 “. lamb and apricots are one of those combinations which exist together in a relation that is not just complementary but that seems to partake of a higher order of inevitability—a taste which exists in the mind of God. These combinations have the quality of a logical discov- ery: bacon and eggs, rice and soy sauce, Sauternes and foie gras, white truffl es and pasta, steak-frites, strawberries and cream, lamb and garlic, Armagnac and prunes, port and Stilton, fi sh soup and rouille, chicken and mushrooms; to the committed explorer of the senses, the fi rst experience of any of them will have an impact comparable with an astronomer’s discovery of a new planet.” John Lanchester, The Debt to Pleasure 6609g.indd09g.indd ixix 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2111:16:21 Introduction I hadn’t realized the depth of my dependence on cookbooks until I noticed that my copy of Elizabeth David’s French Provincial Cooking had fi ngernail marks running below the recipes. Here was stark evidence of my timidity, an insist- ence on clinging to a set of instructions, like a handrail in the dark, when after twenty years of cooking I should surely have been well enough versed in the basics to let go and trust my instincts. Had I ever really learned to cook? Or was I just reasonably adept at following instructions? My mother, like her mother before her, is an excellent cook but owns only two recipe books and a scrapbook of clippings, and rarely consults even those. I began to suspect that the dozens of books I owned were both a symptom and a cause of my lack of kitchen confi dence. It was at a dinner around the same time that a friend served a dish using two ingredients it would never have occurred to me to pair. How, I wondered, did she know that would work? There was something in the air about surpris- ing fl avor matches, the kind of audacious combinations pioneered by chefs like Heston Blumenthal, Ferran Adrià and Grant Achatz. What lay at the heart of their approach to food was, as far as I could see, a deeper under- standing of the links between fl avors. Being an ordinary, if slightly obsessive, home cook, I didn’t have the equipment or resources to research these; what I needed was a manual, a primer to help me understand how and why one fl avor might go with another, their points in common and their differences. Something like a thesaurus of fl avors. But no such book existed and so, with what turned out in hindsight to be almost touching naivete, I thought I might try to compile one myself. My fi rst task was to draw up the list of fl avors. Stopping at 99 was to some extent arbitrary. Nonetheless, a fl avor thesaurus that accounted for every single fl avor would be as impractical as it would be uncomfortable on the lap. Other than potatoes, the staple carbohydrates have been omitted. The same goes for most common condiments. There are, of course, plenty of interest- ing things to say about the fl avors of rice, pasta, black pepper, vinegar and salt, but their fl avor affi nities are so wide as to exclude themselves by virtue of sheer compatibility. Other omissions, like zucchini, might strike you as odd: all I can say to the zucchini fan is (a) sorry, and (b) this book makes no claims to be the last word on the subject. Any book on fl avor is going to be at least in part subjective, and in writing about the pairings I fi nd most interesting or like to eat the most, I will inevitably have left gaps that come down to nothing other than a matter of taste. 1 6609g.indd09g.indd 1 331/08/20101/08/2010 11:16:2111:16:21 The majority of fl avors appear under their own heading. In a few instances, where it seemed to make sense, some very similarly fl avored ingredients share a heading. Anise, for example, covers anise seeds, fennel, tarragon, licorice and pastis. Similarly, neither bacon and ham nor Brussels sprouts and cabbage could easily be separated, so they labor slightly uncomfortably under compos- ite categories. When it came to a choice between untidiness and boring the reader with repetitions, I chose untidiness every time. Then I sorted the fl avors into categories. Most of us are familiar with the concept of fl avor families, whether we know it or not. Floral, citrus, herba- ceous: the sort of descriptors you might encounter on the back of a wine bottle, to help conjure an idea of how something might taste. And it’s into these, or adjectival headings like them, that the fl avors are divided. The fl avors in each family have certain qualities in common; in turn, each family is linked in some way to the one adjacent to it, so that, in sum, they comprise a sort of 360º spectrum, represented opposite as a fl avor wheel. Take the Citrusy family, for example. This covers zesty, citric fl avors like orange, lemon and cardamom. Cardamom, in turn, has fl avor compounds in common with rosemary, which is the fi rst fl avor in the next fl avor family, Berry & Bush. At the other end of that family, blackberry leads to the fi rst fl avor in the Floral Fruity family: raspberry. And so on around the wheel, fl avor leading to fl avor, family to family, in a developing sequence of relations you might enter at lemon and leave at blue cheese. I acknowledge that this methodology has its limitations. Some fl avors resisted easy categorization: coriander seed, for instance, ended up under Floral Fruity, but might as easily have sat in Citrusy or Spicy. And how an ingredient is prepared can make all the difference to its character. The fl avor of cabbage, for example, is mustardy when raw, sulfurous cooked. The fl avor wheel, in short, is by no means intended to be an inarguable, objective framework for understanding fl avor—but it does provide a stimulating and intriguing means of navigating your way around the subject. Next came the pairings. Clearly, dishes often have more than two primary ingredients, but a couple of considerations led me to make pairs of fl avors the organizing principle of my Flavor Thesaurus. First, sanity (mine). Even restrict- ing myself to 99 fl avors, if I had set out to write about fl avor trios I would have been faced with 156,849 possible combinations; the 4,851 possible pair- ings seemed more to scale with the sort of book it would be both possible to write and pleasurable to read. Second, clarity. To assess, in the mind’s palate, the compatibility of two fl avors is exponentially easier than imagining the interplay of three or more. Necessarily, I often discuss a fl avor combination in the context of a dish that contains other ingredients (for example, parsley and mint in tabbouleh), but the emphasis is always on the main fl avor pairing under discussion.
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