PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA ZOOM/ YOUTUBE ONLINE MEETING 111 Sierra Blanca Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345 Tuesday, February 2, 2021 – 2:00 pm Attendance: In response to the Governor’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency and ban on large public gatherings, the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd will be held via Zoom video conference. Viewing: Members of the public will have the ability to view the meeting through Zoom and/or YouTube. Zoom meeting website: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86017071385?pwd=dmRzeEp2WkJscloxeWh1TVAwMlVxUT09 Meeting ID: 860 1707 1385 Passcode: 724296 One tap mobile: + 1 669 900 6833 YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiI01gVEgmVcl-vZLOxTN0w/featured. The YouTube channel can be streamed using this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers. Public Comment: The Commission will take general public comments and comments on the meeting’s specific agenda items in written form via email at: [email protected]; fax: 575-258-4367 or by mail: 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345 before February 2nd at 10:00 am. These comments will be distributed to all Commissioners for review. 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, AND DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH RESOLUTION #2021-01 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Regular Meeting January 5, 2021 I certify that notice of the Public Meeting has been given in compliance with Section 10-15-1 through 10-15-4 NMSA 1978 and Resolution 2021-01. Agendas are available at Village of Ruidoso City Hall, 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345. If you are an individual who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Village Clerk at Village of Ruidoso City Hall at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. 5. PUBLIC INPUT (Limited to items not on Public Hearing Agenda and up to 3 minutes per speaker) Public Input must be submitted by email to [email protected] or by fax at 575-258-4367 before February 2nd at 10:00 AM. In addition, anyone wishing to speak during the meeting can do so by joining the meeting via zoom. 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING (all parties with standing shall have an opportunity for cross-examination.) A) Simultaneous Submittal of Preliminary and Final Plat Submittal Case SUB 2020-0165- Request for approval the replat of Tract B of the Green Meadows First Addition Subdivision to develop 17 lots for the use of R-1 Single-Family Residential homes. B) Conditional Use Approval Case CU 2020-1018- Sandy Whitt is requesting approval to operate mobile vending unit within in a C-2 Community Commercial District at Lot 7A-1 Block 9 of Palmer Gateway subdivision located at 384 Sudderth Drive, Ruidoso, New Mexico. C) Variance Approval Request Case PV 2021-0025- Antonio Lara is requesting approval of a variance to encroach 10.7 ft. into the required 20 feet front setback. As well as 6.5 ft. onto the required 10 feet side setbacks as designated by the C-2 Community Commercial District to construct a Bedroom with Bathroom on lot 283 A of Skyland Subdivision located at 233 South Evergreen Street, Ruidoso, New Mexico. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A) Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Draft Plan Public Hearing: to present information and get public comments on MRA Draft Plan; making certain findings and determinations pursuant to the New Mexico Metropolitan Redevelopment Code and approving the designation of the boundaries and area of approximately 35 blocks that is generally described as the approximately 3.5 mile Sudderth Drive corridor from the Main Road roundabout on the west to US 70 on the east. Action: Recommendation of approval or disapproval of the Draft Plan to the Village Council. 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT 9. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS 10. ADJOURNMENT I certify that notice of the Public Meeting has been given in compliance with Section 10-15-1 through 10-15-4 NMSA 1978 and Resolution 2021-01. Agendas are available at Village of Ruidoso City Hall, 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345. If you are an individual who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Village Clerk at Village of Ruidoso City Hall at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. LEGAL NOTICE RUIDOSO PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING The Ruidoso Planning Commission will hold a Regular Meeting scheduled on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. ZOOM/ YOUTUBE ONLINE MEETING 111 Sierra Blanca Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345 Attendance: In response to the Governor’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency and ban on large public gatherings, the Planning Commission meeting will be held via Zoom video conference. Viewing: Members of the public will have the ability to view the meeting through Zoom and/or YouTube. Zoom meeting website: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86017071385?pwd=dmRzeEp2WkJscloxeWh1TVAwMlVxUT09 Meeting ID: 860 1707 1385 Passcode: 724296 One tap mobile: + 1 669 900 6833 YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiI01gVEgmVcl-vZLOxTN0w/featured. The YouTube channel can be streamed using this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers. The video recording of this meeting will also remain available for viewing by request. Community Development is available to help members of the public access pre-recorded Council meetings on-line at any time during normal business hours. Please call (575) 258-4343 x: 1065 for assistance. Public Comment: The Commission will take general public comment and comment on the meeting’s specific agenda items in written form via email at: [email protected]; fax: 575-258-4367 or by mail: 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345 before February 2nd at 10:00 am. These comments will be distributed to all Commissioners for review. These comments will be distributed to all Commissioners for review. A digital copy of the complete Planning Commission packet will be made available online on the Village of Ruidoso website 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Planning Commission will hold quasi-judicial public hearings for the following items: A) Simultaneous Submittal of Preliminary and Final Plat Submittal Case SUB 2020- 0165- Request for approval the replat of Tract B of the Green Meadows First Addition Subdivision to develop 17 lots for the use of R-1 Single-Family Residential homes. B) Conditional Use Approval Case CU 2020-1018- Sandy Whitt is requesting approval to operate mobile vending unit within in a C-2 Community Commercial District at Lot 7A-1, Block 9 of Palmer Gateway subdivision located at 384 Sudderth Drive, Ruidoso, New Mexico. C) Variance Approval Request Case PV 2021-0025- Antonio Lara is requesting approval of a variance to encroach 10.7 ft. into the required 20 feet front setback. As well as 6.5 ft. onto the required 10 feet side setbacks as designated by the C- 2 Community Commercial District to construct a Bedroom with Bathroom on lot 283 A of Skyland Subdivision located at 233 South Evergreen Street, Ruidoso, New Mexico. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for the following item: A) Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Draft Plan Public Hearing: to present information and get public comments on MRA Draft Plan; making certain findings and determinations pursuant to the New Mexico Metropolitan Redevelopment Code and approving the designation of the boundaries and area of approximately 35 blocks that is generally described as the approximately 3.5 mile Sudderth Drive corridor from the Main Road roundabout on the west to US 70 on the east. Action: Recommendation of approval or disapproval of the Draft Plan to the Village Council By order of the Planning Commission: Samantha J. Mendez Community Development Director If you are an individual with a disability who is need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Village Clerk at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minuets can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact the Village Clerk if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed. VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO PLANNING COMMISSION, REGULAR MEETING 111 Sierra Blanca RUIDOSO, NM 88345 January 5, 2021 DRAFT CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Alan Briley at 2:00 p.m. Commissioners Briley, Byars, Kelly and Tondino were recorded present at Ruidoso Convention Center; Commissioners Michelena and Collier were recorded present on Zoom; Commissioner Williams was recorded absent: Village staff present was Samantha J. Mendez, Community Development Director; Zach Cook, Village of Ruidoso Attorney and Jacquelyn Abeita, Administrative Assistant. There were 6 visitors present virtually and 1 present in person. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH RESOLUTION 2020-01: Jacquelyn Abeita stated the notice of the meeting was properly posted in accordance with Resolution 2020-01 and section 54-40 of the Village Municipal Code. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Tondino moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Bryars seconded and the motion carried with all ayes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Tondino moved to approve the December 1, 2020 minutes. Commissioner Kelly seconded and the motion carried with all ayes. PUBLIC INPUT: (Limited to items not on Public Hearing Agenda and up to 3 minutes per speaker.) There was no public input in person, Director Mendez also stated nothing was submitted through fax, phone or e-mail for public input.
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