Seaver quiets Yankees for 300th wintB Mostly sunny Highs in the upper 70s Tomorrow will be partly cloudy The Register Complete forecast/Pip ZA Vol. 107 No. 341 YOUF1 HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 5, 1985 ?5 CENTS INSIDE SPORTS THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E COUIO HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU - Dorothy Shapter, Asbury 300-GAME WINNER Park, takes a closer look at the racers in the men's final of the Great Canoe Race. Pitcher Tom Seaver of the Chicago White Sox struck out seven and scattered six hits to beat the Yankees, 4-1, yesterday to earn his 300th career pitching win. Great Canoe Race IB NATION raises charity funds AIDS discrimination The race, sponsored by the •y KEVIN FRECHETTE Asbury Park Fire Fighters, The Indiana Civil Liberties Union is The Register was held in conjunction with interested in pursuing a ASBURY PARK - The the Cystric Fibrosis Foun- discrimination case against a school racers grew tense as they dation of America to help raise system that has barred a 13-year-old manuevered on Deal Lake yes- money for medical research. AIDS victim from attending classes terday getting their canoes into Although the proceeds from this fall. position for the start of the sixth previous races had gone toward annual Great Canoe Race. fighting multiple sclerosis, 2A More than 100 spectators Race Chairman Edward Con- were on hand as teams from ners said the Asbury Park across the county battled stiff Firefighters decided to sponsor Airline crash ' winds and shifting currents to yesterday's race for CF re- Two "black boxes" Irom a Delta Air vie for the coveted title and search after learning that the Lines jumbo jet provide no raise money for cystric fibrosis son of a city fireman had been indications of trouble in the minutes research. diagnosed as having the fatal betore the plane crashed, killing 133 Two-man teams, many of disease. people which were sponsored by local While half of the 13,000 raised businesses, competed for by the event will go to the CF 5A awards in three separate Foundation, Conners said half categories — mem, women*, will be lent to former city LOCAL THE REGISTER/CAROLINE E COUIQ and mixed crew races. Plaques fireman, George Van Ness, to AND THEY'RE OFF - The star: of the final in the proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis Foun- were awarded to tint, second, help pay for hit son, Eric's, Drunken boaters the mixed division of the Great Canoe Race held dation. and third place winners in each medical expenses Boating and beer may go hand in annually at Deal lake in Asbury F'ark. This year category. See CANOES, Page 3A hand for some, but legislation is being considered which would leave drunken boaters high and dry. 3A Bill Bradley says tax STATE Capitol is rocking Afternoon massacre reform is born to run One person was killed and a pregnant woman and a 4-year-old to The Boss's beat for weeks by the House Ways and boy were among at least eight injured KUAN HUM Means Committee and the Senate Hammonton, a farm town in when gunfire broke out at a swim club The Associated Press finance Committee Congress is EDITOR'S NOTE - southern New Jersey, Reagan — in Oakland. WASHINGTON - Sen Bill on vacation until September, but Christopher Coonell, a Wasblag- and his speechwriters — apparent' 41 Bradley has been dancing in the Eiradley inalsu that the move to ton-based reporter for The As- ly couldn't resist adding the home- dark here lately, compared to the change the tax taws is going sociated Press, is a veteran of rock state hero to his retinue, at least They're on their way attention that is riveted on his strong concern, ranging; back to the rhetorically. fellow New Jerseyan, rock super- "Things are right where they Woodstock extravaginu In 1IM. The northward migration of 1 "America's future rests in a star Bruce Springsteen. should be at this stage, ' he said Most recently, he covered the thousand dreams inside your Africanized "killer honeybees is But the Democratic legislator Friday after Congress recessed. Beach Boyi' Fourth of July con- inevitable and cert In Washington. hearts," the president told insists that it won't be long before "Last night we finished the thousands of loyalists. "It rests in New Jersey should devise strategies his favorite legislative initiative - budget, and now we turn to tax ly CHMSTOTHER CONKU the message of hope in songs of a now to keep the unwanted insects reform." tax revision — enjoys its glory The Associated Press man so many young Americans from crossing state lines. days. Bradley uld that Thursday eve- admire: New Jersey's own Bruce Bradley Is a serious Springsteen mng, after Congress approved a WASHINGTON - As staid old Springsteen. And. helping you 5A fan who keeps pictures of the $967.6 billion budget for 1M6, he Washington, with Its legions of make those dreams come true Is. singer on the walls of his Senate saw Senate Majority Leader Rob- lawyers, lobbyists and legal sec- what this Job of mine is all about.'' office and who plans to attend ert Dole, R-Kan. He said he retaries, goes nuts tonight over rock star Bruce Springsteen, it is That was too much for Walter F. WORLD Monday night's opening here of the c ongratulated Dole on the budget's Mondale, who spent much of oil rock star's U.S. tour. He wrote an passage and told htm, "Now let's time to recall the Boss' cameo performance in campaign '84. hapless campaign accusing Re- A fair trade essay on Springsteen that was get to tax reform." According to agan of trying to steal Democratic Four Soviet soldiers lost while on slated to run in Monday's editions E radley, Dole raised his fist at him Springsteen, the hard-rocking, Born-in-the-U.S.A, blue-collar heroes such as Harry Truman and maneuvers in Czechoslovakia trade of USA Today, and has been sought triumphantly and said, "Yeah, tax John F. Kennedy. their tank to a tavern owner for two out by reporters in recent days for reform, tax reform." hero from Rumson, sounded one of the few discordant notes in Presi- Two weeks later, Mondale went cases of vodka and were found his thoughts about the Springsteen The New Jersey lawmaker uld to New Brunswick, N.J., and phenomenon. hie believes the House will approve dent Reagan's storybook cam- sleeping off the liquor in a forest two paign theme - "it's morning accused Reagan of trying "to steal But the lawmaker prefers to be a rewriting of the tax laws by mid- days later. again in America." one of new Jersey's most import- known for the income tax revision October, and that the Senate ant heroes." 6A bill he has composed with Rep should be able to finish its work by The president had no problem surrounding himself with stars last "Bruce may have been bom to Richard Gephardt, D-Mo , which Thanksgiving run, but he wasn't born yesterday remains the leading Democratic year Frank Sinatra warmed up some of his crowds. Boston Col- And when Bruce heard what plan for rewriting the nation's tax "The only question is whether a President Reagan had said, here's LIFESTYLE laws. Republican Senate will deny a lege quarterback Doug Flutie joined him on the hustings. Even what the Boss had to say to him," Hearings on tax revision — a Ftepubllcan president the major said Mondale, pulling out a U.S.A. Dancing shoes Initiative of his second term," said Michael Jackson trooped through subject now dominated by an the Rose Garden with his glove Today article in which Springsteen Dance has been a consuming Bradley. initiative presented by the Reagan and epaulets. was quoted as saying: passion for Lynn Scheps of Molmdel administration — have been held See TAXES, Page 2A Bruce Springsteen Last September, at a rally in See SPRINGSTEEN, Page 2A since she was three and old enough to toddle off to dancing school in her first tutu. 10A New Jersey firm makes air bag breakthrough "This technology can save a lot of lives. $587,970 award from the National Highway a method which safeguards people who LINCOLN PARK (AP) - A U.S. Defiiiue The Breed system can be the thing that handle the explosives. Department contractor here has found a Traffic Safety Administration. provides the breakthrough with regard to About 70 percent of Breed's business is "The car now becomes more or less the INDEX way to manufacture automobile airbags at the cost Issue," said Brian O'Neill, presi- a fraction of the current cost, a development defense-related. The firm makes fuses for projectile. Whether your shoot a projectile dent of the Insurance Institute for Highway mortar, anti-tank and artillery shells and or stop it, you have the same impulse," he that could make the safety device more Safety, a research organization funded by BRIDGE N appeaaVuj to automakers and motoristri. other explosive projectiles. Thuen said said. Insurance companies. The company was founded in 1961 and In the current airbag system, electrical BUSINESS 71 The firm, Breed Corp., has designed a Consumer safety advocates argue that air began working on air bags in the mid-1960s sensors are attached to the sides and front CLASSIFIED M mechanical sensor that fits into the stee ring bags could save thousands of lives a year, COMICS N wheel, eliminating the need for electric "We have developed a number of timing of a car.
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