May 1995 US $3.95 I Canada $4.95 SERVICES I 70992· 35460 MAGAZINE J Dr o 70992 35460 3 Wor/dgroup E-mail: Users Manager: Users can easily access and manage their navigate your mail with /heir system with Olen in box, Worldgroup out box, mulli­ Manager. a fold"",,1 filing shareware, ~~==============~: ~ cabine/, distributable J address book. Windows client. r S .... ccli.. one/muTe. With the click of an icon, users are connected and _nl9tl. ..... /O!/ged into your gelllIia c_ and Ie.... " ~I I ,,",VII II ~I "1IiI~.IOf ''8 ... , syslem. '''111-.0 01 'UU. Thanh ag.,n, -Scott Pleese rank your level of Inlerest in Internel connectivio/ I ".(667% ~ ~ CI ~ B (10 CO' ~~ E~ t.4. F F.. ltII ... ~ Polls and ~ Nain Menu: Launch your .. MItt.. " ......1 _ Questionnaires: own online service. right Offer markeling C(13 l J' out of the box, with - surveys, suggestions Worldgroup. Offer users boxes, applica/ ions 1 0(26 6 ' e-mail,forums, mull i-user forms and les/ing, 10 teleconference, polls. files, name a few . Resulls E (3133' Internet access, and more. are immediately Respon,e Number lallied and can be viewed as exporlable bar graphs or pie charls. Open Your Windows To The Worldgroup:'" Bring The World A company to the world beyo nd. With things simultaneously. Like Click Away. the click of an icon, you can downl oad files in the background, The newest, smartest generation of network your entire business while reading new mail. Or auto online software isn't coming from world-customers, stockholders, update new versions of Microsoft. Or CompuServe. Or prospects, field staff, distributors, applications transparently. Local America Online. It's coming from vendors, the press, and more­ caching, "look ahead," and c1ient­ you-and Galacticomm, th e creator together online! driven intelligence maximize of The Major BBS.® performance at 2,400 or 28,800 Worldgroup. The World's Most bps. Powerful Client/Server Online It's called Platform. You can customize all the icons Worldgroup. And it's By running your own online service, and menu pages out of the box. Or, a client/server online you have 100% control over the use our Visual Basic API to create so ftware platform content, presentation, and your own client applications and that brings the world revenue of your system. And add multimedia JPEG images, WAV to you. Worldgroup's client/server sounds, and AVI movies. Better yet, approach makes it easy for just plug and play do ze ns of add­ Think of anyone to use. on applications from our network Worldgroup as of Independent Software Vendors. the bridge The shareware client runs that links the under Windows on your The server runs on a single 486 or people and users' machines. Its multi- Pentium DOS machine and can resources threaded architecture lets handle up to 256 users online at within your them do all sorts of cool once. Locks and Keys' " security ~ ------------------n-I'-I -' h-,.-,j-".------------------El- Et Forums: Creale up File Libraries: Users 10 10,000 group simply lag Ihe files message areas Or Ihey're inleresled Inlemel in and selecl Ihe newsgroups for download icoll. 10 Files can be users exchange tj- --- 1II" I"U"'I alii ideas on a variety downloaded in Ihe of lopics. A map Added Sil.. Doocriplion background while even helps users 62f1ELE 1121.t<:15 3.623 Pu~u f~ wdten abcU. VS.2 users enjoy your EN TEAT AlS If.Z4195 4.371 eH f~"' Enll!! tanntilC CoIedxJn track conversation P l other services. Ihreads visually. 112.$195 4.136 PrMt I.6t 8 abaU: EQlII"ICOC Sydetns. inc. ~e 1/2V':f5 4,258 Pre-u f .!IbouI: Game Comedion 1/24/95 6.1 22 Pres,; r de<a~e.!iboul: Inlt!net CorntetMy OpOOn !n'195 5.712 Preureie!re ¥xU IrillrlM Cornsc:tiwy Op6on 1/24195 2.541 Pre" r~e' G~btoakJwodd f$¢Ofd '124195 5.005 Preu ,de-.!I.se: K'!I'\ A ~ to hem I"IOW NIS ~ ion lf24fl5 3..960 PrHS rde.aul ~Se.ch ~ Retrieve IIrlll I .., UII!!"" Srrvlu: IUSM, ~c ""'~IIl~ a i) ~ Teleconference: Help: Users will Users can ~~;;;~~~~~~~~!~ii.~"'~~11 ~ 1 ~;~~~ Intemal Modem q simullaneously quickly grasp Ihe chal, whisper, advanlages of skelch - Worldgroup's ~Th. modem orcuttty shOfel '" PC caJ(lwtrhlfltt COMpo" t ) - circuitry, thus hidmg Ule . erloJ PelltOflhe conn~C1ian "' SJ d.fl~ PC"I cablnel diagram s, friendly Windows -=- - lransfer files _ . interface, wilh PCMCIA Modem \) hyperlexl online ~ PCt~ and more with ""1051 notebook c::omptJIerl on lh. ml!lt1oi.elIOd oy oftar t lort for each olher in .K ,>.( help 01 every extremely c.ompo.ct odd-on devices rndudlfl9 rn O'dern, The modem ~ II window. hou l ad in 0. po.ckege batatylat9t>1lhan e. ood!t card real lime. -- 8p~ O n e ~ -- Bo!h 9)..1emeJ and inl8meJ modems connect 131:/1e 1 '!i 1 syttem by", IIMdard 11 pt'tona cord, ,,",ost PCMClAmodems elso prC'VId a COJ~ • .c:'Mty'o cellular :' 16ph ~ i!i World Of Online Computing. provides airtight access control. modem, serial ports, TCP/IP, Novell and world-class support. In every Full system accounting and LAN, ISDN, and X,25 networks such way, we will work with you to make reporting is built in. And in as CompuServe and SprintNet. your online venture a success. addition to c1ienUserver users, Worldgroup. The Best Of So open your Windows to the you can still support ASCII/ANSI! Both Worlds. powerful, smart new Worldgroup of RIP terminals, Worldgroup gives you the best of online computing today. Call your Worldgroup. Beyond workgroup software Galacticomm dealer or call the World­ and us at 800-328-1128 Wide Web. commercial (or 305-583- Worldgroup's online 5990 outside cI ienUserver lVorldgroup provides a services. the U,S, and communicalian madel Ihal brings interface works Ihe inside warld and Ihe oulside E-mail, group Canada) . world together in a secure, just as well over the productive environment. discussion areas, file You can Internet as it does with libraries, teleconferenc- also send dial-up modems, We're talking ing, surveys, and more are all e-mail on WORtoGRO~~" full-fledged interactive built in. You can gateway to existing the Online Interactive Software applications, not just documents, message systems via MHS or UUCr. Internet to [email protected] and In addition, ftp server and basic And that's just the beginning. access our home page by pointing WW\Al server capabilities are your favorite Web browser to Worldgroup. A World Of also supported. http://www.gcomm.com. Resources ... A Phone Call Away. But it doesn't stop there, You can As a Galacticomm customer, you'll ~GALACTICOMM make your service accessible via also receive excellent documentation Bringing your vision online Galacticomm, Worldgroup and Locks and Keys are trademarks 01 Galncticomm, Inc. ",~~ rk s The Major BBS is a r ~ r slered trademark of Galactlcomm, Inc All other productS are tr of thei r rt.'spetIJl.'c companies. • rRlEwINDOWSMULTITASKIN • 0 -THE FLY DATA COt-l PRE. 10 ETWORKCOMPATIBLE · or) ~ 3:; :?;'" -'~ o ~ ~ "d ...z v ~ ~ F rr ?!: ~» Cl ~ en 3: r:: r...., 8~ Vlc ~ (T'~ Cl .... 0z » r -0 :>:: § n '"' Excalibur is convenience to ?=! the bulletin all users, even ":>:: board system those without 0 "0 taking the error-correct - ;;:; world by ing modems. ~ >;;0 stonn. It was the ftrst system of its kind to run entirely As for expandability, Excalibur offers true Plug'N Play -< ~ under Windows'" and continues to set the standard of abilities. Imagine doors that are both hassle free and easy ;:0 0 measure. Because Excalibur is built around an accelerated to use. By using Excalibur's Application Programming :>:: !"") bi-directional protocol, users can upload and download Interface (API), third party developers have created 0 :>:: files, chat with other users, and compose messages ... all everything from Internet gateways and databases to :>:: m at the same time! Utilizing our proprietary shopping malls and interactive games. !"") graphical interface, users are able to design / ....... .................. ~ The possibilities are endless. Modem into 3 7. their own menus and screens incorporating Excalibur HQIUSA at 918.496.8U3 or o...j object oriented graphics, bitmapped ca1l800.EXCAL.BBS (800.392.2522). :>:: c:: graphics, and TrueType fonts. This In Canada, modem into Excalibur HQI rr .. :Q means no two Excalibur based systems Canada at 905.508.8872. Find out i--: CJ are the same! Advanced error correction what users worldwide are heralding as .; and data compression offer reliability and "the next generation in BBS software". 3 > -<': :;;;> COM M UNICATIONS , I NC . • EXCAI IBUR C 1\!Ml' ·IC ,\TIOr-.S. II'CORPOR,\TFD • 4 110 F,\ST Hlrt Ill'l ·\cl • T LSA. OKI AIIOt-.!A 74136 • l!()(1.39:::~522 • 91 ~ ...IXH%OJ • THE BUlUTIN BOARD SERVICES MAGAZINE CONTENTS VOLUME 6. NUMBER 5 MAY 1995 FEATURES PUBLlSH.:R ~ Richard Paquette BIS A ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER 10 Calling 1-2-1: Primer John P. Carcione .'faking that first connection 8 -- -· -- EDlTOR-IN-eHIEF Richard W. Robinson Jr. 16 Webwise IHIK~ f() WEST mAST AlWERTISING SALES The Net on 50 Cents a Day by Dave Kramer Wayne.J. Fields, 71 4.770.2955 DESIGN ANI) ILLl'STRATION Terry Wibon COLUMN ART DIRECTOR Jeanne Lorenzo 18 Caught Up in the Net CONTRIBUTING WRITERS The Big Boards hy Terry Rossi Bob Browne. "Uncle" Hank Hurteau, Michael A. Kuykel1da ll. Modem Mage, Gaelyne R. Moranee, Mike Robinson, Terry Rossi, and Shari Steele 22 CryptocraphJ Restrictions PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION in the Hot Seat Beth Tomasello Nt'ILaw by Shari Steele NEWSSTAND C1RCUL\ TION J)IRECI'OR William /\ . Townsend EJ)JTORlt\IiAllVERTISING OFFICES 26 bbs.notebook RBS Magazine by Bob Browne pag~ /6 Callers Digest Inc.
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