ASKOV THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AMERICAN VOL. 107 NO. 3 $1.00 SCHOOL/SPORTS NEWS: Foodball begins. P7 COVID-19 outbreak County Extension offers in Sandstone prison Master Gardener internships BY MIKE GAINOR that they’re interpreting the guidance [email protected] correctly, especially the exclusion guid- ance that the state has put out — which Nearly 100 cases of COVID-19 have students have to stay home, how long been reported in the Federal Correc- do they have to stay home, which staff tional Institute in Sandstone, raising people have to stay home if they’re sick Pine County’s total count of COVID-19 or they’re around somebody who’s sick,” cases to 284 as of Monday, September 21. Lo explained. “And every case is ever Also included in the Pine County total so slightly different, so we really work are the 73 confirmed positive cases in through every case with them.” the state-run Willow River correctional Lo said that different staff are assigned facility, where an outbreak took place to different school districts, so that earlier this year. each district has one point person at the So far in Pine County, there have been county. no deaths from COVID-19. “If Pine City has a question, there’s just Pine County Community Health one person they’re going to call — and Services Administrator Sam Lo said it’s just one person’s phone number,” she the cases in the Sandstone prison were said. primarily inmates, with a few staff mem- According to Lo, all schools in Pine bers contracting the coronavirus as well. County except Pine City High School are She said that, otherwise, Pine County currently doing in-person learning. is experiencing a modest rise in cases “On a weekly basis, we connect with CONTRIBUTED among residents — and she hopes that them and we look at the updated counts social distancing and use of masks will and the 14-day case rate. In the major- STAFF REPORT opportunity to take a basic horti- help keep it under control. ity of the schools there are kids out on [email protected] culture course from experts and to “If you ... just looked at community quarantine. Not necessarily because of a share their gardening knowledge cases, we’re seeing a slow uptick,” Lo contact at school. But we work through As summer turns to fall, Pine and experience with citizens of the said. “It’s a slow, steady increase, not a that with them as well.” County Extension is offering pro- county. crazy, exponential increase. But we’re She said that the county public health grams for farmers and gardeners Individuals in the program will definitely not seeing less cases or flatlin- tries to deliver accurate information as looking to gain knowledge and start an internship that begins with ing.” quickly as possible. discover best practices for success in a 14 week 48-hour Master Gardener “It has a really big ripple effect if we growing seasons to come. Core Course the second week of Jan- SCHOOL RESPONSE make a call on a school, whether it’s a PINE COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS uary 2021. Following the core course, Lo said that she and other county pub- classroom or an entire building,” she October 1 is the deadline to apply interns will complete 50 hours of lic health staff have been working closely said. to become a Master Gardener in volunteer time in their first year by with Pine County schools to figure out Lo also said that Pine County Public Pine County (and every county in working with other local master gar- how to handle different situations involv- Health is still working towards setting Minnesota) in 2021. The University deners on a variety of projects that ing COVID-19. up a mobile unit for testing – and even- of Minnesota Extension Master inform the public about gardening “We connect with [the schools] fre- tually for vaccine distribution in the Gardener program gives people who quently on different things to make sure county. have an interest in gardening the SEE GARDEN, PAGE 9 County officials support Willow River CIP BY MIKE GAINOR property offend- facilities and Challenge Incarceration Program at [email protected] ers by 32% and its graduates other existing minimum custody prison the chance of have contrib- sites. The Pine County Board of Commis- reincarceration uted more than Pine County Attorney Reese Freder- sioners have unanimously approved by 35%. $47,000,000 to the ickson has also spoken out in favor of a resolution to support the Challenge “The program economy. keeping the facility open, citing, “the Incarceration Program in Willow River is ... to provide “Therefore, be importance of this facility to the Pine — and to oppose the Minnesota Depart- an intensive it resolved that County community, the excellent qual- ment of Correction’s current plans to program in the Pine County ity of work provided, and the many jobs close that facility. education, Board of Com- supported by the program.” The Minnesota Department of Cor- critical thinking missioners op- He urged those who support keeping rections announced in August that skills develop- poses the closing the Willow River facility open to con- the Minnesota Correctional Facility ment, chemical of this cost-effec- tact Minnesota legislators, in particu- in Willow River — which has been in dependency tive and proven lar the majority/minority leaders of the existence since 1951 — will be closing programming and rigorous physical program,” the resolution stated. house and Senate before a new special due what it describes as a “substantial exercise,” the resolution read. It noted The DOC reported that it faces a session begins: budget crisis.” that participants in the program have budget deficiency of approximately $14 – Paul Gazelka (Senate Majority On Monday, August 3, the DOC noti- provided many hours of service to local million in the fiscal year ending June Leader): 651-296-4875; www.senate.mn/ fied its staff and legislative leaders of nonprofits, aided in building commu- 30, 2021, after the legislature adjourned members/email-form/1169 plans to close both the Willow River fa- nity projects and responded during from the recent special session without – Susan Kent (Senate Minority cility in northern Pine County and the local emergencies. action on the agency’s supplemental Leader): 651-296-4166; www.senate.mn/ Togo facility located in Itasca County, The resolution also referred to the budget request. members/email-form/1215 these being the two smallest prisons in economic effect of the closing on local The combined annual budget for Togo – Ryan Winkler (House Majority Minnesota. communities. The Willow River facility and Willow River is approximately $11 Leader): 651-296-7026; rep.ryan.win- The Pine County resolution passed currently has approximately 51 full million. According to the DOC, most of [email protected] on September 1, and noted that the time equivalent employees, and there the jobs lost in Willow River and Togo – Kurt Daudt (House Minority Challenge Incarceration program has are another 48 full time equivalent positions will be eliminated, though Leader): 763-634-2616; rep.kurt.daudt@ found success in decreasing the chance positions at Togo. some will need to be retained to support house.mn of reoffending for non-violent drug and The resolution asserts that the two continued operation of the department’s NEWS/PUBLIC NOTICES ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS SUBSCRIPTIONS 320-838-3151 320-336-0488 320-372-1924 320-838-3151 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 ASKOV AMERICAN SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 Fedder uncovers, defuses 2 bombs in video BY MIKE GAINOR comrade’s feat of bravery. something out of the ground [email protected] The soldiers in the waiting — it looks soft, like a bag or vehicle narrate what’s happen- backpack of some sort. He sets It’s one thing to hear that ing. “The EOD’s looking for a it aside. someone is a hero. It’s another possible explosive device in the “Don’t tell me he’s got some- thing to see their heroism in dirt here,” one says. “As you thing,” says the first soldier in action. can see, these crazy cats just the vehicle. This video (at https:// get in and start digging.” At 39 seconds, he pulls up a www.youtube.com/watch?v- Normally the EOD unit large, heavy object from the =d60q6qy3DV4) shows Marine would use a robot to go in and ground, glinting in the desert Corps Master Sergeant Daniel examine the area. On this day, sun. It appears to be two cylin- Fedder’s bravery, skill and the robot was broken down, so ders — one larger, one smaller coolness under pressure dur- it was up to someone to check it — wrapped together. ing his service with the Marine out personally. Both soldiers in the vehicle Corps Explosive Ordinance “Being team leader, he’d say the same thing, just one Disposal (EOD) unit, The video never ask any of his guys to do word. was posted to YouTube on any of that stuff because of the “Wow.” September 27, 2006, and shows danger,” explained Fedder’s Fedder pulls the objects up so Fedder disabling an actual mother Jackie McKellar. he can examine them. He looks roadside bomb during one of Fedder is digging quickly up, says something, and again his two combat tours in Iraq. and methodically, using both shouts something to his left Fedder’s family confirmed hands and the flat side of the and to his right. He adjusts his that it is he who is pictured in knife to get down into the weight on his knees, and picks action in the video.
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