FEBRUARY 1975 CLOSET NUMBER 't? GAY BROTHERHOOD ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1975 founded the Gays for Pol­ oay Brotherhood mem­ itical Action. Crystal bership elected Robei^ haa been.a meober of the Crystal aa Praaident at Coordinating Council of their annual Election of the Qay Brotherhood of Officers held jan. 19th. Rodhester, a former vlce- He aucceeda Michael Rob* preeident for a portion ertaon who held the poet of a term and Is a mem­ for the paat ty ear. ber of the Roehester Gay Other Officers elect­ Taak Force. Several momtha ed were: Vice-President• ago. Bob Emcceeded Bruce WayiwAlberj Secretary,La­ Jewell as producer of the mont Downa; Treasurer, Gay radio program "Green Howard cullen • Thureday" on WCMF-PM. President Cryatal, 25 la a native of Michigan Among the many chal­ and has lived moat of hia lenges Bob sees as pres­ life in New York St»te. A ident, his foremost ob­ graduate of Coi*nell, he jective is "...Seeing the was active in that Uni­ Gay Liberation Movement versity's oay Liberation take its rightful place Front. He came to Roches­ among other respected ter in 1971* was active Community aervlce civil in its Gay Liberation,and rights groupa WHAT'S NEW AT THE GAY BROTH FRHOOD (photo .- R . Sherwood) ter writing campaign (the GAY BROTHERHOOD OFFICERS ELECTED. (Left to right) The Gay Brotherhood tree is currently being Lanont Downs, Secretary; Rick Caves and Tim Mains, of Rochester's Co-ordin- organized by Rick Caves), membera-at-Large; Seated: Wayne Alber, Vice Pres; • ating Council held its the establishment of con­ Robert Crystal, President; Howard Cullen, Treasurer. monthly meeting at Mich­ tact with local prisoners' ael Robertson*s home on rights groups, and the V ' January 14. Besides the appointment of a liason GAGV EOAPJ) OF DIRECTORS HOLDS FIRST ^TFJI^T^ outgoing officers, most man between Ted and the of the candidates for organization. To^:the casual onlook­ sed for future meetings. the 1975 election were er, the small group of As might be expected, present, including Robert The Gay Brotherhood's people assembled in Tim no specific business was Crystal, Lamont Downs, monthly business meeting Mains* living room (three- transacted; hpwever, it Tim Mains, Mark Schork, (held on January 19) was on the sofa, and 5 or 6 was agreed that a new and Rick Caves (for the primarily devoted to dis­ more sitting on the floor) constitution would be election results, see cussion of the co-ordina­ might have appeared to drawn up for considera­ our special election ar­ ting council minutes and be just a chance get-to- tion at the next meeting ticle) . The meeting was the budget 1 Before the "gether of friends, but Also placed on the agen­ much less formal than election voting took in actuality the Jan. 8 da were such matters as most, with no motions pre­ place, Michael Robertson, assemblage was the first election of officers, sented and no votes ta­ outgoing GBR president, preliminary organiza­ discussions of funding ken. was accorded a prolonged tional meeting of the sources, and considera­ The main issue for the ovation by the members "new** Gay Alliance of the tion of just how best to evening was the budget, present. Genessee Valley Board of utilize the **umbrella" including a discussion The Gay Brotherhood Directors. GAGV, in its nature of the new GAGV. of last years* and a gen­ office has acquired two new role as an incorpo­ Xt was also agreed that eral consideration of more pieces of furniture, rated lambrella organiza­ an annual report would specific items therein. thanks to the AM/PM Club- tion for Rochester gay be requested from each Whitey LeBlanc suggested a chair and couch, both groups, roust fulfill cer­ of the three groups pres­ that the commltte chair­ quite attractive and VERY tain legal requirements, ently making up the Gay persons present individ­ comfortable (personally and those requirements Alliiance - the Lesbian ual budgets for their de­ tested by your ever- were the main topic of Resource Center, the Gay partments , which would present CLOSET reporter). the relatively informal Brotherhood and the Gay then be boiled down by Thanks, AM/PM -"and apol­ meeting. The incorporation Task Force. The board the finance committee ogies for the marks left papers were the primary will be meeting approxi­ into a unified budget on your doorway during center of interest as mately every two weeks to be presented to the the moving. various objectives and until the most important co-ordinating council at priorities were discus­ matters are settled. its next meeting and then presented to the total membership for approval. I' OSBORN, JEWELL REPORT ON WORLD GAY CONFFREfJCE A malor item was this month's phone bill, which 11 • ! Homosexual behavior INTERSATIONAL GAY RIGBTS was horrendous. 1 : of any kind is illegal CONGRESS 1974," and a copy A letter from Ted Al­ in ScotlAnd, o'f a London gay publica­ drich was read to the co­ A member of the Edin­ tion, GAY NEWS. ordinating council which burgh city council, ex­ But to return to the presented various ways pressing the prevailing subject - why Edinburgh? in which Rochester gays view in Scotland, declares According to Bob Osborn , could contribute to his that a woman's place is the reason was quite sim­ efforts as legislative in the home, and there ple - two people, aided by consultant in Albany. ' is no place in the home members of an organiza­ Ted would like to receive forlTomosexual i ty - tion fthe S.M.G.); deci­ letters from gay people The first World Gay ded that 1} a confer­ detailing any abuse or Rights Congress was held ence was needed, and 2) harassment they have from December 18 to 22 they were willing to work suffered on account of in Edinburgh, Scotland. for it. The choice also their sexual preference. ROBERT CRYSTAL, newly Ifhy Edinburgh? served to dramatize the Also suggested by Ted were elected President of plight of many gays liv­ a telephone tree and let- Ga/ Brotherhood With a rapt audience ing in countries hostile of about twenty, Roches­ to the concept of sexual ALBANY POLITICAL EFBORTS ter delegates Bruce Jew­ freedom. In spite of all CREDIT FOR JAN. COVER ell and Bob Osborn held this, however, the city . The cover of the Jan­ Exerpts from a letter forth at the first 1975 as a whole gave the Con­ uary EMPTY CLOSET was from Ted Aldrich, lobbying meeting of the Gay Broth­ gress no trouble, one nor­ taken from the FIFTH consultant for the NfY State erhood of Rochester for mally straight dance bar FREEDOM. We inadvertently Cay Coalition in Albany. over two hours, presen­ even agreeing to rent it­ omitted the ting a comprehensive, oc­ self to the convention cover credit. Our, apol­ •*Dear Sisters S Brothers - casionally amusing, and for one evening. There was ogies to Buffalo's FIFTH "This is more a hasty at times challenging view admittedly a certain am­ RREEDOM, and to artist note to send my affection of the largest nfeeting ount of incomprehension David L. Wxmz. to each of you and my grat­ ever held of an internat­ by some as to the exact Portions of our art­ itude for your trust and ional organization devo^ nature of the participants icle, on the world gay confidence than it is a tmdsoLEtr to the subject occasionally people would conference (Jan 75) were report formally on my ac­ of homosexual rights. be seen parked in front also taken from a FIFTH tivities. ) Being passed around were of the discotheque (with FREEDOM ariicle b/ David the usual mementos of any doors locked) just plain "A week's activity, A, who credited Gay Com­ settling into an office, t conference: the official gawking (imagine that in munity News, Boston. We finding my way through the guidebook presented to L.A.). And a protest march, Failed to credit the each (unconventional) con­ involving some 150 of the halls of the Capitol and • i Fifth Freedom, although the streets of Albany, r ventioneer « sone Scott' delegates, certainly rais- luthor and original source has dispelled the insecur- ish currency, a pen bear­ /ere credited. ing the gold legend "FIRST (smm pmgm 3) (Smm pmgm 3) • ^ •?J^ ' ^orld Conference from p7~l Albany Efforts from p. i k ed some eyebrows, inclu­ to the tloor ot tne con­ there were few internat­ ities and doubts that were says. ding those of some of the ference - was composed ional declarations, and dragging on ne during lat^ marchers themselves, to of about twenty delegates, a certain amount of dis­ December. Gays plan He cites the penal code sec­ ruption was created by the tion as a source of corruption whom the event was the among them Rochester's "The whole thing is LOVERS highlight of the Congress. own Bob Osborn, and Bruce large number of "hangers- real and our goals are within law enforcement agen- Bob and Bruce headed Jewell are proud to on" present - persons de­ possible. Some this year. lobby for ciesrwhich have a long liisUv ArcaUyGAY first for London, where say.that Rochester did termined to rehash old Others next year. ry of demanding payoffs from they were hosted by one contribute many of the issues long agreed upon "The process of govern­ Vfj; gay bars." of London's two main^gay ideas and goals acted up­ (a sexist film was imme* Musical Revue diately denounced as such ment nay be slow § flawed "A great amount of lime organizations. Gay Switch­ on by the Congress. And but it is responsive...
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