穿越時空 古城平遙今貌 TIME TRAVEL Visit the Ancient City of Pingyao

穿越時空 古城平遙今貌 TIME TRAVEL Visit the Ancient City of Pingyao

2014年4月 APRIL 2014 April 2014 情繫水鄉 大澳懷舊居停 SEA LIFE SPEND THE NIGHT IN TAI O VILLAGE Printed by C&C Offset Printing Company Limited, C&C 14/F, Building, 36 Ting Lai Road, Po, New Tai Territories, Hong Kong 穿越時空 古城平遙今貌 TIME TRAVEL Visit the ancient city of Pingyao 紳士品味 倫敦裁縫精製 FRONT ROW MEET LONDON’S FINEST TAILORS 目錄 Contents // 專題 FEATURES // 40 中國 China 穿越時空 Time travel 漫步平遙古城隨處可見歷史遺蹟 History looms large on a stroll through the ancient city of Pingyao 20 澳門 54 Macau 重點保育 Well preserved 澳門為古蹟建築推行 復修及活化計劃 28 The strategy to protect Macau’s heritage sites 28 香港 34 人物 48 美國 54 英國 60 時尚生活 Hong Kong Profile America Britain Lifestyle 情繫水鄉 舞者足跡 海濱樂園 紳士品味 品酒文化 Sea life Pointe Beach ball Front row In good to pointe spirits 到訪大澳水鄉,感受 暢遊美國西岸,到橙縣 倫敦裁縫街Savile Row 香港質樸的一面 芭蕾舞星吳振紅喜愛旅 享受陽光海灘 擁有優秀的工藝傳統 各大酒廠致力讓品牌 Get another view of 遊,並從中得到啟發 We hit the West coast London’s Savile Row 名字更深入人心 the city on a visit to the Travel inspires ballet for a sunny outlook has a proud tradition Drinks companies raise IMAGES. Cover, Tai O: Courtesy of the Tai O Heritage Hotel. Pingyao: Mark Parren Taylor. Savile Row: Getty Images Taylor. O Heritage Hotel. Pingyao: Mark Parren O: Courtesy of the Tai Tai IMAGES. Cover, fishing village of Tai O star Chan Hon Goh at Orange County of fine craftsmanship the bar on branding April 2014 Horizon 3 目錄 Contents // 生活專欄 DEPARTMENTS // 66 10 10 地平線上 On the horizon 在香港、澳門及全球各地舉行 的精采盛事 Event highlights from Asia and around the world 16 美食紛陳 Dine out 推介世界各地熱門餐廳的美食 Hot spots for the best flavours – from around the region and farther afield 18 恬謐居停 Horizontal 18 精選的世界頂級酒店,讓你在 旅途中放鬆身心 Rest and relaxation await in world-class accommodation 66 潮流物語 Fashion 穿西裝襯衫不一定只為商務 需要,也可以輕鬆隨意 Wearing a suit doesn’t always mean business 70 科技玩意 Gadgets 介紹一些別具巧思的 高科技產品 Some bright ideas from the world of technology 74 噴射飛航 TurboJET 醇美佳釀 公司簡介 About our company 72 船隊資料 Vessel information Wine 服務全面周到 Servicing every need 我們的品酒指南助你選購佳釀 推廣優惠 Promotions Our tasting guide may help 美食與飲品 Food & beverages with your next purchase 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share IMAGES. Hotel: Spencer Lowell 4 Horizon April 2014 編者的話 Editor’s note // 歡迎詞 WELCOME // EVERY OVERSEAS TRIP is an eye-opening experience, broadening our horizons to a wider world. Macau is a city where East-West interactions began more than 夕陽斜照下的香港漁村大澳 400 years ago. It contains more than 20 buildings and public Hong Kong’s Tai O village at sunset plazas that are included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Over the years, Macau’s government has done a great deal to preserve and reinvent the city’s cultural heritage, with a number of private 次旅程都是一次增廣見聞的機會,把你的視野帶到另一 corporations also funding projects more recently. In this issue, 境界。 we’ll introduce you to a boutique hotel that occupies an old fort 每 澳門擁有400多年中西文化交流的歷史,其歷史城區包 and take a trip to Rua da Felicidade. Lined with souvenir shops, 括多個廣場及20多處建築,成功列入《世界遺產名錄》, 澳門特區 the street is part of a cluster of well-preserved historical buildings. 政府一向十分積極保育及活化這些建築,成功的例子多不勝數,而 The Tai O Heritage Hotel on Hong Kong’s Lantau Island is 不少私人機構亦不遺餘力參與。本期,我們會帶大家走訪由古炮台 another prized example of successful heritage conservation. 改建而成的精品酒店,細賞當中葡式建築細節;以及在福隆新街一 During the renovation, to ensure the integrity of the original 邊瀏覽街上成行成市的手信店,一邊欣賞兩旁保存完好的建築群。 structure, even the placement of small nails required careful 談到保育,位於香港大嶼山的大澳文物酒店,也是活化歷史建築 research. The appeal of Tai O goes far beyond one hotel, however. 的一個成功例子,在翻新的過程中,小如用一口釘,也要經過多番 The photogenic stilt houses in the fishing village and the local 考量,免得破壞原來的建築結構。不過,大澳吸引的地方豈止是這 snacks are other reasons to visit this quaint retreat. 家酒店,簡樸的棚屋展現著昔日漁村居民的生活面貌,還有風味獨 Farther afield, in the city of Pingyao in China’s Shanxi Province, 特的地方小食。 much has escaped the bulldozing force of urbanisation since 至於中國山西的平遙古城,由14世紀至今,避過了一次又一次的 its construction in the 14th century. Having been transformed 現代化衝擊,古樸典雅的建築仍處處可見,並隱約透著昔日大戶的 into museums or restaurants, many of the city’s beautiful historic 氣派,多已活化成為博物館或餐廳。 buildings can still be explored by visitors. 此外,我們還為愛好水上活動的旅客推介南加州陽光充沛的海 This issue also offers tips for modern indulgences. We explore 灘;為紳士們揭示英國倫敦Savile Row度身訂造的竅妙;為酷愛佳 the top beaches in southern California; bespoke tailoring in 釀人士介紹烈酒品牌特設的酒吧。 London’s Savile Row; and exceptional brand-owned bars in Asia. 就從今日開始,展開你探索新世界的旅程吧! Whatever your pleasure, we hope you savour the experience. 麥慶儀 Vivian Mak 編輯 Editor 6 Horizon April 2014 作者簡介 Contributors STEFFAN CYNTHIA BARBARA LEYSHON- ROSENFELD LAWSON 曾為《紐約時報》 在倫敦居住的 曾在 JONES Cynthia Barbara Published by BAUER MEDIA HONG KONG LIMITED 居於香港的Steffan在過去 等刊物撰稿。這次,她為 《金融時報》、《衛報》 Unit 604-5, 6/F, 625 King’s Road, 10年拍攝過不同主題的圖 我們報道南加州沿岸海灘 等報章工作,本期,她帶 North Point, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3921 7000 Fax: +852 3921 7099 片。本期,他再以鏡頭為 美景時,不禁想起故鄉那 我們到著名的 Savile Row Website: www.bauermedia.com.hk 我們記錄澳門受保育的歷 飄自太平洋的溫暖海風。 街,欣賞裁縫師們的精湛 Editorial enquiries: [email protected] 史建築物現貌。 工藝。 Cynthia has contributed Executive General Manager – Asia Pacific, Photographer Steffan to publications including London-based Barbara Bauer Custom Media Niall Murphy has been capturing all the New York Times. has worked for the Publishing Director Petula Kincaid 張劍波 manner of subjects for Writing about the Financial Times and Business Manager Graham Cheung more than 10 years. He California coast for the Guardian. In this Editor in Chief William Fraser 麥慶儀 shot our feature on the this issue made her issue she reports on the Editor Vivian Mak restoration of Macau’s homesick for Pacific exacting skills of Savile Deputy Editor Graeme Park architecture. Ocean breezes. Row’s tailors. Chief Sub Editor Andy Gilbert Creative Director Shaun Horrocks Designer Kenneth Chan 陳健朗 Picture Researcher Pam Cheung 張妙嫻 Production Director Jimmy Tse 謝文忠 Assistant Production Manager Chris Wong 黃昭健 Production Controller Philip Chan 陳偉傑 Advertising Enquires ASIAN INTEGRATED MEDIA LIMITED Managing Director Hong Kong, Peter Jeffery Advertisement Manager +852 3910 6388 Dominic Chan ALAN ROBIN LYNAM KHAREN HILL [email protected] +852 3910 6397 [email protected] 是位專業劉伶,卻 攝影師 是個芭蕾 CAMPBELL Robin Kharen Hong Kong, Alan曾在香港、上海及北京 也享受跟人分享品酒心 舞迷,她在吳振紅位於溫 Advertisement Director Singapore & Malaysia 等地工作了15年,現已回 得,不時撰寫有關酒的文 哥華的芭蕾舞學校為她拍 Joanne To Joseph Yap +852 3910 6395 +65 6337 6996 / +65 9683 9530 到故鄉溫哥華。他這次為 章。本期,他為我們介紹 照,並深深受學校優美的 [email protected] [email protected] 我們專訪當地著名的芭蕾 各款名酒,以及烈酒品牌 環境及充滿創意的氛圍所 舞演員兼教師吳振紅。 在亞洲專為當地精英而設 感染。 Horizon magazine is published monthly by TurboJET and is produced for 的酒吧。 TurboJET by Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of TurboJET. All rights Alan spent 15 years Photographer Kharen reserved. Copyright © 2014 by TurboJET. Opinions in Horizon magazine working as a journalist A career barfly who also shot Chan Hong Goh are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by TurboJET. TurboJET and Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited accept no responsibility for unsolicited in Hong Kong, writes from time to time, at her ballet school manuscripts, transparencies or other material. Manuscripts, photographs and Shanghai and Beijing. Robin gives Horizon’s in Vancouver. A lover artwork will not be returned unless accompanied by appropriate postage. For this issue he readers a guided tour of ballet, she found 中華商務彩色印刷有限公司承印 interviewed the ballerina of Asian watering holes the school’s creative 香港新界大埔汀麗路36號中商大厦14樓 Chan Hon Goh, back in dedicated to elite brands environment to be both Printed by C&C Offset Printing Company Limited his native Vancouver. of wines and spirits. beautiful and inspiring. 14/F, C&C Building, 36 Ting Lai Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong 8 Horizon April 2014 入住澳門文華東方酒店 盡享「漫遊澳門•世遺之旅」 EXPLORE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES WHILST STAYING AT MANDARIN ORIENTAL, MACAU 澳門文華東方酒店邀您體驗兼具娛樂與知性的「漫遊澳 Mandarin Oriental, Macau invites you to an inspiring Macau 門•世遺之旅」,讓您不僅可以享受福布斯旅遊指南五星 Cultural Discovery holiday where you will experience the 評級肯定的酒店設施及服務,亦可在專業導遊的帶領解 cultural diversity of this former Portuguese colony through 說下,深度探索世界級文化歷史古跡和訪澳必遊的名勝景 an in-depth escorted tour to world-class cultural and 點,以與眾不同的人文角度,親身體驗最真實動人的澳門。 historical spots, as well as other intriguing destinations all 訂房或查詢,請致電 +853 8805 8822。 over Macau. For reservations, please call +853 8805 8822. 「漫遊澳門•世遺之旅」推廣有效期至2014年12月29日,價 The Macau Cultural Discovery package is available until 格由澳門幣4,988*元 起。優 惠包 括: 29 December 2014, with rates starting from MOP4,988*. • 豪華客房或套房住宿一晚 The package includes: • 御苑餐廳雙人自助早餐 • One night’s accommodation in a luxurious guestroom • 四小時專人導覽城市旅遊,行程包括聯合國教科文組 or suite 織所列之世界遺產和旅遊名勝等,且導覽解說可選擇 • Buffet breakfast for two at Vida Rica Restaurant 英、中、粵、日 或 韓 語 • Four-hour city tour highlighting UNESCO World Heritage • 精選葡國特色迎賓禮品 Sites led by an experienced tour guide available in five • 酒店內免費高速互聯網服務 languages – English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese and Korean *需另加壹服務費及零伍政府旅遊稅。 • Themed turndown amenities during the stay * * 條 款 及 細 則 適 用。 • Complimentary use of the Internet throughout the hotel * Price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax. ** Terms and conditions apply. 地址 ADDRESS: 澳門文華東方酒店 Mandarin Oriental, Macau 澳門外港新填海區孫逸仙大馬路 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau +853 8805 8888 www.mandarinoriental.com 地平線上 On the horizon // 澳門及香港活動一覽 WHAT’S ON IN MACAU & HONG KONG // 帆船好手揚帆出發, 在怒海中挑戰自己 Set sail for adventure on the high seas this spring 帆船 盛會 Regatta revelry 帆船好手在區內乘風破浪 Nautical events making waves in the region 為期一周的勞力士中國海帆船賽於4月16日在香港 最佳觀賽地點 A WEEK of sailing action begins on 16 April with 遊艇會揭開戰幔,今年預計有約15艘帆船參賽, VANTAGE POINTS the start of the Rolex China Sea Race at the Royal 從維多利亞港啟航,競相以最快速度前往菲律賓 Hong Kong Yacht Club in Hong Kong’s Victoria 勞力士中國海帆船賽於下午1時 蘇碧灣,全程約565海里。這項兩年一度的大賽於 Harbour. The biennale event has become one of 20分展開,參賽帆船由香港遊 1962年首辦,是亞洲的頂級帆船大賽。 艇會出發,向維港東面航行,尖 Asia’s premier sailing competitions since it was 與此同時,香港遊艇會舉辦的首 沙咀星光大道是欣賞船隊浩浩蕩 first held in 1962. Some 15 yachts are expected 屆Hong Kong Race Week於 蕩出發的上佳位置。在帆船 to compete in the 565-nautical-mile voyage 4月17日展開,約150 離開維港後 , 可以登 from Hong Kong to Subic Bay in the Philippines. 艘單人或雙人操控的小 入遊艇會的網站查閱 The club’s inaugural Hong Kong Race Week 最新戰況。 帆船從遊艇會設於港島 gets underway on 17 April.

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