TE KURA TUARUA2020 O NGĀMOTU CONTENTS: CONTENT COMPILATION: JANA ROBERTSON COVER + DESIGN : KIERAN OAKES EDITORS: STEPHANIE JULIAN, KIRI FORTUNE HILARY TAKARANGI, MARIE HUNNEYBALL, STEVE PERRY,REBECCA McKERCHAR + KIERAN OAKES PRINT: RAZZ PRINT + DESIGN | 16 MOLESWORTH ST,NEW PLYMOUTH | www.razzprint.co.nz TE PŪRONGO O TE TUMNAKI - 5 CULINARY ARTS 50 - 53 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT TE AO PŪTAIAO - SCIENCE 54 TE PŪRONGO O TE POARI - BOARD OF 7 TRUSTIES REPORT HE HAURAHI MANAAKI - LEARNING 55 - 56 SUPPORT TE RARANGI KAIMAHI - STAFF + 9 BOARD LIST NGĀ ĀHEINGA REO - LITERACY 57 - 59 STAFF AND PREFECTS PHOTOS 11 WOTM + COMMUNITY CONNECT 60 TE TAU WHAKANUI I TE KURA 60 - 13 60TH JUBILEE TE MAHI WHAKAARI - DRAMA 61 - 62 HEAD PREFECTS’ REPORTS 15 SPOTTY’S GOT TALENT 63 ALUMNI 17 SCULPTURE + PAINTING 64 - 65 3 SENIOR AWARDS - TE 18 - 22 HE HONONGA TĀWAHI SPOTSWOOD 66 - 67 WHAKAMANANA TAUIRA 2020 INTERNATIONAL SPORTS AWARDS - TE 23 - 27 HE PŪRONGO HĀKINAKINA - SPORTS 68 - 79 WHAKAMANANA TAUIRA 2020 REPORTS SWIMMING FUNANZA 2020 28 - 31 SPOTSWOOD BALL 2020 80 - 85 ATHLETOIDS 2020 32 - 35 2020 LEAVERS 86 NGĀ REO - LANGUAGES 36 - 39 TE WAKA HAURAHI - VOCATIONAL 40 - 43 PATHWAYS NGĀ HIRAHIRANGI - AGRICULTURE 44 - 45 INQUIRY 46 - 49 SPOTSWOOD COLLEGE 2020 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Ka nui te mihi mahana ki a koutou, 2020 has been the year of unprecedent- College a better place and our commu- ed times where we have all had to nav- nity a better place. And I know that they igate through a global pandemic that will continue to do this. Thank you to all saw the whole country go into complete of our young people. lock down for a lengthy period of time. As you will be aware, COVID19 restric- To our parents and caregivers, thank tions are still being experienced in parts you for allowing us to be part of your of our country and across the world. Due child’s life journey. I know we as a staff to this situation, our previous commit- are richer for it. ment to be agile, innovative and have Thank you to our Board of Trustees and future-focused learning meant that fabulous staff who have worked relent- we were well positioned to navigate lessly to make learning both at school, through our new normal. at a distance, on and offline, an engag- To have a safe, functional and progres- ing place for young people. sive community everyone in it has to Earlier this year we farewelled Sue Gunn contribute, they have to have empa- and Pamela Crowe. thy for others and they have to be pre- pared to take action around doing what Thank you for being a part of the whanau is right for others. As Gandhi said “Be the of Spotswood College. change you wish to see in the world”. Our students at Spotswood College are Lastly to students leaving us at the end the change-makers. I know this be- of this year. cause they make a difference at school and I have had very positive feedback I share with you words of aroha from the that they are making a difference in our prophet Te Ua Haumene community. From the social entrepre- Ki runga neurship of The Designery, to working Ki raro with local primary schools, to the thera- Ki roto peutic animal inquiry, our young people Ki waho are taking responsibility for themselves Rire rire hau pai mairie and their world. Peace to all above, I am so incredibly proud that despite Below, COVID19, our young people continue to Within rise up and make changes. They make And without. a difference. They make Spotswood Let peace and serenity reign. Nicola Ngarewa Principal Spotswood College Our parents and caregivers, thank you for allowing us to be part of 5 your child’s life journey. I know we as a staff are richer for it. Nicola Ngarewa Principal Spotswood College SPOTSWOOD COLLEGE 2020 2020 is a year that has certainly offered the lockdown requirements, but let us us challenges, but with these challeng- be under no illusions that the pressure es came opportunities to further our staff were suddenly under was stag- growth as an innovative and future-fo- gering. Our team not only had their own cused school. The shared response to lives outside of work disrupted (just like the challenges presented by COVID-19 yours and mine) but they were also re- are a testament to the strength of our quired to carry on teaching. A heart- students, staff, whānau and wider felt well done to each and every one of Spotswood community. them. Their professionalism and their dedication to doing whatever was nec- 2020 started strongly, our long-await- essary to support our students showed ed gym was all but finished, our stu- their true commitment. dent numbers were thriving and our unique curriculum and supporting sys- Although our teachers may have be- tems were embedded and operating come the familiar faces on laptop smoothly. And then, like the rest of the screens during lockdown, we must also world, we were somewhat side-swiped acknowledge the tireless work under- by a global pandemic. We, as a board, taken by our support, administration are intensely proud of our school’s re- and property teams. They too had to re- sponse to the news of lockdown. Rather act quickly to an ever-changing land- than building on uncertainty, we came scape and they continue to work tire- together to support our students and lessly to ensure the smooth running of each other to succeed in unprecedent- our school. Our support staff are an in- ed circumstances. tegral part of our school and their dedi- cation does not go unnoticed. As a board we would like to express our gratitude to our amazing staff who We are very fortunate to have a strong managed a sudden change from class- and united Senior Leadership Team, room teacher to Zoom teacher with ef- captained by the kind, compassion- ficiency and great success. It is without ate and focused Whaea Nicola. During doubt that our change of curriculum the year, this team worked so diligently, style helped enormously in dealing with putting our students and staff first at all BOARD OF TRUSTIES REPORT times, and they continue to guide us into school. 2021 with the kaupapa of student-cen- tred, future-focused learning. We would also like to celebrate the range of successful academic proj- Our students. What can I say? Their abil- ects that came to fruition, some win- ity to overcome the challenges present- ning wider community accolades and ed by 2020 and their ongoing resilience acknowledgements. We have also, as shows that our young people are tru- always, done very well in sporting are- ly tomorrow’s leaders and possess the nas – a huge feat given the changes to skills and work ethic to look after us all in many events throughout the year. Our years to come! Well done to each of you. students have continued to be leaders in all areas and we are very proud of As we look to the future, 2020 has pre- them all. pared us to be stronger, more prepared and calmer for whatever 2021 brings us. As we head into 2021, we are more pre- Every difficulty requires a response and pared than ever for our future. We have we have shown that we are prepared the grit and resilience gifted to us by the 7 to be agile during significant change. challenges of 2020, we have a substan- Knowing that future challenges come tial financial investment to plan even with the broader support of our whānau more developments to our wonder- and our Spotswood community as- ful school, and we have a strong team sures me that we are ready for whatever of leaders, teachers, support staff and, comes next. most importantly, students, to ensure that 2021 continues in true Spotswood One of the great opportunities we take style, with success after success. into 2021 is a $23 million investment to refurbish and rebuild our school, ensur- The board would like to thank everyone ing that we can move into the future with in our community for your ongoing sup- the environment needed to provide for port and wish you a whanau-focused, staff and students alike. We’re thank- safe and healthy summer break. ful to have secured this funding but we will always strive to find more ways to Mike Cole continuously build on and improve our Board of Trustees Chair Spotswood College SPOTSWOOD COLLEGE 2020 STAFF+ BOARD OF TRUSTEES IT Manager: Mr C LapworthLISTDip Tchg Chairperson: Mr M Cole IT Technician: Mr K Hignett Ms K Benton B Ed (Hons), Secretary: Property: Mr D Fox, Mr M Cert. TESOL Mrs A Bovett, MA Nield, Mr K Iveson, Ms S Julian, BA, Dip PR, Dip Mr Kamanomano Mahu Mr B Eru-Solomon Tchg, Dip Media Mr Steven Parrish Ms Rebecca McKerchar, BA, Mrs M Penno ART Grad Dip Tchg, Ms Julia Stephens (Staff Mr L Upson, HOF, MFA, MA Master Education Representative) (Hons), Dip Tchg, Dip Fine Mrs A Underwood (Iwi Arts FOOD TECHNOLOGY Representative) Ms Aly Scott, PrintNZ Trade Mr J Thomas, BA, B Culinary Mrs L Whitehead C, Cert Visual Arts, BFA, Dip Arts, Masters Ms Yulan Imhasly (Student Tchg Professional Practice, Grad Rep) Ms J Brodie, B Des (Hons), Dip Tchg Dip Tchg STAFF Mrs Anna Scott, Bed, Dip GATEWAY/VOCATIONAL Principal: Ms N Ngarewa BA, Tchg, Dip Creative Arts PATHWAYS, STAR Dip Tchg Mr S Manson, B Ed Deputy Principals: Mr D CAREERS Mrs R Cottam Shaw BBS, Dip Tchg; Mr S Manson, B Ed Mrs L Floyd Mr C Lapworth BA (Hons), Mrs W Eynon, Dip Adv CG Dip Tchg INTERNATIONAL COUNSELLING AND Ms N Healy, B Visual Art, Dip SENIOR LEADERSHIP GUIDANCE Tchg Mrs P Cast BA, Dip Tchg, Dip Mrs K Fortune, PhD Ed, M Ed Mrs J Wrightson Lean, SLT (PG); Administrator, Cert INTESOL Mrs H Takarangi MSc, Dip DEANS – PASTORAL CARE Tchg; Year 9: Mr D Scott LANGUAGES Mr D Scott B Ed, Dip Tchg Year 10: Mr C Kumeroa Mrs M Dingle, BB, Dip Tchg Year 11: Mr W
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